General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6




[Many little reunions of students and workers associated in former days, have been held during the Conference. Sabbath afternoon there was held a reunion social meeting of students of the old Battle Creek College. The following lines were written by one who attended:—] GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.1

The Sabbath day drew near its close—
The last one of the feast—
When witnesses for Christ arose,
From North, from South, and East,
Yes, and the West, and forth they stood,
As once they used to stand
On chapel floor in days of yore,
A tried and faithful band.
GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.2

And from their lips, as oft before,
Fell words from hearts aglow,
Which in those days that come no more
Were wont to move us so;
And we could feel the holy thrill,—
The impulse so divine,—
That in our hearts shall burn until
All lands with glory shine.
GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.3

But there were some we did not hear,
For they were far away,
But this has made them still more dear,
And for them now we pray.
In memory’s hall a vivid place
Is held for each of them,
And they are running in the race
That brings the diadem.
GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.4

Although the words we did not hear
Of these so far away,
Their lives of service give us cheer
And tell us of the day
When from ‘neath India’s burning sun,
And Afric’s deadly clime,
And every other land shall come
These loved in that glad time.
GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.5

Be faithful then one little hour!
Our hearts beat true to thee,
And in thy need thy Source of power
Shall all-sufficient be.
Go, plant the banners of the cross
Where dead and dying lie,
For though its bearers suffer loss,
Their triumph hour is nigh.
GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.6