General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6


W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

Abyssinia, report of work in56
AcMoody, C. D., experiences in Turkey367-369
Address to Czar of Russia, Committee on309
To the President of the United States313
Admission of Conferences5, 6
Advanced normal diplomas, recognition of213, 285, 292
Africa, report of mission work in, by L. R. Conradi54-56
Anderson, J. N., report of, on China62-65
Experiences in China229-232
Appropriations for 1909288, 309, 360
Argentina, reports from357-360
Armenian brethren, sympathy to361
Atlantic Union Conference, report of, and memorial133-136
Auditors, how appointed361
Australasian Union Conference, report of112-118
Medical missionary work in284
Austrian Mission, report of49
Avondale School, report of, by C. W. Irwin82
Avondale School Press, publications of161
Balkan Mission, report of51
Bartlett, W. T., report by, of work in British Union96
Battle Creek, referred to237
Bermuda, report from351
Blind, paper for, circulation of288, 325, 326
Bliss, W. E., on medical work in Atlantic Union282
Boettcher, J. T., reports of33-35, 249
Bolivia, report from356
Brazil, report of204
British East Africa, report of mission work in54-56
British Guiana Conference, report of337
British Union Conference, report of87, 88, 93-97
British West Africa, report of work in352-355
Burma, report of, by H. H. Votaw275-277
Butler, G. I., sermon by120-122
Cady, B. J., report of work in Eastern Polynesia117, 118, 319
Camp-meeting work for children and youth289, 325
Canadian Union Conference, report of85
Canadian American Conference, report of338
Central Union Conference, report of128, 129
China, experiences in, by J. N. Anderson229-232
Chinese Union Mission, report of superintendent62-65
“Christ’s object Lessons,” campaign for circulation of213, 285
“Christian Record,” circulation of288, 325, 326
Cities, the work in38, 136, 225, 292, 309
City work with publications162, 175, 309
Clark, A. J., on religious liberty campaign in New York249
Church-schools in German344, 360
Closing service347
Columbia Union Conference, admission of5
Report of109, 110
Commercial work, elimination of, from publishing houses162, 172
Committee on Distribution of Labor, appointment of32
Reports of289, 330
Committee on Credentials and Licenses, appointment of32
Report of330
Committee on Nomination, appointment of24
Reports of212, 309, 330
Committee on Plans and Finance, appointment of24
Reports of130, 131, 162, 172, 188,
189, 208, 213, 243, 288, 316, 330, 344, 360
Committee on Reference, appointment of32
Report of276
Committee on Revision of Constitution, appointment of33
Report of189-191
Conferences and missions, statistical report of253-261
Conradi, L. R., report of for European division6, 7
Report by, of mission work in Africa54-56
On medical missionary work in Europe and East Africa283
Sermon by317
Constitution and By-laws, proposed form190, 191
Discussion of208-212
As finally adopted369, 370
Corliss, J. O., sermon by73
Corporate organizations130
Correspondence school, establishment of189, 222
Cottrell, H. W., Bible study109
Credentials voted330
Cuba, report of work in341
Daniells, A. G., report of, for quadrennial period8-10
Sermon by39-41
Delegates, list of1,2
Denmark Conference, report of120
Diplomas of Union Conference Training-schools213, 285, 292
District of Columbia Conference, admission of6
Report of110
Distribution of labor289, 329, 330
Donations to missions from Sabbath-schools288, 324
East Caribbean Conference, report of339
East German Conference, report of25
Eastern Polynesia, experiences in117, 118, 319
Ecuador, report of207
Edmed, H. J., report of99, 170
Edwards, C. H., synopsis of sermon by58
Education,” circulation of213, 285
Educational Department, report of meetings30, 43, 60, 76,
Report of Chairman of77-82
Relationship of, to self-supporting work360
Educational Institutions, statistical report of
(see also Schools)262
Educational journal208, 222
Ellis, M. E., paper by, on camp-meeting work for young
European Division of General Conference, report of6, 7
Evans, I. H., report of, as treasurer16-23
Sermon by300
Farnsworth, E. W., Bible study15, 152
Field, F. W., on medical work in Japan285
Field Missionary Agents, training of162
Field Missionary Secretary, appointment of, in local
conferences316, 330
Fiji, report of work, by J. E. Fulton302
Finland Mission, report of120
Financial policy for ensuing four years288, 309
Financial summary for 1908265
France, report from164
French-Swiss Conference, report from165
Friedensau, report of institutions in26
Friedensau School, report of, by O. Luepke84
Foreigners in the United States, number of295
Laborers for243, 292, 344, 360
Foreign delegates, expression of gratitude from361
Foreign Department, (see North American Foreign
Foreign Mission Board, trustees of309
Foreign Mission Seminary, attendance at208, 225
Scholarship fund for289, 225
Control of344, 360, 363
Meeting of361
Fulton, J. E., on the work in Fiji302
Funds, remitting of288, 314, 316
General agents, training of, for circulation of literature162
General Conference, not to control local institutions344
General Conference Association, liquidation of
indebtedness of288, 324
Report of Treasurer22
Meeting of304
Trustees of309
General Conference Constitution, proposed190
Discussion of208-212
General Conference Corporation, report of
Treasurer21, 22
Liquidation of indebtedness288, 324
Informal meeting306
Trustees of309
General Conference officers, election of212, 309, 330
General Conference President, report of8-10
General Conference Secretary, report of11, 12
General Conference Treasurer, report of16-23
George, W. A., on medical work in Southern Union281
German East Africa, report of mission work in54-56
German school in America344, 360
German-Swiss Conference, report of25
German Union Conference, report of24, 49-51, 122
Gilbert, F. C., on religious liberty250
Greater New York Conference, memorial from134-136
Greece, report from350
Habenicht, R. H., on medical work in South America283, 357
Hamburg Publishing House, report of27
Hansen, L. A., on medical work in Southeastern
Union Conference282
Haskell, S. N., Bible study92, 105, 141
Relation of experiences226
Sermon by227
On our first meeting-house290
Haitian Mission, report of340
Hawaiian Mission, report of331
Health Food interests360, 361
Herrmann, C. J., resolution regarding death of361
Holland and Flemish Belgium Mission, report of36, 50
Home Missionary Department242
Homes for missionaries in foreign fields288, 309, 310
Health reform213-215, 268-270
Hungarian Mission, report of49
“Hymns and Tunes,” revision of344, 360
Iceland, report from127
India, report of, by J. L. Shaw271-275, 282
Institutional work in foreign fields, fund for288, 309
International Tract Society, report of manager96
Ireland, report of work in94
Italy, report from349
Ising, W. C., on Syria and the Holy Land366
Japan Mission Field, report of superintendent of142-147
Medical work in285
Jamaica Conference, report of334
Johanson, J. M., report of publishing work in
Australasian Union117
Jones, A. T., action of Conference regarding appeal from270
Jump, H. M., on medical work in Ohio281
Junior Missionary Volunteer Societies recommended289, 325
Korea, report of147, 148
Kress, D. H., Alcoholism215-218
Laborers, distribution of289, 330
For foreign population in America243, 292, 344
Granted Credentials and Licenses330
Lake Union Conference, report of133
Latin Union Conference, admission of5
Report of162-166
Leadsworth, J. R., Causes and Treatment of Stomach
On medical work in Pacific Union282
Levant Union Mission, reports of166-169, 179-182
Licenses voted330
Liquor traffic130-132
Literature, improvement and circulation of162, 172, 173
Preparation of208, 238
In foreign languages for young people289
Table of, in various languages265
“Little Friend,” circulation of49
Loma Linda College of Evangelists, referred to by Mrs.
E. G. White308
Mac Lay, W. D., sermon by252
Medical examinations for missionary candidates344, 360
Medical missionary classes, requirements for entrance to330, 360
Medical Missionary reports281-285
Medical Missionary Department, report of Secretary287-281
Report of meetings of15, 29, 44, 60, 76, 92, 108, 124, 140,
155, 172, 187, 203, 219, 236, 267, 307, 324
Medical quarterly243, 293
Medical workers, qualifications of243, 293
Memorial from the Greater New York Conference134-136
From West Africa354
Mexico, reports from176-179
Midsummer offerings360
Missionary campaign360
Missionary course243, 294
Missionary candidates, medical examination for340
Missionary Secretary, appointment of, in local
conferences316, 330
Missionaries, special course for331
Schools for children of344, 360
Missionary Volunteer Department, establishment of, and
the fundamental basis of work approved of288
Plan of organization in289, 325
Preparation of lessons by289
Junior Societies in, recommended289, 325
Efforts of, at camp-meetings289, 325
Scholarship Fund, for Foreign Mission Seminary289, 325
Literature in foreign languages, for young people289, 326
Report of M. E. Kern326-329
Report of meetings of30, 60, 91, 124, 155, 188, 219, 307
Missionary Volunteer work, underlying principles of
Missions, statistical report of253-261
Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute344, 360
Natal-Transvaal Conference, report of99-101
Negro Department, establishment of243, 286, 361
Nominations of officers212, 309, 330
Normal Diplomas, recognition of213, 285, 292
North American Foreign Department, report of
chairman of295
Report of meetings of43, 75, 123, 187, 235
North American Negro Department, establishment of243, 286, 361
North Caribbean Mission, report of342
North England Conference, report of89
North German Conference, report of36
North Pacific Union Conference, report of296-298
North Union Conference, report of86
Northland Mission, report of127
Norway Conference, report of119
Nurses’ Course, lengthening of243, 361
Nurses, field work for243, 294
Offerings to missions, how and when remitted288
From the Sabbath-schools288, 324
Officers elected212, 309, 330
Olsen, A. B., Dietetics from a Scientific View-point232
Address on Food and Flies137
On medical work in British Union94, 95, 283
Owen, R. S., Bible study61
Pacific Union Conference, report of194
Patent Medicines363-366
Periodical work72, 208, 240, 316, 330
Perk, G., relation of experiences52-54
Peru, report of work in355
Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, report from45-49
President of the General Conference, address of8-10
President of the United States, address to286, 294, 313
Prescott, W. W., on the Message for the Hour150
On Creation vs. Evolution182-186
Prussian Conference, report of37
Publications, preparation of208, 238
Table of, in various languages265
Publishing Department, report of Secretary of157-162
Scope of work of Department208, 240, 316, 330
Recommendations regarding work of316, 330
Stereopticon report of Secretary of41
Report of meetings of29, 44, 61, 76, 91, 108, 123, 172
Publishing house, tithe-paying208, 238
Publishing houses, statistical report of262
Quinn, R. D., Bible study44
Rand, H. F., on the topic, The Simple Life251
Remitting funds, how and when288, 314, 316
Resume of actions at session370-375
Review and Herald, annual meeting and reports of69-73
Resolutions adopted147-149
Rhenish Conference, report of27
Religious Liberty Department, report of Chairman of243-249
Press Bureau to be connected with130
Literature and institutes130, 131
Report of meetings of15, 30, 43, 60, 77,
92, 107, 125, 139, 155, 171, 188, 220, 323
Religious Liberty work, division of annual collection for172, 189
Resolutions adopted at session370-375
Ruble, W. A., on use of patent medicines363-366
Russia, address to Czar of, committee on294, 309
Report of religious liberty in, by J. T. Boettcher249
Russian Union Conference, admission of5
Report of33-35
Sabbath-school Department, report of Secretary of45-49
To prepare reading course for S. S.131, 133
Home Department recommended162, 175
Report of meetings of4, 44, 75, 108, 140, 171, 204, 235, 323, 348
Sabbath-school offerings to missions288, 324
Sabbath-school contributions during the Conference
session346, 378
“Sabbath School Worker,” circulation of162, 175
Sabbath services, reports of28, 137, 218, 346
Salisbury, H. R., on Educational Features of
Missionary Volunteer work153
Sanitariums, statistical report of263
Plans for diminishing indebtedness of331, 360
Quarterly magazine for243, 293
Sanitarium workers, training of331, 360
Saxon Conference, report of50
Scandinavian Union Conference, reports of conferences in118-120, 126-128
Scholarship fund for Foreign Mission Seminary289, 325
Schools, proper equipment of, and buildings for,188;
action regarding221
Work and scope of208, 222
Industries of208, 225
For children of missionaries344, 360
For Germans344, 360
Self-supporting, In the South, relationship of344, 360
Secretary of General Conference, report of, for
quadrennial period11, 12
Selmon, A. C., on work in China67-69
Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., regarding work in China65, 66
Self-supporting schools in the South, relationship of344, 360
Semmens, A. W., on medical work in Australia284
Shaw, J. L., on medical missionary work in India282
Silesian Conference, report of122
South African Union, report of President of97, 98
Report of Secretary of102-105
South American Union, admission of5
Report of195-199, 355-360
Medical Missionary work in283, 357
South Caribbean Conference, report of335
South England Conference, report of93
South German Conference, report of25
South Russian Conference, report of51
South relationship of self-supporting schools in344, 360
South Scotland Conference, report of89
Southeastern Union Conference, admission of6
Report of111
Southern Union Conference, report of191-193
Southwestern Union Conference, report of332
Spanish health paper243, 293
Spicer, W. A., report of, as Secretary11,12
Stanborough Park Missionary College, report of, by
H. C. Lacey83, 95, 96
Starr, G. B., Bible study59
Statistical report253-266
Summary of statistical reports264
Per capita, basis of360
Swedish Conference, report of118
Syria and the Holy Land366
Tait, A. O., Bible study156
Ten-cent-a-week Plan288, 310
Testimonies.(See White, Mrs. E. G.)
Thanksgiving in gathering360
Three Hundred Thousand Dollar Fund288, 309
Thompson, G. B., Bible study31
Thompson, Ida E., on the work in China66, 67
Tithe, sharing of, with foreign fields288, 311-314
Tithe, payment of, by publishing houses208, 238
Town, N. Z., report of, on Argentina358, 360
Transportation agents, how appointed361
Tract and Missionary work208, 240
Organization of316, 330
Treasurer of the General Conference, report of16-23
Turkish Mission, report from167, 367-369
Committee on memorial to brethren in169
Report of361
Underwood, R. A., sermon by298
Union Conferences, admission of5, 6
Wales Conference, report of93
Washington Training College, legal meetings of90, 186, 278, 306, 361
Control of344, 360, 363
Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium
Association, meetings of97, 106, 186, 202, 322, 332, 346
West Africa, report of work in352-355
West Caribbean, Conference, report of336
West German Conference, report of50
West Indian Union, admission of5
Reports of333-344
Publishing work in342-344
West Indian Training School, report of339
West Russian Mission, report of52
Western Canadian Union, admission of5
Report of84
White, Mrs. E. G., sermons by—
Abiding in Christ37-39
A Call to Service56-58
The Work before Us105
A Risen Saviour136, 137
A Lesson in Health Reform213-215
A Spirit of Independence220
Let Us Publish Salvation225
God’s Plan236, 237
Faithfulness in Health Reform268-270
A Plea for Medical Missionary Evangelists291
The Loma Linda College of Evangelists308
Get Ready!344-346
A Touching Farewell378
Wilcox, F. M., abstract of talk on Missionary
Volunteer work200
Wilcox, M. C., Bible study125, 126
Workers, medical qualifications of243, 293
Year Book, statistical report in 360
Young People’s Department. (See Missionary
Volunteer Department.)
Young People’s service at session221
Young People, work for, at camp-meetings318
Youth, doctrinal lessons, and labor for at
camp-meetings289, 325