General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

Academies, work of310, 324
Allum, F. A., report of, on CentralChina
Relation of experiences in89
American Bible Society, Secretary of,
address by121
Anderson, A. W., report of, on periodical
work in Australia153
Andross, E. E., report of, on Pacific Union
Appropriations to conferences in North
American Division276, 292
Armitage, F. B., report of experiences in
South Africa115, 248
Asiatic Division, report of president of34
Constitution and by-laws of216
Name of263, 274
R. C. Porter elected as president of277
Atlantic Union Conference, report of, by
W. B. White93
Australasian Union Conference, report of,
by J. E. Fulton148
Babcock, D. C., report of, on West African
Bahamas Mission, report of, by W. A.
Beckner, H. S., giving report of book work
in South Arica246
Beckner, R. A., report of, on work in Burma180
Bender, U., report of, on West Indian Union
Benson, H. F., report of, on school work in
Bermuda Mission, report of, by T. M. Doe297
Bible Workers, reports of meetings held in
interest of288, 303, 328
Boettcher, J. T., report of, on Russian Union
Boger, E. C., report of, on British Guiana
Bond, W. G., report of, on work in Spain99
Book work293, 309
Bowen, C. L., death of, reported290
Brazilian Union Conference, admission of6
Report of, by F. W. Spies213
British Central African Mission, report of,
By J. C. Rogers249
British East Africa, report of work in, by
A. A. Carscallen158
British Guiana Mission, report of, by E. C.
British Union Conference, report of, by W.
J. Fitzgerald95
Brown, Geo. M., report of, on Cuban Mission313
Burgan, W. L., report of, on Press Bureau79
Burma, report of work in, by R. A. Beckner180
Burroway, Della, report of, on Karmatar
Mission, India174
Burley, S. G., report of, on Russian work in
North America62
Business men to have charge of Institutions,
etc.218, 229
Butler, Geo. I., Bible studies by161, 241
Butterfield, C. L., report of, on Korean
Relation of experiences in137
Cafeteria, service of304
Campaign on “Christ’s Object Lessons” and
“Ministry of Healing”311, 324
Campbell, M. N., report of, on Canadian
Union Conference123
Canadian Union Conference, report of, by
M. N. Campbell123
Name of, changed145
Canvassers for periodicals and home workers’
books293, 309
For foreign fields123, 139
Carscallen, A. A., report of, on work in
British East Africa158
Casebeer, Geo. W., report of, on Pua
Caviness, G. W., report of, on Mexico279
Central China Mission, report of, by F. A.
Central European Union Conference,
admission of6
Report of, by O. E. Reinke84
Central Union Conference, report of, by
E. T. Russell130
Chile, report of, by F. H. Westphal211
China, report of work in34-43, 159
Experiences in, as related by F. A. Allum89
Experiences in, as related by W. C.
Hankins and Mrs. J. P. Anderson159
Letter regarding meeting held in263
“Christ’s Object Lessons,” campaign on311, 324
Christian, L. H., report of, on
Danish-Norwegian work in North America53
Church missionary work, appointment of
home missionary secretaries for293, 309
Clark, G. H., report of, on book work in
South Africa246
Colportuers for foriegn fields123, 139
Columbia Union Conference, report of by
B. G. Wilkinson94
Commission on finance recommended233, 264
Committees: See under appropriate headings
for actions on reports rendered.
Pastoral, appointment of6
Nominations, appointment of22, 140
Reports of217, 263, 277
Plans and Resolutions, appointment of22
Reports of123, 131, 145, 199, 217
243, 263, 276, 292
Finance, appointment of22
Reports of233, 264
Constitution, appointment of22
Reports of92, 110, 111, 216, 275
Credentials and Licenses, appointment of22
Report of297
Distribution of Labor, appointment of22
Report of291, 301, 308, 310, 316
On Memorial to President of the United
States216, 264, 276, 319
On Standing of Medical Training-schools277
Communications from Mrs. E. G. White164, 293
Conradi, L. R., report of, on European
Sermon by266
Constitution and by-laws of the European
Division Conference112
of the General Conference110-112, 260, 276
of the Asiatic Division