General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7


The Work of the Ministry

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson



Whereas, According to the instruction given in the inspired Word of God, the specific work of the minister is to preach the gospel: the object sought is to deliver those who are under the power of Satan, and to reconcile them unto God; this is to be accomplished by preaching the salvation which is found in Christ; in order to obtain the desired results, it is necessary that one should give his undivided attention to his specific work, in order that he may be “approved unto God;” and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.12

Whereas, The application of these principles is seen in the ministry of the apostles, who refused to be burdened with the administration of temporal affairs and declared, “It is not fit that we should forsake the word of God, and serve tables;” and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.13

Whereas, It is desirable that the ministry of this denomination may become more efficient, and may approach more closely to the apostolic standard; we therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.14

1. Recommend, (a) That those who are ordained to preach the word devote themselves as fully as possible to the work of the gospel ministry. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.15

(b) That they put forth earnest efforts to make their work as efficient as possible, by prayerful study of the Word of God, and by personal consecration to the specific purpose of winning souls to Christ. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.16

(c) That they constantly strive for self-improvement by systematic private study and by pursuing such ministerial reading courses as may be arranged. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.17

(d) That candidates for the ministry be encouraged to take a course of study in one of our training-schools, for a better preparation for their work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.18

(e) That it be the policy of the denomination to select and train laymen possessing suitable qualifications for the business management of institutions, and for directing business affairs generally, in order that those who have been set apart for the work of the ministry may be relieved of these burdens, and may be able to give their time and strength to soul-winning. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.19



2. We recommend, The approval of the action of the General Conference at the autumn council requesting the Educational Department to prepare a reading course for licentiates and ministers; and, further, that this course be outlined in detail, and the books be selected at the Bible teachers’ summer institute to be held at the close of the present Conference, their work to be reported to the General Conference Committee for final action; and that the subjects included in this course shall be Biblical, historical, and pastoral. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.20

Church Work



Whereas, The life of the church depends largely upon the missionary activities of its members; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.21

Whereas, Such activity can be greatly stimulated and aided by live and well-instructed church tract society officers: therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.22

1. Resolved, That advanced steps be taken by officers of each conference and mission field in the thorough training of librarians and missionary leaders for their duties, by— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.23

(a) Personal and private instruction in the home and local churches. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.24

(b) Gathering these officers together from a group of churches and conducting institutes with them. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.25

(c) Bringing them together at general meetings for instruction and counsel. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.26


2. We recommend, That home missionary secretaries, both for the General Conference and the North American Division Conference, be appointed for the promotion of the church missionary work. The duty of the secretaries shall be to cooperate with our conferences and missions, each in his own field, in building up the church tract and missionary work by— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.27

(a) Developing such practical plans and simple instruction as will unite all our churches in a general missionary movement. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.28

(b) The publication, through the medium of church and conference papers, and personal and circular letters, of such missionary reports and experiences as will lead our people everywhere to appreciate their opportunities, and stir themselves to greater activity. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.29


Whereas, There is the utmost need of preserving the cause of God from the harm that might be occasioned by the enrollment in one field of members dismissed in another, or by the employment in one field of laborers that have been dropped from the list of workers in another; we therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.30

3. Recommend, (a) That the transfer of membership from one church to another or from one field to another, be effected only by means of church letters of recommendation. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.31

(b) That no laborer who has been dropped in one field be reengaged in another without a thorough examination of the case on the part of the conference officers proposing his employment, and counsel with the local or union conference in which such worker formerly labored. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.32




Whereas, It is desirable that the General Conference treasury reports should show the receipts and disbursements from the entire world, we therefore— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.33

1. Recommend, That all mission receipts and disbursements be reported quarterly to the General Conference Treasury Department through the regular channels. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.34


2. Resolved, That the General Conference furnish the Loma Linda College of Medical Evangelists sixteen thousand dollars to enable it to complete its hospital and its equipment, and to establish dispensary work in Los Angeles, and that an earnest effort be made at as early a date as consistent, to replace this in the General Conference treasury by donations from the churches of the North American Division. GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.35


Whereas, It is more clearly revealed, with each passing year, that schools, sanitariums, and publishing houses are most helpful and necessary facilities for the rapid and efficient carrying forward of the work of God throughout the world: and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.36

Whereas, These institutions can accomplish their purpose only to the extent that they are understood, appreciated, and supported by our people; and— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.37

Realizing, That in the establishment and maintenance of the institutions we now have, there has not been given the areful study, the efficient management, and the proper financial support they should have had; therefore, be it— GCB June 9, 1913, page 330.38

3. Resolved, That we take these institutions, with their workers and their great interests and needs, more fully upon our hearts and into our plans and fostering care than heretofore; and, further,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.1

That we commend to the study, the interests, and the support of our people everywhere, the schools, sanitariums, and publishing houses among us. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.2

4. Resolved, That we adopt the following arrangement for removing the present liabilities of these institutions, and for maintaining them without creating further indebtedness:— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.3

The standard of offerings to missions to be raised from fifteen to twenty cents a week per members in the United States and Canada, and that twenty-five per cent of the total amount thus raised be devoted to the liquidation of the liabilities of all training-schools, and those academies, intermediate schools, and sanitariums whose liabilities equal or exceed twenty-five per cent of their assets. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.4

We further— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.5

5. Recommend, That the carrying out of this plan be governed by the following provisions:— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.6

(a) That the entire amount received on the Twenty-cent-a-week Fund be kept intact, and remitted to the North American Division Conference treasury. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.7

(b) That the twenty-five per cent to be devoted to the liquidation of the liabilities of the schools and sanitariums be divided annually, by the North American Division Conference Committee, among the institutions, on the pro rata basis of their indebtedness. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.8

(c) That in the apportionment, due consideration be given to the conditions prevailing in each institution as to its financial situation, earnings, available assets that can be realized upon without detriment to the work, annuity contracts, etc., a complete report and financial statement being rendered each year to the North American Division Conference by the institutions. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.9

(d) In case the total amount raised falls short of the twenty cents per member, so as to interfere with the operations of our foreign-mission enterprises, the shortage shall be deducted from the relief fund rather than the foreign funds. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.10

(e) That each institution receiving appropriations from this fund shall apply the full amount it shall receive to the liquidation of its liabilities. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.11

(f) That an institution sharing the benefits of this fund shall not by any means add to its present indebtedness either by buildings, equipment, or in its operations. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.12

(g) That for the enlargement, repairs, equipment, or loss in operating, the needed funds shall be raised by direct gifts from the people. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.13

(h) Where it is demonstrated that an institution cannot maintain itself without increasing its liabilities or encroaching upon the proposed relief fund, such institution shall, upon the advice of the North American Division Conference Committee, and the union conference in which it is located, be closed, and its assets be disposed of to the best advantage, or diverted to other denominational use. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.14

(i) That failure on the part of any institution to comply with these provisions shall debar it from receiving the benefits of this plan. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.15

(j) That there be constituted a finance commission of four members, one member to be appointed by the General Conference Committee, another member by the North American Division Conference Committee; these two to give their entire time to the work; the other two to be the treasurers of the General and the North American Division Conferences; and that the expenses of the mission be divided equally between the two conferences. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.16

(k) That this plan go into effect July 1, 1913. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.17


Whereas, The Harvest Ingathering campaigns, conducted in the interests of our missions during the closing months of each of the past four years, have been very successful, resulting— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.18

(a) In the circulation each year of more than five hundred thousand copies of message-filled periodicals. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.19

(b) In organizing many thousands of our people into an army of house-to-house missionary workers. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.20

(c) In paying all its campaign expenses. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.21

(d) In raising from $30,000 to $40,000 a year for missions, thus substantially assisting in strengthening our general mission funds; therefore,- GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.22

6. Resolved, That the Ingathering campaign be thoroughly organized, and all our people, so far as possible, be encouraged in this good work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.23

Division Conferences



1. Resolved, That, in response to the memorial submitted by the European brethren to the fall council, 1912, we adopt the general plan of organizing important territories and groups of union fields into General Conference divisions, and that this form of divisional organization be effected in the various fields as the conditions of the work require. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.24

2. Resolved, That the numerical basis of representation from the division conferences and division missions to the General Conference be that called for by the General Conference constitution. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.25

3. Resolved, That the general mission funds of the division be reported quarterly to the treasurer of the General Conference, and that they be included in the financial statements of the General Conference. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.26

4. Resolved, That steps be taken at this conference for the organization of the European Division Conference, with a constitution in harmony with the provisions of the General Conference constitution. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.27

In response to the request of the European delegates to this conference for a European organization,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.28

5. Resolved, That we hereby authorize the accredited delegates from the following union conferences now present in this General Conference, namely, the British Union, the Central European Union, the Danube Union, the East German Union, the Latin Union, he Russian Union, the Scandinavian Union, and the West German Union,—to meet and organize the European Division Conference; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.29

6. We recommend, That in organizing said conference, they adopt and act upon the following constitution and by-laws:—[See pages 112, 113.] GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.30


In response to the request of the North American Union Conference presidents for the organization of a North American Division of the General Conference,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.31

7. Resolved, That we hereby authorize the delegates from North America, of the following union conferences now present in this General Conference,—namely, the Atlantic, the Central, the Columbia, the Lake, the Northern, the North Pacific, the Pacific, the Southeastern, the Southern, the Southwestern, the Eastern Canadian, and the Western Canadian Union,—to meet and organize the North American Division Conference; and we recommend that in organizing said conference they adopt and act upon the following constitution and by-laws [see pages 145-147.] GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.32

8. We recommend, That the work of the North American Division Conference commence June 1, 1913, and that the tithe of the union conferences to the General Conference, and the per cent of tithe from the local conferences to the General Conference, be transferred to the North American Division Conference, beginning with that date. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.33


9. We recommend, That the General Conference Committee be authorized to reorganize the work in South America, and to provide for the organization of a South American Division Conference at such time and place as they may deem advisable. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.34




Whereas, The efforts of the past four years in supplying needy fields with trained leaders in the colporteur work have proved so eminently helpful and satisfactory; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.35

1. Resolved, That this policy be continued until every important field is supplied with qualified leaders. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.36


Whereas, There is a call from many fields for the publication of portions of the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White, selected from the “Testimonies for the Church,” and other of her books and manuscripts, therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.37

2. Resolved, That the General Conference Committee be authorized to appoint three, or more persons having a broad knowledge of the needs of the field, to outline plans, and to assist the workers who are very familiar with these writings, in the preparation of several compilations from these writings of such matter as they regard fundamental in character, and believe will be most helpful to the fields; these compilations to form a basis for a series of somewhat similar tracts and pamphlets, in many languages. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.38


Whereas, The millions in our cities are to be warned in a short period of time; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.39

Whereas, It has been demonstrated that the circulation of our message-filled tracts is one of the most practical methods of winning souls; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.40

3. Resolved, That we request our publishing houses to furnish a series of tracts with attractive covers, covering the principal features of our message, at prices which will enable them to give the colporteurs sixty per cent discount, and that an effort be made to encourage the lay members in our churches to engage in the sale of our tracts. GCB June 9, 1913, page 331.41


4. We recommend, That our union and field agents avail themselves of the advantages offered by the sale of our periodicals and home workers’ books to develop a large class of home canvassers, many of whom may be selected to enter the regular subscription-book work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.1


Whereas, The experience of our brethren in other lands, as well as in some parts of the home field, demonstrates that the union of our book and periodical work is an unqualified success; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.2

5. Resolved, That we adopt this as our plan of operation, and put forth more earnest and persevering efforts to carry it into effect in every part of the field. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.3




1. We recommend, (a) That a joint educational and young people’s convention, to continue two weeks, be held in the summer of 1914 at such time and place as the departments may determine. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.4

(b) That the delegates to this convention, and the manner of meeting their expenses, be determined by the union conference committees, in counsel with the departments. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.5


2. We recommend, (a) That a normal institute, under the direction of the Department of Education, be arranged to follow the joint convention of educators and Missionary Volunteers to be held in 1914. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.6

(b) That this institute be composed of the normal directors in our union conference training-schools, and of educators who have shown special ability in developing certain subjects of Christian education along normal lines, the latter to be appointed by the Department of Education. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.7


Whereas, The rapid progress of the advent message to all parts of the world is making very heavy demands upon us for well-qualified recruits for the foreign fields; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.8

Whereas, The executive committee of the General Conference, realizing the great necessity of special training for prospective missionaries, have set in operation the plan of placing volunteers for the mission field under provisional appointment and giving them a special training for their work in the Foreign Mission Seminary; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.9

Whereas, The wisdom of this plan has already been demonstrated; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.10

3. Resolved, That we approve of the plan now in operation, and suggest mutual counsel and the heartiest of cooperation between the General Conference committee and all our conference and school officers in selecting and training suitable missionaries for the foreign work; and, further,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.11

4. Resolved, That our mission superintendents, or others calling for workers in the regions beyond, endeavor as far as possible to anticipate their needs, and to make their regular calls in advance, and the General Conference committee plan to have candidates for mission fields in training, so that these demands upon it may be properly met. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.12


5. We recommend,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.13

(a) That in union conferences in which there is located a union conference training-school, the local conference schools do not attempt to carry work above the tenth grade, any exception to the recommendation to be allowed only after obtaining permission from the executive committee of the union conference in which the school is located, together with the counsel of the North American Department of Education. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.14

(b) That there be the fullest cooperation between the officers of the various State and union schools in the matter of encouraging our people to patronize the conference and the union educational institutions in their respective spheres of work, students below the eleventh grade being recommended to attend the academy or the intermediate school in the local conference. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.15

(c) That these recommendations take effect not later than the beginning of the school year in 1914. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.16

(d) That these recommendations do not apply to our foreign seminaries. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.17

Whereas, Much experience of value has been gained in the establishing and and operating of our denominational schools during the past forty years, and it is in the interests of the work that this experience be utilized, we,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.18

6. Recommend, That in harmony with the action of the General Conference Committee in its autumn council of 1912, any local conference or union conference contemplating the starting of a school or the raising or lowering of the grades of work being done in its schools, counsel with both the union conference committee and the North American Division Conference Educational Department, and be guided by the standardized plan of the denomination. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.19

Young People’s Missionary Volunteer



Whereas, The efforts of the Young People’s Missionary Volunteer Department to reach all our youth where they are, and to enlist and train them in Christian service, are of the utmost importance to this denomination; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.20

Whereas, Success in this work requires Missionary Volunteer leaders who are especially qualified to work for and with the youth; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.21

Whereas, There is a growing demand for well-qualified leaders,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.22

1. Resolved, (a) That our conference officers and school faculties encourage promising young people to prepare for this line of the Lord’s work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.23

(b) That for increasing the efficiency of conference Missionary Volunteer secretaries and the preparation of those who contemplate entering the work, we favor some form of special training, such as Missionary Volunteer secretaries’ institutes. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.24

(c) That the General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department endeavor to arrange with the Fireside Correspondence School to conduct a course of study for the benefit of Missionary Volunteer secretaries and of those who contemplate entering this work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.25

(d) That all conferences make a special effort to build up this department of their work by a careful selection of secretaries, in counsel with the union and General Conference Missionary Volunteer departments, and by having secretaries who have been reasonably successful remain in office long enough to enable them to build up a strong work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.26


2. Resolved, That in raising funds for interests outside of the local fields, our young people be encouraged to devote their efforts to those enterprises receiving appropriations through the regular channels. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.27


Whereas, It is extremely important that immediate and aggressive efforts be put forth for our children and youth who are too young to join the Missionary Volunteer Society,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.28

3. Resolved, That all union and local conference Missionary Volunteer secretaries take hold of the junior work at once, adopting plans and methods designed to organize and build up this work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.29


Whereas, We appreciate the help rendered last winter by the General Conference Missionary Volunteer workers in attendance at the various institutes held in the field, and we believe that the general interests of the Missionary Volunteer work are thus materially advanced and the leadership in local societies greatly strengthened; we therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.30

4. Recommend, That the North American Division Conference arrange field help for a series of Missionary Volunteer institutes to be held in the various union conferences of the North American Division. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.31

Religious Liberty



Whereas, The present agitation to secure religious legislation, and the aggressive movements upon the part of both Protestant and Roman Catholic organizations, which threaten to subvert religious freedom, demand the most earnest efforts to teach and maintain true principles of liberty; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.32

1. Resolved, That each union conference in the United States appoint a religious liberty secretary who can give his whole time to department work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.33


2. Resolved, That during the winter of 1913-14 a lecture campaign be conducted in each union conference under the direction of its religious liberty secretary, and that addresses be delivered on the principles of religious liberty and upon the fundamental truths of Protestantism from the standpoint of the threefold message; that this work be under the general direction of the several union conference committees, who shall secure such help, local or general as they deem necessary. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.34


3. Resolved, That an institute for the benefit of union conference religious liberty secretaries and such others as may be especially invited, be held at such time and place as the General Conference Committee may determine. That the purpose of this institute be to prepare a general outline of addresses upon the subjects to be presented in the lecture campaign, and to furnish the special material for such a campaign. GCB June 9, 1913, page 332.35


Whereas, The magazine Liberty has done efficient work among State legislators, molding sentiment against Sunday legislation; we therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.1

4. Recommend, That local conferences supply this magazine to all State legislators, court and municipal officials, public-school teachers, and other persons of influence. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.2


5. Resolved, That we request the Religious Liberty Department to produce a small book of authoritative quotations dealing with the fulfillment of prophecy by the Papacy, and upon the subject of religious liberty, suitable for general use by our laborers. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.3




Whereas, The interest and pleasure in making gifts for missions in our Sabbath-schools are generally increased by having occasionally some definite need set before us as the object of the contributions, resulting in largely increased offerings; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.4

I. Resolved, That we approve the plan of devoting the Sabbath-school offering on the thirteenth Sabbath of each quarter to some definitely named missionary enterprise calling for special help which may be beyond the ordinary income of the mission treasury; it being understood that this action relates primarily to the North American Division, but that other divisions, unions, and conferences outside this division, join in the plan where they can consistently do so. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.5

Medical Missionary Work



Whereas, Medical missionary work is in no case to be divorced from the gospel ministry; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.6

Whereas, Instruction has been given through the spirit of prophecy that the two shall be as closely connected as the arm is with the body; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.7

Whereas, Without this union neither part of the work is complete; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.8

1. We recommend, (a) That, for the purpose of strengthening medical evangelistic work, all our larger nurses’ training-schools make practical evangelistic work a part of their regular training, and, where necessary, strengthen their courses of study in the Bible, in hygiene, and in health and temperance principles. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.9

(b) That all our conference officers be asked to give careful consideration to the advisability of employing our graduate nurses in connection with conference efforts. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.10

(c) That all our evangelical laborers make diligent study of the gospel plan of combined medical and evangelistic work as revealed in the life of Christ and emphasized in the testimonies, and seek to make the plan a reality in our evangelistic labor. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.11

(d) That, for the qualifying of workers with advanced combined medical-evangelistic ability and evangelistic-medical ability, we recommend the College of Medical Evangelists, at Loma Linda, Cal., and that the work of the college be so arranged as to provide for strong practical evangelistic training, as well as to meet the requirements of State medical boards. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.12


2. Resolved, That we recognize the Medical Evangelist as the official organ of our Medical Department for a medium of communication between our medical workers, and as a means of keeping before our people the progress of the medical work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.13


Whereas, We believe that the efficiency of our sanitarium training-schools for medical missionary nurses should be increased, and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.14

Whereas, We desire to see the educational standard of these schools raised; therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.15

3. We recommend, That Dr. W. A. Ruble, Dr. H. W. Miller, L. M. Bowen, L. A. Hansen, and H. R. Salisbury constitute a board of advisers to inquire into the standing of all our schools for nurses, to arrange a more uniform curriculum and course of instruction, and to counsel with the boards of the various sanitariums as to changes which would strengthen their work, also to plan for the affiliation of schools of smaller institutions which have a small faculty with those of larger sanitariums having larger faculties. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.16

North American Division Conference



1. We recommend, That the Sustentation Fund be transferred at such time as the executive committees of these two conferences may arrange. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.17

Whereas, At present the benefits of the Sustentation Fund are not extended in general to colporteurs, teachers, and physicians; therefore, we,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.18

2. Recommend, That the General Conference Committee and the North American Division Committee give this matter careful study, and consider the advisability of increasing the Sustentation Fund, and of opening the way for these three classes to receive such benefit from it, as may be necessary. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.19


3. We recommend, That the General Conference settle all obligations incurred in administrative work up to June 1, 1913, and that the North American Division Conference assume all obligations incurred in the administration of its work after that date. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.20


4. We recommend, That, reckoning from June 1, 1913, the North American Division Conference pay from its funds the balance of the appropriations made by the General Conference Committee for work in North America during 1913, the total appropriations being as follows:— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.21

Atlantic Union24,242
East Canadian12,586
Columbia Union21,100
Southeastern Union7,260
Southern Union12,720
Southwestern Union5,631
South Missouri1,200
Negro Department26,103
North American Foreign Dept.12,500
Jewish Department1,500
International Pub. Assn.1,500
Loma Linda10,000

5. We recommend, That the General Conference place in the treasury of the North American Division Conference the sum of fifteen thousand dollars as a working capital. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.22


6. We recommend, That the temporary headquarters for the North American Division Conference be established at Takoma Park, D. C., and that the question of providing permanent headquarters be referred to the executive committee of that conference. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.23


7. We recommend, That the following departments be maintained by the North American Division Conference: Publishing, Educational, Sabbath School, Missionary Volunteer, Medical, Religious Liberty, General Foreign, German, Danish-Norwegian, Swedish, and Negro; that it also maintain the Press Bureau. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.24


8. We recommend, That the North American Division Conference assume the general watch-care of all institutions located within its territory. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.25




Whereas, Territorial, transportation, and economical considerations formerly led the South Dakota Conference to cede the Black Hills district to the Wyoming Conference, and increased railroad facilities now make this section more easy of access to the Wyoming Conference headquarters than heretofore; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.26

Whereas, Wyoming Conference means and laborers raised up the churches and companies found in the Black Hills district; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.27

Whereas, Were this territory to be transferred to the South Dakota Conference, it would deprive the Wyoming Conference of more than one sixth of its tithe and reduce its membership from 402 to 330, and hence this district GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.28

is essential to the development of a strong conference in Wyoming; we therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.29

1. Recommended, That the South Dakota Conference release all claims upon said territory, and that henceforth the following countries of South Dakota be a part of the Wyoming Conference: Butte, Lawrence, Meade, Pennington, Custer, and Fall River. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.30


2. Resolved, That in consequence of the request of its executive committee, the name of the Canadian Union Conference be changed to that of the Eastern Canadian Union Conference. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.31


3. We recommend, That the General Conference Committee take into consideration the advisability of granting to loyal, soul-winning physicians and teachers engaged in the work of the denomination, medical missionary licenses and credentials and teachers’ licenses and credentials. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.32


In view of the need of a more satisfactory adjustment of the relations between the organized work in various lines, and work not under conference direction,-. GCB June 9, 1913, page 333.33

4. We recommend, That the General Conference Executive Committee and the North American Division executive committee, in joint session give careful study to this question, and take such action as will provide for the better development of all lines of work. GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.1


5. We recommend, That the General Conference Executive Committee give earnest attention to carrying forward the relief work for our institutions by the sale of “Ministry of Healing” and “Christ’s Object Lessons.” GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.2


6. Recommend, That the General Conference Committee be asked to prepare a report blank which might serve as a basis for reporting from each local, union, and division field the number of workers, churches, companies, isolated believers, total membership, and accessions thereto, with the church receipts in tithe and missionary offerings, and whatever departmental statistics may be thought desirable, such statistics to appear quarterly in the regular local, union, or division official organs; and that the annual summary be given in the yearly reports issued by the statistical secretary of the General Conference. GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.3


Resolved, That we express our thanks and appreciation to the conferences that have freely loaned their tents for this meeting, and to the Southern California Conference for the use of the newly constructed large pavilion, and to the following conferences: Indiana, New York, Western New York, West Pennsylvania, Ohio, Southern Illinois, West Michigan, East Michigan, North Michigan, Chesapeake, and Northern New England, for the use of gospel and family tents. GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.4

Resolved, That we extend to Brother E. G. Fulton and his staff of able assistants, the hearty thanks of this Conference for the faithful and efficient work done in the cafeteria, lunch room, and store; for his service of healthful, palatable food; the uniform courtesy on the part of the workers having been a great contribution to the material side and the success of this meeting. GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.5

Resolved, That we express the thanks of this Conference to the proprietors of the four Washington newspapers for their courtesy in giving so liberal space to reports, of this Conference. GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.6



Whereas, Experience has demonstrated in the publishing and Sabbath-school and missionary volunteer work; as well as in some of our fields, that regular statistical reports can serve as a great help in creating a deeper interest in the cause of God; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.7

Whereas, Most of our fields already have regularly recognized official organs through which they have access to their constituents at least once a quarter; and,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.8

Whereas, The data for the annual reports of the statistical secretary of the General Conference could be much more easily obtained were there to be established a systematic method of conference reporting; we, therefore,— GCB June 9, 1913, page 334.9

(Concluded on page 336)