Hand Book of Health


285. What is the organ of smell? HBH 125.3

The nose is an organ admirably adapted to the office of smelling. The air, laden with odorous particles, can be drawn through it, and over the delicate membrane with which it is lined, near the surface of which commence numerous nerves, which unite with, and form the olfactory nerve, which carries its impression to the center of animal perception, the top of the medulla oblongata. There are four cavities to the nose, two through the upper jaw into the throat, by which the nose communicates with the lungs, and thus it is admirably adapted as a breathing organ, as well as smelling. The little hairs crossing the outer cavities of the nose are for the purpose of preventing the ingress of injurious particles of dust to the lungs. The nose is the natural passage for the external air to the lungs. It is by this sense that we are warned of the presence of decaying and unwholesome articles, and through it we experience a thousand delights from the fragrant odors of nature’s flowers, etc. The odor of healthful food also quickens digestion. HBH 125.4

286. What is essential to a healthy condition of this organ? HBH 126.1

The integrity of this organ requires that the mucous membrane lining the nose should be continually moistened and lubricated by its own exhalation and secretion. It is liable to become dry, so nature has provided it with facilities for abundant moisture. Colds, inflammation of the mucous surface, such narcotics as tobacco, snuff, smelling bottles of hartshorn, camphor, and all strong and pungent perfumery, weaken, paralyze, and sometimes utterly destroy, all perception of odors, and injuriously affect the whole brain through this sense. Sneezing has been said by some to be the voice of God in our nature commanding us to avoid what causes us to sneeze. Constant irritation of the mucous lining of the nose may in time hush this voice so that the peculiar sensibilities of the nose no longer warn us of intruders from that source. HBH 126.2