Heavenly Visions
IN considering the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit, it is well to keep in mind the order of the development of the gifts, as the Lord has marked it out in his word. This will aid in deciding whether a professed manifestation of the prophetic gift is genuine, or whether it is from a false source. Paul refers to this order in his letter to the Corinthians, where he says, “God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets.” 1 Corinthians 12:28. HEVI 31.4
When we look at the apostle’s statement respecting the relation of these gifts in the gospel work, we shall see at once why this order is observed. When comparing these gifts, he says: “Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.” 1 Corinthians 14:22. HEVI 31.5
From this statement it is evident that the Lord’s order is that his special messages to the world shall be brought forth from his word; and accordingly he moves men to search the Scriptures, and to go forth as apostles, burdened with the Lord’s messages, proclaiming them from the Bible, which has stood the test of ages. All ministers are not classed as apostles; but that term seems to be applied to those who lead out in a reform, or a new development of gospel truth. As believers are raised up, the gift of prophecy comes in, “secondarily” accomplishing its part, “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12. HEVI 31.6
When a movement claims as its chief foundation a professed gift of such manifestation, things contrary to the Bible, we may conclude at once that such manifestation is not one of the Lord’s gifts; for in the genuine the gift of prophecy does not take the precedence of the word of the Lord, but comes in “secondarily” inculcating that word. HEVI 31.7
We have a striking illustration of the Lord’s manner of working in the case of Cornelius, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. An angel of God appeared to him, and gave him a vision in his own house. That angel knew the facts of the gospel. He was sent to minister for one who was an heir of salvation. In giving Cornelius a vision, he assured him that his devotions and consecration were accepted by the Lord. He did not preach the gospel to him, but told him to call for Peter, who was lodging with Simon the tanner, at Joppa. Peter came, and from the Scriptures proclaimed to Cornelius the gospel of Christ. HEVI 31.8
The work of Sister E. G. Harmon, under the guidance of the prophetic gift, from January, 1845, to the spring of 1846, almost eighteen months, was with the “believers” in Christ’s near coming, with whom she had previously associated. After the close of the twenty-three hundred days (Oct. 22, 1844), until the cause of their disappointment and the nature of the event that then occurred should be understood, there would be danger of the believers drifting into erroneous views, or giving up entirely their past experience. Her message to such was, “The past movement was of God.” “Hold fast your faith. The Lord has still a work for his people. Study the Bible, search the Word, and you will find the light.” HEVI 32.1
This is the harmony with the Lord’s plan; to have his special messages in their time brought forth from his word, and the gift of prophecy come in “secondarily,” to confirm and build up the believers. HEVI 32.2
While Sister Harmon was busily engaged in one part of New England, Brother Joseph Bates, who was consecrated to God, and was a man of great faith (not then acquainted with Sister Harmon), was working in another part, bringing forth from the Scriptures the light of the Sabbath truth and the third angel’s message. His work was to raise up believers in these truths. In fact, it was from him that, in 1846, both Sister Harmon and Brother James White received the Sabbath truth. She never had a vision on the Sabbath question until after the Bible evidence for the Sabbath had been given her by Elder Bates. HEVI 32.3
In the fall of 1846 (after Sister Harmon’s marriage to Elder James White), as believers in the third message and the Sabbath were raised up, the Lord’s time came for the gift of prophecy to be connected with the third message. Elder Bates became fully convinced that the manifestations of Sister White were from heaven. From that time this prophetic gift has acted its part for “believers,” “for the work of the ministry,” and for the “edifying [building up] of the body [church] of Christ.” So we say of the gift of prophecy, as connected with the third angel’s message, that it started right, and has wrought in a manner in harmony with God’s order of placing his gifts in the church. HEVI 32.4