Heavenly Visions




OH, so near us gleams the morning,
We can almost see the light
Of the angels, downward tending,
And the conquerors, clad in white;
See the Saviour robed in splendor,
Bidding sin forever cease;
See life’s sunshine, warm and tender,
And the holy dawn of peace.
HEVI 32.5

Oh, so near us lies the promise
When the grave shall yield it dust.
When the King shall bring the glorious
Resurrection of the just.
Oft I ask, with earnest longing,
When shall loosen death’s dark seal?
When shall dawn the glorious morning
That the future shall reveal?
HEVI 32.6

Oh, so near us lies the triumph
When the glorious King shall come.
He will open wide life’s gateway,
And will call the children home;
Then the sandals will be loosened,
And the tired feet will rest.
And we’ll say of all the journey,
It was well, and God knew best.
HEVI 32.7

The Review and Herald, August 22, 1899