The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

II. Types Are Symplified Model of System of Redemption

Launching into the heart of the question he declares: PFF4 1228.3

“The Law should be studied and ‘remembered’ as a simplified model of the great system of redemption, containing symbolic representations of the work begun by our Savior at his first advent, when he ‘came to fulfil the Law,’ and to be completed in ‘the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory.’” 2 PFF4 1228.4


This redemption cannot be completed, Crosier continues, “till man and the earth shall be delivered from the subjection and consequences of sin.” The cross, therefore, is only the beginning of redemption. The end embraces much more. Thus “the last act of deliverance will be at the end of the 1000 years. To this the shadow of the law extended.” 3 PFF4 1228.5

Five reasons are adduced in support: (1) The cleansing of the sanctuary formed part of the typical service of the law of Moses (Leviticus 16), and the antitypical sanctuary was not to be cleansed until the end of the 2300 years; (2) the typical sabbaths stand for the great sabbath rest, the millennium; (3) the Jubilee typifies the release and return to their possessions of the captives, which cannot be until the “resurrection of the just”; (4) none of these types were fulfilled at the first advent; and (5), the tenth day of the seventh month atonement was not fulfilled at that time. In fact, the crucifixion of Christ was only the beginning of the series of fulfillments of types introducing the “system of redemption” set forth under these “shadows.” PFF4 1229.1


Crosier then lists the types that have already met their antitypes. There are two classes, vernal and autumnal—the former having their fulfillment at the first advent; whereas the latter are “to be fulfilled in connection with and after the second advent.” The vernal types included the Passover, First Fruits, and Feast of Weeks. These were “scrupulously precise” in their fulfillment as to time and event, and their application and effects have extended throughout the gospel dispensation. Christ, our great Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7), was slain for us on the very day and month called for in the type (Leviticus 23), and the Lord’s Supper became its memorial, continuing as such until the second advent. And Christ’s resurrection, as the “first fruits of them that slept,” was fulfilled exactly on the third day, and was the foundation of the “resurrection to life.” The Feast of Weeks likewise met its fulfillment on the precise day of Pentecost. PFF4 1229.2


Crosier then turns from the vernal types, beginning with the opening of the gospel dispensation (the provisions of which cover the gospel age), to the autumnal types, which pertain to the end events, and which occupy a period of “many years“: PFF4 1229.3

“From analogy we must conclude that the autumnal antitypes will occupy a period of time relative to that occupied by their types in somewhat the proportion of the vernal antitypes. In other words, the period of their fulfillment must constitute a dispensation of many years.” 4 PFF4 1229.4