The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


I. Basic Propositions Underlying Sanctuary Positions

Malachi, closing the Old Testament Scriptures, gave the parting admonition, “Remember ye the law of Moses” (Malachi 4:4). And Christ, when He came, likewise taught from Moses and the prophets the “things concerning himself.” But the law of Moses is first of all identified in the O. R. L. Crosier article, with the first covenant, not with the covenant of promise made with Abraham. And righteousness, he adds, comes through faith in the promises, not by the law, which was added because of transgressions. Moreover, the old covenant continued until “the Seed (Christ) should come.” Such was the initial contrast, made by Crosier, between the two covenants. And the prophetic types of the sanctuary, in the Pentateuch, he adds, reach up to, and find their climax in, “the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Such were the foundational propositions upon which Crosier, closely supported by Hiram Edson and Dr. F. B. Hahn, built his important February 7, 1846, Day-Star (Extra) article, which constituted the first systematic exposition of the “new light” on the “sanctuary truth.” PFF4 1228.2