The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


IV. Anonymous Tracts Echo the Advent Message

Between 1831 and 1833 numerous anonymous tracts appeared on the second advent and the prophecies. One was titled The End of AII Things Is at Hand. 42 After giving a survey of world conditions as signs of the times, including the drying up of Turkey, the author comes to the prophecy of Daniel 2. An interesting pictorial illustration presents progressively the head of gold, breast and arms of silver, etc. After naming the first three kingdoms, he notes the “iron sway” of Rome and the fact that but one act yet remains-the destruction of the nations and the setting up of the kingdom of God. 43 The writer closes his evidence with the question, “Are these things so or not?” This is a question that thousands were asking. PFF3 607.3

Another was titled The Scriptural Doctrine of the Second Advent. (1833), as presented before “one of the Associations of the Edinburgh Young Men’s Society.” The events attending the advent are portrayed, two of the subheads reading, “ii. The Lord cometh to destroy Antichrist,” and “Hi. The Lord cometh to destroy the Fourth Monarchy, or Apostate Christendom.” 44 PFF3 608.1

Still another tract was an 1832 reprint of extracts from Martin Luther’s sermon on The Signs of Christ’s Coming., and of the Last Day (1832). PFF3 608.2

The last tract that will be noted is one headed Ye Know Not When the Master of the House Cometh (1832). Though these tracts were printed in different places, their emphasis was almost identical. They hold a unique place in the swelling chorus of advent witnesses. PFF3 608.3