The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


III. Dictionary of Prophetic Writers Produced

Brooks’ Dictionary of Writers on the Prophecies contains “upwards of 2,100 titles,” with “occasional descriptions” of treatises, together with 500 commentaries on whole books of Scripture issued up to 1834. Author, title, place and name of publisher, and editor are given in alphabetical sequence. Originally published as an appendix to the Investigator, it is incomparable in the whole range of prophetic literature. Compassing not only British authors, but German, American, French, and Spanish as well, it reaches back to embrace and antedate the Reformation. The earlier titles are, of course, in Latin. As a safeguard, Brooks had the work checked by the learned expositors Edward Bickersteth and W. W. Pym. 40 PFF3 607.1

Editorship of the Investigator and authorship of prophetic works, as well as favorable location in London, gave Brooks access to an amazing number of writings on the prophecies.” 41 It was such access and such familiarity with the full body of prophetic witness that helped hold the sounder British writers on prophecy and the advent so clearly on their course. Their progression was marked in the abandonment of the obvious faults of the earlier positions, and in the new and insistent emphasis on the 2300 years, as terminating in 1843, 1844, or 1847. (Title page of Dictionary reproduced on page 378.) PFF3 607.2