The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

I. Way-Pioneer Herald of the Imminent Advent

LEWIS WAY (1772-1840), of Stansted Park, was born at Bucks, England, and educated at Merton College, Oxford, receiving his B.A. in 1794 and his M.A. in 1796. In 1797 he was called to the bar by the Inner Temple and served for a time as a barrister-at-law, settling at Stansted Park in 1805. 1 An unrelated stranger by the name of John Way left him the extraordinary legacy of L300,000 to be used “for the glory of God.” 2 Lewis Way immediately left his former life and took Anglican orders to devote his life thenceforth to the welfare of the Jews. These, he believed, must be evangelized before the second ad vent, which he held to be imminent. He was convinced that the Jews must return to their ancestral homeland, and believed that “the conversion of the Jews would perhaps be the first effect” of the latter rain. 3 PFF3 415.2

Way had heard of a society founded by Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey in 1808, for converting the Jews, that was now much in debt. He offered to liquidate the indebtedness if the management were turned over. This was done, and the journal of the organization, The Jewish Expositor, edited by C. S. Hawtrey, was taken over in September, 1817, to promote the project. Springing from the parent London society, a large number of auxiliary societies spread all over England. Every shire had its own organization. 4 A similar extension covered Scotland, 5 and there was a strong society in Berlin. 6 More than that, American affiliates were organized, with prominent men in leadership, and a journal, Israel’s Advocate, similar to The Jewish Expositor, was launched in America in January, 1823. In London men like William Wilberforce, the preacher; Sir Thomas Baring; Charles Simeon, of Cambridge; William Marsh, the preacher; 7 and Henry Drummond, the banker, 8 were prominent promoters. PFF3 416.1

In 1817 Way and some associates left England for the Continent, traveling through Holland and Germany to Russia. One object was to study the condition of the Jews, to inquire into their “sentiments concerning the expected Messiah,” to distribute Hebrew New Testaments to them, and to prepare the way for missions among them. The other purpose was to awaken the sympathetic interest of Christians toward the Jews. 9 In Berlin, Way enlisted the interest of the English ambassador, Sir George Ross, and through him conferred with the crown prince, and in Russia he was received sympathetically by Czar Alexander I, who invited him to lay the matter of Jewish civil and social welfare before the impending Congress of Aix-La-Chapelle. 10 Alexander, who had already partially emancipated the Russian Jews, showed his interest by issuing two ukases assuring all baptized Jews of government protection, and promising them land for farming. 11 PFF3 416.2

On October 5, 1818, at Aix-La-Chapelle, Way presented to Czar Alexander a petition, addressed to the allied rulers of Europe, and a memorial, which so impressed Alexander that he referred it to the conference. In the protocol dated November 21, 1818, signed by all the plenipotentiaries, the principle of the emancipation of the Jews was recognized, and the memorial mentioned, without the merits of the case being entered into. 12 PFF3 417.1

It was while traveling in the steppes of Russia that Way formulated his convictions on the soon return of Christ. These were published under the pseudonym Basilicus, 13 in The Jewish Expositor (1820-22), and were later issued in booklet form as Thoughts on the Scriptural Expectations of the Christian Church (1823). His concepts of prophecy will be duly noted. Way met Joseph Wolff in 1819 and, with Henry Drummond’s assistance, sent him to the University of Cambridge as the Jewish Society’s protege. 14 His associations with other heralds of the approaching advent will unfold as the story progresses, and as these other men are introduced. PFF3 417.2

Way traveled considerably in Europe and in the Holy Land. In 1823, when in Rome, he preached lo the English congregation on the ancient Waldenses. 15 He founded the Marboeuf (English Reformed) Chapel in Paris, financed by Drumrnond, which was completed by his son, also a minister. While residing there in 1824, he wrote a remarkable discursive poem of 364 pages entitled Palingenesia, the World to dome. 16 PFF3 418.1

By 1826 his Paris home had become the center of an ever-widening circle of influence. 17 He also issued The Watchman in Paris in 1831, a little journal devoted to the discussion of the welfare of the church, the exposition of prophecy, and the report of weekly meetings of the interested at his residence for the study of the prophecies concerning the second advent. 18 PFF3 418.2

So first Way was instrumental in the organizing, in 1817, the Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews composed largely of Christians, which sent Wolff forth on his travels and to which he reported through The Jewish Expositor. Second, he was a prominent participant in the Continental Society, as will soon be apparent. And then he was instrumental in effecting the formation of the Reformation Society, in 1837, as will be also noted later. He was always stressing the restoration of the Jews, which was inseparably tied to the advent expectancy in the British Advent Awakening. PFF3 418.3

1. GRAND TERMINUS OF 1260, 1290, AND 1335 YEARS (1866)

While in Rotterdam, on his 1817 trip on the Continent, Way conversed with Rabbi Joseph Leyman on the prophetic basis for expecting the soon coming of the Messiah. Way describes the rabbi’s inquiry and his response, in letters to The Jewish Expositor. 19 PFF3 418.4

“This brought us to the question of time; and we soon got deep into Daniel’s weeks and days. The rabbi said he was not satisfied with any of the calculations of the targumists or rabbins, because all their times were past; and he requested I would tell him how we interpreted the passage of Daniel 12:12, relating to the 1335 days; upon which I referred him to Daniel 7:25. and explained ‘the time and times and dividing of time’ as three years and a half, or forty-two months, or 1260 days, (that is, prophetical years,) at the end of which the judgment should sit on the last enemies of the church, and the dominion be given to the power mentioned in ver. 13, 14, of the same chapter. I then shewed, that-supposing this period to terminate, according to Christian calculations, about the year 1791,-30 years added, according to Daniel 12. ll, would bring the 1290 days to the year 1821 or 2, and, adding 45 years, would bring the blessing of the 12th verse, to the year 1866; which was the point he requested to be ascertained.” 20 PFF3 418.5


Way then discusses the relation of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14 to the problem, which he believes will lead to at least the restoration of the Jews: PFF3 419.1

“Supposing Daniel to refer to the year 509 or 508 as the commencement of the vision, or to have written at that time (when he certainly was at the court of Darius) then the termination of the period would fall in the year 1791 or 2, at the same time with the supposed termination of the other period of 1260 years, or ‘time, times, and half time,’ PFF3 419.2

509 and 508
1791 1792
2300 2300

“The Rabbi said, ‘It is possible, I cannot dispute it.’-The above was drawn out in parallel lines with the Jewish computation of time, and left for his consideration.” 21 PFF3 419.3


Way’s Thoughts on the Scriptural Expectations of the Christian Church which ran intermittently through The Jewish Expositor between January, 1820, and May, 1822, concern the following: The second advent, first resurrection, end of the world, world to come, restitution of all things, kingdom of Israel, and types, prophecies, and parables. It begins with a discussion of the two mysteries-the secular arm checking the “mystery of iniquity”; and the other to be accomplished by the “renovation of a distracted world,” and the “triumphant establishment of the kingdom of God.” 22 PFF3 419.4

Through London pamphlet (upper left), Paris periodical (upper right), and extensive poem(lower pair), Lawyer Lewis Way (center Oval) proclaims the approaching Advent Near, andFounds the society to herald it to the jews (Jewish expositor pictured on page 414)
page 419


The first advent was revealed through Daniel 9 and the seventy weeks, but the vision of Daniel 8 would not be understood till the “time of the end,” when the “wise shall understand.” The great out line of prophecy in Daniel 2 comprehends the successive revolutions of universal empire from Babylon onward, under the symbol of the metallic man, as is generally understood. Then he adds: PFF3 421.1

“We are concerned at present only with the feet and toes of the image composed of iron and clay, and these will be allowed to represent the Roman Empire in its last divided state, partly strong as iron, partly weak as clay, but divided into ten kingdoms at least.” 23 PFF3 421.2

The setting up of God’s kingdom by supernatural means, “without hands,” is to take place at the second advent: PFF3 421.3

“The stone smites the image on the feet, or last divided state of the Roman Empire, and breaks the rest of the image in pieces. It may be doubted, whether this figure can properly represent the first advent of our Lord, as the Empire was not then in its divided state, but it seems to be referred by Christ himself to the judgments attending or preceding his second appearance.” 24 PFF3 421.4

This, Way says, will be at the close of the “times of the Gentiles.” PFF3 421.5


Further details appear on Daniel 7 in relation to the advent: PFF3 421.6

“The Roman Empire is there designated by a beast with ten horns, in the midst of which a little horn arises speaking great words. The beast is slain, his body destroyed and given to the flame, and then follows, ‘I saw in the night visions,’ and behold one like ‘the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven.’ St. Paul says, ‘The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven,’ 1 Thessalonians 4:16. but not till ‘that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.’ (2 Thessalonians 2:8.)” 25 PFF3 421.7


After discussing the first resurrection at the premillennial second ad vent, Way writes that “the general resurrection appears to take place before ‘the white throne and him that sat on it,’ at the expiration of the thousand years, when death and hell give up their dead.” 26 PFF3 421.8


Like others simultaneously in different parts of the world, Way is con strained to notice and to stress the “judgment hour” cry. He closes with these thoughts: PFF3 422.1

“It is just before the fall of Babylon, that the apostle ‘saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come.’” 27 PFF3 422.2

“This gospel of the kingdom (the gospel of the age to come), will be preached to all the world before the end: that is, the end of the present dispensation, for as Christ appeared ‘once in the end of the world,’ (the Jewish economy) to put away sin, so ‘to them that look for him shall he appear a second time (in the end of this world, the present Christian era) without sin unto salvation,’ and then will ‘his kingdom come, and his will be done, on earth.’” 28 PFF3 422.3


Four years later, in 1824, while ministering in Paris, Way produced his monumental poem “The World to Come,” composed of six books, taking in every phase of the great conflict between Christ and Satan. In book 2 Way contends that Satan is not yet bound, that the harvest is at the advent, and that the vintage is identified with judgments on the Roman state and church. It begins: PFF3 422.4

“Hail! mighty angel! whose extended hand
Holdeth the key of Hades! with a chain
Of adamantine force prepar’d to bind
Satan that ancient serpent, Dragon call’d,
And Devil, and in holy writ esteem’d
God of this present world, wherein he rules
In princely council, and in papal chair
Proud of his usurpation; hasten down,
And seal his destiny, and shut him
up In Tophet thus ordained, deep and large
With stream of brimstone kindled, in the pit,
The bottomless! that he no more deceive
Nations or men, until a thousand years
Of peace on earth have run their promis’d course.” 29
PFF3 422.5

Paying his respects to the false Augustinian theory of a millennium back in the early centuries from the first advent, or from Constantine, Way says: PFF3 423.1

“There are who deem such period took its rise In days of sainted Helena, or reign Of Trinobantian Constantine, when first A Christian monarch sat on Caesar’s throne. Is Satan then a pris’ner? doth he not Roam still at large throughout his realm of air A roaring lion seeking out his prey, Insatiate of destruction? Was he bound When Europe gather’d a misguided host To consecrated standard of the cross, And at the call of one enthusiast Sent forth her myriads to the holy land? Clothing religion’s meek and modest form Mistaken guise of Christian chivalry!) In all the pomp and circumstance of war!” 30 PFF3 423.2

“Was Satan bound, when that tribunal dread Reproach and terror of the Christian world, First deem’d it Act of Faith to burn alive All who disclaim’d its superstitious rites? When he who went about in doing good, Found most who then profess’d to follow him, Not healing sick, or preaching to the poor, His precious gospel; but amassing wealth To swell a convent’s treasury, and glut Some overgrown and pamper’d Hierarch With product of indulg’d and licens’d sin. And where is Satan now? in chains below Or yet at large? Methinks, he knoweth well His time is short, because he rageth so.” 31 PFF3 423.3


Book 3 emphasizes the personal advent and identifies the day of judgment and one thousand years “with the new Jerusalem state and kingdom of the Stone at the close of the fourth monarchy.” PFF3 423.4

“Blessed is he that watcheth! they that keep Their garments undefiled, while their Lord Prepareth them a place,-behold! he comes To take them to himself, that where he is They also may be-Thus his word declares He will Himself descend, and glorify The place of his own feet, for they shall stand Upon the mount before Jerusalem! And in that day when Olivet shall cleave.” 32 PFF3 423.5


Book 4 is addressed to Christ as High Priest in the true tabernacle and emphasizes the redemption of the body at Christ’s second ad vent. PFF3 424.1

“Blessed and only Potentate! though now Dwelling in light of glory, whereun to No mortal eye can penetrate! by faith We follow thee where thou art entered Our intercessor, and our Great High Priest Of good things yet to come, within the veil Of the true tabernacle! Once for all While yet the temple stood, in time thus call’d, End of the world.” 33 PFF3 424.2


Book 6 stresses the unsealed book, as many run to and fro and understand the end. 34 The six thousand years and the seventh thousand years of rest are noted, and the coming of the Lord to execute judgment on the disobedient. 35 It closes with prophetic triumph, and an application of Revelation 14. Note it: PFF3 424.3

“THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL-tidings glad To ev’ry nation, kindred, people, tongue, For all shall hear, tho FEW should heed the call Of that swift Messenger, on eagle wing Flying thro midst of Heaven! warning thus A WORLD that lieth in THE WICKED ONE! ‘Fear GOD! and give Him glory! for HIS DAY Of judgment is at hand! O! worship Him Maker of all things, Heaven, Earth and Sea!’ THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, THE KING FOR EVERMORE, Sitteth between the Cherubim! his words Are true and faithful: spoken thus to John! BEHOLD! AND WRITE THOU! I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW!” 36 PFF3 424.4


Way’s paper, The Watchman, will be more fully noted later. Beginning as a weekly, it was changed to a monthly, and later was called The Galilean Watchman. 37 It contains expositions of Bible truth given every Friday night. 38 Then it tells of weekly meetings every Wednesday afternoon for the study of the prophecies “relative to the Lord’s glorious appearing”-stressing the fact that the epoch is at hand, and will be followed by the thousand years. 39 Note is taken of the work of the Paris branch of the Continental Society, and distress is expressed over the Irving fanaticism in 1831. 40 PFF3 425.1


Special notice is taken of the society of one hundred Jansenist women in Paris, existent from the time of Louis XIV, cherishing from their ancestors “an indubitable persuasion of Christ’s second coming to establish his personal reign upon earth.” 41 The spread of the advent belief, the signs of the times, and Babylon’s consciousness of her coming “dissolution,” and the interest on the part of Catholics, are all noted. 42 There is also prominent mention of Lacunza (Ben-Ezra) and his La Venida del Mesias en Gloria y Magestad, and the English translation by Irving, particular mention being made of the exposition of Daniel 2 and the divided kingdom unlike the preceding four. 43 PFF3 425.2

Other statements will appear in the recital of other organizations, in which Way participated, such as the meetings of the Continental Society. PFF3 425.3