The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Jewish Society and Journal Launched

These, and others not pictured, were launched to foster interest and understanding the prophecies relating to the last days, and the imminent advent was forecast by them. The 2300 years was constantly noted (See pases 416, 501, 579, and 599.)
page 415

We now enter a new era in the development of the Old World Advent Awakening. Heretofore the heralding voices had been largely unrelated-a man here and one there, independently writing and preaching as conviction moved him. There had been no concerted action. Now they began to associate and to organize to further their common purpose. Various groups were formed to study and to spread their united conclusions. Before this, only the already established religious journals had carried occasional articles on prophecy. Now periodicals primarily devoted to the carrying of the message of the approaching advent and the prophetic evidences therefore began to be launched. It was the dawn of a new day, bringing a new impetus to the themes that had already gripped the hearts of many. About the first of these organizers was Lewis Way, whose interesting career we now view. PFF3 415.1