This Day With God

The 1880s, 1881-1891

Following James White's death in August, 1881, Ellen White resided in California, at times in Healdsburg and at times in Oakland. She labored there, writing and speaking, until she left for Europe in August, 1885, in response to the call of the General Conference. During the two years in Europe she resided in Basel, Switzerland, except for three extended visits to the Scandinavian countries, England, and Italy. Returning to the United States in August, 1887, she soon made her way west to her Healdsburg home. She attended the 1888 General Conference session at Minneapolis in October and November; following the conference, while residing in Battle Creek, she worked among the churches in the Midwest and the East. After a year in the East she returned to California, but was called back to attend the General Conference session at Battle Creek in October, 1889. She remained in the vicinity of Battle Creek until she left for Australia in September, 1891. TDG 378.1

1881, NovemberAttended the California camp meeting at Sacramento and participated in planning for a college in the West, which opened in 1882 at Healdsburg.
1882Early Writings published, incorporating three of her early books.
1884Last recorded public vision, at Portland, Oregon, camp meeting.
1884The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 4, published; forerunner of The Great Controversy.
1885, SummerLeft California for trip to Europe.
1887, SummerThe Great Controversy published.
1888, October-NovemberAttended Minneapolis General Conference.
1889Testimonies, volume 5, published, embodying Testimonies, numbers 31-33—746 pages.
1890Patriarchs and Prophets published.
1891, September 12Sailed to Australia via Honolulu.