
Christ Triumphant
Daily readings—drawn from letters, manuscripts, and other Ellen White sources— pull together to illustrate the background, purpose, and enormity of the great controversy battle. And, as the title suggests, each reading declares the power of God to overcome in the fierce conflict, despite the foreboding circumstances.

Conflict and Courage
Prophets and priests, kings and apostles, parade though the inspired pages of this daily devotional. Arranged roughly in chronological order, each reading focuses on some decisive moment in salvation history, and shows how the lessons of the past illuminate our future. In the exploits and failures of saints and sinners we find counsel, comfort and hope for today a passing of the torch so that the same faith that blazed in God's servants of old might burn anew in us.

The Faith I Live By
This devotional book is devoted exclusively to the subject of Bible doctrines. Providing both inspiration and information, each month focuses on a different topic. The daily readings are selections from Ellen White's previously published and unpublished writings that relate to the basic truths of Scripture. The book is extensively indexed with Scripture, topical, and outline indexes.

From the Heart
Ellen G. White's regular contact with Seventh-day Adventist church members during much of her ministry was through the articles she wrote for the various church journals. Woven throughout every message was her earnest desire to lead searching hearts and minds to Jesus and to prepare each believer for His soon return. Drawn exclusively from those thousands of articles, her words of enouragement, guidance, and caution will inspire you to an ever closer walk with God.

God's Amazing Grace
“As we make Christ our daily companion we shall feel that the powers of an unseen world are all around us; and by looking unto Jesus we shall become assimilated to His image. By beholding we become changed. The characters is softened, refined, and ennobled . . . The soul that turns to God for its help, its support, its power, by daily, earnest prayer, will have noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth and duty, lofty purposes of action, and a continual hungering and thirsting after righteousness. By maintaining a connection with God, we shall be enabled to diffuse to others, through our association with them, the light, the peace, the serenity, that rule in our hearts” (p. 290).
May you find the serenity that comes from knowing the One whose Spirit inspired these pages.

Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound marks a century’s passing in 2015 since the death of Ellen G. White. It covers many of the major themes in her writings such as: surrender and acceptance, victory in Christ, a united church, and the great controversy.

In Heavenly Places
This daily devotional book has been compiled largely from unpublished and out-of-print Spirit of Prophecy materials. Each day's reading is designed to bring you into a closer connection with our Lord and give you a deeper understanding of His character. Sections include insight on Christ's condescension for humanity, the work of the angels, how to maintain a wholly-devoted heart, and the special relationship God has with His church on Earth.

Jesus, Name Above All Names
Ellen White used more than 840 different names to describe Jesus during her lifetime. This daily devotional reading features 365 unique names for her best friend--Jesus Christ. Every day, fall in love with Jesus all over again!

Lift Him Up
These daily readings each focus on the life and character of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. They lift Him up as our Teacher, Healer, King, and Redeemer. Each devotional entry is designed to bring the reader to a deeper, more complete understanding of and relationship with Him who bore our sins. For we know that “by beholding Jesus we become changed into His likeness.”

The hearts of God's people, young and old, throb with intense longing for that day of deliverance so near at hand. With fast fulfilling prophecy confirming their faith in the imminence of our Lord's return, the White Estate Trustees commissioned this compilation of readings clustering about the general theme of eschatology, with emphasis upon the coming of our Lord.
Key statements from Ellen G. White books, as well from many articles in the journals of the church are included. Numerous statements from unpublished manuscripts enrich the presentation.

My Life Today
A daily devotional book drawn from Mrs. White's writings, this volume touches every part of the Christian's life— from spiritual growth, to lessons drawn from the lives of Bible heroes, to our responsibilities to society. Many of the excerpts were taken from unpublished sources and articles, and though they focus on different points of life, they each give the same message of practical Christianity in daily life.

Our Father Cares
The Father's love for humanity provides an endless theme for contemplation and study. This vital topic unfolds on every page of Our Father Cares. From the great sacrifice of giving His Son, to the calling we have as His children on earth, the study of His love for us personally will encourage and guide us on our upward journey.

Our High Calling
This daily devotional classic is a call to holiness and a primer in the Christian virtues.
What is the relationship between faith and feeling? When does temptation become sin? What is God's part and what is my part in salvation? How does the Christian relate to wealth, unfair criticism, or pain?
Ellen White warns against the pitfalls of the Christian path, explains how to overcome doubt, guilt, and selfishness, and motivates the reader with a golden chain of encouragement and assurance. Most of the material is taken from the unpublished letters and manuscript of the author. Your life will be changed by this inspired summons to a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ.

Radiant Religion
Radiant Religion was the first daily devotional book drawn from Ellen G. White’s writings. It was compiled by the Missionary Volunteer (Youth) Department of the General Conference and eventually allowed to go out of print because all the readings were selected from other available E. G. White published sources.

Reflecting Christ
A mirror turned away from the sun cannot reflect its rays. And a human being turned away from God’s Son cannot reflect His love to others.
As Christians, our responsibility is to share with others what God has shown to us. Ellen G. White had much to say about this responsibility—and the transforming effect of beholding Christ. This complete change of heart affects not only the spiritual life but also the physical, mental, and social.
“When you remember that Christ has paid the price of His own blood for your redemption and for the redemption of others, you will be moved to catch the bright rays of His righteousness, that you may shed them upon the pathway of those around you.”

Sons and Daughters of God
From the inspired pen of Ellen G. White flowed a steady stream of messages of encouragement, counsel, instruction, and enlightenment. The gems in this collection were gleaned from her books, periodical articles, and unpublished letters and manuscripts.
Each reading holds forth the highest possible standard of spiritual attainment, offering to every son and daughter of God “an outlay of heaven's treasures, an excellency of power” that will place the redeemed “higher than the angels who had not fallen.”
In every paragraph is heard the Spirit's call to lift the cross—and ”those who lift the cross will find that . . . the cross lifts them.”

That I May Know Him
More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pen that appeared during her long lifetime in such periodicals as the Review and Herald, Youth's Instructor, and Signs of the Times. About one third is drawn from unpublished manuscripts and letters in the custody of the trustees of the Ellen G. White writings, under whose direction the volume has been prepared.
Many of these unpublished items are from personal heart-to-heart messages sent to individuals–messages that come to us today with the same earnest appeal, the same tender admonition and encouragement, as when they were written. Of special interest are several pages which contain extracts from early morning entries in Ellen White's diary, and give the reader significant glimpses into her personal prayer life.

This Day With God
The devotional writings of Ellen G. White are a rich source of inspiration to millions of people throughout the world. This volume is unique in that the readings are not clustered around a central theme, but are arranged according to the day on which they were originally written.
They are drawn largely from unpublished letters and manuscripts, and each reading provides the name and position of the individual to whom the message was originally addressed. This collection includes advice to church administrators, counsel to Ellen White's newlywed son Edson, cautions for the bold, and hope for the discouraged.
Always the author's purpose is to encourage the reader to aim for the highest standard of Christian discipleship.

To Be Like Jesus
“We can have what Enoch had.
We can have Christ as our constant companion.”
The Shepherd knows His sheep. When we stumble, He lifts us up, binds our wounds, and leads us on to victory. By daily surrender to His will we can enjoy sweet communion with God. Our trembling hand in His, we walk side by side through trial and tempest into a future bright with promise.
“E'en though the path I may not see, Yet, Jesus, let me walk with Thee.”
Ellen White knew the Shepherd. She has nourished the Spirit of Millions with her deeply spiritual messages. Empasizing a different theme each month, this fresh compilation from her pen calls us into a deeper fellowship with God and equips us for the journey. Each devotional is a moment with the Master—another step in an ever—sweeter journey with Jesus.

The Upward Look
“Looking unto Jesus, not only as our Example, but as the Author and Finisher of our faith, let us go forward, having confidence that He will supply us with all the strength that is needed for every duty.”
Throughout her life Ellen G. White continually pointed to Jesus as our hope and salvation. Whether she was offering messages of reproof for errant believers or providing instruction for the faithful, her recurring theme was Christ—and Christ alone. In these excerpts from her letters and manuscripts, our thoughts are lifted heavenward as we are encouraged to “follow on step by step, with our eyes fixed upon our Leader.” Truly, we are capable of being genuine Christians only when our attention is focused on Christ.

With God at Dawn
With God at Dawn is a daily devotional book that was compiled from Ellen G. White’s writings by the Missionary Volunteer (Youth) Department of the General Conference. It was not reprinted in hard copy form because all the readings were selected from other available E. G. White published sources.

Ye Shall Receive Power
The promise of the Holy Spirit has been cherished by all generations of God's people since the time of the apostles. In this daily devotional, Ellen White expounds on the importance of this “most essential gift,” the effects of His presence in our lives, and what we can do to co-work together with Him.