Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

כָּרָה — כָּתַת


† I. כָּרָה vb. dig (NH id.; Aramaic כְּרָא, Ethiopic ከረየ Arabic كَرَا (c. و and especially ى, Dozy ii. 461); Syriac ܟܪܳܐ is be short, cut off (i.e. rounded off ?), Arabic كُرَةٌ ball; 𝔗 כְּרֵי heap Dalm Gr 109; Syriac ܟܰܪܝܳܐ, Mish. כרי id.; Assyrian karê, large vessels for holding corn, etc., DlHWB 353, cf. kirû (dub.) Wkl Tel Am. Vocab.; Ba ZMG 1887, 615 conjectures be round as orig. √ meaning, and comp. Arabic كَرِيَتِ السَّاقُ the leg is round);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. כָּרָה 2 Ch 16:14 ψ 7:16; 2 ms. כָּרִיתָ ψ 40:7; 1 s. כָּרִיתִי Gn 50:5; 3 pl. כָּרוּ Je 18:20 + 3 times; sf. כָּרוּהָ Nu 21:18; Impf. 3 ms. יִכְרֶה Ex 21:33; 3 mpl. וַיִּכְרוּ Gn 26:25; Pt. כֹּרֶה Pr 16:27; 26:27;—dig a grave, קֶבֶר Gn 50:5 (J), cf. 2 Ch 16:14; a well, בְּאֵר Gn 26:25 (J), Nu 21:18 (song in JE); a pit, בּוֹר Ex 21:33; fig. of plotting against others ψ 7:16; so sq. שׁוּחָה Je 18:20, 22, sq. שִׁיחָה ψ 57:7; 119:85; sq. שַׁחַת Pr 26:27; hence כֹּרֶה רָעָה Pr 16:27 one digging a calamity; אָזְנַיִם כ׳ לִי ψ 40:7 ears hast thou dug (with allusion to the cavity of the ear) for me, thou hast given me the means of hearing and obeying thy will.—On ψ 22:17 v. II. כּוּר.
Niph. Impf. 3 ms. עַד יִכָּרֶה שַׁחַת ψ 94:13 until the pit be digged for the wicked, fig. of judgment.


[כָּרָה] n.f. cistern (or well), only pl. cstr. in נְוֹת כְּרֹת רֹעִים Zp 2:6 pastures of (= with) wells of shepherds, but text dub.; כ׳ a gloss according to Kö ii. 176, (§ 94 a) Anm.; 𝔊 κρήτη; We (והיתה כרת נות רעים, as 𝔊) kereth = Philistia; v. further כְּרֵתִי; Böhme ZAW vii. 1887, 212 views כְּרֹת, plausibly, as erron. variant of preceding נְוֹת, so Schwally ib. x. 1890, 185, 186; Rothstein in KauAT.


† II. [כָּרָה] vb. get by trade, trade (NH כִּירָה act of buying, purchase (so ‘in den Küstenländern,’) LevyNWB ii. 323 f.); Arabic كَرَى let for hire);—only
Qal Impf. 1 s. sf. וָאֶכְּרֶהָ Ho 3:2 (d. f. dirim., si vera l. punctat., Ges§ 20. 2, b; but cf. We); 3 mpl. יִכְרוּ Jb 40:30; 2 mpl. תִּכְרוּ Dt 2:6 Jb 6:27;—get by trade, buy, c. acc. Ho 3:2 Dt 2:6; sq. עַל־ trade in, make trade of Jb 6:27; 40:30.


† III. [כָּרָה] vb. give a feast (lit. perhaps bring (guests), invite; cf. Assyrian karû, bring, kirêtu, feast, kireti iškun, he gave a feast, DlHWB 352);— only
Qal Impf. c. acc. cogn., וַיִּכְרֶה לָהֶם כֵּרָה גְדוֹלָה 2 K 6:23 and he gave a great feast for them (the context requires this sense, but text dubious, Nö ZMG 1886, 724, cf. Klo).


† I. כְּרוּב in Babylonia Esr 2:59; Neh 7:61.


II. כְּרוּב91 n.m. cherub;—כ׳ Ex 25:19 + 26 times; pl. כְּרוּבִים ψ 99:1 + 33 times; כְּרֻבִים Ex 25:18 + 29 times; (NH id.; Aramaic כְּרוּבָא, ܟܪܽܘܒܳܐ; √ dub.; Assyrian karâbu = be gracious to, bless DlHWB 350, but adj. karûbu is great, mighty, Id. ib. 352; on poss. connex. with כְּרוּב cf. Dl in Baer Ezech. xiii.; Assyrian kirubu = šêdu (name of winged bull in Assyrian; v. LenOrigines i. 118, Eng. Tr. 126 DlPar 154) has not been verified, cf. v. F.ZA i. 68 f. Budge Expos. Apr. May, 1885 Teloni ZA vi. 124 ff.; the older view, connecting כ׳ with γρύψ, and deriving from Pers. giriften, griffen, lacks evidence and probability.—Possibly the thunder-cloud underlies the conception);—
1. the living chariot of the theophanic God; possibly identified with the storm-wind ψ 18:11 = 2 S 22:11 וַיִּרְכַּב עַל־כְּרוּב and he rode upon a cherub (‖ flew swiftly on the wings of the wind).
2. as the guards of the garden of Eden Gn 3:24 (J).
3. as the throne of Yahweh Sabaoth, in phrase י׳ (צְבָאוֹת) יֹשֵׁב הַכְּרוּבִים Yahweh Sabaoth throned on the cherubim 1 S 4:4; 2 S 6:2 = 1 Ch 13:6; the context shews that the cherubim of the ark of the covenant are referred to, and it is probable that the same reference is in 2 K 19:15 = Is 37:16, ψ 80:2; 99:1.
4. P gives an account of: a. two cherubim of solid gold upon the slab of gold of the כַּפֹּרֶת facing each other with wings outstretched above, so as to constitute a basis or throne on which the glory of Yahweh appeared, and from whence He spake Ex 25:18—22; 37:7—9; Nu 7:89; b. numerous cherubim woven into the texture of the inner curtains of the tabernacle and the veils Ex 26:1, 31; 36:8, 35.
5. K and Ch describe the cherubim of the temple: a. two gigantic images of olive wood plated with gold, ten cubits high, standing in the דְּבִיר facing the door, whose wings, five cubits each, extended, two of them meeting in the middle of the room to constitute the throne, two of them extending to the walls 1 K 6:23—28; 8:6—7 2 Ch 3:10—13; 5:7—8; Ch (doubtless influenced by Ez) represents them as the chariot of Yahweh 1 Ch 28:18; b. images of cherubim were carved on the gold plated cedar planks which constituted the inner walls of the temple, and upon the olive wood doors 1 K 6:29—35; 2 Ch 3:7; and on the bases of the portable lavers, interchanging with lions and oxen 1 K 7:29—36; Ch also represents that they were woven in the veil of the דְּבִיר 2 Ch 3:14.
6. Ezekiel describes the cherubim: a. as four living creatures, each with four faces, lion, ox, eagle, and man, having the figure and hands of men, and the feet of calves. Each has four wings, two of which are stretched upward, meeting above and sustaining the throne of Yahweh; two of them stretched downwards so as to cover the creatures themselves. The cherubim never turn but go straight forward, as do the wheels of the cherubic chariot, and they are full of eyes and are like burning coals of fire, Ez 1:5—28; 9:3; 10:1—20; 11:22; the king of Tyre is scornfully compared with one of these, and is assigned a residence in Eden and the mountain of God Ez 28:14, 16; b. Ez knows of no cherubic statues in the new temple, but represents the inner walls of the temple as carved with alternating palm trees and cherubim, each with two faces, the lion looking on one side, the man on the other. It is evident that the number and the form of the cherubim vary in the representations (cf. Ez 41:18—25). It is probable that the שְׂרָפִים of Is 6:2—6 are another form of the cherubim. The Apoc. of the seals Rev 4—6 combines them in four ζῷα.


כָּרִי prob. = Carian, only c. art. as subst. coll. Carians, name given to foreign body-guard of king (cf. RSOTJC 249, 2d ed. 262) לַכָּרִי וְלָרָצִים 2 K 11:4 cf. v 19; הכרי 2 S 20:23 Kt (< Qr הַכְּרֵתִי, which We Dr Bu prefer).


כְּרִית and כְּרִיתוּת v. sub כרת.


כְּרִית the brook where Elijah was hidden 1 K 17:3, 5, identif. dub.; acc. RobBR ii. p. 288 Wady el-Kelt, near Jericho; acc. Buhl Handw. 12 Wady ʿAjlun, E. of Jordan, yet v. BuhlG. 121.


כְּרִיתוּת n.f. divorcement;—כ׳ Is 50:1; כְּרִיתֻת Dt 24:1, 3; pl. sf. כְּרִיתֻתֶיהָ Je 3:8; סֵפֶר כ׳ writing (i.e. deed) of divorcement, Dt 24:1, 3; Is 50:1; Je 3:8.


כרך (√ of following; cf. Aramaic כְּרַךְ, ܟܪܰܟ enwrap, surround, כְּרִיכָא, ܟܪܺܝܟܳܐ bundle, כַּרְכָּא, ܟܰܪܟܳܐ city (+ many other deriv.); כְּרִיכָא, ܟܶܪܟܳܐ, NH כֶּרֶךְ, scroll, etc.)


כרכב quadril. (√ of following; cf. NH כִּרְכֵּב, furnish with a rim, enclose, set).


כַּרְכֹּב n.[m.] border, rim, of altar (NH id.);—cstr. כ׳ הַמִּזְבֵּחַ Ex 27:5; c. sf. כַּרְכֻּבּוֹ 38:4 (both P).


כַּרְכֹּם n.[m.] saffron (crocus sativus) (NH id.; and vb. denom. כִּרְכֵּם; Hithp. grow yellow, pale; Aramaic כּוּרְכְּמָא, ܟܽܘܪܟܡܳܐ; Arabic كُرْكُمٌ = κρόκος, crocus; Lag Ges Abh. 58, No. 147; so also JHMordt Sab.Denkm 83 f.; otherwise DHM ib., who comp. Sab. כמכם, Arabic كَمْكَامٌ = Gk. κάγκαμον);—Ct 4:14; on meaning v. especially LöwNo. 162.


כַּרְכְּמִישׁ, כַּרְכְּמִשׁ, city on Euphrates (Assyrian Kargamis, Gargamis, cf. DlPar 265 ff.; Egyptian Ḳa-rï-ḳa-mḁï(?)-šḁ WMM Asien u. Europa 263; etym. dub.; according to Hoffm Auszüge Act. Pers. Märt. 163 RSProph. i. n. 5 = ‘Castle of Mish,’ cf. Dl l.c.);—כַּרְכְּמִישׁ Is 10:9 2 Ch 35:20 (𝔊L Χαρχαμεις), כַּרְכְּמִשׁ Je 46:2 (𝔊 Χαρμεις, Καρχαμεις). Hittite capital, E. bank of Euphr., mod. Jerabîs, or Jerbâs; Schr KGF 221 ff.; COT, on Is 10, 9 Dl l.c.; Jen ZA vii. (1892), 365 thinks he reads G(K)ar-g(k)a-mi-si(e)-ras = ‘king of Karkemish’ on (‘Hittite’) inscr. from Karkemish.


כַּרְכַּס Pers., a eunuch of Ahasuerus, Est 1:10.


[כִּרְכָּרָה] n.f. dromedary (according to Ki Thes; perhaps from constantly repeated undulating movement);—only pl. abs. וּבַכִּרְכָּרוֹת Is 66:20 (+ בַּסּוּסִים וּבָרֶכֶב וּבַצַּבִּים וּבַפְּרָדִים; the whole list is a gloss according to Du CheIntr. Is.).


כִּרְכָּרוֹת v. [כִּרְכָּרָה] sub כרר.


כֶּרֶם92 n.m. Dt 28:30 (f. Is 27, 2) vineyard (NH id.; Aramaic כַּרְמָא, ܟܰܪܡܳܐ; Zinj. כרם DHMSendsch. 58; Arabic كَرْمٌ, كَرْمَةٌ vine; Ethiopic ክርም: ከርም: vine; Jen ZA vii. (1892), 217 comp. Assyrian karânu, vine;—etym. dub.; Thes al. comp. Arabic كَرُمَ noble, generous, fertile, but precarious);—abs. כ׳ Ex 22:4 +, כָּ֑רֶם Gn 9:20 +; cstr. כֶּ֫רֶם 1 K 21:7 +; sf. כַּרְמִי Is 5:3 +, כַּרְמְךָ Ex 23:11 +, etc.; pl. כְּרָמִים Jos 24:13 +; cstr. כַּרְמֵי Am 5:1 + 2 times; sf. כְּרָמֵנוּ Ne 5:3 + 3 times; כַּרְמֵיכֶם Am 4:9 + 2 times, etc.;—vineyard Gn 9:20 (J), 1 K 21:1 + 9 times 1 K 21, Ct 2:152) +; so even Ju 15:5 (where read כ׳ וזית; cf. GFM, who however doubts genuineness); + זַיִת Ex 23:11 (E) and often (v. זית); + שָׂדֶה Ex 22:4, 5 (E), and often; fig. of Isr. under י׳’s care Is 5:1 ff., cf. 3:14 Je 12:10; fig. of Shulamite’s complexion Ct 1:6, of her heart 8:12.—Vbs. governing כ׳ are:—נָטַע Gn 9:20 Am 5:11 + 16 times, cf. מַטָּעֵי כ׳ Mi 1:6; זָרַע Dt 22:9 (c. 2 acc.); חִלֵּל = begin to use fruit of, Dt 20:62); 28:30 Je 31:5; זָמַר prune, Lv 25:3, 4; בָּצַר gather, harvest (lit. cut off, i.e. grapes, Lv 25:5, 11), Dt 24:21; Ju 9:27, cf. לִקֵּשׁ Jb 24:6; עוֹלֵל glean, Lv 19:10; Dt 24:21; אָכַל Jos 24:13 (usually ‘eat fruit of’ Is 65:21, etc.); locusts devour Am 4:9 (si vera l.) On אָבֵל כְּרָמִים v. ii. אָבֵל 4; בֵּית הַכֶּרֶם v. p. 111 b.


[כָּרַם] vb.denom. tend vineyards, dress vines, only
Qal Pt. pl. vinedressers כֹּרְמִים 2 K 25:12 = Je 52:16 (‖ יֹגְבִים), Jo 1:11; 2 Ch 26:10 (both ‖ אִכָּרִים), כֹּרְמֵיכֶם Is 61:5 (‖ id.)


† I. כַּרְמִי
1. a son of Reuben Gn 46:9 Ex 6:14 Nu 26:6 1 Ch 5:3.
2. a Judaite Jos 7:1, 18 1 Ch 2:7; so 4:1, but read perhaps כְּלֻבַי We (cf. 2:9)—𝔊 throughout χαρμ(ε)ι.


† II. כַּרְמִי of i. כַּרְמִי 1; only c. art. הַכּ׳, as subst. Nu 26:6.


כַּרְמִיל n.[m.] crimson, carmine, i.e. crimson stuff, cloth; late (prob. Pers. loan-word, and a deriv. from Pers. كِرْم worm, v. De ZLuth. Th. 1878, 593);—only 2 Ch 2:6, 13; 3:14 (in all + אַרְגָּמָן(-וָן), תְּכֵלֶת, 2:13; 3:14 + בּוּץ also); read perhaps also for כַּרְמֶל Ct 7:6 (‖ אַרְגָּוָן: so Gi, of hair formed spirally, like shell-fish; Gr, of glossy hair).


† I. כַּרְמֶל n.m. Is 29:17 1. plantation, garden-land. 2. fruit, garden-growth (ל + כֶּרֶם, cf. Ges§ 85, 52 Sta§ 299);—abs. כ׳ Is 16:10 + 12 times; sf. כַּרְמִלּוֹ Is 10:18 + 2 times;—
1. garden-land, Is 16:10 (‖ כְּרָמִים), 10:18 (‖ יַעַר), 29:172) (opp. לְבָנוֹן, יַעַר), 32:152) (opp. מִדְבָּר, יַעַר), v 16 Je 4:26 (opp. מִדְבָּר), 48:33 2 Ch 26:10 (opp. הֶהָרִים); אֶרֶץ הַכּ׳ Je 2:7 the country of garden-land, i.e. fertile; יַעַר כַּרְמִלּוֹ 2 K 19:23 = Is 37:24, the garden-like forest of it (viz. of Lebanon). On Mi 7:14 v. ii. כַּרְמֶל.
2. by meton. (fresh) fruit, garden-growth, 2 K 4:42 (+ לֶחֶם שְׂעוֹרִים); Lv 2:14 (+ אָבִיב קָלוּי בָּאֵשׁ, and גֶּרֶשׂ, q.v.), לֶחֶם וְקָלִי וכי Lv 23:14.


† II. כַּרְמֶל et urb. Carmel:—
1. mt.-promontory on Mediterranean, with fertile slopes, Tel el-Amarna (Ginti-)Kirmil, Jastrow JBL xi. 1892, 115; Jos 19:26, הַר־הַכּ׳ 1 K 18:19, 20 2 K 2:25; 4:25; רֹאשׁ הַכּ׳ Am 1:2; 9:3; 1 K 18:42; c. art. also Jos 12:22; and, + בָּשָׁן, Je 50:19, as pasturage (in fig. of Isr. as flock of י׳), cf. (כ׳ without art.) Mi 7:14 (less prob. rend. garden-land, i. כַּרְמֶל, so We GASm); הַכּ׳ Is 35:2 (+ הַלְּבָנוֹן, הַשָּׁרוֹן); כ׳ Is 33:9 (+ לְבָנוֹן, הַשָּׁרוֹן and בָּשָׁן, marking extent of land), Na 1:4 (+ לְבָנוֹן, בָּשָׁן); כְּכַרְמֶל בַּיָּם Je 46:18 (sim. of Nebuchad.); Ct 7:6 רֹאשֵׁךְ עָלַיִךְ כַּכּ׳ (but v. כַּרְמִיל);—on Carmel v. GASmG. 337 ff. BuhlG. 23.
2. city, 3 h. S. of Hebron, כַּרְמֶל Jos 15:55; בַּכּ׳ 1 S 25:2(×2), 7; כַּרְמֶ֫לָה v 5 (= to Carmel); הַכַּרְמֶ֫לָה 15:12; 25:40.—Mod. Kurmul, RobBR i. 492—498, ii. 97 BuhlG. 163.


כַּרְמְלִי, c. art., the Carmelite, of Nabal הַכּ׳ 1 S 30:5; 2 S 2:2; 3:3, so also 1 S 27:3 (𝔊 We Klo Dr Bu Kit; MT הַכַּרְמְלִית, of Abigail); of חצרו 2 S 23:35 = 1 Ch 11:37. f. הַכַּרְמְלִית the Carmelitess, 1 Ch 3:1, of Abigail.


כְּרָ֑ן, an Edomite Gn 36:26 = 1 Ch 1:41.


[כִּרְסֵם] vb. quadril. =
Pi. , tear off (cf. קִרְסֵם NH cut or eat away, Dt 28:38 𝔗J for חָסַל; on form v. Ges§ 56);—only Impf. 3 ms. sf.:—יְכַרְסְמֶנָּה חֲזִיר מִיָּ֑עַר ψ 80:14 teareth it off (sc. the vine, fig. of Israel).


כִּרְסֵם v. sub כסם.


[כֶּ֫רַע] n.[f.] leg, (NH כֶּרַע, Aramaic כַּרְעָא, ܟܰܪܥܳܐ, Arabic كُراَع );—only du. כְּרָעַיִם Lv 11:21 + 3 times; כְּרָעָ֑יִם Lv 9:14; sf. כְּרָעָיו Ex 12:9 + 3 times;—two (bending) legs, of animals in ritual phrase of P, רֹאשׁוֹ עַל־כְּרָעָיו Ex 12:9 his head with his legs, Lv 4:11; (ה)קרב(ו) ו(ה)כרע(יו) (his) inwards and (his) legs Ex 29:17 Lv 1:9, 13; 8:21; 9:14; Am 3:12 (of legs of lamb in mouth of lion); of the long bending hinder legs of the Saltatorial Orthoptera (v. Tristr Nat. Hist. Bib. 309; Dr Joel 84) Lv 11:21 אשׁר לוֹ כְרָעַיִם מִמַּעַל לְרַגְלָיו לְנַתֵּר בָּהֵן עַל הָאָרֶץ which have bending legs above their feet, etc.


כָּרַע bow down (NH id.; Aramaic כְּרַע; Arabic كَرَعَ put one’s mouth into water, or water-vessel; i.e. kneel to drink? denom. from foll.?);—Qal Pf. 3 m. כ׳ Gn 49:6 + 6 times; 3 mpl. כָּֽרְעוּ Ju 7:6 + 4 times; Impf. יִכְרַע Ju 7:5 + 3 times; 1 s. וָאֶכְרְעָה Ezr 9:5; 3 mpl. יִכְרְעוּן Jb 31:10; 2 mpl. תִּכְרָ֑עוּ Is 65:12; 1 pl. וְנִכְרָ֑עָה ψ 95:6 + 6 times Impf.; Inf. cstr. כְּרֹעַ 1 K 8:54; Pt. כֹּרֵעַ Est 3:5; pl. כֹּרְעִים Est 3:2; f. כֹּרְעוֹת Jb 4:4.—
1. bow על ברכים to drink Ju 7:5, 6, in supplication to Elijah 2 K 1:13; in the worship of God 1 K 8:54; Ezr 9:5; c. ברכים subj. and ל of God 1 K 19:18; Is 45:23; without ברכים c. לִפְנֵי ψ 22:30; 72:9; ‖ השׁתחוה 2 Ch 7:3; 29:29 ψ 95:6, worship of God, but Est 3:2(×2), 5 in obeisance to Haman. 2. bow down, of the couching lion Gn 49:9; Nu 24:9 (both poetry). 3. preg. c. על, bow down over (in order to lie with) a woman Jb 31:10. 4. bow down, of a woman in childbirth 1 S 4:19, so of animals Jb 39:3; idols, removed by enemies Is 46:1, 2; בִּרְכַּיִם כֹּרְעוֹת Jb 4:4 tottering (feeble) knees; of enemies in death, כרע [ו]נפל bow and fall down Ju 5:27(×3) ψ 20:9, preg. without נפל 2 K 9:24; Is 65:12, c. תַּחַת Is 10:4.—
Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הִכְרִיעַ ψ 78:31; 2 fs. sf. הִכְרַעְתִּנִי Ju 11:35; Impf. 2 ms. תַּכְרִיעַ 2 S 22:40 = ψ 18:40; Imv. sf. הַכְרִיעֵהוּ ψ 17:13; Inf. abs. הַכְרֵעַ Ju 11:35.— 1. cause to bow in grief Ju 11:352). 2. cause to bow down in death ψ 17:13; 78:31, c. תַּחַת 2 S 22:40 = ψ 18:40.


כַּרְפַּס n.m. cotton (or fine linen (loan-word from Sk. karpâsa, cotton, Pers. كَرْپَاس fine linen; hence also κάρπασος, carbasus, Arabic كِرْبَاسٌ, Talm כַּרְפְּסָא; cf. LagArm. Stud. § 1148);—חוּר כ׳ וּתְכֵלֶת Est 1:6 (𝔊 καρπασίνοις): cf. CelsHierob. ii. 157 ff.


[כָּרַר] vb. √ of foll. (NH כִּרְכֵּר use circumlocution; 𝔗 pl. כִּרְכְּרָן dances; Arabic كَرَّ return, repeat, attack anew, advance and retreat; كَرْكَرَ id.; ii. whirl about; orig. perhaps move around, then surround, enclose, recur, etc.; Ethiopic ከርከረ: turn a mill, only pt.; ኰርኰረ: v. rotate, revolve, roll, and deriv. Di 838 f.);—only
Pilpēl , Pt. מְכַרְכֵּר dancing (lit. whirling) 2 S 6:14, 16 (‖ מְפַזֵּז).


כרשׂ √ of foll. (Arabic كَرِشَ be wrinkled).


[כָּרֵשׂ] n.[m.] belly (NH כֶּרֶס id.; Aramaic כַּרְסָא, ܟܰܪܣܳܐ id.; Mand. כראס, כארסא, uterus, NöM 151, 157; Arabic كَرِشٌ, Ethiopic ከርሥ wrinkled or folded stomach of cud-chewing animals; cf. LagBN 20, 44; Assyrian karšu, body, belly);—only sf. כְּרֵשׂוֹ Je 51:34 of Nebuchadrezzar under fig. of sea-monster.


כֹּרֶשׁ v. כּוֹרֶשׁ.


כַּרְשְׁנָא a Pers. prince Est 1:14.


כְּרֹת Zp 2:6 v. [כָּרָה] sub I. כרה.


כָּרַת291 vb. cut off, cut down (NH id.; Assyrian karâtu, ii. hew off Dl HWB 357);—
Qal Pf. כ׳ Gn 15:18 + 19 times; 2 ms. כָּרָ֑תָּ Dt 20:20; 1 s. כָּרַתִּי Ex 34:27 + 15 times; + 8 times Pf.; Impf. יִכְרֹת Jb 40:28 + 21 times; 2 ms. תִּכְרָת־ Is 57:8; 1 s. אֶכְרוֹת Is 61:8; 1 S 11:2; אֶכְרְתָה Is 55:3; 3 mpl. יִכְרֹ֑תוּ Ho 12:2 ψ 83:6; 1 pl. נִכְרְתָה Gn 26:28; 31:44; sf. נִכְרְתֶנּוּ Je 11:19; + 31 times Impf.; Imv. כְּרָת־ 1 S 11:1; כָּרְתָה 2 S 3:12; + 4 times Imv.; Inf. abs. כָּרֹת Ho 10:4; כָּרוֹת Ne 9:8; cstr. כְּרֹת Je 34:8 + 2 times; כְּרָת־ Is 44:14 + 2 times; כְּרוֹת 2 Ch 2:7; 29:10; sf. כָּרְתִי 1 S 24:12; Pt. act. כֹּרֵת Ex 34:10 + 3 times; + 3 times Pt. act.; pass. כָּרוּת Lv 22:24; cstr. כְּרוּת Dt 23:2; pl. כְּרֻת[וֹ]ת 1 K 7:12 + 3 times;— 1. cut off: a. things: c. acc. foreskin Ex 4:25 (J); privy member Lv 22:24 (H) Dt 23:2; cluster of grapes Nu 13:23, 24 (E); bough of tree Ju 9:48, 49; skirt 1 S 24:5, 6, 12; head of man 1 S 17:51; 31:9 2 S 20:22; garments 2 S 10:4 = 1 Ch 19:4; palms of hands 1 S 5:4; sprigs Is 18:5. b. persons, c. acc. pers. מִן loc. Je 11:19; 50:16. 2. cut down, c. acc. trees Dt 19:5; 20:19, 20; 2 K 19:23 = Is 37:24; Is 44:14 Je 6:6; 10:3; 22:7; 46:23 Ez 31:12; asherim Ex 34:13 (J) Ju 6:25, 26, 30; 1 K 15:13 = 2 Ch 15:16; 2 K 18:4; 23:14. 3. hew, timber 1 K 5:202) = 2 Ch 2:7, 15, Is 14:8; כֹּרְתֵי הָעֵצִים hewers of timber 2 Ch 2:9; כְּרֻת(וֹ)ת hewn beams 1 K 6:36; 7:2, 12. 4. כ׳ בְּרִית cut, or make a covenant (because of the cutting up and distribution of the flesh of the victim for eating in the sacrifice of the covenants, see בְּרִית); הָעֵגֶל אֲשֶׁר כ׳ the calf which they cut Je 34:18 (referring to Gn 15:10); עֲלֵי־זֶבַח ψ 50:5; abs. Gn 21:27, 32; 31:44 (E) 1 S 18:3; 1 K 5:26; Ho 10:4; c. אֶת with Gn 15:18; Ex 34:27; Dt 31:16 (J) Dt 5:3 28:692); 29:13 2 S 3:12, 13, 21; 2 K 17:15, 35, 38; Is 28:15; Je 11:10; 31:31, 32, 33; 34:8, 13; Ez 17:13; Zc 11:10 ψ 105:9 = 1 Ch 16:16; c. עִם Gn 26:28 (J) Ex 24:8 (E) Dt 4:23; 5:2; 9:9; 29:11, 24; 1 K 8:21 = 2 Ch 6:11; 2 Ch 23:3 Ne 9:8; Ho 2:20; 12:2; Jb 40:28; בְּ׳ omitted 1 S 20:16; 22:8; 1 K 8:9 = 2 Ch 5:10; c. לְ Ex 23:32; 34:12, 15; Jos 9:6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 24:25 (JE) Dt 7:2; Ju 2:2; 1 S 11:1; 2 S 5:3; 1 K 20:34 2 K 11:4; 1 Ch 11:3; 2 Ch 21:7; 29:10; Ezr 10:3; Is 55:3; 61:8; Je 32:40; 34:18; Ez 34:25; 37:26; Jb 31:1 ψ 89:4; בְּ׳ omitted 1 S 11:2; 2 Ch 7:18; נֶגֶד Ex 34:10 (J); לִפְנֵי 1 S 23:18; 2 K 23:3 = 2 Ch 34:31 Je 34:15; בֵּין וּבֵין 2 K 11:17; 2 Ch 23:16; c. עַל against, ψ 83:6; אֲמָנָה is used for ברית Ne 10:1; and דָּבָר Hg 2:5. Note.וַתִּכְרָת־לָךְ מֵהֶם Is 57:8 is usually rendered as RV made for thee a covenant with them, with ellipsis of בּ׳ as above. But מִן is not used in such a construction. The clause is commonly regarded as corrupt by recent critics. Gr emends עִמָּהֶם for מֵהֶם, this is easiest and gives the usual construction; Du, followed by Buhl, reads וַתִּכְרִי after Ho 3:2.
Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נכרת Jo 1:5 + 5 times; נִכְרָ֑ת Jo 1:16 + 2 times; 3 fs. נִכְרְתָה Gn 17:14 + 16 times; נִכְרָ֑תָה ψ 37:38; 2 ms. נִכְרַתָּ Ob 10; + 8 times Pf.; Impf. יִכָּרֵת Gn 9:11 + 21 times; יִכָּֽרֶת־ Ob 9; 3 mpl. יִכָּֽרְתוּ Zc 13:8; יִכָּרֵת֑וּן Jos 3:13 ψ 37:9; + 9 times Impf.; Inf. הִכָּרֵת Nu 15:31 ψ 37:34.— 1. be cut off: a. of things, froward tongue Pr 10:31; burden from a nail Is 22:25; chariots Zc 9:10; dwelling Zp 3:7. b. of persons, the people of the land by a famine (בְּ) Gn 41:36 (E); all flesh by waters of deluge (מִמֵּי) Gn 9:11 (P); the anointed Dn 9:26; enemies Is 11:13; Mi 5:8; the wicked Is 29:20; Ho 8:4; Na 2:1 ψ 37:9, 22, 28, 34, 38; Pr 2:22; others Ob 9, 10 Zp 1:11; Zc 13:8; 14:2. c. in the technical phrases of H and P וְנִכְרְתָה הַנֶּפֶשׁ ההיא that person shall be cut off (by death penalty) מֵעַמֶּיהָ Gn 17:14 Lv 7:20, 21, 25, 27; Nu 9:13; Lv 19:8; מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל Ex 12:15; Nu 19:13; מֵעֲדַת יִשְׂרָאֵל Ex 12:19; מִקֶּרֶב עַמֶּיהָ Ex 31:14; Nu 15:30 (עַמָּהּ); מִלְּפָנַי Lv 22:3; מִתּוֹךְ הַקָּהָל Nu 19:20; similarly with variation of subject Ex 30:33, 38; Lv 17:4, 9; 18:29; 20:18; 23:29, and with omission of word with מִן Lv 17:14; 20:17; Nu 15:312). 2. be cut down, a tree Jb 14:7. 3. be chewed between the teeth Nu 11:33 (J). 4. be cut off, in a more general sense, fail: of waters Jos 3:13, 16 (JE) 4:72) (D); new wine Jo 1:5; meat v 16; hope Pr 23:18; 24:14; a name Is 48:19; 56:5; Ru 4:10; a sign Is 55:13; faithfulness Je 7:28; לֹא יִכָּרֵת לְ׳ אִישׁ there shall not fail thee a man 1 K 2:4; 8:25 = 2 Ch 6:16; 1 K 9:5 = 2 Ch 7:18; Je 33:17; 18; 35:19; לא יכרת מן there shall not fail of Jos 9:23 (J) 2 S 3:29.
Pual Pf. כָּרַּת Ez 16:4; 3 fs. כֹּרָ֑תָה Ju 6:28;— 1. be cut off, navel string Ez 16:4. 2. be cut down, Asherah Ju 6:28.
Hiph. Pf. הִכְרִית 1 S 28:9; 1 K 11:16; 3 fs. הִכְרִיתָה Lv 26:22; 1 s. הִכְרַתִּי Jos 23:4 + 32 times; + 4 times Pf.; Impf. יַכְרִית Dt 12:29 + 2 times; juss. יַכְרֵת ψ 12:4 + 4 times; 1 s. וָֽאַכְרִ֫תָה 2 S 7:9; 1 pl. sf. וְנַכְרִיתֶנָּה Je 48:2; + 9 times Impf.; Inf. הַכְרִית Je 44:8 + 15 times; הַכְרִת 1 S 20:15; + sf. 2 times— 1. cut off, flattering lips ψ 12:4. 2. cut off, destroy the life of: a. animals c. acc., cattle Lv 26:22 (H); c. acc. and מִן frogs Ex 8:5 (J); horses Mi 5:9; Zc 9:10. b. of men abs. ψ 109:13, by men, c. acc. enemies Ju 4:24; 1 S 24:22; 1 K 11:16; 14:14; 18:4; 2 Ch 22:7; Is 10:7; Ez 17:17 Ob 14; c. acc. and מִן enemies Jos 11:21; Je 48:2; the wicked ψ 101:8; a clan Nu 4:18 (P); young men by death Je 9:20; people by the sword Na 3:15; necromancers 1 S 28:9; the name Jos 7:9. c. of men, by God c. acc. (הַ)גּוֹיִם Dt 19:1; Jos 23:4 (D) Zp 3:6; various persons and things Is 48:9; Je 44:11; 51:62 Ez 25:16; 30:15; Zc 9:6; c. acc. and מִן Ez 25:7 Am 1:5, 8; 2:3; מֵאֶרֶץ Na 2:14 ψ 34:17 = 109:15; מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל Is 9:13; מִיַּד Mi 5:11; מִפָּנֶיךָ Dt 12:29; 2 S 7:9 = 1 Ch 17:8; מֵעַל פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה 1 S 20:15; 1 K 9:7; Zp 1:3; מִקֶּרֶב עַמּוֹ Lv 17:10; 20:3, 5, 6 (H); מִתּוֹךְ עַמִּי Ez 14:8; Ez says also הכ׳ מִןאָדָם וּבְהֵמָה 14:13, 17, 19, 21; 25:13; 29:8; צדיק ורשׁע 21:8, 9; עבר ושׁב 35:7; c. acc. and לְ, cut off, to, or from Is 14:22; Je 44:7, 8; 47:4; כ׳ לְ׳ מַשְׁתִּין בְּקִיר 1 K 14:10; 21:21; 2 K 9:8; כ׳ ל׳ מעם מזבח 1 S 2:33; יַכְרֵת י׳ לָאִישׁ מֵאָֽהֳלֵי יַעֲקֹב Mal 2:12 may Yahweh cut off to the man—from the tents of Jacob. 3. cut down, destroy, cities Mi 5:10, sun-pillars Lv 26:30 (H); and other things used in idolatry Na 1:14; Zp 1:4; מן הארץ Zc 13:2; מִקֶּרֶב Mi 5:12. 4. take away, חֶסֶד מֵעִם kindness from 1 S 20:15. 5. permit to perish, מֵהַבְּהֵמָה (some) of the cattle 1 K 18:5.
Hoph. Pf. הָכְרַת מִנְחָה וָנֶסֶךְ מִבֵּית י׳ Jo 1:9.


כְּרֵתִי, always c. art., or pl., as subst., Kerethites, a name for Philistines or a part of them (perhaps = Cretans, cf. 𝔊 Zp 2:5 Ez 25:16; on Crete as orig. home of Philistines, v. כַּפְתֹּר, פְּלִשְׁתִּי);—הַכְּרֵתִי = subst. coll.;—נֶגֶב הַכּ׳ 1 S 30:14 (cf. Dr; 𝔊B Χολθει, 𝔊L Χορρι, A Χερηθει; of soldiers of David’s guard, הַכּ׳ וְהַפְּלֵתִי 2 S 8:18 (read עַל־הַכּ׳ Th We Dr al.) = 1 Ch 18:17; 2 S 15:18; 20:7 + v 23 Qr (> Kt הכרי), 1 K 1:38, 44 (𝔊 Χελεθθει, Χερεθθει, etc.); pl. כְּרֵתִים Ez 25:16 (‖ פְּלִשְׁתִּים; 𝔊 Κρῆτας); גּוֹי כְּרֵתִים Zp 2:5 (𝔊 Κρητῶν; ‖ ארץ פלשׁתים): in v 6 We reads כֶּרֶת = Philistia (v. [כָרָה], sub I. כרה).


כֶּ֫שֶׂב n.[m.] lamb (transp. from preceding)כ׳ abs. Lv 3:7 + 5 times; pl. כְּשָׂבִים Gn 30:32 + 6 times;—lamb, as property Gn 30:32, 33, 35, 40 (J); for sacrif. Lv 1:10; 3:7; 4:35; 22:19 Nu 18:17, cf. Lv 22:27; for food Lv 7:23, cf. 17:3 (all P); Dt 14:4.

כֶּשֶׂב כִּשְׂבָּה

כֶּשֶׂב כִּשְׂבָּה v. כֶּבֶשׂ, etc.


כִּשְׂבָּה n.f. ewe-lamb Lv 5:6 (P).


כֶּ֫שֶׂד son of Nahor according to Gn 22:22 (J; perhaps orig. personif., or assumed ancestor, of following, v. Di DlPar 201).


כַּשְׂדִּים et terr. Kasdim = Chaldeans, Chaldea, 𝔊 Χαλδαῖοι and (Je 50:10) ἡ Χαλδαία (Assyrian (mat) Kaldu, Kaldû; from earlier (Bab.) form [Kašdu]—š before dental becoming l, DlPar 128 f. 200 f.; Assyrian Gr. § 51, 3; Schr KGF 94 ff.; COT on Gn 11:28);—
1. Chaldeans: a. people dwelling on lower Euphrates and Tigris; in אוּר כ׳ Gn 11:28 (J), v 31 (P), 15:7 (J), Ne 9:7. b. especially the people ruled by Nebuchadrezzar;—כ׳ Je 37:10; 39:5; Ez 23:23; 2 K 24:2; 25:4, 5, 10, 13 = Je 52:7, 8, 14, 17 (2 K 24:5, 10 = also Je 39:5, 8), 2 K 25:26; Is 13:19; 43:14; 48:14, 20; Jb 1:17; Kt כַּשְׁדִּיִּים Ez 23:14; 2 Ch 36:17; הַכּ׳ Je 21:4, 9; 22:25; 32:4, 5, 24, 25, 28, 29, 43; 33:5; 35:11; 37:5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14; 38:2, 18, 19, 23; 39:8; 40:9, 10; 41:3, 18; 43:3; 50:35 Hb 1:6; 2 K 25:24, 25; בַּת־כ׳ Is 47:1, 5 = Babylon (in dirge); אֶרֶץ כ׳ ἡ γῆ Χαλδαίων (on locality v. Schr Dl l.c.) Je 24:5; 25:12; 50:1, 8, 25, 45; 51:4, 54; Ez 1:3; 12:3, also Is 23:13 (inauthentic, Di Che; read כְּנַעֲנִים Ew Schr, or כִּתִּים Du); סֵפֶר וּלְשׁוֹן כ׳ Dn 1:4; מַלְכוּת כ׳ 9:1. c. Chaldeans as learned class, skilled in interpretations Dn 2:2 (+ חַרְטֻמִּים, אַשָּׁפִים, מְכַשְּׁפִים), v 4.
2. Chaldea, וְהָֽיְתָה כַּשְׂדִּים לְשָׁלָל Je 50:10 and Chaldea shall be despoiled; יוֹשְׁבֵי כ׳ 51:24, 35; כַּשְׂדִּים אֶרֶץ מוֹלַדְתָּם Ez 23:15; c. ה loc.; כַּשְׂדִּ֫ימָה Ez 11:24; 16:29; 23:16.


[כָּשָׂה] vb. be sated, gorged with food (cf. Arabic كَشِىَٔ be filled with food; Assyrian kissatum, sustenance, provender, food, Zehnpf BAS i, 503);—only
Qal Pf. 2 ms. שָׁמַנְתָּ עָבִיתָ כָּשִׂיתָ Dt 32:15 thou grewest fat, becamest thick, wast gorged! fig. of Isr. as fat beast (cf. Dr).


כֻּשִׁיִּים, כֻּשִׁית v. כּוּשִׁי.


כַּשִּׁיל n.[m.] axe (according to Vrss and context; NH id.; 𝔗 Je 46:22; prob. from felling; Aramaic loan-word according to Frä 74; but word not common in Aramaic)בְּכ׳ וְכֵילַפּוֹת יַהֲלֹמוּן ψ 74:6.


כָּשַׁל vb. stumble, stagger, totter (NH id.; Syriac [ܟܫܰܠ] give offence (occasion for stumbling), σκανδαλίζω, (chiefly Ethpe. Aph.), v. PS Brock Schwally; Arabic كَسِلَ is be heavy, sluggish);—
Qal Pf. כ׳ Ne 4:4 +, (Ho 5:5b read יִכָּשֵׁל, cf. We), כָּֽשְׁלָה Is 3:8; 59:14; כָּֽשְׁלוּ Je 46:6 +, כָּשַׁלְנוּ Is 59:10, etc.; Impf. 3 mpl. יכשׁ֑ולו Pr 4:16 Kt (but read Hiph., q.v., so Qr); יכשׁלו Na 3:3 Kt (but read Pf. וְכָֽשְׁלוּ, so Qr); Inf. abs. כָּשׁוֹל Is 40:30 (c. Niph. Impf.); Pt. act. כּוֹשֵׁל Is 5:27 + 2 times, כֹּשֵׁל 2 Ch 28:15 ψ 105:37; fpl. כֹּשְׁלוֹת Is 35:3;— 1. stumble at, over, something, c. ב (lit. by means of), Na 3:3, גִּבּוֹר בְּגִבּוֹר כ׳ Je 46:12 (+ נָפַל), cf. Lv 26:37; וּנְעָרִים בָּעֵץ כ׳ La 5:13 i.e. stagger (of toil in captivity); abs. Is 5:27 (‖ עָיֵף), כָּֽשְׁלוּ וְנָפָ֑לוּ Je 46:6, cf. הִרְבָּה כּוֹשֵׁ֑ל גַּס־נָפַל אישׁ וגו׳ v 16 (strange; Gie, foll. in part 𝔊 𝔖, עֶרְבְּךָ כָּשַׁל וְנָפַל thy mixed people—cf. 25:20, etc.—hath stumbled and hath fallen); often fig. of overthrow, through divine judgment, c. בְּ at, (v. supr.) Je 6:21, so Is 8:15 (+ נָפַל etc.) according to Ges Hi Buhl Che Di; < בָּם = among them,—Isr. and Judah,—as ב in v 16, so Ew De Du E.V; Ho 4:52); 5:5; 14:2 (בַּעֲוֹנֶֽךָ, בְּ prob. instr.); abs. of Babylon, under fig. of זָדוֹן, כ׳ ונפל Je 50:32; כ׳ ונפל ψ 27:2 Is 3:8; 31:3 (both ‖ נפל); of אֱמֶת Is 59:14; Is 28:13 (+ אָחוֹר); of distress Is 59:10, ψ 107:12. 2. totter, of knees, lit. בִּרְכַּי כ׳ מִצּוֹם ψ 109:24 my knees totter from fasting; fig. Is 35:3 (‖ יָדַיִם רָפוֹת); כּוֹשֵׁל tottering one, lit. Jb 4:4 2 Ch 28:15 ψ 105:37; hence fig., fail, of strength (כֹּחַ), Ne 4:4 ψ 31:11;—Inf. abs. כָּשׁוֹל, v. sub Niph.
Niph. Pf. consec. וְנִכְשַׁל Dn 11:19, וְנִכְשְׁלוּ v 33, וְנִכְשָׁ֑לוּ v 14; Impf. יִכָּשֵׁל Ez 33:12 + Ho 5:5b (𝔊 as v a, so We; MT כָּשַׁל), 2 ms. תִּכָּשֵׁל Pr 4:12, יִכָּשְׁלוּ Ho 5:5a + 9 times; יִכָּשֵׁ֑לוּ Is 40:30 + 3 times; Inf. cstr. sf. בִּכָּֽשְׁלוֹ Pr 24:17 (yet v. Ges§ 51, R. 1), בְּהִכָּֽשְׁלָם Dn 11:34; Pt. נִכְשָׁל Zc 12:8; pl. נִכְשָׁלִים 1 S 2:4;— 1. stumble (= Qal) Na 2:6; Is 63:13; Je 31:9; usually fig.: a. of misfortune Pr 24:17 (‖ נפל), neg. 4:12. b. of divine judgment (c. בְּ at) Pr 4:19; 24:16, neg. Ez 33:12; see also Ho 14:10 (בְ loc.), Je 20:11 Dn 11:14, 35, יִכָּֽשְׁלוּ וְיֹאבְדוּ מִפָּנֶיךָ ψ 9:4; be thrown to the ground, of nations, armies, etc., Ho 5:5 (c. בַּעֲוֹנָם, cf. 14:2 Qal), Je 6:15 (‖ נפל), cf. 8:12 (‖ id.), Dn 11:19 (+ נפל), v 33 (בְ instr.), v 34, 41. 2. be tottering, feeble, כָּשׁוֹל יִכָּשֵׁ֑לוּ Is 40:30 (opp. יַחֲלִיפוּ כֹחַ v 31); so pt. 1 S 2:4 Zc 12:8.
Pi. only apparent, תְּכַשְּׁלִי Ez 36:14, read תְּשַׁכְּלִי with Qr Vrss E.V. Sm Co Da (v. alo Hiph. ad fin.).
Hiph. Pf. הִכְשִׁיל La 1:14, הִכְשַׁלְתֶּם Mal 2:8; Impf. 3 ms. sf. יַכְשִׁילְךָ 2 Ch 25:8; 2 fs. תַּכְשִׁלִי Ez 36:15 (but del. 𝔊 Co; read תשׁכלי, as v 14 other Vrss Sm Da); 3 mpl. יַכְשִׁילוּ Pr 4:16 Qr (Kt v. sub Qal), וַיַּכְשִׁילֻהוּ ψ 64:9, וַיַּכְשִׁלוּם Je 18:15 (so 𝔗; Gie, after 𝔊 𝔖, וַיִּכְשְׁלוּ, [< וַיִּכָּֽשְׁלוּ]); Inf. cstr. הַכְשִׁיל 2 Ch 25:8, sf. הַכְשִׁילוֹ 2 Ch 28:23;— 1. cause to stumble, fig.: a. = bring injury or ruin to, abs. Pr 4:16; of punishment ψ 64:9 (indef. subj.; si vera l.; text prob. corrupt, v. Che Bae). b. = overthrow, of nation, army, etc., 2 Ch 25:8 (sq. לִפְנֵי אוֹיֵב), cf. v 8 (opp. עזר); cause overthrow 2 Ch 28:23.—On Ez 36:15 v. supr. c. morally, Je 18:15 (בְּ loc.), Mal 2:8 (בְּ instr.) 2. make feeble, weak, הִכְשִׁיל כֹּחִי La 1:14 (of God’s dealing with Jerus.)
Hoph. only Pt. והיו מֻכְשָׁלִים לְפָנֶיךָ Je 18:23 either and let them be ones who have stumbled before thee, i.e. regard them as such (Hi Gf VB), or and let them be ones overthrown before thee (Gie; so Qr according to Gf). So also in Ez 21:20 according to Co, cf. Sm Da (MT מִכְשֹׁלִים, v. מִכְשׁוֹל).


כִּשָּׁלוֹן n.[m.] a stumbling; fig. = calamity Pr 16:18.


I. כשׁף (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic كَسَفَ cut off, cut up, Syriac ܐܶܬܟܰܫܰܦ to pray (lit. prob. to cut oneself, v. 1 K 18:28); so RS JPhil. xiv. 125, 126 ZMG 1886, 723; according to RS כֶּשֶׁף is proposes herbs etc. shredded into a magic brew).


כִּשֵּׁף vb.
Pi. denom. practice sorcery (Assyrian kašâpu, id.);—Pf. 3 ms.: וְעוֹנֵן וְנִחֵשׁ וְכִשֵּׁף וְעָשָׂה אוֹב וְיִדְּעוֹנִ֑י 2 Ch 33:6 (of Manasseh); elsewhere only Pt. as subst. ms. sorcerer, in Israel, מְכַשֵּׁף Dt 18:10 (following קֹסֵם קְסָמִים מְעוֹנֵן וּמְנַחֵשׁ); fs. מְכַשֵּׁפָה = sorceress Ex 22:17 (E); mpl. מְכַשְּׁפִים Mal 3:5 (named with adulterers and false-swearers); of diviners, or astrologers in Egypt (חַרְטֻמִּים q.v.) Ex 7:11 (P; ‖ חֲכָמִים); in Babylon Dn 2:2 (+ חַרְטֻמִּים, אַשָּׁפִים, כַּשְׂדִּים).


[כֶּ֫שֶׁף] n.m. 2 K 9:22 sorcery, only pl. (Assyrian kišpu, id.);—כְּשָׁפִים Mi 5:11 Na 3:4; sf. כְּשָׁפַיִךְ Is 47:9, 12; כְּשָׁפֶיהָ Na 3:4 2 K 9:22;—sorceries:
1. lit. וְהִכְרַתִּי כ׳ מִיָּדֶיךָ Mi 5:11, said of Isr.; רֹב כ׳ Is 47:9, 12 (‖ חֲבָרַיִךְ), said of Babylon.
2. fig. of seductive and corrupting influences: of Jezebel 2 K 9:22 (‖ זְנוּנִים); of Nineveh personif. as harlot Na 3:4 (‖ id.), called בַּעֲלַת כ׳ v 4 (following מֵרֹב זְנוּנֵי זוֹנָה).


[כַּשָּׁף] n.m. sorcerer, only pl. sf. (Assyrian kaššapu, id.; kaššaptu, sorceress);—אַל־תִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶל־נְבִיאֵיכֶם וְאֶל־קֹסְמֵיכֶם וְאֶל חֲלֹמֹתֵיכֶם וְאֶל־עֹנֲנֵיכֶם וְאֶל־כַּשָּֽׁפֵיכֶ֑ם Je 27:9.


II. כשׁף (√ of following).


כָּשֵׁר vb. be advantageous, proper, suitable, succeed, late Aramaic (NH id.; Aramaic כְּשָׁר, ܟܫܰܪ );—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. וְכָשֵׁר הַדָּבָר לִפְנֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ Est 8:5 and the thing be proper in the view of the king; Impf. יִכְשָׁר֨ Ec 11:6 thou knowest not whether this shall succeed, or this.
Hiph. Inf. cstr. וְיִתְרוֹן הַכְשֵׁיר חָכְמָה Ec 10:10 an advantage for giving success is wisdom.


כִּשְׁרוֹן n.[m.] skill, success;—
1. skill, בְּחָכְמָה וּבְדַעַת וּבְכִשְׁר֑וֹן Ec 2:21; cstr. כָּל־כִּשְׁרוֹן הַמַּעֲשֶׂה 4:4 all skill of work = skilful work.
2. success, profit, וּמַה־כִּשְׁרוֹן לִבְעָלֶיהָ Ec 5:10 and what profit have the owners of it?


כְּתָב n.m. Ezr 4:7 writing (late Aramaic; Biblical Aramaic כְּתָב, Syriac ܟܬܳܒ);—כ׳ abs. 1 Ch 28:19 + 4 times; cstr. Ez 13:9 + 4 times; sf. כְּתָבָהּ Est 1:22 + 2 times; כְּתָבָם Ezr 2:62 + 3 times;—writing:
1. register, enrolment, Ez 13:9 Ezr 2:62 = Ne 7:64.
2. = mode of writing, character, letter, וּכ׳ הַנִּשְׁתְּוָן כָּתוּב אֲרָמִית Ezr 4:7 and the writing of the document was written in Aramaic (characters; so prob., v. Be-Ry Ryle, cf. NH Hoffm ZAW i. (1881), 334 ff.); cf. Est 1:22; 3:12; 8:92).
3. = letter, 2 Ch 2:10 Est 9:27.
4. of a royal enactment, edict 2 Ch 35:4 (‖ מִכְתָּב), Est 3:14; 8:8, 13; more fully כְּתָב־הַדָּת 4:8.
5. of a writing with divine authority 1 Ch 28:19; כ׳ אֱמֶת Dn 10:21; i.e. a book of truth.


כָּתַב223 vb. write (NH id.; Ph. כתב; Aramaic כְּתַב, ܟܬܰܒ; Nab. כתב, v. especially Nö in EutNab. p. 43; thence Arabic كَتَبَ, Ethiopic ክታብ: book, Di Lex. 852 (as loan-wds., Frä 249 DHM VOJ i (1887), 29); MV Buhl comp. Arabic كَتَبَ draw or sew together, conjoin (letters), etc., cf. Fl ZMG 1873, 427)
Qal Pf. כ׳ Jos 8:32 +, כָּתַבְתָּ Je 36:6 +, sf. וּכְתַבְתָּם consec. Dt 6:9; 11:20, etc. (Pf. 27 times); Impf. יִכְתֹּב Is 44:5, וַיִּכְתֹּב Ex 24:4 +, etc. (Impf. 39 times); Imv. כְּתֹב Is 8:1 + 5 times, כְּתָב־ Ex 34:27 + 2 times; sf. כָּתְבָהּ Is 30:8, כָּתְבֵם Pr 3:3; 7:3; pl. כִּתְבוּ Dt 31:9 + 3 times; Inf. abs. כָּתוֹב Je 32:44; cstr. כְּתוֹב ψ 87:6, לִכְתֹּב Dt 31:24 Jos 18:8; sf. כָּתְבוֹ Je 45:1; Pt. act. כֹּתֵב Je 36:18, pl. כֹּתְבִים Je 32:12 Ne 10:1; pass. (113 times), כָּתוּב Jos 1:8 +, f. כְּתוּבָה 2 S 1:18 +, pl. כְּתוּבִים 1 K 15:7 +, כְּתֻבִים 1 K 11:41 +; fpl. כְּתוּבוֹת 2 Ch 34:24;— 1. write: a. c. acc., words Ex 34:27, commandments 24:12, etc., acc. cogn. מכתב Ex 39:30, cf. כַּמִּכְתָּב Dt 10:4; with כְּ, giving purport of writing, also Est 8:8; but obj. also a book, סֵפֶר Ex 32:32 Dt 24:1; מְגִלָּה Je 38:6, cf. pt. pass., וְהִיא כְּתוּבָה פָּנִים וְאָחוֹר Ez 2:10 (of מגלה; i.e. written on both sides); a letter, סֵפֶר 2 S 11:14 2 K 10:1 + 4 times, אִגֶּרֶת 2 Ch 30:1; a divorce-certificate סֵפֶר כְּרִיתֻת Dt 24:1, etc.; even לֻחֹת כְּתֻבִים tablets inscribed by the finger of God Ex 31:18 cf. Dt 9:10; ל׳ כ׳ מִשְּׁנֵי עֶבְרֵיהֶם Ex 32:15 tables inscribed on both sides (cf. Ez 2:10 supr.) Here belongs (prob.) וְזֶה יִכְתֹּב יָדוֹ לי׳ Is 44:5 and this one shall inscribe his hand, ‘Yahweh’s,’ so 𝔊 Hi Kn Che Br Du Di, > Ges Ew De, shall sign (with) his hand unto י׳. b. more often write something on, or in (עַל־ 85 times, בְ 44 times, אֶל־ 3 times) a tablet, roll, book, etc. (obj. various, as above):—(1) כ׳ עַל־ sq. סֵפֶר = book Dt 17:18 + 55 times, especially in phr. כתובים על־ספר דברי וגו׳ 1 K 11:41 + often K Ch; כ׳ עַל־מְגִלָּה Je 36:2, 28, 32; 36:29; כ׳ עַל־לוּח(ות) Ex 34:1 + 7 times, עַל־אֶבֶן Dt 27:3 + 2 times, עַל־גִּלָּיוֹן Is 8:1; עַל־מְזֻזוֹת בַּיִת Dt 6:9; 11:20; עַל־מַטֶּה on a rod Nu 17:17, 18; עַל־עֵץ Ez 37:162), עַל־צִיץ (high priest’s plate) Ex 39:30; even (only Ch) עַל־ sq. name of book or its contents:—כ׳ עַל־דִּבְרֵי נָתָן 2 Ch 9:29 cf. 33:19; עַל־מִדְרַשׁ וגו׳ 24:27; עַל־הַקִּינוֹת 35:25; fig., כ׳ עַל־לִבָּם Je 31:33 I will write them upon their heart; cf. כ׳ עַל־לוּחַ לִכֶּ֑ךָ Pr 3:3. (2) כ׳ אֶל־ appears for כ׳ עַל־ only Je 36:2 cf. Ez 2:10, Je 51:60. (3) כ׳ בְּ sq. ספר = book Jos 24:26 (E) + 35 times; = letter, bill, deed, 1 K 21:9 + 5 times; בִּמְגִלַּת סֵפֶר כָּתוּב עָלָ֑י ψ 40:8 it is prescribed to me, על as 2 K 22:13 (N. B. כ׳ על־ not used with סֵפֶר = letter, and כ׳ בְּ not used with לוּחַ, אבן or עֵץ). c. other uses of prep. with כ׳ are:—בְּ instr., כ׳ בְּחֶרֶט אֱנוֹשׁ Is 8:1, כ׳ בְּעֵט בַּרְזֶל Je 17:1; כְּתֻבִים בְּאֶצְבַּע אֱלֹהִים Dt 9:10 Ex 31:18; כ׳ אֶל־ unto, of person to whom letter, etc., is addressed 2 S 11:14 2 K 10:6 Est 9:23; עַל־ subst. for אֶל־ (late) 2 Ch 30:1 Ezr 4:7 Est 8:8; the fuller construction is (אֶל־) כ׳ ספר וישׁלח 2 K 10:1 Est 8:10; 9:20 +; כ׳ אֶל־ write down for the benefit or use of some one, Ju 8:14; לְ to or for, Dt 17:18; 24:1 +; note especially אֶכְתָּו֯ב־לוֹ רֻבֵּו֯ תּוֹרָתִי Ho 8:12, i.e. either, I write (keep writing) for them ever so many (We, רֹב, cf. رُبّ; Ew and most רִבּוֹ(א) a myriad) of my directions, or ‘Though I write,’ ‘Were I to write,’ etc.; כ׳ sq. ל c. inf. of purpose 2 Ch 32:17 Est 8:5; c. מִן in phr. כ׳ מִפִּי פ׳ write from the mouth of any one, i.e. from dictation, †Je 36:2, 32; 38:6, 17, 27; 45:1. 2. = write down, describe in writing, כ׳ אֶת־הָאָרֶץ Jos 18:4, 6, 82), 9. 3. = register, enroll Is 10:19 (= record the number), 1 Ch 24:6; especially pass. הַכְּתוּבִים Nu 11:26 those enrolled cf. Ne 12:22; הַכּ׳ בְּשֵׁמוֹת 1 Ch 4:41 those recorded by name; in prediction, כ׳ אֶת־הָאִישׁ הַזֶּה עֲרִירִי Je 22:30 register this man as childless; with eschatol. reference, כַּל־הַכָּתוּב לַחַיִּים Is 4:3 all those enrolled (i.e. appointed) unto life; and, more explicitly, כָּל־הַנִּמְצָא כָּתוּב בַּסֵּפֶר Dn 12:1; י׳ יִסְפֹּר בִּכְתוֹב עַמִּים ψ 87:6 י׳ shall reckon, when he registers (note absence of suffix) the peoples, etc. 4. = decree, תִּכְתֹּב עָלַי מְרֹרוֹת Jb 13:26 thou (י׳) decreest against me bitter things.
Niph. (chiefly late, especially Est.), Impf. יִכָּתֵב Est 1:19 +, 3 fs. תִּכָּ֫תֶב זֹאת ψ 102:19; 3 mpl. יִכָּתֵ֑בוּ Je 17:13 + 3 times, יִכָּֽתְבוּן Jb 19:23; Pt. נִכְתָּב Est 3:12 + 2 times;— 1. be written, subj. words, Jb 19:23, book Mal 3:16; be written בְּסֵפֶר Est 2:23; 9:23, in, or among (ב) the laws Est 1:19; once, c. עַל־, עַל־סִפְרְךָ כֻּלָּם יִכָּתֵ֑בוּ ψ 139:16 in thy (י׳’s) book all of them (my members) are written, i.e. written down, recorded (v. infr.); abs. כְּתָב אֲשֶׁר נִכְתָּב בְּשֵׁם הַמֶּלֶךְ Est 8:8 a writing which is written in the king’s name, cf. (impers.) 3:12; impers. also וַיִּכָּתֵב כְּכָל־אֲשֶׁר צִוָּה Est 3:12; 8:9; יִכָּ׳ sq. לְ = for ψ 102:19; sq. לְ + inf. (really = a subject-cl.,—the contents of the letter) Est 3:9; 8:5. 2. be written down, recorded, Ezr 8:34; enrolled, בִּכְתָב בית ישׂראל לֹא יִכָּתֵ֑בוּ Ez 13:9 in the enrolment of the house of Israel they are not enrolled (eschatolog.); וְעִם־צַדִּיקִים אַל־יִכָּתֵ֑בוּ ψ 69:29 (‖ חַיִּים יִמָּחוּ מִסֵּפֶר).—בָּאָרֶץ יִכָּתֵ֑בוּ Je 17:13 is difficult; Gie reads, plausibly, מֵאֶרֶץ יִכָּרֵ֑תוּ (cf. ψ 34:17; 101:8, etc.)
Pi. frequent., Pf. and Pt., only כִּתֵּ֑בוּ וּמְכַתְּבִים עָמָל Is 10:1 and busy writers that make a business of writing oppression (i.e. register unjust sentences, cf. Qal 4; ‖ הַחֹקֲקִים חִקֲקֵי־אָוֶן).


כְּתֹ֫בֶת n.f. only cstr. וּכְתֹבֶת קַעֲקַע לֹא תִתְּנוּ בָּכֶם Lv 19:28 i.e. a writing (mark or sign) of imprintment, scriptio stigmatis, perhaps of tattooing, cf. Di (v. also BaNB 61).


[כִּתִּי] always pl. כִּתִּים, כִּתִּיִּים; usually as = Cypriotes (cf. Ph. כת, כתי, Citium; on a connexion with Kheta, Ḫ-tā, Ḫattê, חִתִּי, v. WMMAsien u. Europa, 345;—on Citium v. Cesnola Cyprus 46 ff.);—אֶרֶץ כִּתִּים Is 23:1, כִּתִּיי֯ם v 12; כִּתִּים (as son of Yawan) Gn 10:4 = 1 Ch 1:7; וְצִים מִיַּד כ׳ Nu 24:24 ships from the side (direction) of kittim; more generally, of coast-lands of Mediterranean, אִיֵּי כִּתִּיִּים Je 2:10, אִיֵּי כִּתִּיִּם Ez 27:6; even of Macedonian Greece, צִיִּים כִּתִּים Dn 11:30 (only here as adj., cf. Bev) i.e. Grecian ships.


כָּתִית v. sub כתת.


כָּתִית adj. beaten;—only in combin. שֶׁמֶן כָּתִית beaten oil, i.e. oil made by beating or pounding the olives in a mortar; especially fine and costly (cf. Levy NHWB ii. 443 sub כָּתִית);—1 K 5:25 Ex 29:40 Nu 28:5; שֶׁמֶן זַיִת זָךְ כ׳ לַמָּאוֹר Ex 27:20 pure beaten olive oil for the lamp = Lv 24:2 (Hex only P).


כתל (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic كَتَلَ make into firm lumps or blocks, make compact; Frey also bind, imprison, كَتِلَ be joined together).


[כֹּ֫תֶל] n.[m.] wall of house (NH כּוֹתֶל, Aramaic כּוֹתְלָא);—only sf. כָּתְלֵנוּ Ct 2:9.


כִּתְלִישׁ a city of Judah Jos 15:40, site unknown; 𝔊B Μααχως, A Χαθλως, 𝔊L Καθαλεις.


II. כתם (√ of foll.; meaning unknown).


כֶּ֫תֶם n.m. La 4:1 gold, poet. and late (perhaps loan-word in Heb.; Ph. has כתם; Sab. כתם HalEt.Sab. 190; kaθȧmā as loan-wd. in Egyptian, Bondi 80 f.);—כ׳ abs. Jb 28:19 + 3 times, כָּ֑תֶם Pr 25:12; cstr. כֶּתֶם Is 13:12 + 3 times;—כ׳ אוֹפִיר Is 13:12 gold of Ophir (‖ פָּ֑ז), so Jb 28:16 ψ 45:10; כ׳ אוּפָ֑ז Dn 10:5 (read perhaps אוֹפִיר for אוּפָז q.v.); כ׳ alone Jb 31:24 (‖ זָהָב), חֲלִי־כ׳ Pr 25:12 ornament of gold (‖ נֶזֶם זָהָב), כ׳ פָּ֑ז Ct 5:11; כ׳ טָהוֹר Jb 28:19; הַכּ׳ הַטּוֹב La 4:1 (‖ זָהָב).


† I. [כָּתַם] vb. only Niph. be stained (NH Niph. id. (Jastr); כֶּתֶם blood-stain; 𝔗 כְּתִים (blood-) stained Is 1:18; כִּיתְמָא blood-stain Je 2:22; Syriac ܟܬܰܡ stain, defile, Pt., also Pa. Ethpa., and deriv.; Arabic كَتَمَ is cover, conceal, so Assyrian katâmu; Zinj. כתם(?), DHMSendsch. p. 37);—
Niph. Pt., fig., נִכְתָּם עֲוֹנֵךְ לְפָנַי Je 2:22 stained is thine iniquity before me (cf. Eng. phr. iniquity of deepest dye).


כתן (√ foll., = clothe? so Zehnpf. BAS i, 532, who der. therefrom Assyrian kitinnê, linen, cloth, = Arabic كَتَّانٌ; v. also Aramaic כִּיתָּנָא, ܟܶܬܳܢܳܐ and infr.)


כֻּתֹּ֫נֶת, כְּתֹ֫נֶת n.f. tunic (NH id.; Aramaic כִּתּוּנָא, etc., ܟܽܘܬܻܝܢܳܐ, etc.; Ethiopic ክታን tunic, linen; cf. also √ supr.);—abs. כֻּתֹּנֶת Gn 37:31 + 2 times; כְּתֹנֶת Ex 28:39; cstr. כְּתֹנֶת Gn 37:3 + 9 times; sf. כֻּתָּנְתּוֹ Gn 37:23 2 S 15:32, כֻּתָּנְתֶּ֑ךָ Is 22:21, כֻּתָּנְתִּי Jb 30:18 Ct 5:3; pl. abs. כֻּתֳּנֹת Ex 28:40 + 3 times, הַכָּתְנֹת 39:27; cstr. כָּתְנוֹת Gn 3:21 + 2 times, כָּתְנֹת Ezr 2:69; sf. כֻּתֳּנֹתָם Lv 10:5;—tunic, principal ordinary garment (v. BenzArch. 98 f. NowArch. i, 121, 193) of man and woman, worn next the person, כָּתְנֹת עוֹר Gn 3:21 tunics of skin; of man 2 S 15:32; פִּי כ׳ Jb 30:18 mouth of any tunic (i.e. its collar); כ׳ פַּסִּים Gn 37:3, 23, 32 i.e. tunic with long skirts and sleeves (v. פַּס), cf. v 23, 312), 32, 33; of woman Ct 5:3 (put off at night); כ׳ פַּסִּים 2 S 13:18, 19 (of king’s daughter; rent, as sign of grief, cf. also 15:32, and v. קרע). Specif. of priest’s tunic Ex 28:4, 39 (embroidered, v. שׁבץ, תַּשְׁבֵּץ), v 40; 29:5, 8; 39:27 (made of שֵׁשׁ, q.v.), 40:14 Lv 8:7, 13; 10:5; כּ׳־בַּד קֹדֶשׁ 16:4 a holy linen tunic, of high priest; כ׳־כֹּהֲנִים Ezr 2:69 Ne 7:69, 71 (van d. H. v 70, 72); of Shebna’s official tunic Is 22:21.


כתף (√ of following; meaning unknown).


כָּתֵף n.f. Ex 27:15 shoulder, shoulder-blade, side (NH id.; Aramaic כַּתְפָּא, ܟܰܬܦܳܐ; Arabic كَتِفٌ );—abs. כ׳ Zc 7:11 +; cstr. כֶּ֫תֶף 1 K 6:8 +, app. כָּתֵף Is 11:14 (but regard as appos., or read כֶּתֶף); sf. כְּתֵפִי Jb 31:22; כְּתֵפָם 1 Ch 15:15; pl. abs. כְּתֵפֹת Ex 28:7 +, כְּתֵפוֹת 1 K 7:30, 34; cstr. כִּתְפֹת Ex 28:12 +, כִּתְפוֹת Ez 41:2 +; du. sf. כְּתֵפָיו Dt 33:12 + 3 times, כְּתֵפֶיהָ 1 K 7:34;—
1. a. of man, shoulder, shoulder-blade (while שְׁכֶם, q.v. = neck and shoulders), כִּידוֹן נְחשֶׁת בֵּין כְּתֵפָיו 1 S 17:6; cf. fig. of י׳’s dwelling between the shoulders of Benj. Dt 33:12 (v. Dr); כְּתֵפִי מִשִּׁכְמָה תִפּוֹל Jb 31:22 my shoulder-blade, from the shoulder let it fall; as support for burdens Ju 16:3 Ez 12:6, 7, 12 Is 46:7; 49:22 (in fig.), Ex 28:12 Nu 7:9 (both P), 1 Ch 15:15 2 Ch 35:3; cf. כָּל־כ׳ מְרוּטָה Ez 29:18 every shoulder was rubbed bare (of Nebuch.’s soldiers chafed by armour and toil); as aim of bird of prey Is 11:14 (fig.); cf. shoulder of Moab Ez 25:9 (fig., i.e. the side of M. exposed to invasion): Ez 29:7b read prob. כַּף (𝔊 𝔖 Sm Co, cf. v a). b. of beasts, Is 30:6 (carrying), Ez 34:21 (thrusting, in fig.), כ׳ כֹרָ֑רֶת Zc 7:11 a refractory shoulder (refusing the yoke, fig.), so Ne 9:29; of choice meat Ez 24:4 (‖ יָרֵךְ). c. = shoulder-pieces (always pl.) of ephod Ex 28:7, 12, 25, 27 = 39:4, 7, 18, 20 (P).
2. a. slope, side, of mountain, כֶּתֶף יָם־כִּנֶּרֶת Nu 34:11, i.e. the mt.-slopes NE. of the lake, cf. Jos 15:8, 10, 11; 18:12, 13, 16, 18, 19 (all P). b. opposite side(s), sc. of door or entrance, of tabernacle-court Ex 27:14, 15 = 38:14, 15 (all P), of temple 1 K 6:8 7:39(×3) = 2 Ch 4:10, 2 K 11:112) = 2 Ch 23:102); cf. Ez 40:18, 402), 41, 442); 41:2, 26; 46:19; 47:1, 2.
3. supports of the bases for the lavers beside the temple 1 K 7:302), 342).


כֶּ֫תֶר n.m. crown ((perhaps Pers. loan-word Lag Ges. Abh. 207), NH id.; Aramaic כִּתְרָא; Arabic كَتْرٌ / كِتْرٌ the higher hump of a camel);—always cstr., in combin. כ׳ מַלְכוּת royal crown Est 1:11; 2:17 (both of queen), 6:8 (of king).


[כָּתַר] vb. surround (in Pi.), (Aramaic כַּתַּר Pa., wait, hope for; ܟܰܬܰܪ Pa. wait, await, remain; i.e. perhaps surround expectantly, v. Jb 36:2 infr.)
Pi. Pf. 3 pl. כִּתְּרוּ Ju 20:43 of surrounding an enemy; sf. כִּתְּרוּנִי ψ 22:13 (in fig.; ‖ סְבָבוּנִי); Imv. כַּתַּר־לִי Jb 36:2 wait, I pray (as in Aramaic)
Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. בִּי יַכְתִּרוּ צַדִּיקִים ψ 142:8 dub., throw out crowns (Ges§ 53 g), i.e. appear with crowns (denom. from כֶּתֶר; but this very late—only in Est.); fig. for triumph, because of me; but Gr Che יִתְפָּֽאֲרוּ (v. I. פאר); יַכְתִּרוּ דָ֑עַת Pr 14:18 dub., Thes De al. throw out knowledge as a crown, make knowledge their crown (denom. from כֶּתֶר; but v. supr.), Now, encompass knowledge, i.e. posses it (‖ נָֽחֲלוּ); sense good, but meaning of כ׳ without ‖. Pt. מַכְתִּיר surrounding (as Pi.) Hb 1:4 (c. acc. of enemy).


כֹּתֶ֫רֶת, כּוֹתֶ֫רֶת n.f. capital of pillar (as surrounding, crowning its top?);—abs. כֹּתֶרֶת 1 K 7:162) + 10 times; הַכּוֹתֶרֶת Je 52:22c.; pl. abs. כֹּתָרֹת 1 K 7:16 + 7 times, כֹּתָרוֹת 2 Ch 4:122), 13;—capitals of pillars יָכִין and בֹּעַז 1 K 7:16(×3) + 12 times 1 K 7 = 2 Ch 4:122), 13; 2 K 25:17(×3) = Je 52:22(×3).


[כָּתַשׁ] vb. pound, pound fine, bray (NH id.; Aramaic כְּתַשׁ; Syriac ܟܬܰܫ is strive, contend; Zinj. כתש break in pieces, shatter, DHMSendsch. 58);—
Qal Impf. אִם־תִּכְתּוֹשׁ אֶת־הָאֱוִיל בַּמַּכְתֵּשׁ Pr 27:22 if thou shouldest bray the fool in the mortar.


[כָּתַת] vb. beat, crush by beating (NH id.; Aramaic כְּתַת);—
Qal Pf. 1 s. וְכַתּוֹתִ֫י ψ 89:24; Impf. i s. וָאֶכֹּת Dt 9:21; Imv. mpl. כֹּ֫תּוּ Jo 4:10; Pt. pass. כָּתוּת Is 30:14 Lv 22:24;— 1. beat or crush fine, of a potter’s vessel Is 30:14, the golden calf Dt 9:21 (+ טָחוֹן הֵיטֵב); a sacrificial victim Lv 22:24 (i.e. its testicles; + מָעוּךְ, נָתוּק, כָּרוּת); fig. of enemies ψ 89:24. 2. beat, hammer (ploughshares into swords, cf. Pi. 2) Jo 4:10.
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. כִּתַּת 2 K 18:4 2 Ch 34:7; 3 mpl. וְכִּתְּתוּ consec. Is 2:4 + 2 times;—as Qal 1. beat or crush fine 2 K 18:4 2 Ch 34:7 (of images); fig. of devastating the land Zc 11:6. 2. beat, hammer (swords into ploughshares, cf. Qal 2) Is 2:4 = Mi 4:3.
Pu. Pf. 3 mpl. וְכֻתְּתוּ 2 Ch 15:6 and they were beaten in pieces, one nation against another.
Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. וַיַּכְּתוּ Dt 1:44 beat in pieces an enemy, sf. וַיַּכּוּם וַיַּכְּתוּם Nu 14:45.
Hoph. Impf. 3 ms. וּשְׁאִיָּה יֻכַּת־שָׁ֑עַר Is 24:12 and to ruins is the gate crushed; 3 mpl. יֻכַּתּוּ Mi 1:7 (of idol-images); fig. of warriors Je 46:5; of frail man Jb 4:20.