Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

יוֹקִים — יְלָלָה


יוֹקִים v. יְהוֹיָקִים.


יוֹרֶה n.[m.] early rain, which falls in Palestine from the last of October until the first of December, opp. מַלְקוֹשׁ: Dt 11:14 Je 5:24 Ho 6:3 (where MT makes יו׳ Pt., or Hiph. Impf., but v. We); cf. also i. מוֹרֶה. Vid. further RobBR i, 429 f. ChaplinPEF 1883, 8 ff. KleinZPV iv, 72 f.


יוֹרָה v. sub ירה.


יוֹרָה בְּנֵי י׳ one of the families of the restoration Ezr 2:18 (𝔊 Ουρα, Ιωρα) = חָרִיף Ne 7:24 (𝔊 Αρειφ).


יוֹרַי (= יוֹרִיָּה whom Yah teacheth) chief of the tribe of Gad 1 Ch 5:13, 𝔊 Ιωρεε.


יוֹרָם v. יְהוֹרָם.

יוּשַׂב חֶ֫סֶד

יוּשַׂב חֶ֫סֶד v. sub שׁוּב.

י֥וּשַׁב חֶ֖סֶר

י֥וּשַׁב חֶ֖סֶר son of Zerubbabel, 1 Ch 3:20; Αροβασουκ, 𝔊L Ιωσαβεε.


יוֹשִׁבְיָה (י׳ setteth, causeth to dwell; cf. Ph. ישבעל (? = ישבבעל))—a Simeonite 1 Ch 4:35 𝔊 Ισαβια, 𝔊L Ιωσαβια.


יוֹשָׁה, יְשַׁוְיָה v. sub ישׁה.


יוֹשָׁה a Simeonite 1 Ch 4:34; 𝔊 Ιωσ(ε)ια, A Ιωσιας, 𝔊L Ιωας.


יוֹשַׁוְיָה one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 11:46; 𝔊 Ιωσ(ε)ια, 𝔊L Σωσια.


יוֹשָׁפָט v. יְהוֹשָׁפָט.


יוֹתָם (י׳ is perfect)
1. king of Judah, son of Azariah (𝔊 Ἰωαθαμ, Ἰωαθαν, Ἰωναθαν) 2 K 15:5, 7, 30, 32, 36, 38; 16:1 Ch 3:12; 5:17 2 Ch 26:21, 23; 27:1, 6, 7, 9; Is 1:1; 7:1; Ho 1:1; Mi 1:1.
2. youngest son of Jerubbaal (Gideon) Ju 9:5, 7, 21, 57 (𝔊 ut supr.; Codd. Ἰωθαμ, Ἰωαθαμ).
3. a descendant of Caleb 1 Ch 2:47 (𝔊 Ἰωαθαμ).


יוֹתֵר, יֹתֵר n.m. superiority, advantage, excess (late) (proposes Qal pt. of יתר)—abs. יוֹתֵר Ec 7:16 + 2 times; יֹתֵר Ec 2:15 + 4 times;—superiority, advantage מַה־יּוֹתֵר לֶחָכָם מִן־הַכְּסִיל Ec 6:8 what advantage hath the wise over the fool? prob. also יֹתֵר מֵהֵמָּה 12:12 (as to) what is more than these (see VB); abs. מַה־יֹּתֵר לָאָדָם 6:11; יֹתֵר לְרֹאֵי הַשָּׁ֑מֶשׁ Ec 7:11; elsewhere adv. to excess, overmuch Ec 2:15; 7:16; sq. מִן (as often in NH), יוֹתֵר מִמֶּנִּי Est 6:6 more than me; יֹתֵר שֶׁ׳ = besides that Ec 12:9.


יזה (√ whence first element of foll.; perhaps cf. Arabic وَزَى congregatus, conglomeratus fuit, Frey).


[יְזִיאֵל, יזואל] one of David’s heroes וִיזִו֯אֵל 1 Ch 12:3.


יִזִּיָּה v. sub נזה.


יִזִּיָּה (may י׳ sprinkle, read prob. יַזּ׳, 𝔊 Αζεια, א Αδεια, 𝔊L Ιαζιας);—one of those who took strange wives Ezr 10:25.


יָזִיז an officer of David יָזִיו הַהַגְרִי 1 Ch 27:31.


יָזִיז v. sub I. זוז p. 265


יִזְלִיאָה a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:18 (𝔊 Ζαρεια, A Εζλια, 𝔊L Ἰεζελια).


יִזְלִיאָה v. sub זלא p. 272. יזן, √ of Pu. Pt. pl. מְיֻזָּנִים Je 5:8 Qr, v. [זוּן], p. 226a.


[יזן] vb. only
Pu. Pt. pl. מְיֻזָּנִים Je 5:8 Qr (< Kt מוּזָנִים v. זון); meaning dub. (comp. by Schu al. with Arabic وَزَنَ weigh, whence furnished with weights, i.e. testicles, but sense remote and very uncertain).


יְזַנְיָהוּ, יְזַנְיָה v. sub I. אזן p. 24.


יזע (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic وَذَعَ fluxit aqua (Frey); NH and Aramaic in deriv., v. infr.)


[יֶ֫זַע] n.[m.] sweat (v. זֵעָה infr.)לֹא יַחְגְּרוּ בַיָּ֑זַע Ez 44:18 del. Co q.v.


יִזְרָ֑ח only in שַׁמְהוּת הַיּ׳ 1 Ch 27:8 𝔊 Εσραε, 𝔊L Ιεσρα; read הַיִּזְרָחִ(י) (= הַזַּרְחִי? cf. v 11, 13).


יִזְרָח, יִזְרַחְיָה v. sub זרח p. 280b supr.


יִזְרַחְיָה (י׳ will arise, or shine)
1. 𝔊 Ζαρεια, A Ιεζρια, 𝔊L Ιεζερια:—a man of Issachar 1 Ch 7:32).
2. overseer (הַפָּקִיד) of the singers Ne 12:42, 𝔊L al. Ιεζριας.


יִזְרְעֶאל 1. (God soweth; Sab. אלדֿרא Mordt ZMG 1879, 489; v. LagBN 131)י׳ Jos 15:56 2 S 2:9 +; יִזְרְעֶ֑אל 1 S 25:43 Jos 17:16 +; יִזְרְעֶ֫אלָה Jos 19:18 + 6 times: a. city in the Negeb of Judah Jos 15:56 1 S 25:43 (home of Ahinoam, one of David’s wives), site unknown; cf. 1 Ch 4:3. b. city in Issachar Jos 19:18 on NW. spur of Mt. Gilboa 2 S 4:4 (cf. 1 S 31:1, 8) 1 K 4:12 (cf. 1 S 31:10, 12), mod. Zerʿîn (RobBR ii. 318 ff. BdPal 244), close to scene of great battle with Philistines 1 S 29:1 (בְּעַיִן אשׁר בְיִז׳, cf. RobBR ii. 323) v 11; subject to Ishbosheth 2 S 2:9 (yet v. infr.), residence of Ahab and Jehoram of Isr. 1 K 18:45, 46; 21:1 (Naboth) 2 K 8:292) = 2 Ch 22:62), 2 K 9:152), 16, 17, 30; 10:11 cf. דְּמֵי יִז׳ Ho 1:4, and symbolical name of Hosea’s son Ho 1:4 (cf. Che);—in 2 K 10:1 for שָׂרֵי יִז׳ read שָׂרֵי שֹׁמְרוֹן so 𝔊. Used by Hosea as representing Isr., with play on etymol., Ho 2:24 (cf. וּזְרַעְתִּיהָ לִּי בָּאָרֶץ v 25), cf. also גָּדוֹל יוֹם יִז׳ v 2. Territory immediately about the city is חֵלֶק יִז׳ 2 K 9:10, 36, 37; cf. חֵל יִז׳ 1 K 21:23 (read prob חלק, v. Th Klo after 𝔖 𝔙; the adjacent plain is עֵמֶק יִז׳ (cf. Di Jos 17:16 BdPal 229) Jos 17:16 Ju 6:33 Ho 1:5 (perh. also = יִז׳ 2 S 2:9 supr., ‖ Gilead, Ephr., Benj., etc.)
2. a. Hosea’s son Ho 1:4, cf. 1 b supr. b. Judahite name 1 Ch 4:3, cf. 1 a supr.


יִזְרְעֶאל v. sub זרע p. 283a supr.


יִזְרְעֵאלִי m., יִזְרְעֵאלִית f.,
1. m. from יִזְרְעֶאל 1 b; always נָבוֹת הַיִּז׳ 1 K 21:1, 4, 6, 7, 15, 16 2 K 9:21, 25.
2. f. from יִזְרְעֶאל 1 a; always אֲחִינֹעַם הַיִּז׳ a wife of David; ending ִית 1 S 30:5 2 S 2:2 1 Ch 3:1; ending ִת 1 S 27:3 2 S 3:2 (= 1 Ch 3:1).


יחבה v. חֻבָּה sub חבב.


יְחֻבָּה v. חֻבָּה sub חבב.


יַ֫חַד45 n.[m.] unitedness.
1. as subst. only 1 Ch 12:17 (peculiar) יִהְיֶה־לִּי עֲלֵיכֶם לֵבָב לֳי֑חַד I will have a heart toward you for unitedness, i.e. my heart shall be ready to become one with yours (cf. v 38 לב אחד).
2. elsewhere always in acc. as adv. in union, together (cf. Arabic وَحْدٌ in acc. with sf. in his solitariness = alone)a. together, of community in action, place, or time (often combined, but one usually more prominent than the others); (1) in action, Jb 38:7 בְּרָן־יַחַד כּוֹכְבֵי בֹקֶר when the stars of God shouted together; Ezr 4:3 we together will build (opp. to you), with נִלְחַם 1 S 17:10, נִשְׁפַּט Is 43:26; (2) in place 1 S 11:11 ולא נשׁארו בם שׁנים יָ֑חַד; 2 S 10:15 וַיֵּאָֽסְפוּ יָ֑חַד ψ 2:2; 31:14; 88:18, 133:1 שֶׁבֶת יַחַד, Is 50:8, as pred. Mi 2:12 יַחַד אֲשִׂימֶנּוּ; (3) in place and time at once, 2 S 21:9 וַיִּפְּלוּ יָ֑חַד and they perished together, 14:16 to destroy אתי ואת בני יחד; (4) of time alone (poet.) Is 42:14 אֶשֹּׁם וְאֶשְׁאַף יחד I will gasp and pant together, 45:8 Jb 6:2; 10:8; 17:16 read נֵחָ֑ת for נָ֑חַת (v. pp. 94b, 629a); יַחַד here will then belong to (1); ψ 141:10 יחד אנכי עד אעבור while I at the same time pass on. b. all together, altogether (poet. syn. of כֻּלָּם, but more forcible, suggesting often, especially with כל, all at once, as well as altogether), Is 44:11 יפחדו יבשׁו יחד (cf. ψ 40:15), ψ 62:10 הֵמָּה מֵהֶבֶל יַחַד they are all together (made) of vanity, Is 22:3 כל קציניך נדדו יחד (with כל also ψ 41:8 Jb 34:15): often in poet. beginning a clause with emph., Dt 33:5 Jb 3:18 יחד אסירים שׁאננו, 16:10; 19:12 יחד יבאו גדודיו, 24:4; 31:38 ψ 41:8; 98:8 Ho 11:7 (with a neg.), v 8; in connexion with a sf., or obj. of a vb., Is 27:4 אציתנה יָ֑חַד I will burn it altogether, ψ 33:15 הַיֹּצֵר יַחַד לִבָּם who formeth the hearts of them all together, 74:6, 8 Jb 10:8 יַחַד סָבִיב altogether round about (but read perhaps with 𝔊 𝔖 Del Di אַחַר תִּסּוֹב), 40:13. c. together, in the sense of alike, the one as well as the other, ψ 49:3, 11 יחד כסיל ובער יאבדו, Jb 21:26; 34:29. More frequent is


[יָחַד] vb. be united (Arabic وَحَدَ be alone, ii. make one; NH Pi. יִּחֵד make or declare one; Aramaic יַחֵד unite, ܫܰܘܚܶܕ set alone)
Qal Impf. 3 fs. Gn 49:6 בִּקְהָלָם אַל־תֵּחַד כְּבוֹדִי in their assembly let my glory not be united (‖ בְּסֹדָם אַל־תָּבֹא נַפְשִׁי); 2 fs. Is 14:20 לֹא תֵחַד אִתָּם בִּקְבוּרָה.
Pi. Imv. ψ 86:11 יַחֵד לְבָבִי לְיִרְאָה שְׁמֶ֑ךָ unite my heart (i.e. concentrate its affections, cf. Je 32:39) to fear thy name (but 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙 Gr Bi Ch יִחַדְּ (from חָדָה) let my heart rejoice, etc.)


יַחְדָּו92 (Je 46:12, 21; 49:3 יַחְדָּיו), adv. together (proposes (in) his or its unitednesses (cf. Arabic وَحْدَهُ alone; and for the form אַשְׁרָיו), but, the orig. of the term. being forgotten, applied gen. as an adv., without regard to number, gender, or person: so Ges Ol§ 135 c Sta§ 370 a)together:
a. of community in action, ψ 34:4 ונרוממה שׁמו יחדו let us exalt his name together, Is 52:9, with נוֹעַץ take counsel, 45:21 ψ 71:10; 83:6 Ne 6:7; נִצָּה to struggle Dt 25:11; in place, as with ישׁב Gn 13:6 Dt 25:5, הלך Gn 22:6, 8 Am 3:3, בוא Je 3:18 Jb 9:32, קרב Is 41:1, נפל 2 S 2:16, אכל Ju 19:6 Je 41:1, התקבץ Jos 9:2, נאסף Ju 6:33, etc.; Dt 22:10 בשׁור ובחמור יחדו; coupling pairs, and so strengthening וְ (mostly poet.), v 11 Am 1:15 הוא ושׂריו יחדו (cf. Je 48:7 Qr [Kt יחד], 49:3) Je 6:11, 12 שׂדות ונשׁים י׳, v 21 (accents), 13:14; 31:8, 13; 50:4, 33 Is 41:19, cf. 65:7; in time (rare: but v. infr.), ψ 4:9 in peace יחדו אשׁכבה ואישׁן will I at once lie down and sleep (i.e. lie down and fall asleep immediately).
b. emph. (especially poet.) = all together 1 S 31:6, Is 10:8 הלא שׂרי יחדו מלכים are not my princes all together, all alike, kings? 18:6; 40:5; 41:20, 23; 45:16 (‖ כֻּלָּם), 46:2 קרסו כרעו יחדו, 48:13; 66:17 ψ 14:3 (‖ הַכֹּל), 19:10 צדקו יחדו (of J.’s ordinances), 35:26; 37:38; sometimes (like יַחַד b) suggesting all at once, as well as all together, Ex 19:8 ויענו כל העם יחדו (so, with כל, Is 22:3; 31:3 Zc 10:4), Is 1:28, 31 ובערו שׁניהם יחדו. Prefixed to a clause (like יחד), Dt 33:17 (cf. יחד v 5), Is 9:20; 11:7, 14; 31:3; 43:17; 45:16; 52:8 Je 46:12; 51:38 La 2:8 Jb 24:17 (strengthening לָמוֹ).
c. alike, the one as well as the other, Dt 12:22 (= 15:22) the unclean and the clean alike may eat it, 1 S 30:24 יַחְדָּו יַחֲלֹֽקוּ׃ they shall share together, i.e. alike.


יַחְדֹּי Baer, יַחְדּוֹ van d. H., a Gileadite, 1 Ch 5:14, 𝔊 Ιουραι, A Ιεδδαι, 𝔊L Ιεδδω.


יַחְדִּיאֵל (God giveth joy) a chief man in Manasseh 1 Ch 5:24, 𝔊 Ιελιηλ, A 𝔊L Ιεδιηλ.


יַחְדִּיאֵל, יֶחְדְּיָהוּ v. sub חדה.


יֶחְדְּיָ֫הוּ (May י׳ give joy!)
1. a Levite 1 Ch 24:20, 𝔊 Ιεδεια, 𝔊L Ιαδαια.
2. officer of David 1 Ch 27:30 𝔊 Ιαδ(α)ιας.


יחואל 2 Ch 29:14 Kt; Qr יְחִיאֵל q.v. sub חיה.


יְחַוְאֵל v. sub חיה.


יַחֲזִיאֵל (Ēl sees)
1. Benjamite warrior of David 1 Ch 12:4.
2. priest of David 1 Ch 16:6.
3. a Levite 1 Ch 23:19; 24:23.
4. a Levite of the sons of Asaph 2 Ch 20:14.
5. ancestor of one of the families of the restoration Ezr 8:5.


יַחֲזִיאֵל, יַחְזְיָה v. sub חזה.


יַחְזְיָה (Yah sees) a prince of the restoration Ez 10:15.


יְחֶזְקֵאל (God strengtheneth, cf. foreg.; v. LagBN 134)
1. the well-known priest and prophet, son of Buzi, 𝔊 Ιεζεκιηλ, Ez 1:3; 24:24.
2. priest of 19th course (assigned to David’s time) 1 Ch 24:16, 𝔊 Εζεκηλ, 𝔊L (20th course, cf. A) Ιεζεκιηλ.


יְחֶזְקֵאל, יְחִזְקִיָּה (וּ) v. sub חזק.


יְחִזְקִיָּהוּ, יְחִזְקִיָּה v. חִזְקִיָּהוּ supr.


יַחְזֵרָה 1 Ch 9:12 cf. אֲחַזְיָהוּ p. 28 b.


יַחְזֵרָה a priest 1 Ch 9:12 (for which אַחְזַי (q.v.) Ne 11:13), v. now also Ryle on Ne 11:13.


יְחִיאֵל (may Ēl live; Ph. יחואלן, יחומלך v. Eut ZMG 1876, 136)—𝔊 usually Ιειηλ, Ιαιηλ;—
1. one of David’s chief musicians 1 Ch 15:18 (𝔊 Ιειηλ, 𝔊L Ιαιηλ), v 20 (𝔊 Ειθηλ, 𝔊L Ιειηλ), 16:5 (𝔊 Ειειηλ, 𝔊L Ιαιηλ).
2. one of David’s chiefs of the Levites 1 Ch 23:8 (𝔊 Ι(ει)ηλ), 29:8 (𝔊 Βεσιηλ, A 𝔊L Ιειηλ).
3. tutor of David’s sons 1 Ch 27:32 (𝔊 Ιε(ρι)ηλ, 𝔊L Ιωηλ).
4. son of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 21:2.
5. יְחִו֯אֵל Hemanite of Hezekiah’s reign 2 Ch 29:14.
6. overseer in Hezekiah’s reign 2 Ch 31:13.
7. ruler of the temple in Josiah’s reign 2 Ch 35:8.
8. contemporaries of Ezra, Ezr 8:9 (𝔊 Ιεμα, A Ιεειηλ, 𝔊L Ιειηλ), 10:2, 21, 6.


יְחִיאֵל, יְחִיאֵלִי, יְחִיָּה v. sub חיה.


יְחִיאֵלִי (patronym.), 1 Ch 26:21, 22 (𝔊 Ιειηλ; 𝔊L om. in v 22).


יָחִיד adj. and subst. only, only one, solitary (NH id.; Aramaic יָחִיד, יְחִידַי, ܝܺܚܺܝܕܳܐ, ܝܺܚܺܝܕܳܝܳܐ id.; Arabic وَحِيدٌ solitary)
1. only one, especially of an only son, Gn 22:2, 12, 16 את בנך את יְחִידְךָ thy son, thine only one, אֵבֶל יָחִיד Am 8:10 Je 6:26 mourning for an only son, כמספד על היחיד Zc 12:10, Pr 4:3 רַךְ וְיָחִיד לפני אמי; so fem. יְחִידָה Ju 11:34.
2. fem. יְחִידָה as subst. ψ 22:21; 35:17 יְחִידָתִי my only one, poet. for my life, as the one unique and priceless possession which can never be replaced (in each ‖ נַפְשִׁי).
3. solitary, ψ 25:16 כי יחיד ועני אני; 68:7 מוֹשִׁיב יְחִידִים בַּיְתָה causing solitary, isolated ones (i.e. friendless wanderers or exiles; ‖ אֲסִירִים) to dwell at home (Lag Ch al. מֵשִׁיב bringing back home).


יְחִיָּה (may Yah live) keeper of the ark 1 Ch 15:24 (𝔊 Ιε(α)ια, 𝔊L Ιειηλ).


יָחִיל adj.verb. waiting, so Thes SS Buhl, but very dub.,—only טוֹב וְיָחִיל וְדוּמָם לְ La 3:26 good is it that one be waiting and that silently (but v. דוּמָם) for the salvation of י׳; construct. with ו and adj. hardly poss.; Ew Ke Löhr Köii. 407 al. regard as vb. (from חול); read perhaps וְיֹחִיל Hiph. Impf. from יחל (cf. v 24).


[יָחַל] vb.Niph. wait; Pi. await (cf. NH יִחוּלexpectation);—
Niph. Pf. 3 fs. נוֹחֲלָה Ez 19:5 (yet v. infr.); Impf. וַיִּיָּ֫חֶל Gn 8:12 + 1 S 13:18 Kt (v. Dr; Qr Hiph. וַיּוֹחֶל);—wait: Gn 8:12 and he waited yet seven days; so 1 S 13:8 Kt; of Isr. under fig. of lioness, וַתֵּרֶא כִּי נוֹחֲלָה אָֽבְדָה תִּקְוָתָהּ Ez 19:5 when she saw that her hope tarried, was lost (but dub.; Sm comp. Aramaic ܐܘܚܠ be weak, whence perhaps sink down; Hi (perhaps after 𝔊) כִּי נִדַּח לָהּ that he was thrust away from her; Co plausibly נוֹאֲלָה that she had acted foolishly).
Pi. Pf. 2 ms. sf. יִחַלִתָּ֑נִי ψ 119:49; 1 s. יִחָ֑לְתִּי v 43 + 4 times ψ 119; 3 mpl. יִחֲלוּ Jb 29:23 Ez 13:6; יִחֵ֑לּוּ Jb 29:21; 1 pl. יִחַלְנוּ ψ 33:22; Impf. יְיַחֵל Mi 5:6; אֲיַחֵל Jb 6:11; 13:15 + 2 times; אֲיַחֲלָה 30:26; יְיַחֵ֑לוּ Is 42:4; יְיַחֵלֽוּן 51:5; Imv. יַחֵל ψ 130:7; 131:3; Pt. מְיחֵל 69:4; מְיַחֲלִים 31:25 + 2 times;— 1. wait, tarry for, sq. לְ Mi 5:6 (of rain, ‖ יְקֵוֶּה); so 1:12 according to We, who reads יִחֲלָה (Pf.) for חָלָה; abs. wait Jb 6:11; 14:14. 2. wait for = hope for, sq. לִ Is 42:4 Jb 29:21, 23; 30:26 (‖ קִוֵּיתִי), ψ 31:25; 33:18, 22; 69:4; 119:43, 74, 81, 114, 147; sq. ל inf. ויח׳ לְקַיֵּם דָּבָר Ez 13:6; sq. אֶל Is 51:5 ψ 130:7; 131:3; abs. hope, ψ 71:14. 3. caus. make to hope ψ 147:11 (sf. pers.),
Hiph. Pf. הוֹחַ֫לְתִּי Jb 32:11, etc.; וְהוֹחַ֫לְתִּי (consec., v. Hi De2 Dr§§ 106, 119 γ) Jb 32:16; Impf. וַיּ֫וֹחֶל 1 S 13:8 Qr; 2 ms. תּוֹחֵל 10:8; אוֹחִיל 2 K 6:33 La 3:21, 24; אוֹחִ֫ילָה Je 4:19 Qr (Kt אָחוּלָה), Mi 7:7; אֹחִילָה 2 S 18:14;—wait, tarry, abs. (proposes shew a waiting attitude): 1 S 10:8 (sq. עַד בּוֹאִי), 13:8 (Qr; cf. Niph.); 2 S 18:14 Jb 32:16 Je 4:19 (v. I. חול 3); wait for, hope for (as Pi.), sq. לְ 2 K 6:33 Mi 7:7 La 3:24 Jb 32:11 ψ 38:16; 42:6, 12; 43:5; 130:5 (‖ קִוִּיתִי); abs. hope, La 3:21.


יַחְלְאֵל (wait for God!);—a Zebulunite Gn 46:14 Nu 26:26 (𝔊 Αλοηλ, Αιηλ, Αλληλ).


יַחְלְאֵלִי of foregoing: only c. art. as Nu 26:26.


[יָחַם] vb. be hot, Pi. conceive (Arabic وَحَمَ v. incaluerunt pecora, Frey; Aramaic יְחַם be hot, usually of sexual impulse of animals)
Qal v. חמם.
Pi. Pf. 3 fs. sf. יֶחֱמַתְנִי ψ 51:7 in sin my mother conceived me (‖ חוֹלָ֑לְתִּי); Inf. cstr. of heat of cattle in breeding, conception; בְּכָל־יַחֵם Gn 30:41 at every breeding-heat of the flock (J); בְּעֵת יַחֵם 31:10 at the time of the flock’s being hot in breeding (E); sf. 3 fpl. לְיַחֲמֶנָּה (v. GK. 91f) 30:41 in order that they might have breeding-heat (J).


יַחְמוּר n.[m.] roebuck (Sam. יחמור, Syriac ܝܰܚܡܘܽܪܳܐ, 𝔗 יַחְמוּרָא v. HomNS 392 (and 333), LagBN 127; name from reddish colour?)—as edible Dt 14:5; 1 K 5:3;—on identif. with roebuck, v. TristrProc. Zool. Soc. London, May 2, 1876 Conder Tent Work, 1887, p. 91.


יַחְמוּר v. sub iv. חמר.


יַחְמַי (perhaps = יַחְמְיָה may י׳ protect! cf. Sab. יחמאל Hal187)—a man of Issachar 1 Ch 7:2, 𝔊 Εμκαν, A Ιεμου, 𝔊L Ιαμιν.


יַחְמַי v. sub חמה.


יחף (√ of foll.; orig. meaning unknown; NH Aramaic יָחֵף adj. as Heb.; Syriac Aph. ܐܰܚܶܦ discalceatus fuit; cf. perhaps Arabic حَفِىَ (transp.) walk barefoot, also become chafed, of foot or hoof).


יָחֵף adj. barefoot, always abs. יָחֵף Is 20:2 + 4 times;—הלך עָרוֹם וְיָחֵף Is 20:2 (נַעַלְךָ תַחֲלֹץ מֵעַל רַגְלֶ֑ךָ in preceding cl.), v 3; הֹלֵךְ יָחֵף 2 S 15:30; נָהַג יָחֵף Is 20:4; appar. = subst., מִנְעִי רַגְלֵךְ מִיָּחֵף Je 2:25 withhold thy foot from bareness (Syriac ܝܽܘܚܳܦܳܐ discalceatio).


יַחְצְאֵל, יַחְצִיאֵל (God divideth, apportioneth)—son of Naphtali; יַחְצְ׳ Gn 46:24 (𝔊 Ασιηλ, 𝔊L Ιασβηλ), Nu 26:48 (Σαηλ, Ασιηλ) = יַחֲצִי׳ 1 Ch 7:13 (Ιεισιηλ, 𝔊L Ιασσιηλ).


יַחְצְאֵל, יַחֲצִיאֵל, יַחְצְאֵלִי v. sub חצה.


יַחְצְאֵלִי of foregoing; only c. art. as, Nu 26:48.


יחשׂ (√ of foll.; meaning unknown; deriv. common in NH and Aramaic)


יַ֫חַשׂ n.[m.] genealogy (NH יַחַס, יִחוּס, Aramaic יִחוּס)סֵפֶר הַיַּ֫חַשׂ Ne 7:5 book of genealogy.


יַ֫חַת (perhaps for יַחְתֶּה, יַחֲתֶה he (God) will snatch up)
1. grandson of Judah 1 Ch 4:2(×2), 𝔊 Ιεθ, 𝔊L Ιαωθ.
2. Levites: a. 1 Ch 6:5, 28, 𝔊 Ιεεθ, 𝔊L Ιααθ. b. 1 Ch 23:10, 11, 𝔊 Ιεθ, 𝔊L Ιειηλ. c. 1 Ch 24:22, 𝔊 Ιναθ, 𝔊L Ιααθ. d. 2 Ch 34:12, 𝔊 Ιε(θ), 𝔊L Ιαεθ.


יַ֫חַת v. sub חתה.


[יָטַב] vb. be good, well, glad, pleasing (Aramaic יְטַב; Zinj. יטב DHMSendsch. 57)
Qal (Pf. not in use, v. טוֹב vb.) Impf. יִיטַב Gn 12:13 + 34 times, יִטַב 1 S 24:5 + 3 times; תִּיטַב Est 2:4 + 2 times; תֵּיטְבִי (incorrect for תִּיטְבִי Ges§ 70 R) Na 3:8; pl. יִיטְבוּ Gn 34:18; for Inf. and Pt. v. טוֹב.— 1. be glad, joyful, לֵב Ju 18:20; 19:6, 9 1 K 21:7 Ru 3:7 Ec 7:3. 2. be well placed, הֲתֵיטְבִי מִנֹּא אָמוֹן Na 3:8 art thou better placed than No of Amon? 3. impers. c. לְ, be well for or with, go well with Gn 12:13 (J), 40:14 (E), Dt 4:40; 5:16, 26; 6:3, 18; 12:25, 28; 22:7 2 K 25:24 Ru 3:1 Je 7:23; 38:20; 40:9; 42:6. 4. be pleasing בְּעֵינֵי Gn 34:18 (J), 41:37; 45:16 (E), Dt 1:23 Lv 10:19, 20 Jos 22:30, 33 (P), 1 S 18:5; 24:5 2 S 3:36; 18:4 1 K 3:10 Est 1:21; 2:42), 9; c. לְ, be pleasing to, ψ 69:32; c. לִפְנֵי (late) Ne 2:5, 6 Est 5:14.
Hiph. Pf. הֵיטִיב Gn 12:16 Jos 24:20; הֵיטִב 1 S 25:31; sf. הֵיטִֽבְךָ Dt 30:5; הֵיטַבְתָּ Je 1:12; הֵיטַבְתְּ Ru 3:10, etc.; וְהֵטִֽבֹתִ֫י Ez 36:11 (for הֵיטַבְתִּי as if from טוב Ges§ 70 R); Impf. יֵיטִיב Nu 10:32 + 3 times; יֵיטִב Pr 15:13 + 2 times; יְיֵטִיב Jb 24:21 (Ges§ 70 R); יֵיטֵיב 1 K 1:47 (Ges§ 70 R); וַיִּ֫יטֶב Ex 1:20; sf. וִיטִיבְךָ Ec 11:9, etc.; Imv. הֵיטִ֫יבָה ψ 51:20; הֵיטִ֫יבִי Is 23:16, etc.; Inf. abs. הֵיטֵיב Je 7:5; 10:5; הֵיטֵב Gn 32:13 + 10 times; Inf. cstr. הֵיטִיב Lv 5:4 + 7 times; הֵטִיב Je 32:41; sf. הֵיטִיבִי Je 32:40, etc.; Pt. מֵיטִיב 1 S 16:17; מֵטִיב ψ 119:68; מֵטִב Ez 33:32, etc.;— 1. make glad, rejoice לֵב Ju 19:22; פנים Pr 15:13; the person Ec 11:9. 2. do good to, deal well with, a person, usually c. prep.: c. לִ, Ex 1:20 Jos 24:20 (both E), Gn 12:16 Nu 10:29, 32 (all J), Ju 17:13 1 S 25:31 ψ 49:19; 125:4; c. עִם, Gn 32:10, 132) Nu 10:32 (all J), Mi 2:7; c. acc. Dt 8:16; 28:63; 30:5 1 S 2:32 Je 18:10; 32:40, 41 Zc 8:15 Jb 24:21 ψ 51:20; c. מן Ez 36:11; opp. הֵרַע (in prov. phr., cannot do good or ill, = cannot do anything at all; test of deity) Zp 1:12 Is 41:23 Je 10:5. 3. do well or thoroughly: הֵטִיבוּ (כל)אשׁר דבּרוּ they have done well (all) that they have spoken Dt 5:25; 18:17; על הרע כפים להיטיב Mi 7:3 their hands are upon the evil to do it well, i.e. diligently, thoroughly, lit. make (it) good, with play on הרע; especially as auxil. sq. inf.; היט׳ דעת Pr 15:2 = know well; לראות Je 1:12 see well; (לְ)נַגֵּן play well, skilfully 1 S 16:17 Is 23:16 Ez 33:32 ψ 33:3; pt. cstr. sq. subst. מֵטִבֵי צָ֑עַד Pr 30:29 marching well, in a stately manner, so מֵיטִבֵי לֶכֶת v 29; inf. abs. הֵיטֵיב as adv. = thoroughly, c. vbs.: טחן Dt 9:21, שׁאל 13:15, דרשׁ 17:4; 19:18, באר 27:8, שׁבּר 2 K 11:18. 4. make a thing good, right, beautiful: c. acc. rei: the head 2 K 9:30; dress, trim: a lamp Ex 30:7 (P); מַצֵּבוֹת Ho 10:1; גֵּהָה Pr 17:22 a glad heart maketh a good cure; sq. מִן compar., obj. שֵׁם 1 K 1:47 (= make it more glorious than); חֶסֶד Ru 3:10; sq. דֶּרֶךְ = course of life or action Je 2:33 (in order to win love); amend one’s ways and doings Je 7:3; 18:11; 26:13; 35:15; הֵיטֵיב תֵּיטִיבוּ את־ד׳ 7:5. 5. do well, right, ethically, abs.: a. of men, Gn 4:72) (J), Lv 5:4 (P), ψ 36:4 Is 1:17 Je 4:22; 13:23. b. of God, טוֹב מֵטִיב good and doing good ψ 119:68; so inf. abs. as adv. הַהֵיטֵב חָרָה לך Jon 4:4, 9 art thou rightly angry? sq. לי v 9. In כִּי־יֵיטִב אֶל־אָבִי 1 S 20:13 vb. is appar. intrans., = Qal, if it be pleasing unto my father, but Hiph. not elsewhere in this sense; point rather יִיטַב; on this and on foll. אֶת־ v. We Dr.


יָטְבָה (pleasantness) city prob. in Judah 2 K 21:19, site unknown.


יָטְבָ֫תָה (pleasantness) station of Isr. in wilderness Nu 33:33, 34 (P), Dt 10:7, site unknown.


יֻטָּה, יוּטָה v. sub נטה.


יֻטָּה Jos 21:16, יוּטָּה (so Baer) 15:55 town in Judah (15:55 𝔊 Ιταν, A 𝔊L Ιεττα, 21:16 𝔊 Τανυ, 𝔊L Ιεττα).


יְטוּר and gent. (perh. connected etymolog. with טִירָה, v. Gn 25:16)—a ‘son’ of Ishmael Gn 25:15 = 1 Ch 1:31 = tribe with which Reuben, Gad, and half Manasseh made war 1 Ch 5:19; Ἰτουραῖοί τε καὶ Ἄραβες Strabo xvi. 2, 18, Ἰτουραίους JosephAntxiii, 11, 3 ed. Niese; they gave name to their region, which was, substantially, Anti-Lebanon, cf. τῆς Ἰτουραίας καὶ Τραχωνίτιδος χώρας Luke 3:1; on יְטוּר and (later) Ituraea, v. especially GASmGeogr.544 ff. and reff.


יְטוּר v. sub טוּר.


יין (√ of foll.; meaning unknown; regarded as loan-word by LagArmen. Stud. § 484 al.; HomZMG 1889, 653 ff.;Aufsätze 1892, 102 comp. Georgian g’wino, wine, whence also (according to him) Armen. gini, Gk. ϝοῖνος, Lat. vinum; cf. on the other hand Jen l.c. infr.)


יַ֫יִן141 n.m. ψ 75:9 wine (NH id.; Ethiopic ወይን vitis, vinea, vinum; Arabic وَيْنٌ (black) grapes, v. HomZMG 1889, 654; Sab. וין vineyard, MordtZMG 1887, 364 Homl.c. 659 (both after Glaser); Assyrian înu in vocabularies, but this loan-word from western Semites, according to HomAufsätze 102; JenZA i. 186 f., ZMG 1890, 705 argues to the contrary)—abs. יַ֫יִן Gn 9:21 + 84 times; יָ֑יִן Gn 14:18 + 33 times; cstr. יַ֫יִן ψ 60:5 Ct 8:2; יֵין Dt 32:18 + 9 times; sf. יֵינִי Ct 5:1, etc.;—wine:
a. common drink, for refreshment Gn 14:18 (E?) 27:25 (J), Ju 19:19 2 S 16:2 Am 5:11; 9:14 Ho 14:8 Jb 1:13, 18 Dn 1:5 +, tonic Pr 31:6; art. of commerce Ez 27:18 Ne 13:15; among supplies in strongholds 2 Ch 11:11; as making merry 2 S 13:28 Zc 9:15; 10:7 Est 1:10 Ec 9:7; 10:19 ψ 104:15.
b. used for rejoicing before י׳ Dt 14:26, cf. Ho 9:4; as drink-offering in prescribed ritual Ex 29:40 Lv 23:13 Nu 15:5, 7, 10; 28:14; among temple stores 1 Ch 9:29; used also in heathen ceremonial, v. Dt 32:33.
c. intoxicating 1 S 1:14; 25:37 Gn 9:21, 24; 19:32, 33, 34, 35 (all J), Is 5:11, 22 Pr 21:17; 23:30, 31 +; ‖ תִּירוֹשׁ Ho 4:11; ‖ שֵׁכָר 1 S 1:15 Mi 2:11 Is 24:9; 28:72); 56:12 + 12 times; forbidden to Nazirites †Nu 6:32) (חֹמֶץ יַיִן וְחֹמֶץ שֵׁכָר), v 4, 20, cf. Am 2:12; to Rechabites †Je 35:2, 5 f.; to mother of Samson †Ju 13:4, 7, 14; to priests entering sanctuary †Lv 10:9 (P), Ez 44:21; unfitting for kings Pr 31:4.
d. combinations are: יֵין הַטּוֹב Ct 7:10 = the best wine (read כַּיַּיִן?) Ges§ 133. 3, R. 1; יֵין מַלְכוּת Est 1:7 royal wine; אֹצְרוֹת הַיַּיִן 1 Ch 27:27 stores of wine, wine-supply; יַיִן הָרֶקַח Ct 8:2 spiced wine; מִשְׁתֵּה הַיַּיִן wine-feast Est 5:6; 7:2, 7, 8; סֹבְאֵי יַיִן Pr 23:20 wine-bibbers; נֹאד יין wine-skin; Jos 9:4, 13 1 S 16:20; נֵבֶל יין id. 1 S 1:24; 10:3; 25:18 2 S 16:1 Je 13:122); בֵּית הַיָּ֑יִן Ct 2:4 either winehouse, where wine is drunk, feasting-house (De al.), or place of wine = vineyard (Ew al.; cf. גֶּפֶן יַיִן Nu 6:4).
e. metaph. of wisdom’s drink Pr 9:2, 5, cf. Is 55:1; of י׳’s wrath Je 25:15 (כּוֹס היין); of confusion sent by י׳, יַיִן תַּרְעֵלָה wine of reeling ψ 60:5, cf. 75:9; of י׳’s awaking for vengeance, like a wine-shouter ψ 78:65; of Babylon’s fierce power Je 51:7; of love Ct 5:1; יֵין חֲמָסִים Pr 4:17; in sim. of one bursting with words Jb 32:19; of disheartened proph. Je 23:9 (כְּגֶבֶר עֲבָרוֹ יַיִן); of lover’s mouth Ct 7:10 (v. supr.); love is better than wine Ct 1:2; 4:10.


יך 1 S 4:13 Kt; error for יד Qr.


יְכוֹנְיָה, יְכָנְיָה (וּ) v. יְהוֹיָכִין p. 220b.


יְכוֹנְיָה (may Y. be enduring);—Je 27:20 = יְכָנְ֫יָהוּ 24:1 = יְכָנְיָה 28:4; 29:2 1 Ch 3:16, 17 Est 2:6 = כָּנְיָ֫הוּ Je 22:24, 28; 37:1 (𝔊 Ιεχονιας throughout), all of last king but one of Judah, v. יְהוֹיָכִין p. 220 supr.


[יָכַח] vb.Hiph. decide, adjudge, prove, (NH Pi. וִכַּח argue with (עם), cf. Hithp., Hiph. prove, correct; Aramaic Pa וַכַּח, Aph. אוֹכַח, id.)
Hiph. Pf. הוֹכִיחַ Is 2:4 + 5 times; הֹכִיחַ Gn 24:44; הוֹכִחַ Gn 21:25; 2 ms. חֹכַחְתָּ Gn 24:14; 1 s. sf. הוֹכַחְתִּיו 2 S 7:14; Impf. יוֹכִיחַ Is 11:3 + 5 times; יוֹכַח Ho 4:4 + 4 times; יוֹכָ֑ח 1 Ch 12:17; sf. יוֹכִיחֵנִי ψ 141:5 + 12 times Impf.; Imv. הוֹכַח Pr 9:8; Inf. abs. הוֹכֵחַ Lv 19:17 + 5 times; cstr. הוֹכִיחַ Hb 1:12; הַלְהוֹכַח Jb 6:26; Pt. מוֹכִיחַ Ez 3:26 + 8 times; pl. מוֹכִיחִים Pr 24:25;— 1. decide, judge, abs. Gn 31:42 (E), 1 Ch 12:17 Is 11:3 ψ 94:10; c. לְ, decide for Is 2:4 = Mi 4:3, Is 11:4; c. בּין, Gn 31:37 (E), Jb 9:33; לְגֶבֶר עִם אֱלוֹהַּ Jb 16:21. 2. adjudge, appoint, c. לְ, Gn 24:14, 44 (J). 3. shew to be right, prove, c. acc. rei and על pers. against Jb 19:5; c. אל pers. unto Jb 13:15; so argue before v 3, and (abs.) 15:3. 4. convince, convict, c. acc. pers. ψ 50:21 בּ pers. Pr 30:6; c. לְ pers. Jb 32:12. 5. reprove, chide: a. of God, c. acc. pers. Jb 22:4 ψ 50:8; 105:14 = 1 Ch 16:21; c. בּ obj. 2 K 19:4 = Is 37:4. b. of man, abs. Ho 4:4 Ez 3:26 Jb 6:252) Pr 24:25; 25:12; מוֹכִיחַ בַּשַּׁעַר Am 5:10 Is 29:21; c. acc. pers. Gn 21:25 (E), Lv 19:172) (H), Pr 9:8; 28:23 Je 2:19; מוֹכִיחַ אֱלוהַּ Jb 40:2; acc. rei Jb 6:26; c. לְ, Pr 9:7, 8; 15:12; 19:25. 6. correct, rebuke, of God, abs. Hb 1:12; c. acc. pers. ψ 141:5 Jb 13:102); בְּשֵׁבֶט 2 S 7:14; happy the man whom God corrects Jb 5:17; for God loves him Pr 3:12; God is entreated not to correct in anger ψ 6:2; 38:2.
Hoph. Pf. וְהוּכַח בְּמַכְאוֹב he is chastened also with pain Jb 33:19.
Niph. Impf. לְכוּ־נָא וְנִוָּֽכְחָה Is 1:18 come now and let us reason together; Pt. שָׁם יָשָׁר נוֹכָח עִמּוֹ Jb 23:7 there an upright man might reason with him; f. (pass.) וְנֹכָ֑חַת Gn 20:16 (E), but Di SS read וְנֹכַחַתְּ 2 fs. Pf. and thou art set right, righted, justified.
Hithp. Impf. עִם־יִשְׂרָאֵל יִתְוַכָּח Mi 6:2 with Israel he will argue (‖ רִיב לי׳ עִם).


יָכִין (he will establish);—
1. a Simeonite Gn 46:10 = Ex 6:15, Nu 26:12, 𝔊 Ιαχελμ(ν).
2. name of right-hand pillar before temple 1 K 7:21 = 2 Ch 3:17, 𝔊 Ιαχουμ (opp. בֹּעַז, q.v. p. 126 f. supr.; v. also RSSem, i, 191 (208)).


יָכִינִי of יָכִין 1, with art. as n. coll. הַיּ׳ Nu 26:12.


יָכֹל, יָכוֹל vb. be able, have power, prevail, endure (NH id.; Aramaic יְכִיל; Assyrian akâlu, Hpt in KAT2Gloss i,)
Qal Pf. יָכֹל Gn 32:26 + 8 times; יָכוֹל 1 S 4:15 + 2 times; 3 fs. יָֽכְלָה Gn 36:7 Ex 2:3; 2 ms. וְיָכָלְתָּ֫ Ex 18:23; 1 s. יָכֹלְתִּי Gn 30:8 + 2 times; sf. יְכָלְתִּיו ψ 13:5; 3 pl. יָֽכְלוּ Gn 13:6 + 27 times + Jos 15:63 Qr; יָכֹ֑לוּ Ex 8:14 + 2 times; Impf. 3 ms. יוּכַל Gn 13:16 + 34 times; יוּכָ֑ל Jb 4:2 + 4 times; וַיֻּכָ֑ל Ho 12:5; 3 fs. תּוּכַל Am 7:10 + 2 times; 2 ms. תּוּכַל Gn 15:5 + 16 times; 1 s. אוּכַל Gn 19:19 + 30 times, etc. (on these Impf. forms as irreg. Qal, v. Ges§ 69, 2, R. 3i. 407 WSG 237; others Hoph.); Inf. cstr. יְכֹ֫לֶת Nu 14:16 Dt 9:28; Inf. abs. יָכוֹל Nu 13:20 2 Ch 32:13; יָכֹל Nu 22:38 1 S 26:25; P 8 times (not Lv), Ez 3 times; often JED Je Is 2, not seld. SK Ch;— 1. be able, to do a thing, whether ability be physical, moral, constitutional, or dependent on external authority; usually of man Gn 13:16 (J) +, but also of gods 2 Ch 32:13, 15, and of י׳ Nu 14:16 (JE), Dt 9:28 Je 44:22; occasionally of inanimate things Am 7:10 Gn 36:7 (P), Ct 8:7 Ec 1:152), etc.: a. usually sq. inf. c. לְ (122 times), Gn 31:35 I am not able to rise up; 45:1 Joseph was not able to restrain himself, v 3 48:10; Ex 7:21, 24 were not able to drink, 12:39 Jos 24:19 (all E); Gn 13:16 if a man can number the dust, 19:19, 22; 43:32; 44:22, 262) Ex 10:5; 19:23 (all J), Gn 15:5 Ex 15:23 Nu 11:14 (all JE) + 10 times JE; Dt 7:17 + 10 times D; Gn 13:6 they could not dwell together, 34:14; 36:7 Ex 9:11; 40:35 Nu 9:6 Jos 9:19 (all P); 1 S 3:2; 6:20 1 K 9:21 (on ‖ 2 Ch 8:8 and text of Ju 1:19 v. BuRS 8), Am 7:10 Ho 5:13 Zp 1:18 Je 6:10; 11:11; 13:23; 18:6; 19:11 +. †b. sq. inf. without לְ (27 times; not P): Gn 37:4 Ex 2:3; 18:18, 23 (all E), Gn 24:50; 44:1 (J), Nu 22:37, 38 (JE), Dt 1:9; 7:22; 14:24; 22:29 Ju 8:3 Je 49:10, 23 Hb 1:13 Is 46:2; 47:11, 12; 57:20 La 1:14 ψ 18:39; 36:13; 78:20 Pr 30:21 Jb 4:2; 33:5. †c. c. inf. implic., always neg., Gn 29:8 go and feed them; and they said, We are not able, cannot (J), Ex 8:14 (P), Is 29;11 Je 20:9 ψ 21:12 Jon 1:13. d. c. neg. = may not (of moral inability): Gn 43:32 (J) the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; Ju 21:18 we may not give them wives; especially D, Dt 7:22; 12:17; 14:24; 16:5; 17:15; 22:3; 28:27, 35. †e. be able, sq. impf.: אוּלַי אוּכַל נַכֶּה Nu 22:6 (JE) perchance I am able (so that) we smite (v. Di; read perhaps נוּכַל for אוּכַל Ges§ 120, 1 b); לֹא יוּכְלוּ יִגְּעוּ La 4:14 they are unable, they touch = are unable to touch (Dr§ 163, Obs.) †f. be able, sq. pf. consec., only very late, אוּכַל וְרָאִיתִי Est 8:62), lit. how shall I be able and see?—Also in various combinations where English idiom would make it an auxiliary to another verb: †g. able to gain, accomplish: sq. acc. לֹא יוּכְלוּ נִקָּיוֹן Ho 8:5 how long will they be unable (to gain) innocence? יָדַעְתִּ֯ כִּי־כֹל תּוּכָ֑ל Jb 42:2 I know that thou art able (to do) all things; אֵין הַמֶּלֶךְ יוּכַל אֶתְכֶם דָּבָר Je 38:5 the king is not (one who is) able (to do) anything with (אֶתְכם for אִתְּכֶם v. Gf, i.e. against) you. †h. able to endure: לֹא אוּכַל אָוֶן וַעֲצָרָה Is 1:13 I cannot endure iniquity and (with) a solemn assembly, ψ 101:5. †i. able to reach, sq. לְ, ψ 139:6 it is high, לֹא אוּכַל לָהּ I cannot (reach) to it. †2. prevail: a. abs. prevail, overcome, be victor Gn 30:8 (E), 32:29 (J), Ho 12:5 1 S 26:25 1 K 22:22 = 2 Ch 18:21 Je 20:7, 11; of waves 5:22; succeed Is 16:12, Je 3:5 (VB hast had thy way). b. sq. לְ pers., prevail against, over Gn 32:26 (J), Nu 13:30 (JE), Ju 16:5 1 S 17:19 Je 1:19; 15:20; 20:10; 38:22 Ob 7 ψ 129:2 Est 6:13. c. once c. sf., יְכָלְתִּיו ψ 13:5 I have prevailed over him, + Zc 9:15 (where read וְיָֽכְלוּם for וְאָֽכְלוּ with 𝔊 𝔗 KloThLZ 1879. 564 StaZAW 1881, 18). †3. abs. have ability, strength, only neg. מִשְּׂאֵתוֹ לֹא אוּכָ֑ל Jb 31:23 because of his loftiness I have no ability, am inadequate (to anything).


יְכָלְיָהוּ, יְכָלְיָה (י׳ hath been able; cf. Sab. יכלאל Hal 465) mother of king Azariah: יכליהו 2 K 15:2, 𝔊 Χαλεια, 𝔊L Ιεχελια; יכליה 2 Ch 26:3 (Qr; Kt יכיליה), 𝔊 Χααια, A 𝔊L Ιεχελια.


יֶ֫לֶד89 n.m. Gn 21:8 child, son, boy, youth—יֶ֫לֶד abs. Gn 4:23 +; cstr. Je 31:20; יָ֑לֶד Gn 21:16 +; pl. יְלָדִים 33:1 +; cstr. יַלְדֵי Ex 2:6 + 2 times; יִלְדֵי־ Is 57:4; sf. יְלָדַי Gn 30:26; 2 K 4:1; יַלְדֵיהֶם Jb 21:11; יַלְדֵיהֶן Gn 33:2 + 4 times, etc.;—
a. child = son, boy, Gn 21:8, 14, 15, 16; 37:30; 42:22 (all E), 32:23 (Dinah not included), cf. 30:26; 33:1, 2(×2), 52), 6, 7, 13, 14; 44:20 (all J); Ex 1:17, 18 (‖ בֵּן v 16), 2:3, 62), 7, 8, 92), 10 (all E), 21:4 (E; app. = sons + daughters, but ‖ בָּנָ֑י v 5); pl. = offspring 21:22 (E; Hex, only Gn & Ex, JE); also Ru 1:5; 4:16; 2 S 12:15, 18(×4), 192), 212) 222) 1 K 3:25 (cf. v 20), 14:12; 17:212), 22, 23; 2 K 4:1 (cf. v 5) v 18, 26, 342) Is 8:18; 9:5 (‖ בֵּן), Jo 4:3 (opp. יַלְדָּה), Zc 8:5 (id.); of young of raven Jb 38:41; of wild goats and hinds 39:3; of cow and bear Is 11:7.
b. (little) child, children 1 S 1:2(×2) 2 S 6:23; Ezr 10:1 Ne 12:43 Jb 21:11 (‖ עֲוִילִים), Ho 1:2 La 4:10 Is 57:5.
c. descendants Is 29:23, יַלְדֵי נכרים (cf. בֵּן) 2:6.
d. youth Gn 4:23 (J), 1 K 12:8, 10, 14 = 2 Ch 10:8, 10, 14, Dn 1:4, 10, 13, 15, 17 cf. 2 K 2:24 (‖ נְעָרִים קְטַנִּים v 23), Ec 4:13, 15.
e. fig. of apostate Israelites יִלְדֵי־פֶשַׁע Is 57:4 (‖ זֶרַע שָׁ֑קֶר); cf., in good sense, ילד שַׁעֲשׁוּעִים Je 31:20 of Ephraim (‖ בֵּן יַקִּיר).


יָלַד497 vb. bear, bring forth, beget (NH id.; Aramaic יְלִיד, יְלֵיד, ܝܺܠܶܕ; Arabic وَلَدَ bear, bring forth, so Ethiopic ወለደ Assyrian alâdu, COTGloss)
Qal Pf. יָלַד Gn 4:18(×3) + 16 times; יָלָ֑ד Je 17:11; וְיָלַד consec. ψ 7:15; sf. יְלָֽדְךָ Dt 32:18; 2 fs. sf. ילדתני Je 2:27 Kt; Qr יְלִדְתָּנוּi. 410 Ges§ 69 s); 1 s. sf. יְלִדְתִּ֫יךָ ψ 2:7; יְלִדְתִּ֫יהוּ Nu 11:12, etc.; Impf. יֵלֶד(יֹום) Pr 27:1; 3 fs. תֵּלֵד Gn 17:17 + 6 times; וַתֵּ֫לֶד 4:1 + 61 times; 2 fs. תֵּלְדִי 3:16; אֵלֵד 18:13; וָאֵלֵד 1 K 3:17; יֵֽלְדוּ Is 65:23; 3 fpl. תֵּלַדְנָה Je 29:6; וַתֵּלַדְנָה Ez 23:4; וַתֵּלַדְןָ Gn 30:39, etc.; Inf. abs. יָלֹד Jb 15:35; cstr. לֵדָה Ho 9:11 + 3 times; לֶ֫דֶת Gn 4:2 Zp 2:2 (v. טֶרֶם) + 9 times; לָלַת 1 S 4:19 (Köi, 402, v. Dr); sf. לִדְתִּי 1 K 3:18, etc.; Pt. act. יֹלֵר Pr 17:21 Je 30:6, etc.; f. יוֹלֵדָה Ho 13:13 + 12 times; יֹלֶ֫דֶת Gn 17:19 + 4 times; יֹלַדְתְּ 16:11 + 2 times (Köi. 404 f.; perhaps יֹלֶדֶת intended by Kt, cf. Sta§ 213 b); sf. Pr 23:25; יוֹלַדְתּוֹ Pr 17:25, etc.; pl. יֹלְדוֹת Je 16:3; Pt. pass. יָלוּד 1 K 3:26, 27; cstr. יְלוּד Jb 14:1 + 2 times; pl. יְלוּדִים 1 Ch 14:4;— 1. bear, bring forth: a. (to mother a child,) so commonly, c. 208 times; sq. acc. Gn 3:16; 4:1 & constantly; acc. om. 6:4; 16:1 = be delivered of a child, 1 K 3:17, 18 2 K 19:3 = Is 37:3 (in proverb c. neg., i.e. human power exhausted); of animals Gn 30:39; 31:82) Je 14:5; 17:11 (bird laying eggs, or hatching out young), Ez 31:6 Jb 39:1, 2; but also of whole process of labour (cf. חול) וַתְּקַשׁ בְּלִדְתָּהּ Gn 35:16 cf. v 17, 38:27, 28, cf. 1 S 14:19 Je 31:8 Mi 5:2 (of a man, as preposterous, Je 30:6, cf. Moses as mother of Israel Nu 11:12). b. hence in simile of distress Mi 4:9, 10 Is 13:8; 21:3; 42:14 Je 6:24; 13:21; 22:23; 30:6; 49:24; 50:43 ψ 48:7, cf. Ho 13:13; ילד על־ברכים (StaZAW 1886, 143 ff.) Gn 30:3; 50:23 (cf. Jb 3:12). c. fig. of wicked וְהָרָה עָמָל וְיָלַד שָׁ֑קֶר ψ 7:15 cf. Jb 15:35 also Is 33:11; of Israelites, bringing forth wind (of vain efforts for deliverance) 26:18; כְּפֹר שָׁמַיִם מִי יְלָדוֹ Jb 38:29; of Tyre as mother of her inhabitants Is 23:4; of Jerus. Is 51:18; 54:1; 66:7, 8 Ez 16:20, Isr. bearing disloyal children Ho 5:7; Jerus. and Sam., as Oholibah and Oholah Ez 23:37; of Babylon Je 50:12; of a day, as producing events לֹא־תֵדַע מַה יֵּ֫לֶד יוֹם Pr 27:1; perhaps of God (fig. of rock צוּר), as mother of Isr. bringing forth with labour Dt 32:18 yet v. 2. 2. less often beget: a. lit., c. 22 times; always c. acc.; in Hex a mark of J; Gn 4:18(×3); 10:8, 13, 15, 242), 26 = 1 Ch 1:10, 11, 13, 182), 20, Gn 22:23; 25:3 (Dt 32:18 & Nu 11:12 E are dub.; P uses Hiph.), elsewhere Pr 17:21; 23:22, 24 Dn 11:6. b. beget, fig. ψ 2:7 of י׳’s formally installing king into theocratic rights. 3. Zc 13:32), of both parents (lit.); Pt. pass. 3 times = child 1 K 3:26, 27 where mother is named, 1 Ch 14:4 where father named.
Niph. Pf. נוֹלַד 1 Ch 2:3 + 6 times + הנּוֹלַד־ Gn 21:3 according to points, but read Pt. (v. Di); נוּ֯לְּדוּ 3:5; 20:8 (cf. Ol§ 263 b Ges§ 69, 5t); Impf. יִוָּלֵד Gn 17:17 + 4 times; יִוָּ֑לֶד Is 66:8; וַיִּוָּלֵד Gn 4:18 + 2 times, etc.; Inf. הִוָּ֑לֶד Gn 21:5; הִוָּֽלְדוֹ Ec 7:1; הִוָּֽלְדָהּ Ho 2:5; Pt. נוֹלָד 1 K 13:2 + 3 times (Gn 21:3 v. supr.); נוֹלָדִים 48:5 1 Ch 7:21;—be born: of human beings, sq. לְ (born to such and such a man), Gn 4:18; 10:1; 17:17; 21:3, 5; 46:20, 48:5 Nu 26:60 Dt 23:9 2 S 3:2 (Qr), 5:13; 14:27 1 Ch 2:3, 9; 3:1, 4, 5; 20:6, 8; 22:9; 26:6 Jb 1:2 cf. 1 K 13:2; without לְ, Jb 3:3; 38:21 ψ 78:6 1 Ch 7:21 Ec 7:1 (טוֹב שֵׁם מִשֶּׁמֶן טוֹב וְיוֹם הַמָּוֶת מִיּוֹם הִוָּֽלְֽדוֹ׃); metaph. of Israel (under fig. of unfaithful wife) Ho 2:5; of nation, גּוֹי, Is 66:8, people, עַם, ψ 22:32; of animals Lv 22:27 Dt 15:19; Pt. כָּל־נָשִׁים וְהַנּוֹלָד מֵהֶם Ezr 10:3; c. pred. or appos. on which emph. rests, נ׳ רָ֑שׁ Ec 4:14 he was born poor; אֹהֵב הָרֵ֑ע וְאָח לְצָרָה יִוָּלֵד Pr 17:17; עַיִר פרא אדם יִוָּלֵד Jb 11:12; 15:7.
Pi. Inf. יַלֶּדְכֶן Ex 1:16; Pt. abs. מְיַלֶּדֶת Gn 35:17 + 2 times; pl. abs. מְיַלְּדוֹת Ex 1:15 + 5 times in Ex 1;—cause (or help) to bring forth, viz., assist or tend as midwife Ex 1:16 sq. acc.; elsewhere only Pt. f. as subst. = midwife; Gn 35:17 (E), 38:28 (J), Ex 1:15, 17, 18, 192), 20, 21 (E).
Pu. Pf. יֻלַּד Gn 4:26 + 13 times; יוּלַּד Ju 18:29; יֻלָּד֙ Gn 41:50; יוּלָּ֑ד Jb 5:7; יֻלְּדוּ Gn 6:1 + 4 times + 2 S 3:2 Kt (Qr וַיִּוָּֽלְדוּ); יֻלָּ֑דוּ ψ 90:2, etc.; Pt. (? cf. Köi. 433; Ges§ 52e, s) הַיּוּלָּד Ju 13:8 (Böii.p. 244 pass. Qal); i.q. Niph. be born, sq. לְ of father Gn 4:26; 6:1; 10:21, 25; 24:15 (all J), 41:50 (E), 35:26; 36:5; 46:22, 27 (all P), Ju 18:29; 2 S 3:2, 5; 21:20, 22; 1 Ch 1:19; Je 20:15; sq. לְ before grandmother’s name Ru 4:17 cf. לָ֫נוּ Is 9:5; sq. לְ of purpose, destiny, אדם לעמל יוּלָּ֑ד Jb 5:7; יֻלְּדוּ עַל־בִּרְכֵי יוֹסֵף Gn 50:23 (E; Sam. בִּימֵי יו׳, cit. Di) denoting recognition of children as his; no prep. Je 20:14; 22:26, cf. Ju 13:8 (v. supr.); fig. of foreigners incorporated in spiritual Zion ψ 87:4, 5, 6; of production of mountains ψ 90:2.
Hiph. Pf. הוֹלִיד Gn 11:27; +; הוֹלִד Nu 26:58; הֹלִיד 1 Ch 2:36 +; sf. וְהוֹלִידָהּ consec. Is 55:10; הוֹלַדְ֫תָּ Gn 48:6, etc.; Impf. יוֹלִיד Gn 17:20 Ec 6:3; וַיּ֫וֹלֶד Gn 5:3 +; 2 ms. תּוֹלִיד Dt 4:25 + 4 times; אוֹלִיד Is 66:9; Imv. הוֹלִי֫דוּ Je 29:6; Inf. abs. הוֹלֵיד Is 59:4; cstr. sf. הוֹלִידוֹ Gn 5:4 + 16 times; Pt. מוֹלִיד Is 66:9; מוֹלִדִים Je 16:3;— 1. beget (a father a child) Gn 5:3, 42) + 56 times in Gn., Lv 25:45 Nu 26:29, 58 (all these P, v. sub Qal) + Dt 4:25; 28:41 (v. Di), 1 Ch 2:102), 112) + 84 times Chr.; Ru 4:18 + 8 times, Ju 11:1; 2 K 20:18 = Is 39:7, Je 29:6; Ez 18:10, 14; 47:22; Ec 5:13; 6:3, cf. Is 45:10; also Je 16:3 אֲבוֹתָם הַמּוֹלִדִים אוֹתָם, cf. freq. Assyrian abu bânûa, e.g. VR 1:8; fig. of producing dewdrops Jb 38:28; of causing the earth to bear grain Is 55:10; causing Zion to bring forth 66:9. 2. bear, only fig. 59:4 (‖ הָרוֹ), of wicked, bringing forth iniquity (this favoured by context; others, beget).
Hoph. Inf. הֻלֶּדֶת Gn 40:20; Ez 16:5; הוּלֶּ֫דֶת Ez 16:4 (Co as foregoing); only יוֹם ה׳ אֶת־ Gn 40:20 Ez 16:4, 5 day of one’s being born = birthday.
Hithp. Impf. וַיִּתְיַלְּדוּ Nu 1:18 denom. from תולדת declared their pedigree (v. Di).


יַלְדָּה n.f. girl damsel;—abs. יַלְדָּה Gn 34:4 Jo 4:3; וִילָדוֹת Zc 8:5;—marriageable girl: of Dinah, daughter of Jacob Gn 34:4; opp. יֶלֶד Zc 8:5 Jo 4:3.


יַלְדוּת n.f. childhood, youth;—abs. יַלְדוּת Ec 11:10 (‖ שַׁחֲרוּת); יַלְדוּתֶ֑ךָ 11:9; = young men טַל יַלְדֻתֶ֑ךָ ψ 110:3.


יִלּוֹד adj. born (irreg. punctuation for יָלוּד, Dr 2 S 5:14),—יִלּוֹד Ex 1:22; 2 S 12:14; יִלֹּדִים Jos 5:5; 2 S 5:14; יִלּוֹדִים Je 16:3; הַבֵּן הַיִּלּ׳ Ex 1:22 (E) 2 S 12:14 (+ לְךָ); הָעָם הַיִּלּ׳ בַּמִּדְבָּר Jos 5:5 (D); עַל־הַבָּנִים וְעַל־הַבָּנוֹת הַיִּלּוֹדִים בַּמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה Je 16:3; הַיִּלּוֹדִים לוֹ 2 S 5:14.


[יָלִיד] adj. born, only cstr. יְלִיד Gn 17:12 + 4 times; pl. יְלִידֵי 14:14 + 6 times; בִּילִדֵי 2 S 21:18;—born, especially of slave יְלִיד בַּיִת born in (one’s) house (opp. purchased by money) Gn 17:12, 13, 27; Lv 22:11 (all P), cf. Je 2:14 where denied of Israel; יְלִידֵי בַיִת id. Gn 14:14; pl. elsewhere subst. = children, sons יל׳ הרפה 2 S 21:16, 18 cf. יל׳ הָרְפָאִים 1 Ch 20:4; יל׳ הענק Nu 13:22, 28 Jos 15:14 (all JE).


יְלֵל n.[m.] howling (of beasts);—וּבְתֹהוּ יְלֵל יְשִׁמֹ֑ן Dt 32:10 in a waste of howling of a desert (= in the howling waste of a desert; v Dr).


יָלַל vb.Hiph. howl, make a howling (onomatop.)
Hiph. Pf. וְהֵילִל Je 47:2; וְהֵילִי֫לוּ consec. Am 8:3; Impf. יְיֵלִיל Is 15:2 + 3 times (Ges§ 70, 2, R. 2i 437, 421); אֲיֵלִיל Je 48:31; וְאֵילִי֫לָה Mi 1:8; יְיֵלִי֫לוּ Ho 7:14 (Köi 421); יְהֵילִי֫לוּ Is 52:5; תְּיֵלִי֫לוּ Is 65:14; Imv. הֵילֵל Ez 21:17; Zc 11:2; הֵילִי֫לִי Is 14:31; 49:3 + Je 48:20 Kt; הֵילִי֫לוּ Is 13:6 + 13 times + Je 48:20 Qr, + Ez 30:2 (del. 𝔊 Co);—utter or make a howling, give a howl, in distress, ‖ זעק Ho 7:14; Je 47:2; Is 14:31; Je 25:34; 48:20, 31 (sq. על), Ez 21:17; ‖ צעק Is 65:14 (sq. מִן of occasion, source); ‖ ספד Mi 1:8 Je 4:8; Jo 1:13; ‖ הֹבִישׁ Jo 1:11; ‖ בכה 1:5 (cf. Is 15:2, 3 + בֶּ֑כִי); sq. על Je 51:8; Is 15:2, 3; We proposes ילילו for יגילו Ho 10:5 (others יחילו, v. גיל supr. p. 162); sq. לְ Is 16:7; abs. והילילו שׁירות היכל Am 8:3 and palace-songs shall become howlings, Is 13:6; 16:7; 23:1, 6, 14; Je 48:39; 49:3 (Ez 30:2 v supr.), Zp 1:11; Zc 11:2(×2); in cruel exultation Is 52:5 cf. De Che Di.—On הֵילֵל בֶּן־שָׁ֑חַר Is 14:12 cf. sub I. הלל supr. p. 237.


יְלָלָה n.f. howling;—וִילָלָה Zp 1:10; cstr. יִֽלֲלַת. Je 25:36; Zc 11:3; יִלְלָתָהּ Is 15:82);—howling in distress Is 15:82) (‖ זְעָקָה), Je 25:36 (of leaders of flock, metaph. for princes; ‖ קול צעקה), Zp 1:10 (‖ id.); קול יִֽלֲלַת הָרֹעִים Zc 11:3 (רעים metaph. for princes).