Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

חֵ֫פֶץ — חָרָה


חֵ֫פֶץ n.m. Pr 3:15 delight, pleasure;—ח׳ Is 54:12 + 20 times; sf. חֶפְצְךָ Is 58:13 etc. + 13 times sfs.; pl. חֲפָצִים Pr 8:11; sf. חֲפָצֶיךָ Pr 3:15; חֲפָצֶ֖ךָ Is 58:13
1. delight אבני ח׳ Is 54:12 delightful stones; אֶרֶץ ח׳ Mal 3:12 delightsome land; דִּבְרֵי ח׳ Ec 12:10; so perhaps also בִּגְדֵי ח׳ Ez 27:20 garments of delight, i.e. of beauty and luxury (Gr; MT חֹפֶשׁ q.v.); c. בְּ of persons ψ 16:3; Ec 5:3 Mal 1:10; of things 1 S 15:22; 18:25 ψ 1:2; Jb 21:21; Ec 12:1; כְּלִי אֵין חֵפֶץ בּוֹ vessel wherein is no pleasure Je 22:28; 48:38; Ho 8:8; הַחֵפֶץ לְשַׁדַּי כִּי Jb 22:3 is it a pleasure to Shadday that?
2. desire, longing מנע מח׳ דלים Jb 31:16 withhold the poor from (their) desire; מְחוֹז חֶפְצָם the city of their desire ψ 107:30; כל חפץ all (one’s) desire 2 S 23:5 1 K 5:22, 23, 24; 9:11, 10:13 = 2 Ch 9:12; כל חפצים all things to be desired Pr 3:15; 8:11.
3. the good pleasure, will, purpose, of Yahweh Ju 13:23 (J) Is 44:28; 46:10; 48:14.
4. that in which one takes delight, his business (late), or matter (very late, cf. Mish. = thing) חֵפֶץ י׳ בְּיָדוֹ יִצְלַח the good pleasure (cause, business) of Yahweh will prosper in his hands Is 53:10; - Is 58:3, 13; עֲשׂוֹת חֲפָצֶךָ doing thy affairs Is 58:13 (see De in loco); בְּחֵפֶץ כַּפֶּיהָ in the business of her hands Pr 31:13; עֵת לְכָל־חֵפֶץ time for every matter, affair Ec 3:1, 17; 8:6; אַל־תִּתְמַהּ עַל־הַחֵפֶץ marvel not at the matter Ec 5:7.
Note.חפץ is not used in any of its forms in E D2 H P of the Hexateuch.


† I. חָפֵץ vb. delight in (cf. Arabic حَفِظَ be mindful of, attentive to, keep, protect, Aramaic ܚܦܛ whence ܚܦܺܝܛ eager, zealous, Arabic حَفِيظَةٌ anger (excitement), أَحْفَظَ enrage (Aramaic and Arabic of excited attention, Heb. of delighted attention), Dl Pr 168ZMG 1886, 742; NH חֵפֶץ weakened to thing, v. De Ec. Gloss., Ph. in חפצבעל);—
Qal Pf. ח׳ Gn 34:19 + 28 times; f. חָפֵ֑צָה Is 66:3; 2 m. חָפַצְתָּ Dt 21:14 + 4 times; חָפָ֫צְנוּ Jb 21:14, etc., + 14 times Pf.; Impf. יַחְפֹּץ Dt 25:7 + 7 times; יֶחְפָּ֑ץ ψ 37:23; 147:10; pl. יַחְפְּצוּ Is 13:17; Je 6:10; יֶחְפָּ֑צוּ ψ 68:31; יֶחְפָּצוּ֑ן Is 58:2(×2) etc. + 9 times Impf.; Inf. abs. חָפֹץ Ez 18:23; on Pt. חָפֵץ = adj. verb., v. infr.;— 1. of men: a. take pleasure in, delight in, c. בְּ, a woman Gn 34:19 (J), Dt 21:14; Est 2:14; a man 1 S 18:22; 19:1 2 S 20:11; in matters and things 2 S 24:3; Is 13:17; 66:3; Je 6:10 ψ 109:17; 112:1; 119:35; Pr 18:2; Est 6:6, 7, 92), 11; c. acc. ψ 68:31 Is 58:2; Ec 8:3; implic. obj. ψ 73:25. b. delight, desire, be pleased to do a thing, would do it Dt 25:7, 8 1 K 9:1; Est 6:6 Ru 3:13 ψ 40:9; Jb 9:3; 13:3; 21:14; 33:32; Is 58:2; Je 42:22. c. abs. עַד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּ֑ץ until it please (of love) Ct 2:7; 3:5; 8:4. 2. of God: a. delight in, have pleasure in, c. בְּ, persons Nu 14:8 (J), 2 S 15:26; 22:20 = ψ 18:20, 1 K 10:9 = 2 Ch 9:8, ψ 22:9; 41:12; Is 62:4; not in the strength of a horse ψ 147:10; in doing evil Mal 2:17; in the death of the sinner Ez 18:32; 33:11; but in mercy, justice, and righteousness Je 9:23; בחר באשׁר (לא) חפצתי Is 56:4; 65:12; 66:4; not with (acc.) the blood of bullocks Is 1:11; זבח(ים) ψ 40:7; 51:18, 21, or the death of the sinner Ex 18:232); but with חסד Ho 6:6 Mi 7:18, אמת ψ 51:8; with the way of a man ψ 37:23; כל אשׁר חפץ ψ 115:3; 135:6 Pr 21:1; אשׁר חפץ Is 55:11; Jon 1:14. b. pleased to do a thing c. inf. Ju 13:23 1 S 2:25; Is 53:10. c. with impf. subj. (Ges§ 142(3)c) י׳ חָפֵץ יגדיל תּורה Yahweh was pleased to magnify teaching Is 42:21.—On Jb 40:17 v. חָפַץ.


† II. [חָפַץ] vb. bend down (Arabic خَفَضَ lower, depress, as wings Qor 15:88)—only
Qal Impf. יַחְפֹּץ זְנָכוֹ כְמוֹ־אֶרֶז Jb 40:17; he bendeth down (extendeth down stiffly) his tail like a cedar, v. Wetzst in De Job 526 Hi Hiob 299.


חָפֵץ adj. verb. delighting in, having pleasure in;—ח׳ ψ 5:5 + 4 times; pl. חֲפֵצִים Mal 3:1 Ne 1:11; cstr. חֲפֵצֵי ψ 35:27 + 2 times; sf. חֶפְצֵיהֶם ψ 111:2; f. חֲפֵצָ֑ה 1 Ch 28:9;—
1. of man, c. acc. ψ 34:13; 35:27 Mal 3:1; c. inf. Ne 1:11; abs. הֶחָפֵץ whosoever would 1 K 13:33; אם חפץ אתה if thou pleasest 1 K 21:6; נֶפֶשׁ חֲפֵצָה willing soul 1 Ch 28:9; pl. cstr. before nouns abs. ψ 35:22; 40:15 = 70:3; דְּרוּשִׁים לְכָל־חֶפְצֵיהֶם studied of all who take pleasure in them ψ 111:2.
2. of God, לֹא אֵל־חָפֵץ רֶשַׁע אַתָּה thou art not a God taking pleasure in wickedness ψ 5:5.


חֶפְצִי־בָהּ (my delight is in her; cf. Ph. חפצבעל)
1. mother of king Manasseh 2 K 21:1.
2. fig. name of Zion Is 62:4, here expl. by כִּי חפץ יהוה בָּךְ for Yahweh delighteth in thee.


† I. חֵ֫פֶר
1. a Manassite Nu 26:32, 33; 27:1 Jos 17:2, 3, 𝔊 Οφερ.
2. a man of Judah 1 Ch 4:6; 𝔊 Ηφαλ, 𝔊L Αφερ.
3. one of David’s heroes, according to 1 Ch 11:36 (but on text v. Be VB and Dr 2 S 23:36).


† II. [חָפֵר] vb. be abashed, ashamed (𝔗 חֲפַר Pr 13:5, מַחְפְּרָנָא one causing shame Pr 19:26; Syriac ܚܦܰܪ, especially Aph. be ashamed, put to shame; Arabic خَفَرَ / خَفِرَ be bashful, خَفِرٌ shy, bashful; Ethiopic ኀፈረ: be ashamed, blush)
Qal Pf. 3 fs. חָֽפְרָה Je 50:12; וְחָֽפְרָה consec. Is 24:23; וְחָפֵ֑רָה Je 15:9; חָֽפְרוּ ψ 71:24; וְחָֽפְרוּ consec. Mi 3:7; Impf. יַחְפְּרוּ ψ 35:4 + 4 times; יֶחְפָּ֑רוּ ψ 34:6; וַיֶּחְפָּ֑רוּ Jb 6:20; תַּחְפְּרוּ Is 1:29;—be abashed, ashamed, said of face ψ 34:6 (avoided by looking to י׳); elsewhere always ‖ בּוֹשׁ, of enemies of righteousness ψ 71:24; 35:4, 26; 40:15 = 70:3; 83:18; of idolaters Is 1:29; diviners Mi 3:7; of distressed Jerusalem Je 15:9; so of Babylon 50:12; of moon Is 24:23; be put to shame (disappointment), of caravans looking for water Jb 6:20.
Hiph. Pf. הֶחְפִּיר Is 33:9; Impf. יַחְפִּיר Pr 13:5; תַּחְפִּ֫ירִי Is 54:4; Pt. מַחְפִּיר Pr 19:26;—display shame, fig. of Lebanon Is 33:9 (‖ קָמַ֑ל ‘dried up’ Che); of Israel Is 54:4 (‖ בּוֹשׁ Qal); of an unfilial son, cause shame Pr 19:26 (‖ מֵבִישׁ); cf. Pr 13:5 of wicked (‖ יבאישׁ: v. באשׁ Hiph. supr. p. 93).


† I. חָפַר vb. dig, search for (Arabic حَفَرَ id.; Aramaic חֲפַר, ܚܦܰܪ, id.; NH חֵפֶר act of digging)
Qal Pf. ח׳ Jb 39:29; וְחָפַרְתָּ֫ Jb 11:18; וְחָפַרְתָּ֫ה Dt 23:14; חָפַרְתִּי Gn 21:30; חָֽפְרוּ Gn 26:18 + 2 times; חָפָ֑רוּ Gn 26:32; חֲפָרוּהָ Nu 21:18; Impf. וַיַּחְפֹּר Gn 26:18, 22; וַיַּחְפִּרֵהוּ ψ 7:16; וָאֶחְפֹּר Je 13:7; יַחְפְּדוּ Jb 39:21 (but read יַחְפֹּר so 𝔊 𝔙 𝔖 Di) Dt 1:22; וַיַּחְפְּרוּ Gn 26:19 + 2 times; וַיַּחְפְּרֻהוּ Jb 3:21; Inf. cstr. לַחְפֹּר Jos 2:2, 3 + Is 2:20 (cf. infr.); Pt. חֹפֵר Ec 10:8;— 1. dig: a. a well, c. acc. בְּאֵר Gn 21:30 (E), 26:15, 182), 19, 21, 22, 32 (J), Nu 21:18 (E); cf. Ex 7:24 (E); dig (a hole, implied as obj.) Dt 23:14; a pit, with hostile purpose, as snare or trap, fig. of malicious plan, c. acc. בּוֹר ψ 7:16 (‖ כָּרָה); so c. acc. גומץ Ec 10:8, cf. ח׳ לְנַפְשִׁי [שַׁחַת] ψ 35:7; of horse, dig, i.e. paw the ground, יַחְפֹּר בָּעֵמֶק Jb 39:21 (so read, v. supr.) he paweth in the valley (cf. Arabic حَافِرٌ hoof). b. dig for something hidden, c. acc. Jb 3:21 (fig. of longing for death), Je 13:7 (no obj. expr.) 2. search, search out, explore, c. acc. הָאָרֶץ Jos 2:2, 3 (JE), Dt 1:22; of eagle, search for food, c. acc. ח׳ אֹכֶל Jb 39:29, with especially reference to keen vision (‖ מֵרָחוֹק עֵינָיו יַבִּיטוּ); so = search or look carefully about before going to rest Jb 11:18 (no obj.).—לַחְפֹּר Is 2:20 v. חֲפַרְפָּרָה infr.


† II. חֵ֫פֶר
1. Canaanitish town, with a king, named just before Aphek Jos 12:17, exact site unknown.
2. 1 K 4:10 in Judah (ארץ ח׳);—on גִּ֫תָּה ח׳ Jos 19:13, גַּת הַח׳ 2 K 14:25, v. גַּת sub יגן.


חֶפְרִי of i. חֵפֶר a; only c. art. as coll. הַח׳ Nu 26:32.


חֲפָרַיִם in Issachar Jos 19:19, 𝔊 Αγειν, A Αφεραειμ, 𝔊L Αμφαραιμ; = Egyptian Ḥa-pu-ru-m-â WMMAsien, 170; site dub.; 6 m. N. of Legio according to Lag Onom. 233, 2nd ed. 241.


חָפְרַע Apries, reigned in Egypt alone, b.c. 589—570 and with Amasis 570—564; named as פַּרְעֹה ח׳ מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרַיִם Je 44:30 Pharaoh Hophraʿ king of Egypt (v. פַּרְעֹה); 4th king of 26th dynasty; 𝔊 Οὐαφρη; Manetho Οὔαφρις; Egyptian Monum. Uaḥ-ȧbra, WiedemannÄgypt. Gesch. 602, 636 ff.; Gesch. Ägypt. 163 ff.; Gk. Ἀπρίης Herodot. ii. 161 etc. (v. Wied Herodot’s 2tes Buch, 569), Diodori. 68; Ἀπρίας Ctesias (Athen. 13:560).


חֲפַרְפָּרָה v. sub I. חפר.


חֵ֫פֶשׂ n.[m.] a (shrewd) device, plot, only in תָּֽמְנוּ ח׳ מְחֻפָּשׂ ψ 64:7 (cf. חָפַשׂ supr.)


[חָפַשׂ] vb. search (𝔗Jer חֲפַס dig, seek; Pal. Syriac dig (Schw); perhaps Assyrian êppêšu, êtpêšu, sensible, LyonSargontexte 65)
Qal Impf. 2 ms. sf. תַּחְפְּשֶׂ֫נָּה Pr 2:4; יַחְפְּשׂוּ ψ 64:7; נַחְפְּשָׂה La 3:40; Pt. חֹפֵשׂ Pr 20:27;—search, search out, fig.; 1. search for, obj. בִּינָה etc. Pr 2:4 (‖ בקשׁ). 2. = think out, devise, c. acc. עולות unjust acts ψ 64:7 (cf. also sub Pu.) 3. search = test, La 3:40 (obj. דרכינו; ‖ חקר), Pr 20:27.
Niph. Pf. נֶחְפְּשׂוּ Ob6 subj. עֵשָׂו coll.; searched out = exposed and plundered (‖ נִבְעוּ מַצְפּוּנָיו).
Pi. Pf. וְחִפַּשְׂתִּ֫י 1 S 23:23; וְחִפְּשׂוּ 1 K 20:6; Impf. וַיְחַפֵּשׂ Gn 31:35 + 2 times; אֲחַפֵּשׂ Am 9:3 Zp 1:12; Imv. חַפְּשׂוּ 2 K 10:23;— 1. search through, c. acc., a house 1 K 20:6, Jerusalem (metaph.) Zp 1:12; no obj. expr. 2 K 10:23. 2. search for: a. a person c. acc. 1 S 23:23. b. a thing, c. acc. Gn 44:12 (J; Joseph searching for his cup); Gn 31:35 (E; no obj. expr., Laban looking for his teraphim); Am 9:3 (י׳ searching for evildoers), ψ 77:7 (soul searching to understand י׳’s dealings with his servants).
Pu. Impf. יְחֻפַּשׂ Pr 28:12 be searched for = be hidden; Pt. מְחֻפָּשׂ ψ 64:7 in חֵפֶשׂ מ׳ = a searched out search, i.e. a device well thought out (cf. Che; ‖ Qal q.v.); v. also חֵ֫פֶשׂ.
Hithp. Pf. הִתְחַפֵּשׂ 2 Ch 35:22 (but 𝔊 הִתְחַזֵּק, cf. also 𝔙 𝔖 3 Esdr 1:26, so Be Öt); Impf. יִתְחַפֵּשׂ Jb 30:18; וַיִּתְחַפֵּשׂ 1 S 28:8 + 3 times; Inf. abs. הִתְחַפֵּשׂ 1 K 22:30 = 2 Ch 18:29;—disguise oneself (lit. let oneself be searched for) 1 S 28:8 1 K 22:302) = 2 Ch 18:292), 2 Ch 35:22 (but v. supr.), all of disguise by change of garments; 1 K 20:38 באפר i.e. with headgear over eyes; subj. לבושׁ Jb 30:18, i.e. his garment is disguised, no longer looks like the mantle it is.


[חָפַשׁ] vb. be free—only
Pu. Pf. 3 fs. כִּי לֹא חֻפָּ֑שָׁה Lv 19:20 (H), because she was not freed (a freed-woman).


חֹ֫פֶשׁ n.[m.] very dub.; only בִּגְדֵי־חֹ֫פֶשׁ לְרִכְבָּה Ez 27:20 wide-spread (?) garments for riding, i.e. saddle-cloths, according to Thes Sm Co Da al.; but meaning spread for √ purely conject.; Gr suggests, plausibly, חֵ֫פֶץ (q.v.)


חֻפְֿשָׁה n.f. freedom, only ח׳ לא נִתַּן־לָהּ Lv 19:20 (H) freedom had not been given to her.


חָפְשִׁי adj. free (NH id.)ח׳ Ex 21:5 + 10 times + ψ 88:6; pl. חָפְשִׁים Is 58:6 + 4 times—
1. free from slavery: of Hebrew bondslave (male or female) set free in 7th year Ex 21:2, 5 (JE), Dt 15:12, 13, 18, cf. Je 34:9, 10, 11, 14, 16; of slave (male or female) set free on account of injury done Ex 21:26, 27 (JE); עֶבֶד ח׳ מֵאֲדֹנָיו Jb 3:19 a slave is free from his master (i.e. in Sheʾôl); but בַּמֵּתִים חָפְשִׁי ψ 88:6 among the dead I am free (i.e. adrift, cut off from Yahweh’s remembrance); more gen., שַׁלַּח רְצוּצִים חָפְשִׁים Is 58:6 to let oppressed ones go free.
2. free from taxes, obligations, etc. אֵת בֵּית אָבִיו יַעֲשֶׂה חָפְשִׁי בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל 1 S 17:25 his father’s house will he make free in Israel.


חָפְשִׁית, חפשׁות n.f. freedom, separateness, only בֵּית הַחָפְשִׁית 2 K 15:5 = 2 Ch 26:21 Qr (Kt החפשׁות) i.e. (si vera l.) a separate house—a house apart (on account of his disease).


חֵץ v. sub חצץ.


חֵץ n.m. 1 S 20:20 arrow, mostly poet. and proph. (cf. חֵצִי supr. sub חצה)—abs. ח׳ ψ 91:5 + 9 times + 1 S 17:7 Kt (Qr עֵץ q.v.); cstr. id. 2 K 13:172); sf. חִצִּי Jb 34:6, חִצּוֹ ψ 58:8 Zc 9:14, חִצָּם ψ 11:2; 64:4; Pl. חִצִּים Gn 49:23 + 17 times + 1 S 20:38 Qr (Kt חֵ֫צִי q.v.) + 2 S 22:15 (< חִצָּיוψ 18:15); cstr. חִצֵּי Jb 6:4 ψ 120:4 + Ez 5:16 (Co חִצַּי cf. 𝔊 𝔖 Hi); חִצַּי Dt 32:23, 42 (Ez 5:16 v. supr.), חִצֶּיךָ ψ 38:3 + 4 times חֲצָצֶיךָ 77:18; חִצָּיו Is 5:28 + 5 times;—
1. lit., shot from bow by hand 1 S 20:20, 212), 22 (𝔊 We sg., i.e. הַחֵצִי, in v 21, 22, see also Dr) v 36, 38 Qr 2 K 19:32 = Is 37:33, Is 5:28; 7:24; Je 50:9, 14; 51:11; Ez 39:3, 9; 1 Ch 12:2; shot from engine of war 2 Ch 26:15; used in divination Ez 21:26 cf. 2 K 13:152), 172), 18; בַּעֲלֵי חִצִּים = archers Gn 49:23.
2. fig. of Israel’s weapons Nu 24:8, of the (Messianic) king ψ 45:6, of Yahweh’s judgments Dt 32:23, 42; Jb 6:4 (cf. חִצִּי = my wound 34:6), ψ 7:14; 38:3; 58:3 (but on text cf. Checrit. n.) 64:8; 120:4 (? cf. Che); further Pr 7:23; La 3:12; Ez 5:16; in theoph. ψ 18:15 = 2 S 22:15, cf. Hb 3:11 Zc 9:14 ψ 77:18; 144:6; of wicked men’s violence ψ 11:2 cf. 91:5, under fig. of lion’s teeth ψ 57:5; their words ψ 64:4 cf. Pr 25:18; Je 9:8; simile, of strength and efficiency derived from one’s children, ψ 127:4; of a deceiver’s words Pr 26:18; metaph. of servant of ח׳ בָּרוּר י׳ Is 49:2.—In 1 S 17:7 read עֵץ (for חֵץ) as Qr and ‖ 2 S 21:19 = the shaft; v. עֵץ; so Klo Dr


[חָצַב], חָצֵב vb. hew, hew out, cleave (NH id., Aramaic חֲצַב; SI4.6 pt. pl. החצבם; cf. Ph. מחצב = Heb. id.)
Qal Pf. חָצֵב Is 5:2; חָֽצְבָה Pr 9:1; חָצַבְתִּי Ho 6:5, etc.; Impf. וַיַּחְצֹב 2 Ch 26:10; 2 ms. תַּחְצֹב Dt 8:9; Inf. cstr. לַחְצֹב Je 2:13; לַחְצוֹב 1 Ch 22:2; Pt. act. חֹצֵב Is 10:15 + 4 times; cstr. חֹצְבִי Is 22:16; חֹצְבִים 1 Ch 22:2 + 3 times; חֹצְבֵי 2 K 12:13; pass. חֲצוּבִים Dt 6:11 Ne 9:25;— 1. hew out, (dig), wine-vat יֶקֶב Is 5:2; sepulchre (קֶבֶר) Is 22:162); cisterns בֹּרוֹת Dt 6:112) 2 Ch 26:10; Ne 9:25, cf. Je 2:13; of mining מהרריה תַּח׳ נחשׁת Dt 8:9 out of its mountains thou mayst hew out copper. 2. a. hew stone 1 Ch 22:2; metaph. of pillars Pr 9:1 (subj. wisdom); elsewhere pt., hewer of stone 2 K 12:13; 1 Ch 22:2, 15 (v. SI4.6 supr.); prob. 1 K 5:29; 2 Ch 2:1, 17 (ח׳ בָּהָר v. Be), cf. 24:12; Ezr 3:7. b. appar. hew wood Is 10:15 ח׳ בוֹ (i.e. בְּגַרְזֶן). 3. metaph. hew in pieces Ho 6:5 fig. of י׳ attacking people by agency of prophets (‖ הֲרַגְתִּים); divide, cleave subj. י׳’s voice ψ 29:7 obj. להבות אשׁ, i.e. the thunder of his voice sends forked lightnings (but on text cf. Che and crit. n.)
Niph. Impf. יֵחָצְבוּן be cut, hewn, graven (words on rock) Jb 19:24.
Pu. Pf. חֻצַּבְתֶּם Is 51:1 fig., hewn out of rock (of Isr.’s origin; ‖ נֻקַּר).
Hiph. Pt. מַחֲצֶ֫בֶת Is 51:9 hew in pieces = Qal 3, fig. of destroying רהב = Egypt (cf. ψ 89:11).


חָצָה vb. divide (NH id.; Arabic حَظِىَ / حُظِىَ is be fortunate, happy with one’s husband or wife, etc., i.e. have a share in happiness; حَظْوَةٌ a small arrow; Di134 puts here Ethiopic ሐጸ: arrow, cf. חֵצִי)Qal Pf. חָצָה Nu 31:42; וְחָצִיתָ consec. Nu 31:27; וְחָצוּ consec. Ex 21:35; Impf. יֶחֱצֶה Is 30:28; וַיַּ֫חַץ Gn 32:8 + 2 times; וַיֶּחֱצֵם Ju 9:43; יֶחֱצוּ ψ 55:24; יֶחֱצוּן Ex 21:35; יֶחֱצוּהוּ Jb 40:30;—
1. divide, sq. כסף Ex 21:35; שׁור v 35 (both JE), לִוְיָתָן crocodile Jb 40:30; prey, מלקוח, Nu 31:27 (P; c. לְ before parts); a company of people Gn 32:8 (sq. לְ as foreg.), 33:1 (both J) Ju 9:43 (לְ as foreg.) but cf. 7:16. 2. (appar. denom. from חֲצִי) ψ 55:24 לא יח׳ ימיהם shall not halve their days, i.e. enjoy even half of the normal number; Is 30:28 עד צואר יח׳ shall halve unto the neck = shall reach to the neck and so divide the man in half.
Niph. Impf. 3 fs. apoc. תֵּחָץ Dn 11:4 be divided (of kingdom), sq. לְ; ולא יֵחָ֫צוּ עוד לשׁני גוים Ez 37:22 (Judah and Isr.); water of Jordan 2 K 2:8, 14.


חָצוֹר, חָצֹר (LagBN 47 f.)—𝔊 Ασωρ, etc.;
1. a royal city of northern Canaan Jos 11:1 יָבִין מֶלֶךְ־ח׳, cf. 12:19, and Ju 4:2, 17; 1 S 12:9; Jos 11:102), 11, 13; 19:36; 2 K 15:29; חָצֹר 1 K 9:15.
2. places in the Negeb: a. Jos 15:23. b. c. Jos 15:25 וחָצוֹר חֲדַתָּה וּקְרִיּוֹת חֶצְרוֹן הִיא חָצוֹר.
3. חָצוֹר Ne 11:33 a Benjamite town, prob. = בַּעַל חָצוֹר q.v.
4. מַמְלְכוֹת חָצוֹר אֲשֶׁר הִכָּה נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּו֯ר Je 49:28, cf. v 30, 33, an Arabian locality, v. WinerRW Hazor Gf Gie.—עֵין ח׳ Jos 19:37, v. sub עַיִן.

חָצוֹר חֲדַתָּה

חָצוֹר חֲדַתָּה (si vera l. perhaps new Haṣôr, with Aramaic ת in adj.)Jos 15:25, v. חָצוֹר; in Negeb of Judah, site unknown.


[חָצוֹת] n.f. (Inf. form.) division, middle—only cstr. כַּחֲצֹת הַלַּיְלָה Ex 11:4 (J)—midnight; חֲצוֹת לַיְלָה Jb 34:20 ψ 119:62, where adverb. phr. of time (בְּ om.)


חֲצִי123 n.m. Nu 12:12 half (NH id.; Ph. חצי; on format. v. Lag BN 113)—abs. חֲצִי 1 K 3:252) + 3 times; הַחֵ֑צִי 1 K 10:7, cf. 16:21; וָחֵ֔צִי Ez 40:42; וָחֵצִי Dn 12:7 + 13 times (usually c. Pashta or Tiphcha), cf. בַּחֵ֖צִי 2 S 10:4 1 Ch 19:4; cstr. חֲצִי Ex 12:29 + 84 times; sf. חֶצְיוֹ Ex 38:4 + 7 times + Jos 8:33 וְהַחֶצְיוֹ (but art. suspicious v. Ges§ 127 R 3, 4); חֶצְיָהּ Ne 3:38; חֶצְיֵנוּ 2 S 18:3; חֶצְיָם Zc 14:82) + 2 times—
1. half of anything:—blood of offering Ex 24:62) (JE), beard 2 S 10:4, a hin Nu 15:9, 10; 28:14 (P); curtain Ex 26:12 (P); week ח׳ השׁבוע Dn 9:27 etc.; ח׳ אַמָּה half a cubit Ex 26:16; 36:21 (P) +; especially ח׳ שׁבט half a tribe Nu 32:33; 34:13, 14, 15 (P) +; half of people 2 S 18:3; 19:41; 1 K 16:21(×3) +, etc. so ח׳ הַמְּנֻחוֹת 1Ch 2:52 and ח׳ הַמָּנַחְתִּי v 54 (v. Be and מָנַחַת sub נוח).—On כבחצי 1 S 14:14 v. We Dr.
2. middle ח׳ הלילה Ex 12:29 (J) midnight, so Ju 16:32) Ru 3:8; of garments 2 S 10:4; 1 Ch 19:4; altar Ex 27:5; of the Mt. of Olives Zc 14:4; ח׳ יָמַי ψ 102:25 the midst of my days (when they are but half done), Je 17:11.


חֵ֫צִי n.m. 2 K 9:24 arrow (cf. Arabic حَظْوَةٌ / حُظْوَةٌ, Ethiopic ሐጸ: id., Di 134, and v. Dr on 1 S 20:36)—abs. הַחֵ֫צִי 1 S 20:36, 372) + v 38 Kt (Qr הַחִצִּים), perhaps also v 21, 22 (so 𝔊 We, for MT pl. הַחִצִּים), 2 K 9:24; the usual form is חֵץ; v. infr.

חֲצִי הַמְּנֻחוֹת

חֲצִי הַמְּנֻחוֹת 1 Ch 2:52, and חֲצִי הַמָּנַחְתִּי v 54, v. מָנַחַת sub נוח.


† I. חָצִיר n.[m.] settled abode or haunt (‖ form of חָצֵר supr., or textual error for it);—נְוֵה תַנִּים חָצִיר לִבְנוֹת יַעֲנָה Is 34:13 a dwelling of jackals (and) a haunt for ostriches; also בִּנְוֵה תַנִּים רִבְצָהּ חָצִיר לְקָנֶה וָגֹ֑מֶא 35:7 an abode, home, of reeds and rushes (so Che Di Du al.; others put this under ii. חָצִיר); Che Du think the v. mutilated, and would emend this line according to 34:13.


† II. חָצִיר n.m. Is 15:6 green grass, herbage, abs. חָצִיר Nu 11:5 + 16 times; cstr. חֲצִיר Is 37:27 = 2 K 19:26, ψ 129:6;—
1. grass, as food for animals 1 K 18:5; Jb 40:15 ψ 104:14; 147:8; Pr 27:25 (‖ דֶּשֶׁא and עֵשֶׂב), Is 15:6 (‖ דֶּשֶׁא and יֶרֶק); spec. of leeks (as still sometimes in Aramaic, v. Löwpp. 226, 228) Nu 11:5 (v. Di); in sim. of abundant growth Is 44:4 (v. 𝔊 Ew Che); on Is 35:7; v. I. חָצִיר supr.
2. as type of what is quickly perishing Jb 8:12, hence fig. of perishing enemies חֲצִיר גַּגּוֹת Is 37:27 = 2 K 19:26 (‖ דֶּשֶׁא, עֵשֶׂב), ψ 129:6, i.e. having no depth of root; of wicked, soon to be cut down ψ 37:2; with special reference to Israel’s oppressors Is 40:6 (‖ ציץ [השׂרה]), v 7 (‖ id.), v 7, 8 (‖ id.), 51:12; in sim. of frail man ψ 90:5; man’s days ψ 103:15 (‖ ציץ השׂדה).


חצן (√ of foll.; meaning dub.; denom. seem to be Arabic حَضَنَ, Ethiopic ሐፀነ:; carry in the arms or bosom, rear, foster; perhaps also Assyrian êṣênu, bring together, also drink or draw in sweet odours Flood Tablet iii, 49 Hpt in KAT2 Gloss i).


[חֵ֫צֶן] n.m. bosom of a garment (Arabic حِضْنٌ, Ethiopic ሕፅን: also Syriac ܚܰܢܳܐ bosom (= ܚܥܢܐ), v. HoffmZMG 1878, 753 LagM ii, 361 ff.; BN 46 f.; on this word and foll. v. BaNB 120; ZMG 1889, 183)שֶׁלֹּא מִלֵּא כַפּוֹ קוֹצֵר וְחִצְנוֹ מְעַמֵּר ψ 129:7 (grass) with which a reaper filleth not his hand, nor a binder his bosom.


חֹ֫צֶן n.m. bosom;—חָצְנִי נָעַרְתִּי Ne 5:13 I shook out my bosom (the bosom of my garment); וְהֵבִיאוּ בָּנַיִךְ בְּחֹ֫צֶן Is 49:22 and they shall bring thy sons in the bosom (i.e. in the arms, clasped to the bosom, like infants; ‖ עַל־כָּתֵף).


† II. [חצץ] vb.denom. only
Pi. Pt. מְחַצְצִים Ju 5:11 archers (> those dividing spoil, since no obj. expr. and חלק more suitable for such meaning)


† I. [חָצַץ] vb. divide (NH make a partition; Assyrian ḫaṣâṣu, cut in two, ZimBP 24 n.; Ethiopic ሐጸጸ: curtail, diminish)
Qal Pt. חֹצֵץ intr. Pr 30:27 of locusts ויצא ח׳ כלו; i.e. dividing (themselves) into companies or swarms.
Pi. Pt. מְחַצְצִים v. II. חצץ.
Pu. Pf. מספר חדשׁיו חֻצָּ֑צוּ Jb 21:21 the number of his months, they have been cut in two (fig. for curtailed).


חָצָץ n.[m.] gravel (as divided, comminuted; Aramaic חֲצִיצָא, ܚܨܳܨܳܐ )—only abs. ח׳ Pr 20:17; La 3:16 [חֲצָצֶיךָ ψ 77:18 v. חֵץ].—יִמָּלֵּא־פִיהוּ ח׳ Pr 20:17 fig. of a liar; וַיַּגְרֵס בח׳ שִׁנָּ֑י La 3:16 and he hath crushed my teeth with gravel-stones, fig. of י׳’s dealings with sufferer.

חַצֲצֹן תָּמָר

חַצֲצֹן תָּמָר (ח׳ of the palm);—abode of Amorites Gn 14:7, 𝔊 Ασασαν Θαμαρ; חַצֲצוֹן תָּמָר הִיא עֵין גֶּ֑דִי 2 Ch 20:2 base of operations for אֲרַם (read אֱדוֹם) ag. Judah (vid. JosAnt.. ix, 1, 2); it was on W. side of Dead Sea (v. עֵין גֶּ֫דִי); see RobBR i, 500—509 BdPal. 143 GASmGeogr. 269 ff.; Wady Ḥuṣāṣā (= חצצן?) lies NW. from Engedi GASml.c. cf. RobBR i, 506 BdPal 14 (map); GASm suggests also possibility of finding here תָּמָר 1 K 9:18 Kt (= תַּדְמֹר Qr and 2 Ch 8:4), Ez 47:19; 48:28 (v. תָּמָר


חצצר, חֲצֹצְרָה v. IV. חצר.


[חצצר] vb. Kt, [חצר] Qr, denominat. from חצצרה = sound a clarion
Pi. Pt. מְחַצְּצ֯רִים 2 Ch 5:13 (Qr מְחַצְּרִים) = players on clarions.
Hiph. Pt. מַחְצְצ֯רִים (Qr מַחְצְרִים as Hiph. v. Köii, 252) 1 Ch 15:24; + 3 times + 2 Ch 5:12 Baer, (van d. H. מחצררים); sound with clarions מח׳ בחצצרות 1 Ch 15:24 2 Ch 5:12; 13:14; abs. sounded (sounding) 2 Ch 7:6; 29:28, cf. חצצרה ad fin. (Kt in all to be pronounced (prob.) מְחַצְצְרִים).


חֲצֹצְרָה n.f. clarion (NH חֲצוֹצֶרֶת, Aramaic חֲצוֹצַרְתָּא)—mostly P and late;—abs. ח׳ Ho 5:8; pl. abs. חֲצֹצְרוֹת Nu 10:8 + 22 times; חֲצֹצְרֹת Nu 10:9, 10; cstr. id. Nu 31:6; 2 Ch 13:12; חֲצוֹצְרֹת Nu 10:2; clarion:
1. as secular instr. Ho 5:8 (‖ שׁוֹפָר) 2 K 11:142) = 2 Ch 23:132).
2. as sacred instr. 2 K 12:14, especially for use by priests (only P, ψ 98 and Chr). a. תקע בח׳ (of blowing a single long blast) Nu 10:3, 4, 7, 8, to gather congreg. or נשׂיא׳ together, and, on festivals, over sacrif., ‘to be remembered before י׳,’ v 10. b. תקע תרועה בח׳, or הריע בח׳ (of sounding alarm,—a series of quick blasts) for camps to move Nu 10:5, 6, also in battle, v 9, ‘to be remembered before י׳;’ so Nu 31:6; 2 Ch 13:12 (cf. v 14), both ח׳ התרועה. c. especially in Chr’s descriptions of ceremonies at festivals, to express rejoicing: 1 Ch 13:8; 15:28 (‖ קוֹל שׁוֹפָר), 16:6, 42; 2 Ch 15:14 (‖ שׁוֹפָר), 20:28; 29:26, 27; Ezr 3:10; Ne 12:35, 41, ψ 98:6 (‖ קוֹל שׁוֹפָר); הָרִים קוֹל בח׳ 2 Ch 5:13; מחצצרים בח׳ 1 Ch 15:24; 2 Ch 5:12, 13; 13:14; in 2 Ch 29:28 this pt. agrees with noun in sense, and is masc.; and the clarions (= players on the clarions) sounded.—The חֲצֹצְרָה, or (sacred) clarion, was a long, straight, slender metal tube, with flaring end, v. BenzArchäol 277; distinguished thus from the שׁוֹפָר which was originally a ram’s horn, and prob. always retained the horn-shape; the שׁוֹפָר is mentioned constantly in the earlier lit., and was used by watchmen, warriors, etc., as well as priests (v. Benzib. 276 and שׁוֹפָר).


I. חצר (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic حَصَرَ encompass, surround; Ethiopic ሐጸረ: surround, enclose by wall, etc.; ሐጹr: enclosure; NH חָצֵר court, Ph. חצר id., Syriac ܚܨܳܪܳܐ, id.)


I. חָצֵר145 n.m. Ez 40:23 and (oftener) f. 1 K 6:36 enclosure, court—abs. ח׳ 1 K 7:8 +, חָצֵרָה Je 36:20; cstr. חֲצַר Ex 27:9 +; sf. חֲצֵרוֹ 2 S 17:18; חֲצֵרוֹת Ex 8:9 + 4 times; cstr. חַצְרֵי Ne 13:7, חַצְרוֹת 2 K 21:5 + 10 times; sf. חֲצֵרָ֑י Is 1:12; Zc 3:7; חֲצֵרֶיךָ ψ 65:5; 84:11; חֲצֵרוֹתָ֑י 1 Ch 28:6; חֲצֵרֹחָיו ψ 100:4, לְחַצְרוֹתָ֑יו ψ 96:8, וּבְחַצְרֹתֵיהֶם Ne 8:16;—
1. enclosures (in Egypt), perhaps court-yards, or cattle-yards, distinct from houses and from fields Ex 8:9 (J).
2. court of private house 2 S 17:18 (containing well), cf. Ne 8:16; of a palace, חָצֵר הָאַחֶרֶת 1 K 7:8 the other court, immediately surrounding palace, so called in distinct. from (הֶ)ח׳ הַגְּדוֹלָה v 9, 12 the great court, including ח׳ הא׳ and הֶח׳ הַפְּנִימִית of temple (v. 3 b) in one great enclosure (v. StaSalomos Bauten, ZAW 1883, 152f.); 2 K 20:4 (MSS. Qr Vrss The al.; Kt Ke al. הָעִיר), Je 36:20 Est 1:5; 2:11; 4:11; 5:1, 2; 6:42), 5; ח׳ מַטָּרָה court of guard, place of (honourable) confinement Je 32:2 (in king’s house), v 8, 12; 33:1; 37:212); 38:6, 13, 28; 39:14, 15. Especially
3. a. court of tabernacle חֲצַר הַמִּשְׁכָּן Ex 27:9, cf. v 9, 12, 13 + 24 times Ex (all P; שַׁעַר הֶח׳ gate of the court Ex 35:17; 38:15, 18, 31; 39:40; 40:8, 33); Lv 6:9, 19; Nu 3:262) (פֶּתַח הֶח׳), v 37; 4:262) (פֶּתַח שַׁעַר הֶח׳), v 32; courts of house of י׳ 1 Ch 23:28. b. court(s) of Sol.’s temple, inner c. הֶח׳ הַפְּנִימית 1 K 6:36; 7:12 (but on txt. v Stal.c.) Ez 8:16; 10:3 cf. v 4; = upper c. הֶח׳ הָעֶלְיוֹן Je 36:10 (v. Gf), and ח׳ הַכֹּהֲנִים 2 Ch 4:9 (where also הָעֲזָרָה הַגְּדוֹלָה, as often Ezek., also דְּלָתוֹת לָעֲזָרָה); outer court הֶח׳ הַחִיצֹנָה Ez 10:5 = הֶח׳ הַחֲדָשָׁה 2 Ch 20:5; v. further 1 K 8:64 = 2 Ch 7:7, 2 Ch 24:21; 29:16; Je 19:14; 26:2; Ez 8:7; two courts 2 K 21:5 = 2 Ch 33:5, 2 K 23:12; courts Ez 9:7; 1 Ch 28:12; 2 Ch 23:5; Ne 8:1, 6; 13:7; often poet., courts of י׳ Is 1:12; 62:9 (ח׳ קדשׁי) Zc 3:7 ψ 65:5; 84:3, 11; 96:8; 100:4; 116:19; 135:2. c. courts of Ezek.’s temple Ez 40:14 + 38 times Ez 40—46 (of these read הַשַּׁעַר for החצר 40:19, 32 with 𝔊 Hi Co; and החיצון for החצר 41:15 with 𝔊 Ew Co; cf. 42:6 הַחִיצֹנוֹת for הַחֲצֵרוֹת); s. תִּיכוֹן on p. 1064.

חֲצַר גַּדָּה

חֲצַר גַּדָּה in southern Judah Jos 15:27 𝔊 Σερει, A 𝔊L Ασεργαδδα.

חָצֵר הַתִּיכוֹן

חָצֵר הַתִּיכוֹן Ez 47:16 𝔊 Sm Co חָצֵ֫רָה עינון (q.v.); it is described as אֲשֶׁר אֶל־גְּבוּל חַוְרָן; WetzstZKW, 1884, v. 114 identif. with Ḥaḍar (حَضَر) ‘at the foot of the eastern corner of Hermon.’

חֲצַר סוּסָה

חֲצַר סוּסָה, ח׳, סוּסִים (cf. Kefr Susê, ‘Rossdorf,’ close to Damascus on the south, NöZMG, 1875, xxix. 476)—in Simeon ח׳ סוסה Jos 19:5 𝔊 Σαρσουσειμ, 𝔊L Ασαρσουσιν = ח׳ סוסים 1 Ch 4:31, 𝔊 Ἡμισυσεσοραμ, 𝔊L Ασερσουσι.

חֲצַר עֵינוֹן

חֲצַר עֵינוֹן, ח׳, עֵינָן on NE. border of Canaan Ez 47:17; חֲצַר עֵינָן 48:1 (Co in both חָצֵ֫רָה עֵינוֹן); ח׳ עֵינָן Nu 34:9, 10, where it is said (v 9) זֶה יִהְיֶה לָכֶם גְּבוּל צָפוֹן; 𝔊 Αρσεναιειμ, 𝔊L Ασερναιν;—v. also חָצֵר הַתִּיכוֹן infr.

חֲצַר שׁוּעָל

חֲצַר שׁוּעָל
1. place in southern Judah Jos 15:28 = 1 Ch 4:28, Ne 11:27.
2. place in Simeon Jos 19:3.—𝔊 Αρσωλα, Χολασεωλα, Ασαρσουλα, Ασαρσουαρ, etc.


חֲצַר־אַדָּר place on southern border of Canaan (Judah) Nu 34:4 𝔊 ἔπαυλις Αραδ; = חֶצְרוֹן (q.v.) Jos 15:3 (+ אַדָּ֫רָה) 𝔊 Σαραδα, A 𝔊L Αδδαρα.


II. חצר (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic حَضَرَ be present, settle or dwell, v. LagBN 47 f.; Sab. חצֿר fixed abode Os (Levy)ZMG 1865, 185 CISiv, 1, 2, No. 79, 82).


II. [חָצֵר46] n.m. Ne 11:25 settled abode, settlement, village (Lagl.c.)—always pl., abs. חֲצֵרִים Jos 19:8 + 5 times; cstr. חַצְרֵי 1 Ch 9:16; Ne 12:28; sf. חֲצֵרֶיהָ Jos 21:12 + 4 times; חַצְרֵיהֶם 1 Ch 4:33 + 6 times; חַצְרֵיהֶן Jos 13:23 + 24 times; Jos;—
a. settlements of Ishmaelites Gn 25:16 (P; ‖טִירוֹת circles of tents); of עַוִּים Dt 2:23; of Kedar Is 42:11 (‖ עָרִים); בָּתֵּי הַחֲצֵרִים אֲשֶׁר אֵין־לָהֶם חֹמָה סָבִיב Lv 25:31 (H), houses of the villages which have no wall about them; מַאֲרַב חֲצֵרִים ψ 10:8 lurking-place(s) of villages (i.e. where oppressor, as a wild beast, watches his opportunity to attack the defenceless). Usually
b. as dependencies of cities Jos 15:46, with בְּנֹתֶיהָ (v. supr. בַּת 4 p. 123) Jos 15:45, 47(×2) (all JE?); וְכָל־הַח׳ אֲשֶׁר סְבִיבוֹת הֶעָרִים 19:8 (P), also 21:12 (P) = 1 Ch 6:41, Ne 12:29; also Jos 13:23, 28; 15:32 + 23 times Jos (all P), Ne 11:25, 30 (‖ בָּנוֹת v 25, 27 etc.), 12:28.
c. villages, not contrasted with cities (cf. Is 42:11 supr.) 1 Ch 9:16, 22, 25 (all of Levites).
d. ח׳ appar. incl. all settlements outside of Jerusalem הַח׳ בִּשְׂדֹתָם Ne 11:25.—ח׳ in v. infr. (and see Bla on Jos 15:20—32).


III. חצר (√ of foll.; Arabic خَضِرَ be green).


IV. חצר (assumed as √ for redupl. חצרצר whence foll.; meaning unknown; perhaps onomatop., v. Thes Ol§§ 82 c. 188 a Sta§ 124 b; see also LagOr ii. 18).


חֶצְרוֹ, חֶצְרַי ( cf. Sab. חצֿר DHMEpigr. Denkm. 56)—one of David’s heroes, called the Carmelite, חצרו 2 S 23:35 Kt (חֶצְרַי Qr; 𝔊 Ασαραι) = חֶצְרוֹ 1 Ch 11:37 𝔊 Ησεραι, Ασαραι, Εσρει.


חֶצְרוֹן, חֶצְרֹן et pers. (cf. Sab. חצֿרן vel. trib. HalNo. 651 DHMZMG 1883, 15)
1. 𝔊 Ασωρων, Ασερων, Εσρωμ: a. חֶצְרוֹן Jos 15:3 place in extreme south of Judah, + אַדָּ֫רָה = חֲצַר־אַדָּר (q.v.) Nu 34:4. b. קְרִיּוֹת חֶצְרוֹן הִיא חָצוֹר Jos 15:25 another town of Judah in south.
2. 𝔊 Ασρωμ(ν), Εσρων, etc.: a. חֶצְרֹן son of Reuben Gn 46:9; Ex 6:14; Nu 26:6 = חֶצְרוֹן 1 Ch 5:3. b. son of Pereṣ and grandson of Judah Gn 46:12; Nu 26:21 = חֶצְרוֹן Ru 4:18, 19; 1 Ch 2:5, 9, 18, 21, 242), 25; 4:1.


חֶצְרוֹנִי, חֶצְרֹנִי only c. art. as n. coll.
1. הַחצרוני Nu 26:6, of 2 a supr.
2. החצרני v 21, of 2 b supr.


חֲצֵרוֹת, חֲצֵרֹת 𝔊 Ασηρωθ, a station of Isr. in wilderness: חֲצֵרוֹת Nu 11:352); 12:16 = חֲצֵרֹת 33:17, 18; Dt 1:1.


חֲצַרְמָ֫וֶת (Arabic حَضْرَمَوْت, Sab. חצֿרמות, חצֿרמת, Os ZMG 1865, 239 ff. DHM ZMG 1883, 18. 412)—a ‘son’ of יָקְטָן, 5th in order from Shem (שֵׁם, 1. אַרְפַּכְשַׁד; 2. שֶׁלַח; 3. עֵבֶר; 4. יָקְטָן; 5. ח׳) Gn 10:26 = 1 Ch 1:20, 𝔊 Ασαρ(α)μωθ; = a district in southern Arabia, where dwelt the Χατραμωτῖται (Strabo xvi. 4. 2); mod. Ḥaḍramaut (or Ḥaḍramût, see Maltzan ZMG 1871, 493 MordtZMG 1876, 323, van d. Bergp. 9, v. infr.) is same land, but not quite co-extensive; v. Di Gn 10:26, Ritter Erdkunde xii (Arabien i) 609 ff., de GoejeḤadhr. 1886, van den BergḤadhramout, 1886, GlaserSkizze ii. 20, 423 ff. etc.; on its precise limits see especially Ritter 611 ff., de Goejel.c. van d. Berg ch. 1.


חֵק v. חֵיק sub חוק; חֹק v. sub חקק.


חֹק127 n.m. Mi 7:11 something prescribed, a statute or due;—ח׳ Gn 47:22 + 22 times; חָק־ Ex 30:21 + 14 times; sf. חֻקִּי Pr 30:8 + 3 times; חָקְךָ Lv 10:13, 14 etc. + 4 times sfs.; pl. חֻקִּים Dt 4:5 + 31 times; cstr. חֻקֵּי Ex 18:16; חוּקֵּ֯י Ez 20:18; also חִקֲקֵי Ju 5:15; Is 10:1 (Ges§ 93, 1 R 7); חֻקָּו֯ Jb 14:5 etc. + 44 times sfs.—
1. prescribed task, assigned to Isr. in Egypt Ex 5:14 (E).
2. prescribed portion, or allowance of food Gn 47:222) (J); Pr 30:8; 31:15; Ez 16:27; מחקי Jb 23:12 (RV; < 𝔊 𝔙 Ol Me Di SS בְּחֵקִי in my bosom).
3. action prescribed for oneself, resolve: חִקֲקֵי לֵב Ju 5:15 resolves of mindחִקְרֵי לֵב v 16.
4. prescribed due of the priests from offerings Lv 6:11; 10:132), 142) (P); due of י׳ Lv 6:15 (P); לח׳ עולם Ex 29:28; Lv 7:34; 10:15; Nu 18:8, 11, 19 (all P), Lv 24:9 (H); portion of oil for the תּרומה Ez 45:14.
5. prescribed limit, boundary: of sea Je 5:22; Pr 8:29; 30:8; waters Jb 26:10; heavens ψ 148:6; land of Israel Mi 7:11; of time Jb 14:5, 13; so פָּֽעֲרָה פִיהָ לִבְלִי חֹ֑ק Is 5:14 She’ôl openeth wide her mouth, without limit.
6. enactment, decree, ordinance of either God or man: a. specific decree: law of fifth in Egypt Gn 47:26 (J); of passover Ex 12:24 (J); lament for Jephthah’s daughter Ju 11:39; for Josiah 2 Ch 35:25; חק ומשׁפט Ex 15:25; Jos 24:25 (both E), 1 S 30:25; חק עולם Ex 30:21; ‖ עֵדוּת, מִשְׁפָּט ψ 81:5, 6 (law of a festival). b. of י׳ in nature Jb 28:26. c. respecting Mess. king ψ 2:7; day of י׳ Zp 2:2 MT, but on text v. We and טֶרֶם (p. 382); covenant with Jacob ψ 105:10 = 1 Ch 16:17; destiny of man Jb 23:14. d. law in general עלי חק according to law, right ψ 94:20 (others against law); לַמֵּד ח׳ ומשׁפט Ezr 7:10; ‖ בּרית and תורות Is 24:5; ‖ עדות ψ 99:7.
7. pl. חֻקִּים enactments, statutes of a law: a. of י׳ in nature Je 31:36. b. of the prophets Zc 1:6. c. conditions of deed of purchase Je 32:11. d. enactmentsמִשְׁפָּטִים: ancestral Ez 20:18; given by God as punishment for disobedience 20:25. e. decrees of unjust judges חִקֲקֵי־אָוֶן Is 10:1. f. civil enactments prescribed by God: חֻקֵּי האלהים Ex 18:16 (E; ‖ תּוֹרֹתָיו), v 20 (E; ‖ id.) g. elsewhere of prescriptions of the several codes of Hex: Lv 10:11; Nu 30:17 (P), Dt 4:6; 6:24; 16:12 ψ 119:5 + 20 times, Mal 3:7; ‖ תּוֹרַת י׳ Am 2:4; ח׳ ותורות ψ 105:45; דברי הת׳ והח׳ Dt 17:19; ‖ ברית ψ 50:16; ח׳ וברית ועדות 2 K 17:15; usually either ‖ משׁפטים Dt 4:1, 5, 8, 14; 5:1; 11:32; 12:1; 26:16, 1 K 9:4 = 2 Ch 7:17, 1 Ch 22:13; Ez 11:12; 36:27, or else ח׳ ומשׁפטים combined with others synon. (usually preceding): e.g. דבר(ים) ψ 147:19; תורה 2 Ch 33:8; Mal 3:22; מצוה Dt 5:28; 6:1; 7:11; מצות Ne 1:7; 1 K 8:58; מצוה, תורה 2 Ch 19:10; עֵדֹת Dt 4:45; 6:20; sometimes foll.: e.g. תורות Lv 26:46; מצוה, תורה 2 K 17:37; or in different order, e.g. מ׳ ותורות ח׳ ומצות Ne 9:13; מצות ומ׳ וח׳ Ne 10:30; ח׳ ומצות ומ׳ Dt 26:17. Apart from משׁפטים it is combined with מצות, e.g. מ׳ וח׳ Ex 15:26 (R), Dt 27:10; ח׳ ומ׳ Dt 4:40; 1 K 3:14; 8:61; מ׳ וח׳ ותורה Ne 9:14; מ׳ ועדות וח׳ Dt 6:17; 1 Ch 29:19; 2 Ch 34:31; דברי מ׳ וח׳ Ezr 7:11; it is used c. vbs.: נתן Lv 26:46 + 3 times; צוּה Nu 30:17 + 9 times; למּד Dt 4:1 + 10 times; שׁמר Dt 26:17 + 16 times; עשׂה Dt 6:24 + 5 times; שׁמר לעשׂות Dt 11:32 + 4 times; הלך בְּ 1 K 8:61 + 3 times—[On usage of חֹק v. חֻקָּה ad fin.]


חָקָה vb. only Pu. cut in, carve (NH represent, imitate;חקק)
Pu. Pt. מְחֻקֶּה 1 K 6:35; Ez 8:10 + 23:14 (Co מְחֻקִּים, after 𝔊 𝔖 𝔗 𝔙), carved figure on wall Ez 8:10; 23:14 (where read אנשׁים מחקים, v. supr.) = subst. carved work 1 K 6:35 (on doors of temple).
Hithp. Impf. 2 ms. על־שָׁרְשֵׁי רַגְלַי תִּתְחַקֶּה Jb 13:27 thou gravest thee a graving (= markest a line) for (i.e. about) the soles of my feet, fixest limits for them (v. Di).


חֻקָּה v. sub חקק.


חֻקָּה104 n.f. Ex 13:10 something prescribed, enactment, statute;—ח׳ Nu 9:14 + 2 times; cstr. חֻקַּת Ex 12:14 + 28 times; pl. חֻקּוֹת Je 5:24 + 12 times; חֻקֹּת Lv 20:23; Je 31:35; sf. חֻקּוֹתַי Gn 26:5 + 14 times; חֻקֹּתַי Lv 18:4 + 21 times etc.;—
1. sg. statute, of special ritual laws: of passover Ex 13:10 (J); elsewhere only in P (and H), חקת הפסח Ex 12:43; Nu 9:12, 14; ח׳ התורה Nu 19:2; 31:21; ח׳ משׁפט Nu 27:11; 35:29; ח׳ עולם Ex 12:14, 17; 27:21; 28:43; 29;9; Lv 3:17; 10:9; 16:29, 31, 34; 23:21, 31; 24:3; Nu 10:8; 15:15; 18:23; 19:10, 21 (all P), Lv 17:7; 23:14, 41 (H); חֻקָּה אַחַת לַגֵּר ולאזרח Nu 9:14; 15:15.
2. pl. statutes: a. of nature ח׳ שׁמים Jb 38:33; Je 33:25; of moon and stars Je 31:35; of weeks of harvest Je 5:24. b. fig. of a firmly established custom ח׳ עמרי Mi 6:16; ח׳ הגוי(ם) Lv 20:23 (H); 2 K 17:8; ח׳ העמים Je 10:3; idolatry ח׳ ישׂראל 2 K 17:19; sexual offences Lv 18:30 (H). c. ח׳ דוד statutes of David 1 K 3:3. d.משׁפטים 2 S 22:23 = ψ 18:23 (of the law known to David); ‖ מצות ψ 89:32; ברית וח׳ 1 K 11:11; elsewhere of the prescriptions of the codes of D, H, P, Ez: usually חקות ומשׁפטים Lv 18:5, 26; 19:37; 20:22 (H), 25:18; Nu 9:3 (P), 1 K 11:33 Ez 5:7; 11:20; 18:9; 20:11, 13, 19, 21; preceded by מצות Dt 30:16; followed by מצות Lv 26:15 (H), Dt 11:1; 1 K 6:12; תורה ומצוה 2 K 17:34; or else משׁפטים וחקות Lv 18:4; 26:43 (H), Ez 5:62); 18:17; 20:16, 24; 37:24; preceded by מצות Dt 8:11; in diff. order, ח׳ מצות ומ׳ ועדות 1 K 2:3; frequently also ח׳ ומצות Lv 26:3 (H), Dt 6:2; 1 K 11:38; 2 Ch 7:19; or מצות (ו)ח׳ Dt 10:13; 28:15, 45; 30:10; 1 K 9:6; 11:34; Ez 43:11 (Co), 2 K 17:13; foll. by תורות Gn 26:5 (R); מצות ועדות וח׳ 2 K 23:3; תורה וח׳ Je 44:10; ותורה וח׳ ועדות 44:23; ח׳ ותורות Ez 44:5; 43:11 (Co); תורות יח׳ 44:24; special ordinances are ח׳ המזבח Ez 43:18; ח׳ בית י׳ Ez 44:5; ח׳ חיים Ez 33:15 (which are life to those who keep them); ח׳ עולם תמיד (𝔊 𝔖 𝔙 Talm Co del. עולם) Ez 46:14. e. phrases of obedience are הלך ב׳ Lv 18:3; 20:23; 26:3 (H), 1 K 3:3; 6:12; 2 K 17:8, 19; Je 44:10, 23; Ez 5:6, 7; 11:20; 18:9, 17; 20:13, 16, 19, 21; 33:15; שׁמר Lv 18:4, 5, 26; 19:19, 37; 20:8, 22 (H), Gn 26:5 (R), Dt 6:2; 8:11; 10:13; 11:1; 28:45; 30:10, 16; 1 K 2:3; 9:6; 11:11, 34, 38; 2 K 17:13; 23:3; Ez 18:19, 21; 37:24; 43:11; 44:24; עשׂה Lv 25:18 (P), Dt 28:15; 1 K 11:33; עשׂה כח׳ 2 K 17:34; בח׳ אֶשְׁתַּעֲשָׁ֑ע ψ 119:16; phrases of disobedience are מאס ח׳ Ez 20:24 מאס בח׳ Lv 26:15 (H); געל Lv 26:43 (H); עזב 2 Ch 7:19; חלל ψ 89:32.—[חֹק and חֻקָּה differ somewhat in shade of meaning and frequency in various writings: e.g. חֹק oftener in Jb ψ Pr (חֻקָּה not at all Pr, once Jb), and in Chr (חֻקָּה only 2 Ch 7:19); חֻקָּה often in K, rarely in Hex. except in P (H); in proph., חֹק occurs Am 2:4; Is 5:14; 24:5; Mi 7:11; Je 3 times, Ez 6 times, חֻקָּה only Ez, Je (6 times) and Mi 6:16; חֻקִּים especially in Dt and ψ 119, חֻקּוֹת especially in H, Ez and sometimes (8 times) Dt; חֹק עוֹלָם usually = due, חֻקַּת ע׳ much more often statute, ordinance, etc.]


חֲקוּפָא head of a family of returning exiles Ezr 2:51 = Ne 7:53, 𝔊 Αφεικα, Αχειφα, Ακουφα, etc.


[חָקַק] vb. cut in, inscribe, decree (NH id., Aramaic חֲקַק, Zinj. חקק; Ph. id. Pt. Hiph.; Arabic حَقَّ be just, right, obligatory, also make or decide to be just, etc.; حَقٌّ justness, truth, necessity, obligation; Ethiopic ሕቅ: adj. moderate, sufficient; cf. also חקה)
Qal וְחַקּוֹתָ֫ Ez 4:1; sf. חַקֹּתִיךְ Is 49:16; Inf. sf. בְּחֻקּוֹ Pr 8:27; בְּחוּקוֹ Pr 8:29 (assim. to בְּשׂוּמוֹ); Imv. חֻקָּהּ Is 30:8; Pt. חֹקְקִי Is 22:16 (archaic ending Ges§ 90. 3a) pl. חֹקְקִים Is 10:1; cstr. חוֹקְקֵי Ju 5:9 (poss. Poʿel = מחוקקי with מְ omitted, v. Ges§ 52 (2), note 6); Pt. pass. pl. חֲקֻקִֿים Ez 23:14 (Co חקוקים);— 1. cut in, with בְּ, Is 22:16, of a dwelling-place = tomb, in a rock. 2. cut in or on, upon, engrave, inscribe, c. על on roll of a book Is 30:8; representation of city on brick (as in Babylonia) Ez 4:1; images on a wall Ez 23:14; fig. of Zion’s walls on palms of י׳ Is 49:16. 3. trace, mark out, a circle, c. על over the face of deep Pr 8:27; c. acc., foundations of earth v 29. 4. of a law, engrave, inscribe (on a tablet), fig. for enact, decree חקקים חקקי און Is 10:1 (‖ כתב עמל); חוֹקְקֵי ישׂראל poet. = commanders (v. Poʿel) Ju 5:9 (‖ מחקקים) v 14). Poʿel Impf. יְחוֹקְקוּ Pr 8:15; Pt. מְחֹקֵק Gn 49:10; Nu 21:18; Dt 33:21; sf. מְחֹקְקִי ψ 60:9; 108:9; מְחֹקְקֵנוּ Is 33:22; pl. מְחֹקְקִים Ju 5:14;—inscribe (as a law), enact (poet.): c. acc. צֶדֶק Pr 8:15 elsewhere pt. a. prescriber of laws, hence (as sovereign authority in a warlike clan) commander Dt 33:21 (of warlike tribe of Gad), Ju 5:14; Is 33:22 (of י׳; ‖ שֹׁפְטֵנוּ, מַלְכֵּנוּ). b. commander’s staff Gn 49:10 (‖ שֵׁבֶט), Nu 21:18 (both poet.), ψ 60:9 = 108:9.
Pu. Pt. מְחֻקָּק that which is decreed Pr 31:5 (late).
Hoph. Impf. יֻחָ֑קֿוּ Jb 19:23 inscribed in (בְּ) a book.


[חֻקֹֿק] in tribe of Naphtali, only c. ה loc. חֻקֹֿ֑קָה Jos 19:34; identif. with Yakûk c. 4 m. NW. of Lake Tiberias by RobBR iii. 81 SurveyWP i. 365.


חִקֲקֵי v. חֹק supr.


חֵ֫קֶר n.m. Ju 5:16 searching, thing (to be) searched out;—abs. הֵ֫קֶר Jb 5:9 + 8 times; cstr. id. Pr 25:27 + 2 times; pl. cstr. חִקְרֵי Ju 5:16;—חִקְרֵי לֵב Ju 5:16 searchings, questionings of heart; Jb 11:7 canst thou reach ח׳ אֱלוֹהַּ i.e. what is to be explored in him, the whole range of his nature, so ח׳ תהום 38:16 the range of the deep; especially אֵין ח׳ i.e. it is unsearchable Jb 5:9; 9:10 ψ 145:3 Pr 25:3 Is 40:28, cf. לא ח׳ Jb 34:24; 36:26; ח׳ אבותם 8:8 i.e. thing searched out by their fathers.


[חָקַר] vb. search (NH id., Niph. pass., Aramaic חֲקַר)
Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. וַחֲקָרוֹ consec. Pr 18:17; חֲקָרָהּ Jb 28:27; וְחָֽקַרְתָּ֫ Dt 13:15 etc.; Impf. יַחְקֹר Jb 13:19; יַחֲקָר־ ψ 44:22; יַחְקְרֶנּוּ Pr 28:11; אֶחְקֹר 1 S 20:12; תַּחְקְרוּן Jb 32:11; נַחְקֹ֑רָה La 3:40 etc.; Imv. חָקְרֵנִי ψ 139:23; חִקְרוּ Ju 18:2; Inf. חֲקֹר 2 S 10:3 + 2 times; לַחְקוֹר Pr 23:30; לְחָקְרָהּ Ju 18:2;— 1. search (for), sq. acc. Pr 23:30; Jb 32:11; abs. וְדָרַשְׁתָּ֫ וְחָקַרְתָּ֫ וְשָׁאַלְתָּ֫ הֵיטֵיב Dt 13:15; lit. Ez 39:14 (i.e. for bones unburied). 2. a. search through, explore, lit., obj. הארץ Ju 18:2 (‖ רַגֵּל) v 2, 1 Ch 19:3 (‖ id.); city העיר 2 S 10:3 (‖ id.), of mining Jb 28:3; search out a subject or matter Jb 5:27; 28:27; Pr 25:2 ψ 44:22. b. search a man, find out his sentiments (AV sound him) 1 S 20:12. c. of י׳ searching man, c. acc. ψ 139:1 (‖ ידע), v 23 (‖ id.) Jb 13:9, cf. Je 17:10 (obj. לֵב). d. of examining thoroughly, so as to expose weakness in a case Jb 29:16; Pr 18:17, cf. 28:11; so of self-examination ח׳ דרכים La 3:40 (‖ חפשׂ).
Niph. Pf. נֶחְקַר 1 K 7:47; 2 Ch 4:18; Impf. יֵחָקֵר Je 46:23; יֵחָֽקְרוּ Je 31:37 be searched out, found out, ascertained, 1 K 7:47; 2 Ch 4:18 (weight of the bronze used in temple utensils), of forest Je 46:23; searched out, Je 31:37 subj. מוסדי־ארץ.
Pi. Pf. חִקֵּר Ec 12:9 he sought out many proverbs (מְשָׁלִים; ‖ אִזֵּן).


† I. חֹר n.[m.] hollow, only in חֹר הַגִּדְגָּ֑ד Nu 33:32 hollow of Gidgad (v. Di); v. p. 151.


חֻר, חוּר n.[m.] id.—pl. חוּרִים Is 42:22 as hiding-places of men; s. cstr. חֻר Is 11:8 hole of asp (פָּ֑תֶן).


I. חֹר v. ii. חור; ii, iii חֹר, חֻר v. ii, iii חרר.


† II. [חֹר] n.m. 1 K 21:8 noble, late, especially Neh., v. DrIntr. 519 n. (v. LagBN 32) cf. NöZMG lvii (1903), 416.—only pl. חֹרִים 1 K 21:8 + 6 times, חוֹרִים Ec 10:17, Ne 6:17 + 3 times; sf. חֹרֶיהָ Is 34:12;—nobles in Naboth’s city 1 K 21:8, 11; nobles of Judah, חֹרֵי יְהוּדָה 6:17; 13:17 Je 27:20; 39:6 Ne 6:17; 13:17, הח׳ והסגנים (in Jerusalem) Ne 2:16; 4:8, 13; 5:7; 7:5, Ec 10:17, of Edom Is 34:12.—i. חֹר, v. ii. חור.


† III. חֹר, חוֹר n.[m.] hole;—abs. חֹר 2 K 12:10 Ez 8:7 (del. Co B etc.), חוֹר Ct 5:4, חֹרִים 1 S 14:11; cstr. חֹרֵי Jb 30:6; sf. חֹרָיו Na 2:13, חֹרֵיהֶן Zc 14:12;—hole in lid of chest 2 K 12:10 (made by boring, נקב), in door Ct 5:4; in wall Ez 8:7 (v. supra); = eye-socket עיניו תִּמַּקְנָה בְּח׳ Zc 14:12 (plague of enemies of Jerusalem); holes as hiding-places for men 1 S 14:11, so also 13:6 Ew We Dr (for MT חוחים), dwelling of outcast people חרי עָפָר Jb 30:6; of dens of lions Na 2:13.—i. חֹר, v. ii. חור.


חרא or חרה (√ of following; meaning unknown).


[חֶרֶא, or חֲרִי] n.[m.


חֶ֫רֶב411 n.f. Is 21:15 sword (as weapon; Aramaic חַרְבָּא, ܚܰܪܒܳܐ, Zinj. חרב; Arabic حَرْبَةٌ dart, javelin) —abs. חֶ֫רֶב Gn 3:24 +; חָ֑רֶב Ex 17:13 +; cstr. חֶ֫רֶב Dt 33:29 +; sf. חַרְבִּי Ex 15:9 + 13 times; חַרְבְּךָ Gn 27:40 + 7 times; חַרְבֶּ֑ךָ 1 S 17:33 ψ 17:13; חַרְבּוֹ Nu 22:23 + 24 times; חַרְבְּכֶם Je 2:30 Ez 33:26; חַרְבָּם ψ 37:15; 44:4; pl. חֲרָבוֹת Is 21:15 + 5 times; cstr. חַרְבוֹת Jos 5:2 + 2 times; sf. חַרְבוֹתָיו Ez 26:9; חַרְבוֹתָם Is 2:4 + 5 times; חַרְבֹתֵיהֶם Mi 4:3 + 2 times;—
1. a. sword, as weapon of war Gn 48:22 (E), Ju 7:14, 20 1 S 21:9, and so in all periods; two-edged (short) sword ח׳ וְלָהּ שְׁנֵי פֵיוֹ֖ת גֹּמֶד אָרְכָּהּ Ju 3:16, cf. ח׳ פִּיּוֹת Pr 5:4 (in sim.), ח׳ פִּיפִיּוֹת ψ 149:6; v. also צוּר ח׳ edge of sword ψ 89:44. b. gird on sword = חָגַר הח׳ 1 S 17:39; 25:13(×3) ψ 45:4 (ח׳ הח׳ עַל יָרֵך), שִׂים על ירך Ex 32:27, cf. especially 2 S 20:8. c. draw the sword הֵרִיק הח׳ Ex 15:9 Lv 26:33 Ez 5:2, 12; 12:14; 28:7, הוציא הח׳ Ez 21:8, 10, פתח הח׳ ψ 37:14 Ez 21:33, נטשׁ Is 21:15 (Gr Che לטשׁ v. infr.); usually שׁלף הח׳ Nu 22:23, 31 Jos 5:13 Ju 3:22; 8:10, 20; 9:54 1 S 17:51; 31:4 = 1 Ch 10:4; 21:16, and as characteristic of warriors שֹׁלֵף ח׳ Ju 20:2, 15, 17, 25, 35, 46 2 S 24:9 2 K 3:26, 1 Ch 21:52); וַתִּדְבַּק יָדוֹ אֶל־הַח׳ 2 S 23:10, ins. also in ‖ 1 Ch 11:13 (Dr). d. whet, sharpen the sword לטשׁ הח׳ ψ 7:13 (cf. Is 21:15 supr.), but also שׁנן Dt 32:41 cf. ψ 64:4, הוּחַדָּה Ez 21:14, 16. e. put up the sword into the sheath הֵשִׁיב הח׳ אֶל־נְדָנָהּ 1 Ch 21:27 (sheath of sword is elsewhere תַּעַר 1 S 17:51 2 S 20:8 Je 47:6 Ez 21:8). f. slay with sword הרג בח׳ Jos 10:11; 13:22 +; in ימותו אנשׁים 1 S 2:33, insert בְּחֶרֶב before אנשׁים 𝔊 We Dr; rarely הכה בח׳ Jos 11:10 2 K 19:37 = Is 37:38; very often הִכָּה לְפִי־ח׳ smite according to the mouth of the sword i.e. as the sword can devour (2 S 2:26; 11:25) = without quarter Nu 21:24 (E) Dt 13:16a; 20:13 Jos 11:11, 12, 14 (all D) Ju 18:27; 21:10 1 K 10:25 Jb 1:15, 17; also c. העיר as sole obj. Jos 8:24; 10:28, 30, 32, 35, 37, cf. v 39; 19:47 Ju 1:8, 25; 20:37 1 S 22:192) 2 S 15:14; הרג לפי־ח׳Gn 34:26 (J); החרים לפי־ח׳ Dt 13:16b (incl. הָעִיר in obj.), Jos 6:21 1 S 15:8, חלשׁ לפי־ח׳Ex 17:13 (E); נפל לפי־ח׳ Jos 8:24 Ju 4:16; וַיָּהָם י׳לפי־ח׳ Ju 4:15;—(לפי־ח׳ is chiefly in Jos and Ju (21 times), in Hexat. only JED; but Jb post-ex.). g. אכלה הח׳ etc., of the sword as devouring:תֹּאכֵל חַרְבִּי בָשָׂר Dt 32:42 (poet.), 2 S 2:26; 11:25; 18:8 Is 1:20 Je 2:30 Je 46:10, 14 Na 2:14. h. slain by sword is חֲלַל־ח׳ Nu 19:16 (P) and frequently Ez, חַלְלֵי־ח׳ 31:17, 18; 32:21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32; 35:8 מְחֻלְלֵי ח׳ v 26 < Co חללי־ח׳ (on text of 32:20, 22, 31 v. Co). i. שְׁבֻיוֹת ח׳ Gn 31:26 are captive of (taken by) sword. j. sword frequently agent of י׳ Ju 7:20 Is 34:6 Je 12:12; 47:6 etc.,—so Dt 28:22, but read חֹרֶב v. sub I. חרב (cf. on other hand 1 S 17:47); note especially Gn 3:24 לַהַט הח׳ הַמִּתְהַפֶּכֶת; poet. לַהַב ח׳ Na 3:3, בְּרַק ח׳ Dt 32:41. k. ח׳ fig. of tongue ψ 57:5 cf. 59:8; fig. of violence, war, etc., Gn 27:40; in sim. Pr 5:4 (of grievous end of dealings with strange women).
2. knife ח׳ צֻרִים flint knives for use in circumcision Jos 5:2, 3 (v. WeSkizzen iii, 166); Ez 5:1, 2 ח׳ חַדָּה תַּעַר הַגַּלָּבִים (according to Co use of sword as razor is significant).
3. of tools used in hewing stone חַרְבְּךָ הֵנַפְתָּ עליה Ex 20:25; יִתֹּץ בח׳ Ez 26:9, according to most = tools, axes, ‘steel’ (Co ‘Eisen’), but poss. swords as implement read to hand; 2 Ch 34:6 Qr בְּחַרְבֹתֵיהֶם with their tools; read perhaps בְּחָרְבֹתֵיהֶם in their ruins, Be, who comp. ψ 109:10; v. חָרְבָּה sub II. חרב (𝔊 𝔙 om. חרב).


† I. [חָרֵב] vb. be dry, dried up (cf. יָבֵשׁ) (Aramaic חֲרוֹב be dry, חוּרְבָּא drought);—
Qal Pf. 3 pl. חָֽרְבוּ Gn 8:132), Is 19:6; Impf. 3 ms. יֶחֱרַב Ho 13:15 + 2 times, וַיֶּחֱרָ֑ב ψ 106:9; Imv. fs. חֳרָ֑בִי Is 44:27;—be dry, dried up: 1. of ground, be freed from waters of flood ח׳ פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה Gn 8:13b (J). 2. of waters, be dried up, taken away; of waters of flood Gn 8:13a (P); of Nile וְנָהָר יֶחֱרַב וְיָבֵשׁ Is 19:5 (‖ וְנִשְּׁתוּ־מַיִם מֵהַיָּם), v. same combination Jb 14:11 (‖ אָֽזְלוּ מַיִם מִנִּי־יָם); Is 19:6 (‖ דָּֽלֲלוּ) 44:27 (‖ הוֹבִישׁ); of Red Sea ψ 106:9; fig. of Ephraim’s freshness and vigour Ho 13:15.
Pu. Pf. 3 pl. לֹא חֹרָ֑בוּ Ju 16:7, 8, of fresh bow-strings (of gut, v. Bla).
Hiph. Pf. הֶחֱרִיב Na 1:4, of י׳’s drying up rivers (‖ וַיַּבְּשֵׁהוּ), perhaps also Is 11:15 (for MT החרים) v. 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙 𝔗; וְהַחֲרַבְתִּ֫י the Euphrates Je 51:36 (‖ הוֹבַשְׁתִּי); Impf. אַחֲרִיב יָם Is 50:2, subj. י׳, I dry up a sea (‖ אָשִׂים נְהָרוֹת מִדְבָּר); אַחְרִב Is 37:25 = אַחֲרִב 2 K 19:24, of king of Assyria drying up rivers of Egypt; Pt. fs. הַמַּחֲרֶבֶת Is 51:10 of י׳’s arm drying up (Red) Sea.


† III. [חָרַב] vb. (Aramaic and rare) attack, smite down (cf. Arabic حَرَبَ plunder, iii. wage war with, vi. fight together, حَرْبٌ war, battle; Syriac ܚܪܰܒ smith, slay)
Qal Imv. ms. חֲרֹב Je 50:21 attack (+ וְהַחֲרֵם אַחֲרֵיהֶם); mpl. חִרְבוּ v 27 obj. כָּל־פָּרֶיהָ, fig. of men of Babylon.
Niph. Pf. 3 pl. נֶחֶרְבוּ המלכים (v. Hoph.) הָחֳרֵב 2 K 3:23 the kings have attacked one another, fought together (‖ וַיַּכּוּ אִישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵהוּ).
Hoph. Inf. abs. 2 K 3:23, v. Niph., but read perhaps הֵחָרֵב, cf. Dr Lv 19:20, note.


חֹרֵב, חוֹרֵב Horeb (waste, desert)—𝔊 Χωρηβ (v. LagBN 85); אֶל־הַר הָאֱלֹהִים חֹרֵ֑בָה Ex 3:1 (E), cf. עַד הַר הָאֱלֹהִים חֹרֵב 1 K 19:8; הַצּוּר בִּחֹרֵב Ex 17:6, הַר חוֹרֵב 33:6 (both E); מֵחֹרֵב, בְּחֹרֵב Dt 1:2, 6, 19; 4:10, 15; 5:2; 9:8; 18:16; 28:69; 1 K 8:9 2 Ch 5:10 ψ 106:19 Mal 3:22; the sacred mountain of the wilderness, no geograph. diff. from סִינַי discoverable, but synonym of it in E and (especially) D (except poem Dt 33:2; vid. סִינַי P).


† I. חֹ֫רֶב n.m. Gn 31:40 dryness, drought, heat, abs. ח׳ Gn 31:40 + 11 times + Dt 28:22 (for MT חֶרֶב; v. Di, sq. 𝔙; 𝔊 and 𝔊L om.);—
1. dryness Ju 6:37, 39, 40 (all of absence of dew); Je 50:38 (‖ יָבֵשׁ); so read also Zc 11:17 (for MT חֶרֶב, see v b and StaZAW i. 1881, 29), a drying up upon his arm (i. e. a withering) and upon his right eye.
2. drought Hg 1:11 + Dt 28:22 v. supr.
3. parching heat (of sun) Gn 31:40 (opp. קֶ֫רַח), Je 36:30 (opp. id.); Is 4:6; 25:4, 52) of fever Jb 30:30.


† I. [חָרֵב] adj. dry, only fs. חֲרֵבָה Lv 7:10 of meal-offering not moistened (with oil; P); פַּת־חֲרֵבָה Pr 17:1 a dry morsel.


† II. חֹ֫רֶב n.[m.] desolation;—עָרֵי ח׳ Is 61:4 cities of desolation (‖ שֹׁמֲמוֹת, and, in v a, חָרְבוֹת); cf. Zp 2:14 (but read עֹרֵב, 𝔊 We al.) Je 49:13; מִצְרַיִם חָרְבוֹת ח׳ Ez 29:10 Egypt shall be wastes of desolation (but 𝔊 𝔙 Co wastes of the sword, חֶרֶב for חֹרֶב); + Ez 38:8 Co, who reads מֵחֹרֶב (or מֵחָרְבָּה).


† II. [חָרֵב] be waste, desolate (NH חָרֵב id.; Aramaic חֲרוֹב, ܚܪܰܒ be laid waste; Zinj. חרב adj.; Arabic خَرِبَ be in ruins, waste, depopulated; Assyrian ḫarâbu, be waste, DlPr 175, ḫuribtu, desert, LotzTP);—Qal Impf. 3 fs. תֶּחֱרַ֔ב Je 26:9, תֶּחֱרָ֔ב Is 34:10; 3 mpl. יֶחֶרְבוּ Ez 6:6, יֶחֱרָ֑בוּ Am 7:9 Is 60:12; 3 fpl. תֶּחֱרַבְנָה Ez 6:2; 12:20; Imv. חֳרָבִי Is 44:27, חָרְבוּ (so, not חָֽרְבוּ—Theile—v. Köi. 244) Je 2:12; Inf. abs. חָרֹב Is 60:12;—be waste, desolate; of sanctuaries of Isr. Am 7:9 (‖ נָשַׁמּוּ), of altars Ez 6:6; of cities Je 26:9; Ez 6:6; 12:20 (‖ שׁמם); of nations Is 34:10, חָרֹב יֶחֱרָ֑בוּ 60:12 (‖ יֹאבֵדוּ); fig., in address to the heavens חָרְבוּ מְאֹד Je 2:12—(‖ שֹׁמּוּ, וְשַׂעֲרוּ), be very desolate (at sins of Isr.); others, be amazed, astounded (on relation of meanings v. שׁמם). Niph. Pt. f. נֶחֱרֶבֶת Ez 26:19 as adj., desolate city, i.e. uninhabited, v. context; נַחֲרָבוֹת 30:7 of desolate countries (‖ נָשַׁמּוּ). Hiph. Pf. הֶחֱרִיב Ez 19:7; 1 s. הֶחֱרַבְתִּי Zp 3:6; 3 pl. הֶחֱרִיבוּ Is 37:18 2 K 19:17; Impf. 1 s. אַחֲרִיב Is 42:15; Pt. מַחֲרִיב Ju 16:24; pl. c. sf. מַחֲרִיבַיִךְ Is 49:17;—lay waste, make desolate, human subj.; nations and lands Is 37:18 = 2 K 19:17, Is 42:15, cf. pt. Is 49:17 (‖ מְהָֽרְסַיִךְ); add prob. with We Am 4:9 (הֶחֱרַבְתִּי for the untranslateable הַרְבּוֹת) I have devastated your gardens and vineyards; pt. Ju 16:24 desolater of our country (‖ הִרְבָּה אֶת־חֲלָלֵ֑נוּ); obj. cities Ez 19:7; streets Zp 3:6 (‖ נָשַׁמּוּ). Hoph. Pf. 3 fs. הָחֳרָ֑בָה Ez 26:2 she is laid waste, of a city; Pt. מָחֳרָבוֹת Ez 29:12 laid waste, of cities (‖ שׁמם).


† II. חָרֵב adj. waste, desolate;—ms. abs. ח׳ Je 33:10 + 5 times; fs. חֲרֵבָה Ne 2:3 + 2 times; fpl. הֶחֳרֵבוֹת Ez 36:35, 38 (v. Köi. 241);—of a city, defined מֵאֵין אָדָם וּמֵאֵין בְּהֵמָה Je 33:10, cf. v 12; also Ne 2:3, 17; הֶעָרִים הֶחֳרֵבוֹת Ez 36:35 (+ הַנְשַׁמּוֹת, הַנֶּהֱרָסוֹת; opp. בְּצוּרוֹת יָשָׁ֑בוּ), Hg 1:4, 9 (בַּיִת).


חָרְבָּה n.f. waste, desolation, ruin;—abs. ח׳ Lv 26:31 + 15 times + Ez 38:8 (del. 𝔖 Co) + Ez 38:12 חרבה 𝔊 Co for חרבות; pl. חֳרָבוֹת ψ 9:7 + 11 times (Ez 38:12, cf. supr.); cstr. חָרְבוֹת Is 5:17 + 7 times; sf. חָרְבֹתַיִךְ Is 49:19; חָרְבֹתָיו Ezr 9:9; חָרְבֹתֶיהָ Is 51:3; חָרְבוֹתֶיהָ Is 44:26; חָרְבוֹתֵיהֶם ψ 109:10 + 2 Ch 34:6 (cf. חֶרֶב and infr.); (chiefly mid. and late Heb. Is 2 8 times; Je 10 times Ez 14 times—incl. 38:8, q. del. Co);—
1. waste, ruin, of cities of Israel Lv 26:31, 33 (H); Judah Is 44:26; 49:19 (‖ שֹׁמְמֹת), 58:12 (בנה), Je 25:18; 27:17; 44:2, 6 Ez 5:14; ruins of Jerusalem Is 52:9 Dn 9:2; also Ez 35:4; cf. Mal 1:4 (c. בנה), Ez 36:10 (c. בנה) v 33 (id.); Egypt Ez 29:9, 10 (in both ‖ שְׁמָמָה; חרבות חֹרֶב in v 10); ruin of temple Ezr 9:9; = ruined dwellings ψ 109:10; cf. 2 Ch 34:6, where read perhaps בְּחָרְבֹתֵיהֶם for בּחר בתיהם (v. חֶרֶב sub III. חרב); Je 22:5; in gen. ruins (si vera l., v. Di; obj. of בנה) Jb 3:14; כוס ח׳ ψ 102:7 an owl of a ruin.
2. of land: waste place amid ruins Is 5:17, cf. 51:3 (‖ מִדְבָּר, עֲרָבָה); land a desolation Je 7:34; 44:22 Ez 25:13 (Edom) Je 25:11 Is 64:10 and Ez 33:24, 27 (of Judah), cf. Ez 13:4, כְּשֻׁעָלִים בח׳ sim. of the prophets; הח׳ הַשֹּׁמֵמוֹת Ez 36:4 (of Israel); of desolation of enemies of Isr. ψ 9:7 (ח׳ לָנֶ֫צַח); ח׳ עולם = old ruins Is 61:4 (c. בנה); elsewhere perpetual ruin, desolation Je 25:9; 49:13 (cities of Bosra); ה׳ מעולם Ez 26:20 (sim. of Tyre) pl. חֲרָבוֹת deserts (?) Is 48:21.


חָֽרָבָה n.f. dry ground;—abs. ח׳ Gn 7:22 + 7 times; opp. הַיָּם Ex 14:21 (J). Hg 2:6; cf. Gn 7:22 (J); opp. water of Jordan Jos 3:172) (J), 4:18 (E), 2 K 2:8; of Nile-arms וְנָתַתִּ֫י יְאֹרִים ח׳ Ez 30:12.


[חֵרָבוֹן] n.m. drought, only pl. cstr. בְּחַרְבֹנֵי קַ֫יִץ ψ 32:4 metaph. of fever heat.


חַרְבוֹנָא eunuch of Ahasuerus Est 1:10 = חַרְבוֹנָה 7:9 (Pers. خربان = donkey driver, Vullers i, 668 b).


חַרְבּוֹנָה v. foregoing.


[חָרַג] vb. quake (cf. (si vera l.) Arabic حَرِجَ be straitened, unable to move for fear and rage (Lane), also put oneself in a rage (Dozy); 𝔗 חַרְגַת מוֹתָא Dt 32:25 terror of death)—only
Qal Impf. 3 mpl. וְיַחְרְגוּ מִמִּסְגְּרוֹתֵיהֶם ψ 18:46 pregn. and come quaking out of their fortresses (cf. יִרְגְּזוּ in like connex. Mi 7:17); read the same also in ‖ 2 S 22:46 (for MT וְיַחְגְרוּ, v. חגר; possible would be also ויחרדו in both, as Ho 11:10, 11 etc.)


חרגל (quadril. √ of foll.; cf. Arabic حَرْجَلَ run right and left, run swiftly (Frey)).


חַרְגֹּל n.[m.] a kind of locust (NH id.; Aramaic ܚܰܪܓܳܠܴܐ חַרְגּוֹלָא حَرْجَلٌ (Dozy), all = locust; حَرْجَلَةٌ swarm of locusts (Frey))—only Lv 11:22 (P) in list of edible insects, ‖ אַרְבֶּה, סָלְעָם, חָגָב.


חֲרֹד only עֵין ח׳ (v. sub עַיִן), a camping-place of Gideon and Israel. Ju 7:1.


חָרֵד adj.verb. of foregoing, trembling;—חָרֵד Ju 7:3 + 3 times; חֲרֵדִים Is 66:5 Ezr 10:3trembling (from fear), abs. Ju 7:3 (‖ ירא), 1 S 4:13 (subj. לִבּוֹ, sq. עַל, for, in behalf of); in awe and reverence, at word of God, sq. בְּ Ezr 9:4 Is 66:2 (sq. עַל), v 5 (sq. אֶל); cf. ח׳ בְּמִצְוַת אל׳ Ezr 10:3.


חָרַד vb. tremble, be terrified (Assyrian ḫarâdu, id., according to DlHA 20, Pr 46; Arabic خَرِدَ be bashful, shamefaced; NH חֲרָדָה a trembling)
Qal Pf. וְחָרַד consec. Is 19:16, חָֽרְדָה Is 10:29, חָרַדְתְּ 2 K 4:13, חָרְדוּ 1 S 13:7; 14:15, וְחָֽרְדוּ consec. Ez 26:16; 32:10; Impf. יֶחֱרַד Jb 37:1, וַיֶּחֱרַד Gn 27:33 + 5 times; יֶחְרְדוּ Ho 11:10 Ez 26:18, יֶֽחֶרְדוּ Ho 11:11, יֶחֱרָ֑דוּ Am 3:6 Is 41:6, וַיֶּֽחֶרְדוּ Gn 42:28 + 2 times; Imv. חִרְדוּ Is 32:11;— 1. tremble, quake, of a mountain Ex 19:18—so ℌ, but read הָעָם, 𝔊 v. Di (E); of isles Ez 26:18 (metaph., in fear); so Is 41:5 (קְצוֹת הארץ, ‖ אִיִּים יראו). 2. tremble, of persons under supernat. infl. 1 S 14:15 (‖ חֲרָדָה, וַתִּרְגַּז הָאָרָץ); start, start up (out of sleep) Ru 3:8; in mental disturbance Gn 27:33 (J; c. acc. cogn.) tremble, in terror Ex 19:16 (E), Is 32:11 (‖ רגז), be startled (at sound of trumpet) Am 3:6 cf. 1 K 1:49 (+ קום, הלך, ירא); tremble Ez 26:16; 32:10 sq. לְ = at, Jb 37:1 (לִבִּי), be terrified, of Egypt (personif.) Is 19:16 (‖ פָּחַד), Ramah 10:29, of Saul 1 S 28:5 subj. לִבּוֹ, ‖ ירא). 3. be anxiously careful חָרַדְתְּ אֵלֵנוּ את־כל הַחֲרָדָה הַזּאֹת 2 K 4:13. 4. with preps. pregn. = go or come trembling 1 S 13:7 (sq. מֵאחריו 𝔊L We Dr) Gn 42:28 (E; sq. אֶל־) 1 S 16:4 (sq. לִקְרָאתוֹ) so 21:2, Ho 11:10 (מִיָּם) v 11 (מִמִּצְרַיִם).
Hiph. Pf. הֶחֱרִיד Ju 8:12, וְהַחֲרַדְתִּ֫י 2 S 17:2; Pt. מַחֲרִיד Lv 26:6 + 11 times; Inf. cstr. הַחֲרִיד Ez 30:9 Zc 2:4;—drive in terror, rout an army, sq. acc. Ju 8:12 Ez 30:9 Zc 2:4 cf. 2 S 17:2; (We proposes החרידו Ho 5:8setzt Benj. in Schrecken,’ for MT אַחֲרֶיךָ); in Pt. abs., only in וְאֵין מ׳; and none shall terrify, i.e. disturb the peace of those reposing—שׁכב, שׁקט, רבץ, ישׁב, ישׁב לָבֶטַח—in the promised land Lv 26:6, so after captivity Je 30:10 = 46:27, also Ez 34:28; 39:26 Mi 4:4 Zp 3:13; of undisturbed peace of the righteous Jb 11:19; peace of flocks in forsaken cities Is 17:2; undisturbed feeding on carrion by fowl and beast Dt 28:26 Je 7:33, undisturbed prowling of lions Na 2:12 metaph. of Assyrians).


† I. חֲרָדָה n.f. trembling, fear, anxietyחֲרָדָה Gn 27:33 + 5 times + Ez 38:21 (read for הָרַי, B Co cf. Dr 1 S 14:15); cstr. חֶרְדַּת 1 S 14:15 Pr 29:25 (v. LagBN 113); pl. חֲרָדוֹת Ez 26:16;—
1. trembling, quaking (of terror ascribed to supernat. cause) 1 S 14:152) (hence ח׳ אלהים v. Dr; ‖ וַתִּרְגַּז־הארץ) cf. Ez 38:21 (v. supr.); Dn 10:7; קול ח׳ Je 30:5 voice of trembling; sq. gen. obj. ח׳ אָדָם Pr 29:25 trembling before man; opp. pleasure Is 21:4; tremblings (pl.) Ez 26:16 under fig. of garment (ח׳ ילבשׁו), of effect on coast-princes of fall of Tyre.
2. anxious care 2 K 4:13, acc. cogn. c. חָרַד.


† II. חֲרָדָה a station of Isr. in wilderness Nu 33:24, 25, site unknown.


חֲרֹדִי adj.loc. only c. art. הַח׳, of Harod 2 S 23:25a (v. Dr and Ju 7:1); = הַהֲרוֹרִי 1 Ch 11:27 (read הַהֲרוֹדִי); also 1 S 23:25b but prob. not genuine; not in 𝔊 or 1 Ch 11, 27 (v. Dr and אֱלִיקָא supr. p. 45 b).


חָרָה vb. burn, be kindled, of anger (Aramaic חרי Pa. cause fire to burn (rare); Zinj. חרא anger, NöZMG 1893, 98. 103; Arabic حَرْوَةٌ burning sensation, in throat, etc., from rage and pain)
Qal Pf. ח׳ Gn 4:6 + 20 times; Impf. יֶחֱרֶה Ex 32:11 + 2 times; יִ֫חַר Gn 18:30 + 7 times; וַיִּ֫חַר Gn 4:5 + 46 times; Inf. abs. חָרֹה 1 S 20:7; cstr. חֲרוֹת 2 S 24:1 ψ 124:3;— 1. of man: a. חרה אף (one’s) anger was kindled, burned Gn 39:19 Nu 22:27 (J), Ex 32:19, 22 (JE), Ju 9:30; 14:19 1 S 11:6 Jb 32:2, 5; c. בְּ against Gn 30:2 (E), 44:18 (J), 1 S 17:28; 20:30 2 S 12:5 2 Ch 25:10 ψ 124:3 Jb 32:2, 3; c. אֶל Nu 24:10 (E). b. impers., אף omitted; חרה לְ it was kindled for (him) he burned with anger Gn 31:36 (E), 4:5, 6; 34:7 Nu 16:15 (J), 1 S 15:11 (read perhaps וַיֵּצֶר, Weir in Dr), 18:8; 20:72) 2 S 3:8; 6:8 = 1 Ch 13:11, 2 S 13:21; 19:43 Ne 3:33; 4:1; 5:6 Jon 4:1, 4, 92); ins. ויחר לדוד 2 S 11:22 𝔊 We Dr; ח׳ בְּעֵינֵי Gn 31:35; 45:5 (E). 2. of God: a. ח׳ אף Ex 22:23 Nu 22:22 (E), Nu 11:1, 10; 32:10 (J); c. בְּ Ex 4:14; 32:10 Nu 12:9 Dt 31:17 (J), 6:15; 7:4; 11:17; 29:26 Jos 23:16 (D), Ju 6:39 2 S 6:7 = 1 Ch 13:10, Ho 8:5 2 K 23:26 2 Ch 25:15 Jb 42:7; בְּעַם Ex 32:11 Nu 11:33 (J), Is 5:25 ψ 106:40; בישׂראל Nu 25:3; 32:13 (JE); Ju 2:14, 20; 3:8; 10:7 2 S 24:1 2 K 13:3; בבני ישׂראל Jos 7:1 (R); בנהרים, אף omitted, Hb 3:8; c. עַל Zc 10:3. b. חרה לְ Gn 18:30, 32 (J) 2 S 22:8 = ψ 18:8.— Note. חרה not in HP (who use קצף); nor in Je Ez Is 2 Pr or poetry of Jb.
Niph. Pf. נִחֲרוּ־ sq. בְּ Ct 1:6 (according to Bö ii. 379 De Köi. 551) be angry with; Pt. כֹּל הַנֶּחֱרִים בְּ׳ all that are incensed against (thee) Is 41:11, so 45:24.
Hiph. Pf. הֶחֱרָה הֶחֱזִיק Ne 3:20 burned with zeal (?) in repairing, but 𝔊 om. החרה; prob. dittogr.; Impf. וַיַּחַר עָלַי אַפּוֹ Jb 19:11 and kindled his anger against me.
Hithp. Impf. אַל תִּתְחַר ψ 37:1, 7, 8 Pr 24:19 heat oneself in vexation.—The foll. forms are somewhat dub.: Impf. 2 ms. אֵיךְ תְּתַחֲרֶה אֶת־הַסּוּסִים Je 12:5 how canst thou hotly contend (in a race) with the horses? Pt. כִּי אַתָּה מְתַחֲרֶה בָאָ֑רֶז Je 22:15 because thou strivest eagerly (to excel) in cedar; expl. as Tiphʿēl by Thes Ges§ 55, 5 Ew§ 122 a Ol§ 255 a Sta§ 159 bi. p. 557 al., and regarded by most as a rare causative stem; but ag. existence of Tiphʿēl v. BaNB § 180 a; ZMG 1894, 20; Ba regards the form as denom. (from a noun formed by ת preform., cf. Aramaic ܬܰܚܪܘܽܬܳܐ contention); SS would point as Hithp. [cf. Syriac ܐܶܬܚܪܺܝ contend with, ܚܶܪܝܳܢ contention], although meaning of Hithp. is diff., v. supr.