Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

שָׁכָה — שֶׁ֫לֶם


[שָׁכָה, so most] vb.
Hiph. Pt. as adj. in סוּסִים מוּזָנִים מַשְׁכִּים הָיוּ Je 5:8 usually, horsesroaming at large they have become (cf. Ethiopic ሰኰየ: );—but meaning lustful needed; Aq Theod ἕλκοντες, Jer trahentes (sc. genitalia), i.e. משְׁכִים; read with Arnheim Du Dr מַאֲשִׁיכִים, i.e. fed stallions (lit. growing אֲשָׁכִים, Lv 21:20; cf. מַקְרִין, מַפְרִיס).


[שֻׂכָּה] n.f. barb, spear;—pl. שֻׂכּוֹת Jb 40:31.


שׂכה (√ of foll.; NH סָכָה look out, Aramaic סְכָא look out, hope, סַכְוָאָה watchman, סָכוּתָא (for Heb. מִצְפָּה) outlook-point; ܣܟܳܐ Pa. hope for; Arabic شَكَا (و, ى) is complain (i.e. disclose grief?), مِشْكَاةٌ lamp-niche, Ethiopic መስኮት: window).


שֵׂ֫כוּ (si vera l.) near Ramah (= outlook, Köii. 1, 61);—1 S 19:22; WMMAs. u. Eur. 165 cp. T̲-ku in Egyptian inscr.; but 𝔊 Σεφ(ε)ι; read שְׁפִי Th We Dr Kit Bu HPS.


שֶׂכְוִי n.[m.] perhaps a celestial appearance, phenomenon (Rabb. Thes mind; De(afterTalm.) cock (cf. NH שֶׂכְוִי cock, שֶׂכְוְיָה hen, foreign words acc. Dalm), Di ‘Wolkengebilde’);—abs. שׂ׳ perhaps of clouds (cf. ‖ טֻחוֹת) Jb 38:36 (RVm meteor).


שְׁכוֹל n.[m.] bereavement, loss of children;—לֹא אֵדַע שׁ׳ Is 47:8 (‖ אַלְמָנָה), cf. v 9; fig. ψ 35:12.


שַׁכּוּל adj. bereaved, robbed of offspring (Ba § 37 c);—especially דֹּב שׁ׳ 2 S 17:8; Ho 13:8; Pr 17:12 (sim. of fierceness); נְשֵׁיהֶם שַׁכֻּלוֹת Je 18:21; שַׁבֻּלָה אֵין בָּהֶם Ct 4:2 (of flock, in sim.) = 6:6.


[שָׁכוּל] adj. childless (through bereavement);—fs. שְׁכוּלָה Is 49:21 (fig. of Zion);—on form v. BaNB 47.


[שָׁכֵחַ] adj. forgetting, forgetful;—pl. הַשְּׁכֵחִים אֶת־הַר ק׳ Is 65:11 they who forget the mt. of my holiness (‖ עֹזְבֵי י׳); cstr. שְׁכֵחֵי א׳ ψ 9:18 all nations forgetful of God (cf. שֹׁכְחֵי pt., Jb 8:13 ψ 50:22).


שָׁכַח102 vb. forget (NH id.; Ecclus 45:26c and (Pi.) 11:252); Aramaic שְׁכַח, ܫܟܰܚ is find);—
Qal86 Pf. 3 ms. שׁ׳ ψ 9:13 +, sf. שְׁכֵחָ֑נִי Is 49:14; 2 fs. שָׁכַחַתְּ Je 13:25; 1 pl. sf. שְׁכַחֲנוּךָ ψ 44:18, etc.; Impf. יִשְׁכַּח Dt 4:31 +, etc.; Imv. fs. שִׁכְחִי ψ 45:11; Inf. abs. שָׁכֹחַ; Pt. pl. cstr. שֹׁכְחֵי Jb 8:13 ψ 50:22;—forget: 1. subj. man, a. acc. rei Gn 27:45 (E), Dt 4:9; 9:7 (opp. זָכַר) +, = forget and leave, ב loc., 24:19; c. obj. cl. c. כִּי Jb 39:15; c. מִן inf. ψ 102:5. b. c. acc. pers., involving forgetting to mention, Gn 40:23 (E; opp. זכר), ceasing to care for Je 30:14 (fig.), Is 49:152) (acc. om.), v 15 Jb 19:14 ψ 45:11; c. acc. Jerusalem 137:5a; יִשְׁכָּחֵהוּ רֶחֶם Jb 24:20; abs. ψ 137:5b תִּשְׁכַּח יְמִינִי: AE Ki supply הַמַּעֲשֶׂה or הַנִּגּוּן (whence AV her cunning), but forced: 𝔊 תִּשָּׁכַח; read prob. (Gr Bu al.) תִּכְחַשׁ let it grow lean (109:24, cf. Zc 11:17), or (Che) תְּכַחֵשׁ let it disappoint (me), fail (Hb 3:17). c. especially c. acc. י׳ (God), Ho 2:15; 8:14; 13:6; Ju 3:7; 1 S 12:9; Is 17:10; Dt 8:19 (שָׁכֹהַ תִּשׁ׳) + 16 times (5 times Dt, 4 times Je), + ψ 59:12 (acc. om.); also acc. of divine name Je 23:27 (בַּבַּעַל), ψ 44:21; commands of י׳ Ho 4:6; Dt 26:13 (acc. om.) ψ 119:16 + 7 times ψ 119, his doings and ways, v 139; 78:7, 11; 103:2; 106:13, his covenant Dt 4:23, 31; 2 K 17:38; Pr 2:17; law of wisdom 3:1, sc. acc. בִּינָה 4:6. 2. subj. י׳ (God): a. acc. pers. Ho 4:6 1 S 1:11 (opp. זָכַר), La 5:20; Is 49:14 (‖ עָזַב), ψ 10:12; 13:2; 42:10. b. acc. of sins Am 8:7 ψ 10:11 (acc. om.), cry ψ 9:13 (opp. זָכַר), cf., of distress, 44:25. c. voice of foes ψ 74:23. d. sq. inf. ψ 77:10.
Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נִשְׁכַּה Ec 9:5, etc.; Impf. יִשָּׁכַח ψ 9:19, 3 fs. תִּשָּׁכֵחַ Je 20:11, etc.; Pt. fs. נִשְׁכָּחָה Is 23:16, נִשְׁכַּחַת v 15, pl. נִשְׁכָּחִים Jb 28:4;—be forgotten: subj. rei Gn 41:30 (E), Dt 31:21; Je 20:11; 23:40; 50:5; Is 65:11; subj. pers. ψ 9:19; 31:13; Ec 2:16, Tyre Is 23:15, 16 (under fig. of harlot), subj. זִכְרָם Ec 9:5; הַנִּשׁ׳ מִנִּי רָ֑גֶל Jb 28:4.
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. שִׁכַּח י׳ וגו׳ La 2:6 י׳ hath caused to forget (be forgotten) in Zion assembly and sabbath.
Hiph. Inf. לְהַשְׁכִּיחַ Je 23:27 to make my people forget my name (2 acc.).
Hithp. Impf. 3 mpl. יִשְׁתַּכְּחוּ Ec 8:10 they were forgotten in the city.


[שְׂכִיָּה] n.f. very dub., only pl. cstr. שְׂכִיּוֹת הַחֶמְדָּה Is 2:16: perhaps gen. term, 𝔙 quod visu pulchrum est, GesComm. ‘köstliche Anblicke,’ cf. De; others refer to imagery (cf. מַשְׂכִּית; as attracting the gaze) CheComm. RV Du; watchtowers (v. Aramaic) Ew Di RVm.; standards (as conspicuous) Thes; ships (id.) (Bennett [private letter], and now GunkSchöpfung 50 CheHpt Marti, cf. ‖ אֳנִיּוֹת; SS Bu Jb 40:31 proposes שְׂפִינֹת = ס׳ ships).


שָֽׂכְיָה (so Baer Gi; var. שַׂכְיָא; van d. H. שָׁבְיָה; KitHpt dub.) in Benj. 1 Ch 8:10; Σαβια, Σεβια, 𝔊L Σεχια; 𝔖 𝔙 Sechia.


שַׂכִּין n.[m.] knife (NH סַכִּין; prob. loan-word (LewyFremdw. 176) from Aramaic סַכִּינָא, ܣܰܟܹܝܢܳܐ id., whence also Arabic سِكِّينٌM 125 Frä 84; √ dub.);—abs. שׂ׳ Pr 23:2.


שָׂכִיר adj. hired;—abs. שׂ׳ Ex 12:45 +, f. שְׂכִירָה Is 7:20; cstr. שְׂכִיר Lv 25:53; sf. שְׂכִירְךָ v 6; pl. sf. שְׂכִרֶיהָ Je 46:21;—
1. hired, of beast Ex 22:14 (E), razor Is 7:20 (fig.).
2. usually as subst. hireling, hired labourer Dt 15:18; 24:14; Lv 19:13; 22:10; 25:6, 40, 53 (all H), Ex 12:45; Lv 25:50 (both P), Mal 3:5; Jb 7:1, 2; 14:6; כִּשְׁנֵי שׂ׳ Is 16:14 years like a hireling’s years (reckoned strictly), so 21:16; mercenaries Je 46:21.


I. [שָׂכַךְ] vb. cover, lay over, so as to screen (cf. ‖ √ I. סכך);—
Qal Pf. 1 s. וְשַׂכֹּתִי כַפִּי עָלֶיךָ Ex 33:22 (JE).


[שָׁכַךְ] vb. decrease, abate (NH שְׁכִיכָה is allaying of anger; שִׁכֵּךְ אֹזֶן soothe, satisfy the ear (so appar. Dalm), i.e. allow it to hear and understand, cf. LevyNHWB (and Arabic سَكَّ be narrow, have small ears, be deaf, Frä 90); Arabic سَكّ v. humble oneself, Wahrm humiliate);—
Qal Impf. 3 mpl. וַיָּשֹׁכּוּ Gn 8:1 the waters abated; Inf. cstr. כְּשֹׁךְ Est 2:1 when abated the king’s wrath, so Pf. 3 fs. שָׁכָ֑כָה 7:10.—כְּשַׁךְ יְקוּשִׁים Je 5:26 usually like the bending, crouching, of fowlers (this meaning for שַׁךְ dub.; Dr כְּשֻׁר; Du del. ישׁור כשׁ, then reads מוֹקְשִׁים הִצִּ֔יבוּ בַּשַּׁחַת א׳ יִלְכֹּדוּ׃).
Hiph. Pf. 1 s. consec. וַהֲשִׁכֹּתִ֫י מֵעָלַי Nu 17:20 I will allay from upon me the murmurings (acc.), etc.


III. שׂכך (√ of foll.; cf. I. שׂוך, II. סוך).


† II. [שָׂכַךְ] vb. weave (cf. ‖ √ II. סכך); Pôʿ. Impf. 2 ms. sf. תְּשׂכְכֵנִי Jb 10:11 with bones and sinews thou weavest me together.


IV. [שָׂכַךְ] Pilp. prick or spur on (cf. Arabic شَاكَ pierce (perhaps denom. from) شَوْكٌ thorn, شَوْكَةٌ point of spear, etc.; Ethiopic ሦክ thorn);—prick or spur on, acc. pers.: Pf. 1 S וְסִכְסַכְתִּ֫י Is 19:2 (+ ב against); Impf. 3 ms. יְסַכְסֵךְ 9:10.


שֵׂ֫כֶל, שֶׂ֫כֶל n.m. prudence, insight;—שֵׂ֫׳ abs. ψ 111:10 +, cstr. Pr 19:11 +; שֶׂ׳ abs. 1 S 25:3 +; שָׂ֑כֶל Jb 17:4; sf. שִׂכְלוֹ Pr 12:8; Dn 8:25;—
1. prudence, good sense: טוֹבַת שׂ׳ woman of good sense 1 S 25:3.
2. insight, understanding:בִינָה 1 Ch 22:12; 2 Ch 2:11, cf. Jb 17:4; שׂ׳ טוֹב Pr 3:4; 13:15 ψ 111:10; 2 Ch 30:22; אִישׁ שׂ׳ Ezr 8:18; יוֹעֵץ בְּשׂ׳ 1 Ch 26:14; מְקוֹר חַיִּים שׂ׳ בְּעָלָיו Pr 16:22; restrains from anger 19:11, wins praise 12:8, fool despises שׂ׳ מִלִּים 23:9; שׂוֹם שׂ׳ Ne 8:8 (‖ הֵבִין) set forth (the) understanding (i.e. the meaning).
3. bad sense, cunning, craft, Dn 8:25.


† I. שָׂכַל vb. be prudent (Gerber47 denom. from שֶׂכֶל, but vb. early; NH סָכַל, Hithp. shew oneself attentive (to), look; Aramaic סְכַל (rare) understand, Ithpa. look (at), consider, Aph. instruct; שְׂכַל only Aph. (for Heb. הִשְׂכִּיל), understand, make wise; ܣܟܰܠ Pa. teach, Ethpa. understand, etc.; Sam. ࠎࠊࠋ Ithpa. look (for Heb. הִבִּיט); Assyrian šiklu, clever, šiklûtu, cleverness, MeissnSuppl. 93);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. שׂ׳ 1 S 18:30 be prudent, circumspect (SS HPS); Kit Buhl Gerber al. prosper.
Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הִשְׂכִּיל Je 23:5; 1 Ch 28:19; 1 s. הִשְׂכַּלְתִּי ψ 119:99; 3 mpl. הִשְׂכִּילוּ Jb 34:27 +; Impf. יַשְׂכִּיל 1 S 18:5 +; 2 ms. juss. תַּשְׂכֵּל Dn 9:25, etc.; Imv. mpl. הַשְׂכִּילוּ ψ 2:10; Inf. abs. הַשְׂכֵּל Je 9:23 +; הַשְׂכֵּיל (Ges§ 53 k) Je 3:15; Jb 34:35; cstr. הַשְׂכִּיל Gn 3:6 +, etc.; Pt. מַשְׂכִּיל 1 S 18:14 +, f. מַשְׂכָּ֑לֶת Pr 19:14; pl. מַשְׂכִּילִים Dn 11:35 +, etc.; meanings hard to classify: scholars differ greatly;— 1. look at: נֶחְמָד הָעֵץ לְהַשְׂכִּיל Gn 3:6 (J) was desirable to look upon (so 𝔊 Ges De; AV, RV to make one wise; Ew Di Buhl SS Dr al. sub 3). 2. give attention to, consider, ponder: Is 41:20; 44:18; Dt 32:29 ψ 64:10; 106:7; Jb 34:27; c. לְ Pr 21:12; c. אֶל ψ 41:2; Ne 8:13; c. עַל Pr 16:20; c. ב ψ 101:2; Dn 9:13. 3. have insight, comprehension: Je 9:23 (‖ יָדַע י׳), ψ 94:8 (‖ בִּין), 119:99; Dn 1:4; 9:25 (‖ יָדַע); הַשְׂכֵּ(י)ל as subst. = insight, understanding: as י׳’s gift to ruler and teacher, ‖ דֵּעָה Je 3:15; ‖ דַּ֫עַת Jb 34:35; ‖ מַדָּע Dn 1:17; מוּסַר הַשׂ׳ Pr 1:3; דֶּרֶךְ הַשׂ׳ 21:16. 4. cause to consider, give insight, teach: י׳ subj., acc. rei, 1 Ch 28:19, acc. pers. ψ 32:8; Ne 9:20; Gabriel subj., 2 acc. Dn 9:22; לֵב חָכָם subj., acc. rei Pr 16:23; c. לְ, Pr 21:11; הַמַּשְׂכִּילִים שֵׂכֶל טוֹב לי׳ 2 Ch 30:22 (but Be Ke Benz etc. who shewed good skill, sc. in music, v 21b); (הַ)מַשְׂכִּילִים Dn 11:33, 35; 12:3, 10 the teachers (so Ew Hi Bev; Thes Ke Behrm al. the wise). 5. act circumspectly, prudently: abs. Am 5:13 ψ 2:10; 36:4; מַשְׂכִּיל as subst. ψ 14:2 = 53:3, Pr 10:5, 19; 14:35; 15:24; 17:2; Jb 22:2; אִשָּׁה מַשְׂכָּ֑לֶת Pr 19:14.—Je 50:9 has גִּבּוֹר מַשְׁכִּיל according to Mas. (van d. H. Baer Gi), cf. 𝔙, i.e. a child-slaying warrior; but שׁ׳ Hiph. elsewhere only Ho 9:14, of miscarriage; 𝔊 𝔖 Ew and most mod. (Gf Gie Rothst) read מַשְׂכִּיל, either skilful or fortunate. 6. prosper, have success (cf. Dr 1 S 18:5): abs. 1 S 18:15; Is 52:13; Je 10:21; 20:11; 23:5; Jos 1:8 (D); c. ב, v 7 (D) 1 S 18:5, 14 (read בְּכָל־ for לְכָל־ Vrss Th HPS al.), cf. 2 K 18:7; c. אֶל, Pr 17:8. 7. cause to prosper: Dt 29:8; 1 K 2:3 (D).


[שָׁכֹל, שָׁכַל LagBN 26] vb. be bereaved (= Arabic ثَكِلَ, 𝔗 תְּכוֹל, תְּכֵל; cf. Syriac ܬܟܳܠܴܐ loss of children);—
Qal Pf. 1 s. כַּאֲשֶׁר שָׁכֹלְתִּי שָׁכָ֑לְתִּי Gn 43:14 (E) if I am bereaved, I am bereaved (of father, expr. resignation; on כָ֑לְ v. Ges§ 29 u); Impf. 1 s. אֶשְׁכַּל 27:45 (E), c. acc. pers. be bereaved of you both (of mother); 3 fs. תִּשְׁכַּל מִנָּשִׁים אִמֶּ֑ךָ 1 S 15:33 thy mother shall be bereaved above (more than) women.
Pi. Pf. 3 fs. שִׁכְּלָה 1 S 15:33 +, sf. וְשִׁכְּלָ֑תָּה Ez 14:15, etc.; Impf. 3 fs. תְּשַׁכֵּל Dt 32:25 +, 2 fs. תְּשַׁכְּלִי Ez 36:14 Qr (v. כָּשַׁל Pi.); Inf. cstr. sf. לְשַׁכְּלָם v 12; Pt. מְשַׁכֵּלָה Ex 23:26, -כֶּ֫לֶת Ez 36:13, -כָּ֑לֶת 2 K 2:19, 21;— 1. make childless, acc. of father Gn 42:36 (E), of mothers 1 S 15:33 (subj. חֶרֶב), cf. Lv 26:22 Ez 5:17 (subj. famine and beasts), and 14:15 (id.; obj. land); acc. of people Ho 9:12 (מֵאָדָם), Je 15:7 (+ אִבַּדְתִּי), Ez 36:12, cf. v 13, 14 (v. supra); obj. om. (subj. חֶרֶב) Dt 32:25; La 1:20; Ez 21:19 (Co, for תִּכָּפֵל, v. כָּפַל p. 495b; otherwise Toy Krae). 2. a. cause barrenness, or abortion, הָאָרֶץ מְשַׁכְּ׳ 2 K 2:19, cf. v 21 (Thes otherwise, v. מְשׁ׳ infra). b. shew abortion, (1) of any female Ex 23:26 (E; + עֲקָרָה), animals Gn 31:38 (E); Jb 21:10; (2) of vine Mal 3:11.
Hiph. Pt. רֶחֶם (וְשָׁדַיִם צֹמְקִים) מַשְׁכִּיל Ho 9:14 miscarrying womb.—Je 50:9 read מַשְׂכִּיל successful, 𝔊 𝔖 Heb Codd. Ew Hi Gf Gie.


† II. [שָׂכַל] vb.
Pi. lay crosswise (so, and not √ I. שׂ׳, 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙 𝔗 Jon and mod., cf. Arabic شَكَلَ bind legs of beast, plait locks of hair);—Pf. 3 ms. שִׂכֵּל אֶת־יָדָיו Gn 48:14 (J); Thes Dr, however, prudentes fecit, from √ I. שׂ׳.


שִׂכְלוּת Ec 1:17 v. סִכְלוּת.


[שִׁכֻּלִים] n. pl. abstr. bereavement, childlessness;—בְּנֵי שִׁכֻּלָ֑יִךְ Is 49:20 i.e. sons of thee, the bereaved.


I. שְׁכֶם n.m.Zp 3:9 shoulder;—abs. שׁ׳ Gn 48:22 +, שְׁכֶ֑ם 33:19 +, שֶׁ֑כֶם ψ 21:13 (whence orig. *šakm inferred Ol§ 147 a ad fin. Sta§ 199 a; but—ֶ der. from—ִ before ב, BaNB 104ii. 1, 67, 506); cstr. שְׁכֶם Gn 9:23; sf. שִׁכְמוֹ 49:15 +, שִׁכְמָה (for שִׁכְמָהּ Ges§ 91 e) Jb 31:22, etc.;—
1. shoulder (sometimes incl. back of neck; כתף = shoulder-blade): a. as bearing burdens, וַיֵּט שׁ׳ לִסְבֹּל Gn 49:15 (poem in J; Issach. under fig. of ass), cf. 21:14 (E), 24:15, 45; Ex 12:34, also Gn 9:23 (all J), Jos 4:5 (E), Ju 9:48; Is 10:27 (‖ צַוָּאר), 14:25 (both fig.), ψ 81:7, so, metaph., of responsibility of rule Is 9:5; 22:22 (symbolized by key), of accusation as (easy) burden Jb 31:36; fig. also לְעָבְדוֹ שׁ׳ אֶחָד Zp 3:9 to serve him (with) one shoulder (as one man), cf. Syriac ܚܰܕ ܟܰܬܦܳܐ. b. in statement of Saul’s height, מִשִּׁכְמוֹ וָמַ֫עְלָה גָּבֹהַּ מִכָּל־הָעָם 1 S 9:2, cf. 10:23 and (with play on שְׁכֶם) נָתַתִּי לְךָ שׁ׳ אַחַד עַל־אַחֶיךָ Gn 48:22 (E; cf. Dr).
2. in gen. back: כְּהַפְנֹתוֹ שִׁכְמוֹ לָלֶכֶת מֵעִם 1 S 10:9; so תְּשִׁיתֵמוֹ שׁ׳ ψ 21:13, i.e. make them turn (in flight; cf. וְאוֹיְבַי נָתַתָּה לִי עֹרֶף 18:41); as beaten מַטֵּה שׁ׳ Is 9:3 (‖ שֵׁבֶט הַנֹּגֵשׂ בּוֹ); more anatom. כְּתֵפִי מִשּׁ׳ תִפּוֹל Jb 31:22 let my shoulder-blade fall from its back.—Ho 6:9 v. ii. שְׁכֶם.


שֶׁ֫כֶם in Manasseh (Συχεμ): Nu 26:31; 1 Ch 7:19; בְּנֵי־שׁ׳ Jos 17:2.


[שָׁכַם65] vb.
Hiph. denom. start, rise, early (proposes load backs of beasts for day’s journey);—Pf. 3 ms. consec. וְהִשְׁכִּים 2 S 15:2; Jb 1:5, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. וַיַּשְׁכֵּם Gn 19:27 +, 2 ms. תַּשְׁכִּים Ju 9:33, etc.; Imv. הַשְׁכֵּם Ex 8:16 +; Inf. abs. הַשְׁכֵּם Je 7:25 +, -כֵּים Je 44:4; Pr 27:14, erron. אַשְׁכֵּים Je 25:3 (Ges§ 53 k); Pt. מַשְׁכִּים Ho 6:4 +, etc.;—rise early, make an early start, of journey (Hex only JE); לְדַרְכְּכֶם Ju 19:9 (+ מָחָר), cf. Ct 7:13; + vb. of going Gn 19:2 (J), standing 2 S 15:2, encamping Ju 7:1, etc.; + inf. 1 S 15:12 (cf. Dr), 29:11; 2 K 6:15 (לָקוּם), מַשְׁכִּימֵי קוּם ψ 127:2 (opp. מְאַחֲרֵי שֶׁבֶת); usually c. בַּבֹּקֶר Gn 19:27 (J; אֶל־הַמָּקוֹם), 1 S 29:102) + 27 times, + (hyperbol.) מַשְׁכִּימֵי בַבּ׳ שֵׁבָר יִרְרֹּ֑פוּ Is 5:11 (‖ מְאַחֲרֵי בַנֶּשֶׁף); c. מִמָּחֳרָת Ex 32:6 (E), Ju 6:28 + 3 times; c. בַּעֲלוֹת הַשַּׁחַר Jos 6:15 (J), 1 S 9:26; וַיְמַהֲרוּ וַיַּשְׁכִּימוּ וַיֵּצְאוּ Jos 8:14 (J) they made a quick and early start, and went out; †Inf. abs. (Ges§ 113 s) as adv. הַשׁ׳ וְהַעֲרֵב 1 S 17:16 at early morning and at evening; especially of י׳, in Je: הַשׁ׳ וְדַבֵּר = speaking early and often 7:13; 35:15 and (of Je) 25:3, cf. 11:7; 32:33; often הַשׁ׳ וְשָׁלוֹחַ = sending early and often 7:25; 25:4; 26:5; 29:19; 35:15; 44:4, also 2 Ch 36:15; so vb. fin. הִשְׁכִּימוּ הִשְׁחִיתוּ Zp 3:7 = with eagerness they corrupted (Ges§ 120 g); pt. כַּטַּל מַשְׁ׳ הֹלֵךְ Ho 6:4 like the dew departing early, 13:3 (Ges ib.).—1 S 9:26 read וַיִּשְׁכַּב, v. שׁכב.


שׁכם (√ of foll., meaning unknown; NH Hiph. = BH; Ethiopic has denom. ሰከመ: carry on the shoulder; Arabic سَكَمَ is take short steps, from weakness (Ḳam Frey)).


† II. שְׁכֶם et m.14 (Συχεμ; 𝔊L often Σίκιμα LagBN 57):
1. district in N. Palestine (prob. shoulder (saddle?) of mount.);—מְקוֹם שׁ׳ Gn 12:6, שְׁכֶ֑מָה 37:14; = city (שְׁכֶם, שְׁכֶ֑מָה, Ho 6:9 שֶׁ֑כְמָה) Jos 24:1; עִיר שׁ׳ Gn 33:18; Ju 8:31 + 20 times Ju 9 (בַּעֲלֵי שׁ׳ v 2 + 12 times, ב׳ מִגְדַּל־שׁ׳ v 46, 47), Ho 6:9 + 21 times (עִיר שׁ׳ Gn 33:18); city of refuge Jos 20:7; 21:21; 1 Ch 6:52.—WMMAs. u. Eur. 394, cp. Egypt. Sa-ka-mà (cf. Jen ZA x (1895) 356); mod. Nablûs (from Rom. name Neapolis); v. BuhlG 200 f. GASmG 332 ff. 345 WilsonHast. DB shechem.
2. (on connexion with 1 cf. Ju 9:28), ‘son’ of Ḥamor, also Gn 33:19; 34:2 + 10 times 34, Jos 24:32.


שִׁכְמָה v. foregoing.


שִׁכְמִי of שֶׁכֶם, c. art. as n. coll. הַשּׁ׳ Nu 26:31.


[שֵׁ֫כֶן ?] n.m. dwelling;—sf. שִׁכְנוֹ Dt 12:5 (cf. שכן dwelling Ecclus 14:25), but v. √ Pi.


שָׁכֵן adj. inhabitant, neighbour;—שׁ׳ Is 33:24 +; cstr. שְׁכַן Ho 10:5; sf. שְׁכֵנוֹ Ex 12:4; שְׁכֵנָ֑יִכְי֯ 2 K 4:3, etc.; f. sf. שְׁכֶנְתָּהּ Ex 3:22; fpl. שְׁכֵנוֹת Ru 4:17;—
1. inhabitant, Is 33:24 Ho 10:5.
2. neighbour: woman Ex 3:22 (E); pl. Ru 4:17; man Ex 12:4 (P) Je 6:21; Pr 27:10, pl. 2 K 4:3; of places Dt 1:7; nations, to Judah Ez 16:26 ψ 79:12; הֶרְפָּה לִשְׁכֵנֵי(נוּ) 44:14; 79:4, cf. 31:12; 89:42; מָדוֹן לשׁ׳ 80:7; to Edom Je 49:10; to Sodom v 18; 50:40; to י׳ 11:14 (because to people).


שָׁכַן, שָׁכֵ֑ן, vb. settle down, abide, dwell (NH id.; Ecclus 43:17d +; Ph. שכן Lzb375; Aramaic שְׁכֵין; Syriac ܫܟܶܢ, all dwell; Arabic سَكَنَ rest, dwell, cf. Assyrian šakânu, set, lay, deposit, set up (a dwelling), intrans. be situated (of city), maškanu, place, dwelling-place);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. שׁ׳ Ex 40:35 + 5 times; שָׁכֵ֑ן Dt 33:12 + 2 times, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יִשְׁכֹּן Gn 16:12 +; יִשְׁכָּן־ Nu 9:17 + 2 times; 3 mpl. יִשְׁכֹּ֑נוּ Je 49:31; 3 fpl. תִּשְׁכֹּ֑נָּה Ez 17:23, etc.; Imv. ms. שְׁכֹן Gn 26:2 ψ 37:27; שְׁכָן־ v 3; mpl. שִׁכְנוּ Je 48:28; Inf. cstr. בִּשְׁכֹּן (Ges§ 45 g) Gn 35:22, לִשְׁכּוֹן 2 Ch 6:1, etc.; sf. שָׁכְנִי Ex 29:46; שִׁכְנוֹ Dt 12:5 (but v. Pi. 1), etc.; Pt. שֹׁכֵן Gn 14:13 +, שֹׁכְנִי (Ges§ 90 l m) Dt 33:16 + 3 times; sf. fs. שֹׁכַנְתְּי Je 51:13; Pt. pass. appar. pl. cstr. c. art. הַשְּׁכוּנֵי Ju 8:11 (but corrupt, needed, v. GFM):— 1. settle down to abide: a. of pers.: encamp Nu 24:2 (E); settle permanently ψ 102:29 (abs.: ‖ יִכּוֹן); שׁ׳ כמלך Jb 29:25 (‖ ישׁב); settle down (to remain) Ju 5:17; תַּחְתָּיו 2 S 7:10 = 1 Ch 17:9 (not to be removed); especially at rest, peace, in security, לבטח Je 23:6; 33:16; Dt 33:12, cf. בין כתפים v 12; ψ 16:9 (‖ שׂמח); בטח Dt 33:28 Pr 1:33; (ל)בדד Nu 23:9 (poem) Je 49:31; Mi 7:14; land of Egypt Je 46:26 (remain undisturbed), so 50:39; Is 13:20 (‖ תֵּשֵׁב, cf. ישׁב 4); c. acc. מרומים 33:16; abs. Na 3:18, subj. אדּירים (We יָֽשְׁנוּ, Now יִשְׁכְּבוּ; ‖ נָמוּ); Pr 7:11 her feet tarry not in her house. b. of animals: כְּלָבִיא Dt 33:20; ב loc. Is 34:11; Jb 37:8; שָׁם Is 13:21; birds שׁ׳ תַּחַת (under) Ez 17:23, שׁ׳ בְּצֵל, v 23; c. עַל = upon 31:13, = by ψ 104:12; c. acc. סֶלַע Jb 39:28; abs., of man under fig. of bird, אָע֫וּפָה וְאֶשְׁכֹּ֑נָה ψ 55:7. c. things: c. עַל of cloud, Jb 3:5 settle down over; cf. Ex 24:16; 40:35; Nu 9:17, 18, 22 (all P); c. בְּ 10:12 (P). 2. abide, dwell: a. of men: abs. ψ 37:27 (לְעוֹלָם); שָׁ֫מָּה Is 65:9; c. ב loc. ψ 69:37 Jb 18:15; 30:6; Mi 4:10; Je 48:28 + 10 times; לְחוֹף יַמִּים Gn 49:13; c. עַל, by Ju 5:17; Je 51:13; upon ψ 37:29; על פני Gn 16:12 (J); c. עִם with ψ 120:5, 6; c. acc. Pr 2:21 Je 17:6 + 5 times; מִןעַד Gn 25:18 (J); שֹׁכְנֵי אָ֑רֶץ Is 18:3 (‖ ישְׁבֵי תֵבֵל). b. of the dead: שֹׁכְנֵי עָפָר Is 26:19 (‖ רְפָאִים); cf. Jb 26:5 (‖ id.), so mortals, שֹׁכְנֵי בָתֵּי חֹמֶר 4:19; שׁ׳ דוּמָה ψ 94:17 (i.e. שׁאול). c. of God: שׁ׳ בָּֽעֲרָפֶל 1 K 8:12 = 2 Ch 6:1 (poem); מָרוֹם Is 33:5; עַד 57:15; מָרוֹם וְקָדוֹשׁ v 15; שׁ׳ סְנֶה Dt 33:16 (theoph.); בְּאָֽהֳלֵי־שֵׁם Gn 9:27 (J, v. BrMP 82; al. Japheth subj.); בְּתוֹכָם Ex 25:8; 29:46; Nu 5:3 (all P), Ez 43:9; c. בְּתוֹךְ elsewhere Ex 29:45 (P) + 6 times; ב loc. ψ 85:10; later בְּצִיּוֹן Jo 4:17, 21; בְּהַר צִיּוֹן Is 8:18; ψ 68:17, 19 (abs.) + 4 times; שֹׁכֵן יְרוּשָׁלַםִ ψ 135:21. d. things: אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד, c. את Lv 16:16 (P); מִשְׁכַּן י׳ שָׁם Jos 22:19 (P); אוֹר Jb 38:19. e. abstr. subj.: מִשְׁפָּט Is 32:16 (בַּמִּדְבָּר); חָכְמָה, c. acc. עָרְמָה Pr 8:12.
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. שִׁכֵּן ψ 78:60; 1 s. שִׁכַּנְתִּי Je 7:7, 12; Impf. 1 s. אֲשַׁכְּנָה Je 7:3; Inf. cstr. שַׁכֵּן Nu 14:30 + 7 times; sf. שַׁכְּנוֹ Dt 12:5 (so read for MT לְשִׁכְנוֹ, cf. Köii. 1. 21);— 1. make settle down, establish: אֹהֶל שׁ׳ בָּֽאָדָֽם ψ 78:60; especially in Dt, לְשַׁכֵּן שְׁמוֹ שָׁם establish his name there (cf. šakan šuma as Canaanism WklTelAm. 138 Rev. 20; 181. 6) Dt 12:11; 14:23; 16:2, 6, 11; 26:2, cf. Je 7:12 Ne 1:9; + לָשׂוּם אֶת־שְׁמוֹ שָׁם לְשִׁכְנוֹ Dt 12:5 (read לְשַׁכְּנוֹ). 2. make to dwell: c. acc. pers., ב loc., Nu 14:30 (J) Je 7:3, 7.
Hiph. Pf. 1 s. הִשְׁכַּ֫נְתִּי Ez 32:4; Impf. 3 ms. juss. יַשְׁכֵּן ψ 7:6, וַיַּשְׁכֵּן Gn 3:24 ψ 78:55, etc.;— 1. a. lay, כבודי לעפר ψ 7:6 lay my honour in the dust (of death); place, set, Gn 3:24 (J); place, establish, אהל מועד at Shilo Jos 18:1 (P). b. cause birds to settle, עַל Ez 32:4. 2. cause to dwell, c. acc. pers., ב loc., ψ 78:55; cf. Jb 11:14.


שְׁכַנְיָ֫ה(וּ) (י׳ hath taken up his abode);—שְׁבַנְיָה, Σεχενια(ς), etc.:
1. descendant of Jehoiakin 1 Ch 3:21, 22 (on context v. Kit), Ezr 8:3, 5.
2. Ezr 10:2 (diff. from 1?).
3. father of a wall-builder Ne 3:29.
4. father-in-law of Tobiah Ne 6:18.
5. priestly name: a. Ne 12:3 = שְׁכַנְיָ֫הוּ 1 Ch 24:11, cf. שְׁכַנְיָה 3 Ne 10:5; 12:14. b. שְׁכַנְיָ֫הוּ 2 Ch 31:15.


שִׁכֹּר, שִׁכּוֹר adj. drunken (BaNB § 134 b);—abs. שִׁכֹּר 1 S 25:36, שִׁכּוֹר 1 K 16:9 +, f. שִׁכֹּרָה 1 S 1:13, pl. שִׁכּוֹרִים Jo 1:5, cstr. שִׁכֹּרֵי Is 28:1; 3;—drunken: 1 S 25:36, אִישׁ שׁ׳ Je 23:9, שֹׁתֶה שׁ׳ 1 K 16:9 drinking (and) drunken, 20:16; as subst. = drunken one, drunkard Is 28:1, 3 Pr 26:9, pl. Jo 1:5 (‖ שֹׁתֵי יַיִן); in sim. Is 19:14; Jb 12:25 ψ 107:27, and (of earth) Is 24:20; f. of drunken woman 1 S 1:13.


שֵׁכָר n.[m.] intoxicating drink, strong drink (BaNB § 71);—always שׁ׳ abs.; usually ‖ יַיִן (except ψ 69:13): Is 29:9; usually condemned, Is 5:11, 22; 28:7(×3); 56:12 (נִסְבְּאָה שׁ׳), Mi 2:11; 1 S 1:15; Pr 20:1; forbidden to priests on duty Lv 10:9 (P); not for princes Pr 31:4; nor Nazirite Nu 6:3; Ju 13:4, 7, 14, cf. חֹמֶץ שׁ׳ Nu 6:3; שׁוֹתֵי שׁ׳ ψ 69:13 drunkards; but שׁ׳ as common drink Dt 29:5 (opp. to miraculous), allowable in sacrif. meal 14:26, commended for weak and weary Pr 31:6; נֶסֶךְ שׁ׳ Nu 28:7 (P; for יַיִן v 14 +); v. further KennedyEncy. Bib. iv. 5309 f..—On form cf. LagM ii. 357;BN 51.


שֶׂ֫כֶר n.[m.] hire, wages;—abs. עֹשֵׂי שׂ׳ Is 19:10 (= שָׂכִיר; cstr. Pr 11:18.


שָׂכַר vb. hire (NH id.; Sab. תשכר hire oneself out(?), recompense(?) DHMHofmus. 11; Ethiopic ሥኩር: hired; Arabic شَكَرَ reward, thank, mod. Pal. شكارة hired, of land ploughed by hire, BergheimPEQ 1894, 196; Palm. שכרא perhaps rewarding Lzb375);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. שׂ׳ Dt 23:5, ס׳ Ezr 4:5 sf. שְׂכָרוֹ Ne 6:12; 1 s. sf. שְׂכַרְתִּיךָ Gn 30:16; Impf. 3 ms. וַיִּשְׂכֹּר Ju 9:4 +, etc.; Inf. abs. שָׂכֹר Gn 30:16; cstr. לִשְׂכֹּר 1 Ch 19:6; Pt. act. שׂבֵר Pr 26:102), pl. שׂכְרִים 2 Ch 24:12 (Ezr 4:5 v. ii. סבר); pass. שָׂכוּר Ne 6:13;—hire, retainers Ju 9:4 (ב pret.), soldiers, etc. 2 S 10:6 = 1 Ch 19:6, 7; 2 K 7:6; 2 Ch 25:6 (ב pret.), priest Ju 18:4, artificers Is 46:6; 2 Ch 24:12, husband’s favour שָׂכֹר שְׂכַרְתִּיךָ Gn 30:16 (J; ב pret.); Pr 26:102) obscure, v. De Now Toy; for evil purpose Dt 23:5 = Ne 13:2 (עַל against), Ne 6:12, 13.
Niph. hire oneself out, Pf. בַּלֶּחֶם נִשְׂכָּ֑רוּ 1 S 2:5.
Hithp. earn wages, Pt. הַמִּשְׂתַּכֵּר Hg 1:6 (as subst.), מ׳ v 6 (as vb., + אֶל loc., constr. praegn.).


† I. שָׂכָר n.m. Ez 29:18 hire, wages, only sg., not c. art.;—abs. שׂ׳ Nu 18:31 +, cstr. שְׂכַר Dt 15:18 +, sf. שְׂכָרִי Gn 30:18 +, etc.;—
1. wages, of servant, Gn 30:28, 32, 33 (J), 31:82); Ex 2:9 (all E), Dt 15:18 (שְׂ׳ שָׂכִיר), 24:15; 1 K 5:20; Zc 8:10; Mal 3:5 (שְׂ׳ שָׂכִיר); soldiers Ez 29:18, 19; shepherd (symb.) Zc 11:122); beast Ex 22:14 (E), Zc 8:10.
2. = reward, for work done, faithfulness, etc., Gn 15:1 (JE), 30:18 (E) in expl. of name יששכר, Nu 18:31 (P), כִּי יֵשׁ שׂ׳ לִפְעֻלָּתֵךְ Je 31:16 (cf. 2 Ch 15:7), Is 40:10 = 62:11 (fig. of reward of י׳’s labours), ψ 127:3; Ec 4:9; 9:5.
3. passage-money, fare, Jon 1:3.


† I. [שָׁכַר] vb. be, or become, drunk, drunken (NH id., der. spec. and deriv.; Ecclus 40:18, 20 שכר strong drink; Arabic سَكِرَ be drunken, also be full, سَكَرَ fill; Assyrian šikaru, = שֵׁכָר, šakkûru, drunken, perhaps also vb. šakâru; Ethiopic ሰክረ: Aramaic שִׁכְרָא, ܫܰܟܪܳܐ = שֵׁכָר, especially date-wine (Löw p. 125), cf. ܫܟܰܪ be drunken, usually (der. spec.) defile, deform, etc.; from שֵׁכָר, Egyptian ṯà-k-ï̥ra WMMAs. u. Eur. 102, Gk. σίκερα LewyFremdw. 81);—
Qal Pf. 3 pl. שָֽׁכְרוּ Is 29:9; Impf. 3 ms. וַיִּשְׁכָּ֑ר Gn 9:21, 3 mpl. יִשְׁכָּר֑וּן Is 49:26, etc.; Imv. mpl. שִׁכְרוּ Je 25:27 Ct 5:1; Inf. cstr. לְשָׁכְרָה Hg 1:6; Pt. pass. שְׁכֻרַת Is 51:21 (Ges§ 130 b LagBN 60);—become drunken Gn 9:21 (J), of social drinking 43:34 (J), Ct 5:1, token of plenty Hg 1:6; fig. of nations staggering helplessly under calamity Je 25:27; 51:21 (וְלֹא מִיָּ֑יִן), Na 3:11; of infatuation Is 29:9 (וְלֹא יַיִן), of disgrace La 4:21, self-destruction, כֶּעָסִיס דָּמָם יִשׁ׳ Is 49:26.
Pi. make drunken: Impf. 3 ms. sf. וַיְשַׁכְּרֵהוּ 2 S 11:13, lit.; fig. 1 s. (sf. of people) וַאֲשַׁכְּרֵם (read וָ׳) Is 63:6 (subj. י׳) I made them drunk in my wrath (but MSS Ges Hi Ew Che Kit Marti al. וָאֲשַׁבְּרֵם I brake them in pieces); Pt. fs., of Bab., מְשַׁכֶּרֶת כָּל־הָאָרֶץ Je 51:7; cf. Inf. abs. שַׁכֵּר Hb 2:15 (i. e. terrorizing nations; read prob. הַשְׁקֵה וְאַף שׁ׳ We Now).
Hiph. id.: Pf. 1 s. וְהִשְׁכַּרְתִּ֫י Je 51:57 (subj. י׳) i.e. make princes helpless, וְהִשְׁכַּרְתִּים v 39; Imv. mpl. sf. הַשְׁכִּירֻהוּ, obj. Moab, i.e. make helpless and disgraced 48:26; Impf. 1 s. אַשְׁכִּיר חִצַּי מִדָּם Dt 32:42.—RubenJQ xi (1899), 446 proposes מַשְׁכִּירוֹת Ho 7:5 for משׁך ידו את.
Hithp. Impf. 2 fs. תִּשְׁתַּכָּרִין 1 S 1:14 how long wilt thou make thyself drunken [a drunken spectacle]?


II. שׁכר (√ of foll.; meaning unknown).


† II. שָׂכָר
1. father of hero of Dvd. 1 Ch 11:35, Αχαρ, A Σαχαρ, (‖ שָׁרָר 2 S 23:33).
2. doorkeeper 26:4, Σαχαρ.


[שִׁכְּרוֹן] on NW. border of Judah, c. ה loc. -וֹנָה Jos 15:11, Σοκχωθ, 𝔊L Σαχαρωνα.


שִׁכָּרוֹן n.[m.] drunkenness;—שׁ׳ only fig.: Je 13:13; Ez 23:33 (Co Berthol Krae שִׁבָּרוֹן, not Toy), both of bewilderment and helplessness under calamity; from drinking blood 39:19.—Vid. LagBN 202, cf. 199.


שֶׁל Ct 1:6; 3:7 al.; בְּשֶׁל Ec 8:17: v. שֶׁ·4 d.


שַׁל in עַל־הַשַּׁל 2 S 6:7 is disputed; 𝔊B om.; A 𝔊L τῇ προπετείᾳ, for his hastiness (prob. from Aramaic; cf. ܡܶܢ ܫܶܠܝܳܐ = suddenly), 𝔙 temeritate; 𝔗 על דאשתלי because he acted in error (Aramaic שְׁלִי, שְׁלָא error: v. Biblical Aramaic שָׁלוּ), hence AV RV for his error; שָׁלַ[ה יָדוֹ עַל] [אֲשֶׁר] עַל, ‖ 1 Ch 13:10.


† I. שָׁלִ(י)שׁ n.[m.] third (part, i.e. of ephah? dub.), name of a measure;—for dust Is 40:12, tears ψ 80:6 (in fig.), adv. acc. measure-wise.


שַׁלְאֲנָן Jb 21:23 lapsus cal. for שַׁאֲנָן, q.v. (cf. PerlesAnal. 82).


[שָׁלַב] vb.
Pu. be bound, joined (NH Pu. = BH; שְׁלִיבָה rung of ladder; Aramaic שְׁלִיבִין appar. only 1 K 7:28, 29, ܫܰܠܒܳܐ ravine, narrow path between mountains; Arabic سَلَبَ is seize, carry off, by force);—Pt. fpl. מְשֻׁלָּבֹת Ex 26:17 tenons joined each to (אֶל) its fellow, 36:22 (both P).


שְׁלַבִּים n.[m.] pl. joinings of bases (𝔙 juncturae);—בֵּין הַשׁ׳ 1 K 7:28, 29, עַל־הַשְּׁ׳ v 29; AV RV ledges, < ribs (Kit) or frames (Benz), joining or binding the parts together.


שֶׁ֫לֶג n.m.Is 55:10 snow;—abs. שׁ׳ Is 1:18 +, שָׁ֑לֶג Ex 4:6 +; cstr. שֶׁ֫לֶג Je 18:14;—snow, 2 S 23:20 (יוֹם הַשּׁ׳) = 1 Ch 11:22, Jb 6:16; 37:6 (‖ גֶּשֶׁם מָטָר), ψ 147:16; 148:8 (+ אֵשׁ, בָּרָד, קִיטוֹר); מֵימֵי שׁ׳ Jb 24:19, cf. 9:30 Qr (בְּמֵי, < Qr בְּמוֹ De Di Bu al., snow as purifying; v. also [מַי]); poet. אֹצְרוֹת שׁ׳ 38:22 (‖ א׳ בָּרָד; symb. of cold Pr 31:21; as moistening, fertilizing Is 55:10 (‖ גֶּשֶׁם); on mountains, fig. of normal habit, שׁ׳ לְבָנוֹן Je 18:14; sim. of whiteness, of leprosy Ex 4:6 (J), Nu 12:10 (E), 2 K 5:27; c. מִן comp., of fair skin La 4:7 (‖ חָלָב); sim. of sins, כַּשּׁ׳ יַלְבִּינוּ Is 1:18, cf. ψ 51:9 (מִן comp.); sim. of refreshment Pr 25:13 (drink cooled by snow, v. reff. in De Toy), of the unfitting כַּשּׁ׳ בַּקַיִץ 26:1 (‖ מָטָר).—On snow in Pal. v. NicolHast. DB snow.


[שָׁלַג] vb.denom.
Hiph. snow;—Impf. 3 fs. תַּשְׁלֵג (Ges§ 109 k), impers ψ 68:15 it snows on Ṣalmon (meaning obscure).


שׁלג (√ of foll., unless loan-word; NH = BH, Ecclus 43:17c שלגו his snow; Arabic ثَلْجٌ, Aramaic תַּלְגָא, ܬܰܠܓܳܐ, Assyrian šalgu).


I שֵׁלָה v. שְׁאֵלָה.


† I. [שָׁלָה, שָׁלֵו] vb. be quiet, at ease (Ecclus 47:13 שלוה prosperity, 41:lc שליו prosperous, at ease; ܫܠܴܐ be tranquil, quiet, cease; 𝔗 שְׁלָא, שְׁלִי be at ease, then be careless, thoughtless, go astray [for Heb. שָׁגָה, שָׁגַג


† II. שֵׁלָה son of Judah, Σηλωμ[ν]: Gn 38:5, 11, 14, 26 (J), 46:12 (P); Nu 26:20 (P), 1 Ch 2:3; 4:21.


† II. שָׁלָה vb. draw out, extract (si vera l.; = שָׁלַל; Syriac ܫܠܴܐ (e.g. Ex 2:10), 𝔗Jer שְׁלִי (e.g. Lv 11:17));—
Qal Impf. 3 ms. apoc. (Ges§ 109 k) כִּי יֵ֫שֶׁל אֱלוֹהַּ נַפְשׁוֹ Jb 27:8 (De); < read יָשֹׁל, or יִשַּׁל (√ שׁלל) Di; Schnurrer We Siegf Bu Du יִשְׁאַל demandeth; PerlesAnal. 48 יִשָּׂא אֶל־אֱלוֹהַּ.


שַׁלְהֶ֫בֶת n.f. flame (Aramaic שַׁלְהוֹבִיתָא, ܫܰܠܗܶܒܺܝܬܳܐ )—in לַהֶבֶת שׁ׳ Ez 21:3, of judgment; so שַׁלְהָ֑בֶת Jb 15:30; רִשְׁפֵּי אֵשׁ שַׁלְהֶבֶתְיָה Ct 8:6 i.e. Yahweh-flame = powerful flame (> JägerBAS i.471 JastrowJBL xiii (1894), 111 expl. ־יָה here as encl. part.)


שַׁלְהֶ֫בֶת v. p. 529a supr.


שְׂלָו n.f. Ex 16:13 quail (prob. foreign word; Arabic سَلْوَى, Syriac ܣܰܠܘܰܝ, Sam. ࠔࠋࠅࠉ );—quail, coturnix communis vel vulgaris (TristrNHB 229 ff. FFP 124 PostHast.DB. quail, Di Ex 16:13):—abs. coll. Nu 11:32 (J); Ex 16:13 (P), ψ 105:40 (in all Qr שְׂלָיו); pl. שַׂלְוִים Nu 11:31 (J; as if from sg. שַׂלְוֶה).


שִׁלוֹ, שִׁילוֹ, שִׁלֹה (orig. שִׁלוֹן, v. (otherwise BaNB § 224 b), which also shews that √ שׁול, שׁיל, was posited when text of K was fixed, cf. Dr 2 S 15:12);—שִׁלוֹ Ju 21:19; 1 S 1:24; 3:21; 14:3; Je 7:14 (on destruction of S. v. We 2 S 8:17), 26:9; 41:5, מִשְׁכַּן שׁ׳ ψ 78:60; שִׁילוֹ Ju 21:212); Je 7:12; שִׁלֹה Jos 18:1, 8, 9, 10; 19:51; 21:2; 22:9, 12 (all P or R), Ju 18:31; 21:12; 1 S 1:3, 9; 2:14; 3:21; 4:3, 4, 12; 1 K 2:27; 14:2, 4; Je 26:6 (var. שִׁלוֹ in all these [21 times] given by Gi as Qr).—Σηλωμ, Σηλω(ν).—Mod. Seilûn, c. 9½ m. NNE. of Bethel, BuhlG. 178 DrHast.DB shiloh. Also תַּאֲנַתשִׁלֹה; s. p. 1061.


[שָׁ֫לוּ Ges§ 84 a c LagBN 142] n.[m.


שָׁלֵו (LagBN 43), שָׁלֵיו, שְׁלֵיו adj. quiet, at ease;—
1. of pers. at ease, שָׁלֵו Jb 16:12, שָׁלֵיו 21:23 (Köii. 1, 83); of nation, שְׁלֵיו (poss. diminutive Köii. 1. 144) Je 49:31 (‖ יוֹשֵׁב לָבֶטַח); prosperous, of city fs. שְׁלִוָה Zc 7:7; of wicked, mpl. cstr. וְשַׁלְוֵי עוֹלָם ψ 73:12 (RenanH. iii. 131 proposes יִשְׁלָיוּ עֲוִילִים).
2. of land, quiet, שְׁלֵוָה 1 Ch 4:40 (‖ שֹׁקֶטֶת).
3. in לֹא יָדַע שָׁלֵו בְּבִטְנוֹ Jb 20:20 שׁ׳ is appar. n.abstr. quiet, ease, so Di De al., read שַׁלְוָה Siegf Bu, Du (after 𝔊) לֹא שָׁלֵו בְּמַטְמֹנוֹ; שָׁלֵו Ez 23:42 is corrupt, Hi Co Berthol (cf. Da) שָׁרוּ sang, Toy שָׁרִים, Krae שִׁרִים.


שַׁלְוָה n.f. quietness, ease;—abs. שׁ׳ ψ 122:7 +; cstr. שַׁלְוַת Ez 16:49; Pr 1:32; pl. sf. שַׁלְוֹתַ֫יִךְ Je 22:21 (< שַׁלְוָתֵךְ Vrss Gie);—quietness, peace, Pr 17:1 (opp. רִיב), ψ 122:7 (‖ שָׁלוֹם); ease, careless security, Ez 16:49 (שַׁלְוַת הַשְׁקֵט), Pr 1:32; prosperity, Je 22:21; בְּשׁ׳ in (time of) security (of sudden attack), if not unawares Dn 8:25; 11:21, 24 (Thes Ew Hi Ke al.); cf. ܡܶܢ ܣܒܶܠܝ lit. out of quiet, i.e. suddenly, unawares (e.g. 1 Macc 1:30 = ἐξάπινα), מִן שִׁלְיָא 𝔗 Pr 3:25; 6:15 (= פִּתְאֹם), ψ 30:7 v. [שָׁ֫לוּ].


[שְׁלוּחָה] n.f. shoot, branch (cf. i. שֶׁלַח 2);—pl. sf. שְׁלוּחֹתֶיהָ Is 16:8, of vine of Sibmah (E. of Jordan).


שִׁלּוּחִים n.[m.]pl. sending away, parting gift;—
1. אַחַר שִׁלּוּחֶיהָ Ex 18:2 (J) after she had been sent away.
2. שִׁלֻּחִים 1 K 9:16 he gave (city) as parting gift (i.e. dowry) to his daughter; cf. fig. שִׁלּוּחִים Mi 1:14 thou shalt give a parting gift (= say farewell to, lose) Morešeth of Gath.


שִׁלּוּם Mi 7:3, שִׁלֻּם Ho 9:7, n.[m.] requital;—pl. שִׁלּוּמִים Is 34:8;—
1. requital, retribution, יְמֵי הַשׁ׳ Ho 9:7 (‖ פְּקֻדָּה); שְׁנַת שׁ׳ Is 34:8 (‖ נָקָם).
2. reward, bribe Mi 7:3 שֹׁפֵט בַּשׁ׳.


שַׁלּוּם (less often שַׁלֻּם) Σελ(λ)ουμ, Σαλ(λ)ουμ, Σελλημ, etc.;—
1. king of N. Israel 2 K 15:10, 13, 14, 15.
2. son of Josiah, and king of Judah Je 22:11; 1 Ch 3:15 = יְהוֹאָחָז 1, v. p. 219.
3. husband of Huldah 2 K 22:14 = 2 Ch 34:22, B 𝔊L Σελλημ, A -λουμ.
4. uncle of Jeremiah Je 32:7.
5. in Simeon 1 Ch 4:25.
6. in Jerahmeel 2:40, 41.
7. in Ephr. 2 Ch 28:12.
8. in Napht. 1 Ch 7:13.
9. father of a threshold keeper Je 35:4.
10. wall-builder Ne 3:12.
11. priests 1 Ch 5:38, 39; Ezr 7:2 (ancestor of Ezra, perhaps = מְשֻׁלָּם 7 a).
12. Levits: a. 1 Ch 9:172), perhaps = v 19, 31, and Ezr 2:42Ne 7:45 (= שֶׁלֶמְיָה 2, מְשֻׁלָּם 8 c, (מְשֶׁלֶמְיָה(וּ)). b. Ezr 10:24.
13. v 42 below.


שָׁלוֹם237 n.m. Is 54:13 completeness, soundness, welfare, peace (LagBN 174);—שׁ׳ Gn 29:6 +; שָׁלֹם (rare) Ez 13:16 +; cstr. שְׁלוֹם Gn 37:14 +; sf. שְׁלוֹמִי ψ 41:10 +, etc.; pl. (all dub.) שְׁלוֹמִים Je 13:19 ψ 69:23; sf. שְׁלֹמָיו 55:21;—
1. completeness in no., הָגְלָת שְׁלוֹמִים Je 13:19 Judah is wholly carried captive (but read גָּלוּת שְׁלֵמָה, cf. Am 1:6; so 𝔊 We Am SS Buhl).
2. safety, soundness, in body, אֵין שָׁלוֹם בַּעֲצָמַי ψ 38:4; לְשָׁלוֹם Is 38:17; שָׁלוֹם אָהֳלֶ֑ךָ (Ges§ 141 c) Jb 5:24 is safe, secure.
3. welfare, health, prosperity:שָׁאַל לפ׳ לשׁ׳ ask one about welfare Gn 43:27 (J), Ex 18:7 (E), Ju 18:15 + 7 times, cf. 2 S 11:7(×3); pregn. ירד לשׁלום 2 K 10:13 descend (to ask) about welfare of, cf. 1 S 17:18 Je 38:4; הלך לשׁ׳ Ex 4:18 (E) + 5 times; עלה לשׁ׳ Gn 44:17 (J), 1 S 25:35; דבּר לשׁ׳ Gn 37:4 (JE); שָׁלוֹם ל׳ be well with Gn 29:6; 43:23, 28 (J), Ju 6:23; 19:20; 1 S 20:7, 21 + 10 times, 2 K 4:26(×3); שָׁלוֹם בְּ (יְהִי) ψ 122:7(8) be it well with; abs. as obj. of אָמַר well, be well, שׁ׳ Gn 29:6 (J), 2 S 18:28 2 K 9:11, 17, 18, 19, 22; Je 6:142) + 10 times; הֲשָׁלוֹם אֲבִיכֶם Gn 43:27 (J) cp. 1 S 25:6; †שׁ׳ בּ(וֹ)אֶ֑ךָ 1 S 16:4 (v. Dr), 1 K 2:13; אֵין שׁ׳ Je 6:14 + 3 times; †אין שׁ׳ לרשׁעים Is 48:22; 57:21; but ראה שׁ׳ רשׁעים ψ 73:3; †רֹב שׁ׳ 37:11; 72:7; שׁאל שׁ׳ פ׳ 122:6; דרשׁ שׁ׳ (‖ טוב) Dt 23:7; Ezr 9:12; שׁ׳ יוֹסִיפוּ לָךְ Pr 3:2; בַּשּׁ׳ Jb 15:21 in time of prosperity.
4. peace, quiet, tranquillity, contentment, Is 32:17 (‖ הַשְׁקֵט וָבֶטַח); שָׁכַב בשׁ׳ ψ 4:9 (to sleep); depart life בְּשׁ׳ in tranquillity Gn 15:15 (Rje), 1 K 2:6 + 3 times, יָבוֹא Is 57:2; אַחֲרִית לְאִישׁ שׁ׳ ψ 37:37; בא בשׁ׳ Ex 18:23 (E) come in contentment; ארץ שׁ׳ Je 12:5; נְוֵה שׁ׳ (‖ מבטחים) Is 32:18, cf. Je 25:37; שׁ׳ מִפָּ֑חַד Jb 21:9, cf. Zc 8:10; ולשׁלומים לְמוֹקֵשׁ ψ 69:23 and let security become a trap (but 𝔊 Aq Sym Theod Jer וּלְמ׳ וּכְשִׁלּוּמִים, Du (cf. 𝔗) וּשְׁלָמִים peace-offerings, and שֻׁלְחָן va).
5. peace, friendship: a. human relations: אֱנוֹשׁ שְׁלֹמִי Je 20:10 man of my friendship, cf. 38:22 Ob 7 ψ 41:10; עֲצַת שׁ׳ בין Zc 6:13; יֹעֲצֵי שׁ׳ Pr 12:20; (אֵת, עִם) דבּר שׁ׳ ψ 28:3; 35:20 Je 9:7; בקּשׁ שׁ׳ ψ 34:15; ידע שׁ׳ Is 59:8; דֶּרֶךְ שׁ׳ v 8; שׁלּח בשׁ׳ Gn 26:29 (J); הלך בשׁ׳ v 31 (J), 1 S 29:7 + 4 times; שׁוב בשׁ׳ 2 S 15:27; ‖ צדקה in Mess. reign ψ 72:3. b. peace with God, especially in covt. relation: Is 54:10 ברית covt. of my peace, cf. Nu 25:12 (P), Ez 34:25; 37:26, also Mal 2:5; י׳ שׁ׳ as name of altar Ju 6:24; י׳ subj. שָׂם שׁ׳ לְ Nu 6:26 (P); בֵּרַךְ בשׁ׳ ψ 29:11; חפץ שׁ׳ 35:27; עשׂה שׁ׳ לְ Je 33:9; אָסַף שׁ׳ מֵאֵת Je 16:5 (‖ חסד); דבּר שׁ׳ אֶל ψ 85:9; נתן שׁ׳ Hg 2:9; מחשׁבות שׁ׳ Je 29:11; man subj. עשׂה שׁ׳ ל׳ Is 27:52); הלך בשׁ׳ Mal 2:6. In this sense ‖ צֶדֶק ψ 85:11, ‖ צְדָקָה Is 54:13; 60:17, ‖ שִׂמְחָה 55:12, is like a river 48:18; 66:12; שׁ׳ עַל־ישׂראל ψ 125:5; 128:6, שׁ׳ רָב לְאֹהֲבֵי תוֹרָתֶ֑ךָ 119:165; מוּסַר שׁ׳ Is 53:5 chastisement for our peace (but SS Buhl שִׁלֻּמֵינוּ).
6. peace from war: (ל) עשׂה שׁ׳ make peace (with) Jos 9:15; Jb 25:2; נתן שׁ׳ בארץ Lv 26:6 (H); †שׁ׳ בין ובין Ju 4:17; 1 S 7:14; 1 K 5:26; †קרא (ל)שׁ׳ Dt 20:10; Ju 21:13; Mi 3:5; †שׁוב בשׁ׳ Jos 10:21; Ju 8:9; 11:31 (cf. v 13); בא בשׁ׳ 2 S 19:25, 31 + 7 times; †היה שׁ׳ לְ 1 K 5:4 + 3 times, cf. 2 S 17:3 (v. Dr); בקּשׁ שׁ׳ Ez 7:25; מלאכי שׁ׳ Is 33:7; נתן שׁ׳ וָשֶׁקֶט 1 Ch 22:9; מוֹצְאֵת שׁ׳ Ct 8:10; †שׁ׳(ו)אמת Is 39:8 = 2 K 20:19 + 3 times, cf. Zc 8:19; עֵת שׁ׳ Ec 3:8; בְּשׁ׳ 1 K 2:5 in time of peace; שַׂר שׁ׳ Is 9:5 (Mess. title), cf. זֶה שׁ׳ Mi 5:4.
7. as adj. שְׁלֹמָיו ψ 55:21 those at peace with him (read שֹֽׁלְמָיו Bae Buhl Du, or שְׁלֵמָיו SS; 𝔊 appar. שִׁלּוּמָיו).


שַׁלּוּן wall-builder Ne 3:15 = שַׁלּוּם according to Thes.


שִׁלֹחַ at SE. of Jerus. (connex. with above √ not certain (BaNB 66), ψ 104:10 has Pi.);—מֵי הַשּׁ׳ Is 8:6; Σ(ε)ιλωαμ; = iii. שֶׁלַח; mod. Birket Silwân; v. WilsonHast. DB siloam Cond GASm RSEncy. Bib. jerusalem, §§ 3, 11, 18 BuhlG 139; on inscription found in adjacent tunnel v. DrSm xv ff. GACooke 15 ff..


I. שֶׁ֫לַח n.[m.] missile, weapon, sprout (late);—abs. שׁ׳ Jo 2:8 +, שָׁ֑לַח Ne 4:11 Jb 33:18, sf. שִׁלְחוֹ Ne 4:17; pl. שְׁלָחִים 2 Ch 23:10, etc.;—
1. missile, weapon, Ne 4:11 and v 17 (where הַמַּיִם corrupt; read probably בִּימִינוֹ or בְּיָדוֹ; v. Ryle Be-Ry Berthol), 2 Ch 23:10 (disting. from חֲנִית, מָגֵן); coll. 32:5 and עָבַר בַּשׁ׳ Jb 33:18; 36:12 (perish by or < rush upon [and perish]), Jo 2:8 (v. בְּעַד).
2. sprout, shoot (cf. [שְׁלוּחָה], and √ ψ 80:12 Je 17:8), שְׁלָחַיִךְ פַּרְדֵּס Ct 4:13 (fig.; meaning? PerlesAnal. 63 proposes שְׁנֵי לְחָיַיִךְ thy two cheeks); + prob. Ez 31:5 (read בִּשְׁלָחָיו Co Toy al., or בְּשִׁלְחֵי [with v 6] Krae).


I. שָׁלַח814 vb. send (NH id.; Ecclus 48:18 +; Aramaic שְׁלַח, ܫܠܰܚ, SoBuhl BaES 41 cp. Arabic سَرَحَ (r = l), send forth, drive cattle to pasture, send messenger, etc., but then diff. √ for i. שֶׁלַח, Arabic سِلَاحٌ, سِلَحٌ weapon; Assyrian prob. šalû (send, hurl?), whence tešlîtu, command);—
Qal562 Pf. 3 ms. שׁ׳ Gn 42:4 +, 2 ms. sf. שְׁלַחְתָּ֑נִי Ex 5:22, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יִשְׁלַח Gn 3:22 +, 2 fpl. תִּשְׁלַ֫חְנָה Ez 23:40 (Ju 5:26 read תִּשְׁלָחֶנָּה? Ob 3 תִּשְׁלַח יָד? Ges§ 47 k); Imv. ms. שְׁלַח 1 S 20:31 +, mpl. שְׁלָ֑חוּ 2 K 2:17; Inf. abs. שָׁל(וֹ)חַ Nu 22:37 +; cstr. שְׁלֹחַ v 15 +, שְׁלַח Is 58:9, sf. שָׁלְחֶ֑ךָ Gn 38:17, etc.; Pt. act. שֹׁלֵחַ Ex 9:14 +, etc.; שָׁלוּחַ 1 K 14:6 +, etc.;— 1. send: human subj., especially a. acc. pers. Gn 42:4; 43:8 (both J; c. אֵת with, pers.) Nu 22:15 (E) + often, c. ל rei for which Je 14:3; 16:16; sq. אֶל pers. Gn 37:13 (J), 2 S 11:6; Ne 6:5 +; rarely c. ל pers. Gn 32:19 (J; pass.), אֶל loc. 2 Ch 16:4, ב loc. 1 S 11:3, acc. loc. 2 K 22:3, -ה loc. 1 K 5:28, -ה loc. + מֵעַל pers. 2 S 13:17, מִן loc. Gn 37:14 (J), Nu 13:3 (P), etc.; sq. inf. purpose 1 S 25:14 (+ מִן loc.), 2 K 1:16 Je 40:14 +, אֶל pers. c. inf. purpose 2 S 10:3; Je 42:9 +, c. ו subord. 2 K 5:6, c. vb. fin. actionis Ex 2:5 (E), sent her maid and took, +, etc. (many combinations); acc. pers. alone 24:5 (E), Jos 7:22 (E), 2 S 10:7 + often b. less often acc. rei (sometimes c. בְּיַד of agent), c. אֶל pers. 1 S 16:20; 2 K 5:5; 20:12 +, 1 K 5:23 (= designate by sending unto), ל pers. Ju 3:15; 1 K 5:22 +, אֶל loc. Est 1:22, שָׁ֫מָּה 2 K 6:14; + inf. purpose 1 Ch 19:4; Est 4:4; + vb. fin. action. ψ 105:28; acc. of kid, alone, Gn 38:23 also (acc. om.) v 17, etc. c. very often without obj.: + vb. fin. action., send and do so and so, Gn 27:45 (E), 2 K 11:4; Jb 1:5 +; c. אֶל pers. Ho 5:13; 2 S 11:6 +, especially + לֵאמֹר Gn 38:25 (J), 1 K 20:5 (often S K), Je 29:28 +; c. inf. purpose Gn 32:6 (J), Nu 21:32 (J), 1 S 22:11 +, etc. (and so 1 S 31:9, reading וַיִּשְׁלְחוּ, for Pi., Th We Dr Now, not HPS Bu); abs. 2 K 2:16, 17; 2 S 14:29; = send to inquire 1 K 20:17, etc. 2. send: subj. י׳ (God), a. acc. pers. Gn 45:5 (E; לִפְנֵי pers.), 1 S 15:18 (בְּדָ֑רֶךְ), + אֶל pers. 2 S 12:1; acc. of angel, לִפְנֵי pers. Gn 24:7; Ex 33:2 (both J), אֵת with Gn 24:40 (J), etc.; c. acc. pers. = commission Ex 3:12 (E), Ju 6:14; Is 6:8; Je 14:14, 15 + often Je, Zc 2:13 +; also (c. אֶל pers.) Ex 3:13 (E), Je 25:4; Ez 3:6 +, etc.; especially of sending prophet, (שָׁלַח), הַשְׁכֵּם וְשָׁלוֹחַ Je 7:25 + (v. [שָׁכַם]); acc. pers. + inf. purpose 1 S 15:1; Je 19:14 +; + עַד loc. 2 K 2:2, acc. loc. v 4, ה—ָ loc. v 6, etc. b. c. acc. rei, plagues Ex 9:14 (c. אֶל־לֵב, ב pers.), fig. arrows 2 S 22:15 = ψ 18:15 (+ vb. fin. action.), ψ 144:6, cf. Je 25:16 al.; his word Is 9:7 (ב gent.), 55:11 (אשׁר to which), Zc 7:12 (ב agent.), ψ 107:20 (+ vb. fin. action.), 147:15 (+ acc. אֶרֶץ); acc. help 20:3 (מִן loc.), light and truth 43:3 (+ vb. fin. action.), cf. 57:4. 3. stretch out, especially acc. hand: a. human subj., c. ב pers. against, Gn 37:22 (E), 1 S 24:11; Est 2:21 +; c. ב rei (property of others) Ex 22:7, 10 (E), Est 9:10 +, בַּחַלָּמִישׁ Jb 28:9; c. אֶל pers. against Gn 22:12 (E), 2 S 18:12, עַל pers. 1 K 13:4, etc.; אֶל rei (for good) 2 S 6:6 (יָד om.); from outside, inward, Ct 5:4 (מִן loc.); abs. Jb 30:24 (read טֹבֵעַ for בְּעִי Di Bi Bu). + inf. purpose 1 S 22:17; 2 S 1:14; 1 Ch 13:9; + vb. fin. act. Gn 3:22 (J) Dt 25:11; Ju 15:15 +; שׁ׳ אֶצְבַּע Is 58:9, in token of scorn; c. acc. of rod 1 S 14:27; שִׁלֳחוּ מַגָּל Jo 4:13 stretch out (the) sickle. b. י׳ subj., acc. hand, + אֶל pers. against Ex 24:11 (E), cf. (עַל) ψ 138:7; + vb. fin. act. †Ex 3:20 (JE), 9:15 (J), Jb 1:11; 2:5; in favour, Je 1:9, abs. ψ 144:7 (מִן loc.), also (pass.) Ez 2:9 and (acc. תַּבְנִית יָד), 8:3. †c. acc. hand, subj. angel, + acc. loc., inf. purpose 2 S 24:16, cherub, אֶל rei, מִן loc. Ez 10:7; adversary, אֶל pers. Jb 1:12; subj. angle, acc. rod Ju 6:21. d. stretched out, slender, of tree Gn 49:21 (poem in J), v. i. אֵלָה supr. p. 18b. e. perhaps extend, direct, acc. rei Ez 8:17 (v. זְמוֹרָה supr. p. 274b, also conj. in Toy Krae). 4. rarely send away (v. Pi.): human subj., acc. pers. Ju 11:38 (+ acc. temp.), Gn 28:5 (P). 5. let loose (v. Pi.), perhaps only ψ 50:19 (fig.) thy mouth hast thou let loose in evil.
Niph. Inf. abs. וְנִשְׁלוֹחַ סְפָרִים = letters were sent (Ges§ 114 z gg) Est 3:13 (+ אֶל pers., בְּיַד agent., inf. purpose).
Pi.266 Pf. 3 ms. שִׁלַּח Ex 8:28 +, sf. שִׁלַּחֲךָ 1 S 20:22, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יְשַׁלַּח Je 3:1 +, יְשַׁלֵּ֑חַ Is 45:13; Pr 6:14; 1 s. sf. אֲשַׁלֵּחֲךָ Gn 32:27, אֲשַׁלְּחֶ֫ךָּ 2 S 11:12 1 K 20:34, etc.; Imv. ms. שַׁלַּח Ex 4:23 +, etc.; Inf. abs. Dt 22:7 1 K 11:22; cstr. שַׁלַּח Gn 8:10 +, שַׁלֵּ֑חַ Ex 7:27 +, etc.; Pt. מְשַׁלֵּחַ Gn 43:4 +, etc.;— 1. send off, away, human subj.: a. acc. pers. + ל loc. Jos 24:28 (E), Ju 7:8; 1 S 10:25 +; + ל pers. Je 48:12; + -ה loc. Ju 12:9 and (c. inf. purpose) Gn 28:6 (P); acc. of goat, לַעֲזָאזֵל Lv 16:10 ( loc.), v 26; send out, different ways, acc. pers., ב loc. Ju 19:29; 20:6; send into exile, י׳ subj., c. מִן loc. Je 24:5, -ה loc. 29:20. b. send away, dismiss, acc. pers. Gn 21:14 (E), 25:6 (J; מֵעַל pers.), 2 S 13:16 +; specif., c. acc. of wife (= divorce), Dt 22:19, 29; 24:1, 3; Je 3:1 +, abs. Mal 2:16. c. send away empty (-handed) רֵיקָם, + acc. pers. Gn 31:42 (E), Dt 15:13; Jb 22:9. d. send off, give a ‘send-off’ (sometimes escort part way), acc. pers., Gn 18:16; 24:59; 31:27 (all J), 1 S 9:26; 2 S 19:32; 2 K 5:24; 6:23; Ob 7. e. acc. rei 1 S 6:8 Ne 8:12 +, c. acc. loc. 1 S 5:10; 6:3, אֶל pers. Je 27:3, etc. 2. a. send away, subj. י׳, acc. pers. Gn 19:29 (J; מִתּוֹךְ), 1 K 9:7 (מֵעַל פְּנֵי). b. give over, acc. pers. ψ 81:13 (ב of evil). c. cast out, acc. pers. Je 28:16 (מֵעַל־פְּנֵי), Lv 18:24; 20:23 (both מִפְּנֵי). d. send out, forth, send on a mission, especially of י׳, c. acc. of hornet Dt 7:20, cf. 28:20; 32:24 (all ב pers.), serpents Nu 21:6 (E; ב pers.), lions 2 K 17:25, 26 (both id.), foes 2 K 24:2(×2) (+ inf. purpose); pestilence Am 4:10; Ez 28:23 (ב pers.), etc.; also springs into (ב) channel ψ 104:10. 3. let go, set free (sometimes c. חָפְשִׁי) Ex 4:23; 5:2(×2) (all JE), 2 S 3:21, 23, 24 +; = cease to abuse Ju 19:25; + inf. purpose Gn 24:56 (J), Ex 5:1 (E; + 10 times Ex), 1 S 5:11; c. acc. of bird Gn 8:7, 8 (+ מֵאִתּוֹ) +; + עַל־פְּנֵי הַשָּׂדֶה Lv 14:7, cf. v 53 (both P); = let loose, acc. of beast, Ex 22:4 (E), Lv 16:22 (ב loc.); acc. of bridle Jb 30:11 (fig.); metaph. of strife Pr 6:14, 19; 16:28; let loose waters, subj. י׳, Jb 12:15. 4. shoot forth branches, Je 17:8 ψ 80:12 Ez 31:5 (but v. i. שֶׁלַח 2); cf. of locks (פֶּרַע) Ez 44:20 = let grow long. 5. let down, acc. pers. Je 38:6 (ב instr.), acc. rei v 11 (id. + אֶל pers. et loc.). 6. shoot (acc. of arrow om.), לְשַׁ׳ לִי לְמַטָּרָה 1 S 20:20. 7. phrases: שִׁלַּח (אֶת־)הָעִיר בָּאֵשׁJu 1:8; 20:48, cf. 2 K 8:12 ψ 74:7; but also שׁ׳ אֵשׁ בְּAm 1:4, 7, 10, 12; 2:2, 5; Ho 8:14; Ez 39:6; rare expressions are: וַיְשַׁלְּחֵם בְּיַד־פִּשְׁעָם Jb 8:4 (God subj.); stretch out hand, ב rei (for use) Pr 31:19, ל pers. (charity) v 20; חֶבְלֵיהֶם תְּשַׁלַּחְנָה Jb 39:3 (of hinds, bearing); שַׁלַּח לַחְמְךָ עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּ֑יִם Ec 11:1.—רַגְלַי שִׁלֵּ֑חוּ Jb 30:12 is corrupt; Theod Ew Di רַגְלָם שִׁלֵּ֑חוּ; Me Bu Be al. dittogr. from v 11 b.
Pu. Pf. 3 ms. שֻׁלַּח Ju 5:15; Jb 18:8, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יְשֻׁלַּח Pr 17:11; Pt. מְשֻׁלָּח Is 16:2 +;—be sent off (started on journey) Gn 44:3 (J); with commission, ב pers. Ob 1; Pr 17:11, אֶל pers. Dn 10:11; be put away, divorced, of wife Is 50:1 (fig.); be impelled (?), בְּרַגְלָיו (= at his heels?), c. ב loc. Ju 5:15 (vb. dub.), cf. שֻׁלַּח בְּרֶשֶׁת בְּרַגְלָיו Jb 18:8 he is hurried into the net with his feet (? 𝔊 Du שֻׁלְּחָה רַגְלוֹ); קֵן מְשֻׁלָּח Is 16:2 a driven (scattered) nest (‖ עוֹף נוֹדֵד), cf. נָוֶה מְשׁ׳ וְנֶעֱזָב כַּמִּדְבָּר 27:10; נַעַר מְשׁ׳ Pr 29:15 a boy let loose (unrestrained).
Hiph. Pf. 1 s. וְהִשְׁלַחְתִּ֫י and I (י׳) will send famine, בָּאָרֶץ Am 8:11, cf. Ez 14:13, wild beasts; ב pers. Lv 26:22 (H); Pt. מַשְׁלִיחַ, acc. of flies, ב pers. Ex 8:17 (J); Inf. cstr. לְהַשְׁלִיחַ, acc. of foe, ב gent. 2 K 15:37.


II. שׁלח (√ of foll.; Arabic سَلَخَ strip off hide, سُلَاخَةٌ piece of hide stripped off; Aramaic שְׁלַח, ܫܠܰܚ take off garment; Arabic سَلْخٌ, Aramaic שִׁלְחָא, ܫܰܠܚܳܐ hide, perhaps also Palm. שלחא (pl.? Lzb; ReckendZMG xlii (1888), 415 cp. i. שֶׁלַח); hence שֻׁלְחָן, q.v. (also NH Ecclus), v. GFMPAOS 1890, lxx; especially Ju 1, 7).


† II. שֶׁ֫לַח son of Arphachshad, Σαλα: שׁ׳ Gn 10:24b; 11:13, 14, 15; 1 Ch 1:18b; שָׁ֑לַח Gn 10:24a; 11:12; 1 Ch 1:18a, 24.


† III. שֶׁ֫לַח in בְּרֵכַת הַשּׁ׳ Ne 3:15 = שִׁלֹחַ.


שִׁלְחִי father of Jehoshaphat’s mothers;—1 K 22:42 = 2 Ch 20:31; Σεμεει, Σαλαλα, Σαλει, etc.


שִׁלְחִים in Negeb of Judah Jos 15:32; Σαλη, Σαλεειμ, 𝔊L Σελεειμ.


שֻׁלְחָן71 n.m. Ex 25:23 table (on form of word cf. GFMl.c.; proposes (v. supr.) skin or leather mat spread on ground, v. also, on early Sem. ‘table,’ Thes1417 WeSkizzen iv. 157 RSSem i. 184; 2nd ed. 201 KennedyEncy. Bib. iii. 2991);—abs. שׁ׳ 1 S 20:34 +; cstr. שֻׁלְחַן 1 K 5:7 +; sf. שֻׁלְחָנִי Ju 1:7 +, etc.; pl. שֻׁלְחָנוֹת Is 28:8 +, cstr. שֻׁלְחֲנוֹת 1 Ch 28:162);—
1. table for king’s repast Ju 1:7 (c. תַּחַת), 1 S 20:29, 34; 2 S 9:11 (read שׁ׳ דָּוִד 𝔊 Th We Dr and mod.), v 13; 19:29; 1 K 2:7; 5:1; 18:19; 10:5 = 2 Ch 9:4, cf. Is 21:5 (c. עָרַךְ (q.v. 1 c) arrange); c. עַל 2 S 9:7, 10, 11 Dn 11:27; for governor Ne 5:17 (c. עַל).
2. for private use 1 K 13:20 (c. אֶל), Jb 36:16 ψ 23:5 (fig., c. עָרַךְ), cf. 78:19 (id.), 128:3, also (in bedroom) 2 K 4:10; of revellers Is 28:8, cf. ψ 69:23 (fig.), of wisdom (fig.), of wisdom (fig.) Pr 9:2.
3. especially Ez P for sacred uses: in tab. Ex 25:23 + 17 times 25—40, Nu 3:31, שֻׁלְחַן הַפָּנִים Nu 4:7 (cf. 2 Ch 29:18 infr.); הַשּׁ׳ הַטָּהֹר Lv 24:6 (cf. 2 Ch 13:11 infr.); in Sol.’s temple 1 K 7:48; 2 Ch 29:18, also (10 in no.) 4:8, 19; 13:11, cf. 1 Ch 28:16(×4), also Ez 23:41 (c. עָרַךְ); in Ezekiel’s temple Ez 40:392) + 6 times Ez 40 (8 in no.), 40:42 (of stone, 4 in no.); like altar 41:22, = altar of burnt-offering 44:16; in second temple, שֻׁלְחַן י׳ Mal 1:7, שׁ׳ אֲדֹנָי v 12; for idolatrous meal Is 65:11; fig. of י׳’s sacrif. feast Ez 39:20 (eschatol.).


[שֶׁ֫לֶט] n.m. 2 S 8:7 shield(?);—pl. שְׁלָטִים 2 K 11:10 +, cstr. שִׁלְטֵי 2 S 8:7 +; sf. שִׁלְטֵיהֶם Ez 27:11;—shields (so AV RV Thes; al. quivers, or [v. especially BarnesExpos. T. x. 43 f. (cf. 188)] arms, equipment; Vrss vary; Assyrian šalṭu (v. √) seems to be a specif. article), 2 S 8:7 = 1 Ch 18:7; 2 K 11:10 = 2 Ch 23:9 (where + מָגִנּוֹת, but) Ct 4:4 appos. of מָגֵן (q.v. sub גנן), hung on walls, cf. Ez 27:11; מִלְאוּ הַשּׁ׳ Je 51:11 i.e., perhaps, put arms through thongs, ready to use them (but v. Barnesl.c., and Gie, cf. מלא Qal 2).


† I. שָׁלַט vb. domineer, be master of (late) (NH id.; Assyrian šalâṭu, have power; Arabic سَلُطَ overcome, prevail; سَلِيطٌ strong, hard, سُلْطَانٌ dominion, also ruler, sultan; Ethiopic ሠለጠ: Aramaic שְׁלַט, ܫܠܰܛ (especially der. spec.), Nab. שלט, שלטון);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. שׁ׳ Ec 8:9, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יִשְׁלַט Ec 2:19, etc.; Inf. cstr. שְׁלוֹט Est 9:1;—domineer, lord it over, עַל pers., Ne 5:15; ב pers. Ec 8:9 (לְרַע לוֹ); ב rei 2:19; become master of, ב pers. Est 9:12).
Hiph. 1. give power of: Pf. 3 ms. sf. pers. וְהִשְׁלִיטוֹ לֶאֱכֹל Ec 5:18, so Impf. 3 ms. sf. יַשְׁלִיטֶנּוּ 6:2 (both subj. God). 2. = Qal, get mastery of: juss. 3 fs. אַל־תַּשְׁלֶט־בִּי כָּל־אָ֑וֶן ψ 119:133.


II. שׁלט (√ of foll., ZehnpfBAS i. 535, No. 53 cites Assyrian šalṭu, a shield of leather).


שִׁלְטוֹן n.[m.] mastery (LagBN 199);—Ec 8:4, 8 (c. בְּ).


שַׁלָּ֑טֶת v. שַׁלִּיט supra.


[שְׁלִי] n.[m.] quietness;—בַּשֶּׁ֑לִי 2 S 3:27, i.e. quietly, privately (cf. ܒܫܶܠܝܳܐ often in the same sense PS 4167).


[שִׁלְיָה] n.f. after-birth ( = Arabic سَلًا, Aramaic שִׁילְיְתָא, ܫܠܻܝܬܳܐ );—sf. שִׁלְיָתָהּ Dt 28:57.


שַׁלִּיט adj. having mastery, domineering;—
1. having mastery: אֵין אָדָם שׁ׳ בָּרוּחַ Ec 8:8; elsewhere as subst. הַשּׁ׳ the ruler 10:5, so (c. עַל־הָאָרֶץ) Gn 42:6 (prob. late substitution for original word of E); pl. as subst. שַׁלִּיטִים Ec 7:19 (specif. of Alex.’s successors PerlesAnal. 42).
2. domineering, imperious, fs. (Köii 1. 201) אִשָּׁה זוֹנָה שַׁלָּ֑טֶת Ez 16:30 (Jerusalem personified).


† II. [שָׁלִישׁ] n.[m.] pl. שָֽׁלִשִׁים, a (three-stringed? three-barred? three-cornered?) mus. instr., perhaps a sistrum (so 𝔙), or ‘triangle’ (RVm: cf. PrinceEB iii. 3228), 1 S 18:6 (+ בְּתֻפִּים).


† III. שָׁלִישׁ n.m. adjutant or officer (best explained as third man (in chariot), v. especially HptBAS iv. 586 f. BenderZAW xxiii (1903), 19 WMMAs. u. Eur. 329; v. also KauM N., DPV, 1904, 10; doubted by Di Ex 14:7 Baenib. Buhl14);—abs. שׁ׳ of king’s personal attendant at court 2 K 7:2, 17, 19, sf., military officer of king, שָֽׁלִשֹׁה 2 K 9:25, שָֽׁלִישׁוֹ 15:25 (on abnormal—ָ v. Ges§ 93 xxii. 1. 133, 449, 495); pl. שָֽׁלִישִׁים Ez 23:15 + (sometimes שָֽׁלִשִׁם, etc.) v 23 Ex 14:7; 2 K 10:252), + (Qr) 2 S 23:8 (> Kt שׁלשׁי) = 1 Ch 11:11; 12:19 (v 18 van d. H.; Kt in both, שׁלושׁים), read in all three הַשְּׁלשָׁה (רֹאשׁ) chief of the three 𝔊L We Dr Bu Now.—שָֽׁלִשִׁים Pr 22:20 Qr v. שִׁלְשֹׁם.


שְׁלִישִׁי m. שְׁלִישִׁית f. adj.num. ord.108 third;—יוֹם שְׁלִישִׁי Gn 1:13 + 31 times, etc. (64 times, rarely שְׁלִשִׁי); pl. שְׁלִשִׁים (third 50, set of messengers, etc.) 1 S 19:21; 2 K 1:13 + 4 times; בַּשָּׁנָה הַשְּׁלִישִׁית 1 K 18:1 + 4 times, etc. (33 times; sometimes שְׁלִשִׁית, שְׁלִשִׁת, etc.); = third part, a third 2 S 18:2(×3) + 13 times, + (cstr.) Nu 15:6 + 4 times, + שְׁלִשִׁתֵיךְ (Ges§ 911) Ez 5:12 third part of thee; = third time 1 S 3:8; also שְׁלִישִׁיָּה Is 19:24 third (on par with other two); בַּשְּׁלֵישִׁים Ez 42:3 in the thirds, i.e. third story;שְׁלִשִׁיָּה עֶגְלַת Is 15:5; Je 48:34, v. ע׳ p. 722.—שְׁלִישִׁתָה Ez 21:19 is corrupt; Krae proposes וְשֻׁלְּשָׁה the sword shall be doubled and trebled; other conj. in Co Toy. 1 S 20:5 del. הַשּׁ׳ 𝔊 We Dr al., so v 12 2 S 23:18 read הַשְּׁלשִׁם 𝔖 We Dr al.


[שָׁלַךְ125] vb.
Hiph.112 throw, fling, cast (Ph. שלך in cp., meaning dub.; Arabic سَلَكَ is travel (or cause to travel) along a road, cause to enter);—Pf. 3 ms. הִשְׁלִיךְ Am 8:3 +; 2 ms. sf. consec. וְהִשְׁלַכְתּוֹ Je 51:63; 2 fpl. consec. וְהִשְׁלַכְתֶּ֫נָה Am 4:3, etc.; Impf. יַשְׁלִיךְ Is 2:20, וַיַּשְׁלֵךְ Ju 9:17 +, etc.; Imv. ms. הַשְׁלֵךְ Ex 7:9 ψ 55:23, fs. הַשְׁלִיכִי Je 7:29, etc.; Inf. abs. הַשְׁלֵךְ Je 22:19; 36:23; cstr. הַשְׁלִיךְ Ec 3:5, 6, etc.; Pt. מַשְׁלִיךְ Mi 2:5 ψ 147:17, etc.;— 1. usually human subj., throw, cast: a. acc. rei, with many prep.: e.g. אֶל loc. 2 K 23:12; Ez 5:4; Zc 5:82) +, also (acc. rei om.) Ex 15:25 (J), Nu 19:6 (P) +; ב loc, Ex 32:24 (E), Ez 7:19 +; rarely ל loc. 2 Ch 30:14 and (acc. om.) 24:10; עַל loc. 2 K 23:6, ה—ָ loc. Ex 4:32), שָׁ֫מָּה Ju 8:25; 2 K 6:6 (acc. om.), etc.; especially of casting dead bodies, אֶל loc. Jos 8:29 (J), 10:27 (J), + 3 times, ב loc. Am 8:3; 2 K 9:25, 26; 13:21, מֵהָֽלְאָה לְ Je 22:19; acc. rei + אֶל pers. 1 K 19:19; 2 S 20:22 (acc. om.); acc. rei c. עַל pers. Na 3:6; Ju 9:53; 2 S 11:21 (+ מֵעַל), etc.; acc. rei + מִיָּד Ex 32:19 (E), cf. Dt 9:17 (מֵעַל); + ל of animal Ex 22:30 (E), Is 2:20, etc. ψ b. c. acc. pers., אֶל of pit Gn 37:22 (E), Je 38:6, 9, ב of pit Gn 37:20 (E), c. ה loc. v 24 (E; pit), Ex 1:22 (J), cf. Am 4:3 (si vera l.); תַּחַת loc. Gn 21:15 (E); acc. י׳, fig., c. אַהֲרֵי גַוֶּךָ֑ 1 K 14:9 (of apostasy), Ez 23:35, so י׳’s law Ne 9:26, words (אַחֲרֵי pers. reflex.) ψ 50:17. †c. throw away, acc. rei Ju 15:17 (מִיָּדוֹ), 2 K 7:15; Ez 20:7, 8 ψ 2:3 (מִן reflex.), Ec 3:5 (opp. = כָּנַס); acc. om. Je 7:29; Jo 1:7 (of locusts); abs. Ec 3:6 (opp. שָׁמַר); acc. of transgr. Ez 18:31 (fig.; מֵעַל reflex.). †d. cast off, shed, blossom (like flower) Jb 15:33. e. cast down (late), subj. goat, acc. ram, Dn 8:7 (אַ֫רְצָה) little horn, acc. אֱמֶת v 12 (id.); acc. pers. (lit.) 2 Ch 25:12 (מִן loc.), Jb 18:7 his (own) counsel felleth him; so prob. Je 9:18 they have overthrown our dwellings (Du reads Hoph.). f. fig., ψ 55:23 cast על־י׳ thy lot. 2. י׳ subj.: a. cast, acc. rei, + עַל pers. Jos 10:11 (E), sandal upon Edom ψ 60:10 = 108:10 (sign of possession); ice (no prep.) 147:17 shoot against Nu 35:20; Jb 27:22. b. acc. pers. + ב loc. 2 K 2:16 (subj. רוּחַ י׳), Ne 9:11; Jon 2:4 (+ acc. loc.); + אַ֫רְצָה Ez 28:17 (fig.); אֶל loc. (of exile) Dt 29:27; especially of י׳’s rejecting men, acc. pers. + מֵעַל פָּנָיו 2 K 13:23; 24:20, cf. 2 K 17:20; Je 7:152); 52:3, also ψ 51:13 and (without מִן) 71:9; casting sins (acc.) אַחֲרֵי גֵּוְךָ Is 38:17, ב loc. Mi 7:19. c. cast down, honour of Israel + acc. loc. מִן loc., La 2:1; acc. pers. ψ 102:11 (opp. נָשָׂא). 3. phrases: הִשׁ׳ גּוֹרָלJos 18:8, 10 (RD) cast lots ל in behalf of; מַשׁ׳ חֶבֶל בְגוֹרָל Mi 2:5 (v. גּוֹרָל 3, i. חֶבֶל 2); מַשׁ׳ בַּיְאוֹר חַכָּה Is 19:8 i.e. fishermen; וַיַּשְׁלֵךְ נַפְשׁוֹ מִנֶּגֶד Ju 9:17, v. נֶגֶד 2 c; מִשִּׁנָּיו אַשׁ׳ טָ֑רֶף Jb 29:17 out of his teeth I cast the prey.
Hoph. Pf. 3 ms. הֻשְׁלַךְ Dn 8:11; 2 ms. הָשְׁלַכְתָּ Is 14:19, etc.; Impf. 2 fs. וַתֻּשְׁלְכִי Ez 16:5; 3 mpl. יֻשְׁלָ֑כוּ Is 34:3; Pt. מֻשְׁלָךְ 2 S 20:21, etc.;— 1. be thrown, cast, subj. head, אֶל pers. + בְּעַד of wall 2 S 20:21; carcass, ב loc. 1 K 13:24, 25, 28; Je 14:16; לַחֹרֶב 36:30. 2. be cast forth, out, abs. of dead Is 34:3; מִן of grave 14:19; אֶל־פְּנֵי הַשָּׂדֶה Ez 16:5 (Jerus. personified as infant); עַל־הָאָרֶץ Je 22:28 (of exile). 3. be cast down, לָאָרֶץ Ez 19:12 (Isr., fig. of vine); abs. of sanctuary Dn 8:11. 4. metaph., be cast, על of י׳ ψ 22:11 (i.e. on his protection).


שָׁלָךְ n.[m.] bird of prey, prob. cormorant (as hurling itself from above;—cf. Thes 1419 Di Lv TristrNHB 252 McLean-ShipleyEncy. Bib. cormorant);—Dt 14:17; Lv 11:17 (P).


† I. שַׁלֶּ֫כֶת n.f. felling of tree;—Is 6:13.


† II. שַׁלֶּ֫כֶת of a temple-gate, W. side (? gate of casting forth; yet cf. Kit);—1 Ch 26:16.


† I. [שָׁלַל] vb. draw out (Arabic سَلَّ draw, especially sword from scabbard, سَلِيلٌ drawn sword, new born child (cf. Frä 75, but also SchulthHom. Wurz. 80 f.); Talm. שָׁלִיל, 𝔗 שְׁלִילָא embryo or abortion);—Impf. 2 mpl. + Inf. abs. שֹׁל־תָּשֹׁלּוּ לָהּ מִן וגו׳ Ru 2:16 ye shall by all means draw out for her from the sheaves.


שָׁלָל75 n.m. 1 S 30:16 prey, spoil, plunder, booty;—abs. שׁ׳ Gn 49:27 +; cstr. שְׁלַל Ju 5:30 +, sf. שְׁלָלֵךְ Zc 14:1, שְׁלַלְכֶם Is 33:4, etc.;—
1. prey, of Benj. as wolf Gn 49:27 (poem in J; c. חִלֵּק).
2. booty, spoil of war, of all kinds (often ‖ בַּז): incl. garments, gold and silver Jos 7:21 (J), ornaments Ju 8:24, 25, fabrics and women 5:30 a, b, flocks and herds 1 S 30:20; Je 49:32; 2 Ch 15:11, + persons Dt 20:142), garments, food and drink 2 Ch 28:15, etc. (58 times; among these) שְׁלַל הֶעָרִים Dt 2:25; 2 S 12:30; 1 Ch 20:2 and (+ cattle in addition) Dt 3:7, Jos 8:27; 11:14 (both RD), cf. (also of city) Is 8:4; Dt 13:172); Zc 14:1 and (+ cattle) Jos 8:2 (RD), but incl. pers. and cattle Dt 20:14, cf. v 14; fig. of entire nation Je 50:10; Ez 7:21; Zc 2:13; שׁ׳ in symbol. מַהֵר שָׁלָל וגו׳ Is 8:1, 3, v. supr. p. 555a; שׁ׳ in metaph. of future majesty of עֶבֶד י׳ Is 53:12; וְהֳיְתָה־לּוֹ נַפְשׁוֹ לְשׁ׳ i.e. life shall be spared, Je 21:9; 38:2; 39:18, cf. 45:5.
3. private plunder Is 10:2 (אַלְמָנוֹת שְׁלָלָם), Pr 1:13 and (perhaps in current saying) 16:19.
4. = gain Pr 31:11.—לְצַוְּארֵי שׁ׳ Ju 5:30c is clearly wrong; meaning dub. (v. especially GFM); plausible conj. are לְצַוָּארַי שׁ׳ for my neck as spoil, Reuss Br al., and לְצַוְּארֵי שֵׁגָל for the neck of the queen Ew Be Kit al. (but שֵׁגָל elsewhere late); Now del. שָׁלָל and reads לְצַוָּארָיו.


† II. שָׁלַל vb. spoil, plunder (usually identif. with I. שׁ׳; NH id. (Jastr, cf. Dalm); Assyrian šalâlu id.; HomChr 33 cp. Sab. תֿלל plunder, connecting this with Arabic ثَلَّةٌ a flock of sheep (or goats); then 𝔗 שְׁלָלָא booty, and (rare) Syriac ܫܶܠܳܠ are loan-words);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. וְשׁ׳ Ez 26:12; 2 ms. שַׁלּוֹתָ Hb 2:8, etc.; Impf. 3 mpl. sf. יְשָׁלּוּךָ v 8; cstr. לִשְׁלֹל Is 10:6 +; Pt. pl. שֹׁלְלִים Zc 2:12, etc.;—spoil, plunder (usually ‖ בָּזַז), c. acc. cogn. שָׁלָל Is 10:6; Ez 29:19; 38:12, 132), acc. חַיִל wealth 26:12; acc. pers., שֹׁלְלִים Je 50:10; Hb 2:8; Ez 39:10, גּוֹיִם רַבִּים Hb 2:8, cf. Zc 2:12. Hithpōʿ. Pf. 3 pl. אֶשְׁתּוֹלְלוּ אַבִּירֵי לֵב (א in אֶשְׁתּ׳ is Aramaic, or scribal error: Ges§ 54 a n., cf. 53 k) ψ 76:6 the stout of heart are spoiled; Pt. מִשְׁתּוֹלֵל Is 59:15 he that departs from evil is one despoiled.


† I. שִׁלֵּם n.[m.] recompense (abstr. BaNB 73);—Dt 32:35 (read with 𝔖 𝔊 לְיוֹם שׁ׳; ‖ נָקָם); so read also (for יְשַׁלֵּם) Is 59:182) Du (otherwise CheHpt Di-Kit Marti).


שֶׁ֫לֶם87 n.[m.] sacrifice for alliance or friendship, ‘peace-offering’ (expl. disputed: orig. sacrif. for alliance Di; al. peace-offering (mark of peace with God), 𝔊Sm K Pr εἰρηνική, De StaG i. 496 WeHeid. 71 (fellowship between God and worshippers); welfare-offering, 𝔊 elsewhere σωτήριον, Ke; thank-offering (as due rendered for benefit, or in paying vow, cf. √ Pi. 4, and Pr 7:14) Ges Ew Kn; sacred meal its special feature: v. RSSem. i. 219; 2nd ed. 237; NowArch. ii. 211f. GFMEncy. Bib. Sacrifice, § 11; Assyrian šulmu = שֶׁלֶם is cited by J JeremEncy. Bib. Ritual, § 11);—cstr. שׁ׳ Am 5:22; elsewhere pl. שְׁלָמִים Ex 24:5 + 69 times; cstr. שַׁלְמֵי Lv 10:14; sf. שְׁלָמֶ֫יךָ Ex 20:24, etc.; pl. is abstr. intens. Lv 7:13; Nu 6:17 (P) +; pl. of no. Ex 24:5 (JE), 1 S 11:15 +; usually hard to decide; שׁ׳ (in app.) defines זְבָחִים Ex 24:5 (JE), and so זבח of covt. of Horeb is שׁ׳, as also sacrifice for Saul 1 S 11:15; foll. phr. shew שׁ׳ essentially = זבהים in like phr. (v. זבח); שׁ׳ coming to mean ז׳ in all ritual; over against עוֹלוֹת Ex 20:24; 32:6 (JE), Lv 6:5 (P), Dt 27:7; Jos 8:31 (D), Ju 20:26; 21:4; 1 S 13:9; 2 S 6:17, 18; 24:25; 1 K 3:15; 9:25; 1 Ch 16:1, 2; 21:26; 2 Ch 31:2; Ez 43:27; 45:17; 46:2, 12; so in longer lists Lv 9:4, 22; Nu 6:14; 29:39 (P), 1 K 8:642); 16:13; 2 Ch 7:7; 29:35; Ez 45:15, 17; 46:12; and when שׁ׳ alone Lv 7:14, 33; in P שׁ׳ defines ז׳ in cstr. sg. or pl.: Ex 29:28 Lv 3:1 + 34 times P, Lv 17:5; 19:5; 22:21; 23:19 (H), so 1 S 10:8; 1 K 8:63; 2 Ch 30:22; 33:16; Pr 7:14; ז׳ שׁ׳ of H and P incl. תודה, נדר, נדבה Lv 7:12, 16, and so זבח תודה שׁ׳ v 13, 15; שׁ׳ disting. from (larger) ז׳ in lists שָׁ׳, ז׳, עולות Jos 22:27 (P); נדר, ז׳, עלה Nu 15:8 (P); שׁ׳ disting. from נְדָבָה Ez 46:12 (where may = either of other two); from נדרים, נדבות Nu 29:39 (P) (and must then ref. to תודות); from נדר Nu 15:8 (P); appar. then not disting. from תּוֹדוֹת, תּוֹדָה 2 Ch 33:16 being probably specification.