Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon


צְפִירָה — צָֽרְתָן


צְפִירָה n.f. plait, chaplet;—abs. צ׳ Ez 7:7, צְפִרָה v 10; cstr. צְפִירַת Is 28:5;—chaplet, coronet, diadem, צ׳ תִּפְאָרַה Is 28:5 (fig. of י׳; ‖ עֲטֶרֶת צְבִי).—צ׳ Ez 7:7, 10 is dub.; AV morning (as Ki, from Aramaic) is unsuitable; most (after AW دَوْرٌ) doom, fate (as coming round upon one, cf. RV Da Toy), but v. DrHast. ii. 176 n.; diadem is possible v 10 (‖ הַמַּטֶּה; of royal house of Judah Co Berthol; or of Jerus. Krae), but not v 7; conj. in Co Berthol Krae.


צָפִית n.f. rug, carpet (laid out);—הַצָּפִית צָפֹה Is 21:5, so now most, v. especially CheIntr. Is. 126; > watch, outlook (I. צפה), Ges De al.


צָפִית v. II. צפה.


צָפַן vb. hide, treasure up (NH id.; TelAm. ṣapânu; set, of sun);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. צ׳ Pr 27:16: 2 ms. צָפַנְתָּ Jb 10:13 +, etc.; Impf. יִצְפֹּן Jb 21:19 + Pr 2:7 Qr (Kt וצפן), sf. יִּצְפְּנֵנִי ψ 27:5, etc.; Pt. act. pl. sf. צֹפְנֶיהָ Pr 27:16; pass. צָפוּן Pr. 13:22 +, ψ 17:14 Kt; f. צְפוּנָה Ho 13:12, etc.;— 1. trans. hide, c. acc. pers. Ex 2:2 (E), Jos 2:4 (JE), of hiding a quarrelsome woman, like hiding wind Pr 27:16(×2) (si vera l.; cf. Toy); of י׳’s hiding his servants (from evil) ψ 27:5; 31:21: = treasure up a thing, Pr 10:14, + אִתְּךָ with thyself, in thine own keeping 2:1 = 7:1, in (ב) the heart Jb 10:13 (subj. י׳; of secret purposes), ψ 119:11, cf. Jb 23:12; + ל pers. Pr 13:22; Ct 7:14, subj. י׳ Jb 21:19 reserve penalty; blessings ψ 31:20; Pr 2:7; + מִן Jb 17:4 thou [God] hast treasured up their heart away from understanding, kept it therefrom; pass., of sin Ho 13:12 (abs.; ‖ צָרוּר); read poss. צָפוּן for צָפוּ Jb 15:22 treasured up for (אֱלֵי) the sword (v. I. צפה); צָפוּן = treasured, cherished place (i.e. Jerusalem) Ez 7:22; = treasure ψ 17:14 Qr (Kt צפינך, v. צפין), Jb 20:26 (on dub. text v. Bu); pl. of י׳’s treasured ones, his saints ψ 83:4. 2. intrans. lie hid, lurk, abs. ψ 56:7, c. ל pers. Pr 1:11, 18 and (of eyes of wicked) ψ 10:8.
Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נִצְפַּן Je 16:17 be hidden from before (מִנֶּגֶד) י׳’s eyes (‖ נִסְתְּרוּ); 3 pl. נִצְפְּנוּ Jb 24:1 + מִשַּׁי stored up on the part of Shadday; stored up for (ל) one 15:20.
Hiph. hide, = Qal: Impf. 2 ms. sf. תַּצְפִּנֵנִי Jb 14:13, c. ב loc.; 3 mpl. יצפינו ψ 56:7 Kt (but < Qr v. Qal); Inf. cstr. sf. הַצְּפִינוֹ (Ges§ 20 h) Ex 2:3 to hide him.


צְפַנְיָה(וּ) Σοφονιας (י׳ hath treasured; OHeb. צפניהו, Ph. צפנבעל);—
1. priest, -יָה Je 21:1; 22:25, 29; 52:24 = -יָהוּ 2 K 25:18 (𝔊L Σαφανιας), Je 37:3. Elsewhere -יָה:
2. the prophet Zp 1:1.
3. a Judæan Zc 6:10—14.
4. ancestor of Heman 1 Ch 6:21 (Σαφανιας; = אוּרִיאֵל v 9).

צָֽפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ

צָֽפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ (< vocaliz. Ṣapnĕtĕph ʿōnḫ, i.e. the god speaks and he lives, Egyptian D̲(d)-pnt(r)-ĕf-ʿnḫ, v. SteindÄZ 1889, 41 f.; 1892, 50 ff., so EbSmith DB (2), 1798 b Brugsch, v. DrHast. ii. 775 a n. §, Crumib. i. 665 b Griffithib. iii. 819 b);—Egyptian name given to Joseph Gn 41:45, Ψονθομφανηχ, 𝔊L Ψομ´.


I. צפע (√ of following; meaning dub., perhaps hiss, onomatop., so Thes; NH צִפְעוֹן = BH).


צֶ֫פַע n.m. a (poisonous) serpent (from hissing?);—Is 14:29; usually taken as = following.


II. צפע (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic ضَفَعَ cacavit, ضَفْعٌ, Ethiopic ፅፍዕ: excrement).


III. צפע (√ of foll.; meaning unknown).


צִפְעוֹנִי n.m. id.;—abs. צ׳ Is 11:8 (‖ פָּ֑תֶן), בֵּיצֵי צ׳ 59:5; כְּצִפְעֹנִי Pr 23:32 (sim.; ‖ נָחָשׁ); pl. צִפְעֹנִים Je 8:17 (app. נְחָשִׁים); identif. dub.; TristrNHB 275 (‘poss.’) daboia xanthina, a venomous viper, but vipers do not lay eggs FurrerRi HWB 2, 1423; Further proposes ailurophis vivax.


[צָפַף] vb.
Pilp. chirp, peep (onomatop.; NH Pilp. id.; JAram. צַפְצֵף chirp; Arabic صُفْصُفٌ sparrow, etc.);—Impf. 3 fs. תְּצַפְצֵף Is 29:4, 1 s. אֲצַפְצֵף 38:14; Pt. מְצַפְצֵף 10:14, pl. הַמְצַפְצְפִים 8:19;—chirp, peep: 1. of birds Is 10:14 (fig. of conquered peoples); of mourning, כְּסוּסאֲצ׳ 38:14 (‖ אֶהְגֶּה כַּיּוֹנָה). 2. of spirits, ghosts Is 8:19 (+ הַמַּהְגִּים), מֵעָפָר אִמְרָתֵךְ תְּצ׳ 29:4 (like a spirit’s).


צַפְצָפָה n.f. a kind of willow (? onomatop., from rustling; NH id.; Arabic صَفْصَافٌ );—Ez 17:5.


II. צפר (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic صَفَرَ peep, twitter, whistle (usually of bird; onomatop.); Assyrian ṣapâru is cry, howl; NH צִפּוֹר = BH, so Ph. צפר, 𝔗 צִפַּר, Syriac ܨܶܦܰܪ, Mand. ציפאר, ציפראM§ 102; also Arabic عُصْفُورٌ sparrow, etc., and (perhaps) Assyrian iṣṣuru, bird).


† I. [צָפַר] vb.;—
Qal Impf. 3 ms. יָשֹׁב וְיִצְפֹּר מֵהַר הַגִּלְעָד Ju 7:3 let him return and (Vrss) let him depart, AV depart early (as Ki, from Aramaic צפרא, ܨܰܦܪܳܐ morning, improb.), wholly uncertain; Gr וְיַעֲבֹר; on difficulty of מֵהַר הַגּ׳ v. גִּלְעָד 2, and GFM, who conj. וַיִּצְרְפֵם גִּדְעֹן and so Gideon put them to the test (cf. v 4), so Bu Now (cf. DrHast. ii. 176 n).


צֹפַר and (Jb 2:11) צוֹפַר Job’s third friend, צ׳ הַנַּעֲמָתִי Jb 2:11; 11:1; 20:1; 42:9; Σωφαρ.


III. צפר (√ of following; cf. Arabic ضَفَرَ plait, braid, Ethiopic ፀፈረ: id.; NH צְפִירָה = rim of basket).


IV. צפר (√ of foll.; meaning dub.; NH = BH; so Arabic ظُفُرٌ, ظُفْرٌ, Ethiopic ጽፍር:, Assyrian ṣupru; Aramaic טְפַר, מוּפְרָא, ܛܶܦܪܳܐ, all nail).


V. צפר (√ of foll.; cf. Aramaic צְפִירָא, ܨܺܦܪܳܝܳܐ = צָפִיר; perhaps cp. Arabic ضَفَرَ leap (but ܨ = ض ?)).


צְפַרְדֵּעַ n.f. Ex 8:2 (cf. also AlbrZAW xv (1895), 322 Ges§§ 135 o, 145 o) frogs (Arabic ضِفْدِعٌ, etc.; Aramaic עוּרְדְּעָנַיָּא, אוּרְדְּעָא, ܐܽܘܪܕܥܳܐ );—frogs, coll. Ex 8:2 ψ 78:45; pl. צְפַרְדְּעִים Ex 7:27, 28, 29; 8:1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 ψ 105:30.


צִפֹּרָה wife of Moses (bird);—Ex 2:21; 4:25; 18:2; Σεπφωρα (cf. LagBN 90 Anm.*).


צִפֹּ֫רֶן n.[m.] nail (of finger), styluspoint;—cstr. צ׳ Je 17:1; pl. sf. צִפָּרְנֶיהָ Dt 21:12;—
1. finger-nail Dt 21:12 (cf. RSK 178; Sem. i. 407, 2nd ed. 428 WeHeid. 2. 171).
2. transf., בְּצ׳ שָׁמִיר Je 17:1 with a point of diamond (cf. PlinNH 37, 4).


צְפַ֑ת Σεφεκ[ρ]: Canaanite city Ju 1:17 = חָרְמָה q.v.; identif. by many (v. especially Palmer Desert of Exod. 374 ff.) with Sebaita (c. Lat. 30° 54ˊ N., Long. 34° 40ˊ E.), by RobBR ii. 181 with pass eṣ-Ṣŭfâh, further E.; against both v. GFM


צֶ֫פֶת n.f. appar. plated capital of pillar 2 Ch 3:15.


צֶ֫פֶת v. II. צפה.


צְפַ֫תָה in Judah (van d. H. צְפָתָה, so Kit); בְּגֵיא צ׳ לְמָרֵשָׁה 2 Ch 14:9; 𝔊 κατὰ βορρᾶν, whence Hi al. proposes צָפֹנָה, so BuhlLex.


צִצִּים v. i. צִיץ sub I. צוץ.


צָקוּן Is 26:16 v. II. צוק.


צִֽקְלַג and (1 Ch 12:1, 21 צִיק׳) (צִֽקְלָ֑ג 1 S 27:6 a +, צִֽקְלָג֖ 2 S 2:1, צִיקְלָ֔ג 1 Ch 12:1);—assigned to Judah Jos 15:31, to Simeon 19:5; Philistine city given to David 1 S 27:6(×2); 30:1(×3), 14, 26; 2 S 1:1; 4:10; 1 Ch 4:30; 12:1, 21 (van d. H. v 20); Σεκελακ, Σικελαγ, etc.; usually identified with Zuheilikah, 19 miles SW. from Bêt Jibrin, 11 miles ESE. from Gaza (cf. BuhlGeogr. 185).


[צִקָּלֹן] n.[m.] doubtful word;—sf. כַּרְמֶל בְּצִקְלֹנוֹ 2 K 4:42 𝔖 𝔗 garment; 𝔊 om., but A βακελλεθ, Armenian bakelaƟ, whence LagArmen. Stud. § 333, M. i. 212 reads (plausibly) בִּקְלַעְתּוֹ in his wallet, Arabic قَلَعَةٌ, قَلْعَةٌ, and so 𝔙 pera.


צֵר in Naphtali, Jos 19:35; Τυρος.


I, II, III, IV. צַר ii. צֹר v. I, II, III. צרר.


† I. צֹר, צוֹר Τυρος: Tyre, famous Phoenician city (Ph. צר; Assyrian Ṣurru, so TelAm; Egyptian Ḏa-(ï̥)rạ, Ḏa-ru̥ WMMAs. u. Eur. 185);—צֹר 2 S 24:7 + 32 times, צוֹר 1 K 5:15 + 8 times (Gi);—city of Hiram, friend of David and Sol. 2 S 5:11; 1 K 5:15; 9:11, 12; 1 Ch 14:1; 2 Ch 2:2, 10; of artif. Hiram 1 K 7:13; בַּת־צֹר ψ 45:13 of city personif. (another view in Che); צ׳ also in name of Ph. fortress, מִבְצַר־צ׳ 2 S 24:7, עִיר מ׳ צ׳ Jos 19:29 (P); threatened by proph. Am 1:9, 10 and (with especially ref. to commercial greatness) Is 23:1 (מַשָּׂא צֹר), v 5, 8, 15(×2), 17 Je 25:22 (מַלְכֵי־צֹר), 27:3 (מֶלֶךְ צֹר), 47:4 Ez 26:2, 3, 4, 7, 15; 27:2, 3(×2), 8, 32; 28:2 (נְגִיד צֹר), v 12 (מֶלֶךְ צוֹר); besieged by Nebuch. 29:18, 18; cf. Zc 9:2, 3; Jo 4:4 ψ 83:8 (ישְׁבֵי צ׳); of Tyrians as proselytes ψ 87:4 (predict.);—לְצוֹר Ho 9:13 is prob. corrupt, read לָצוּד or לָצַיִד 𝔊 We GASm, cf. Now.—צ׳ often + צִידוֹן q.v.;—see, on Tyre, PietschmPhön. 60 ff. RobBR ii. 461 ff. de LuynesVoyage à la Mer Morte (1874) i. 28 ff., and Pl. xiii—xviii BdPal. 3 (1898), 307 ff.—ii. צֹר (flint, knife) v. III. צרר.


† I. צַר adj. narrow, tight;—abs. צ׳ 2 K 6:1 +; צָ֑ר Nu 22:26 +; f. צָרָה Pr 23:27;—narrow, מָקוֹם צָ֑ר Nu 22:26, צַר מִמֶּנּוּ 2 K 6:1 too narrow for us, cf. צַר־לִי הַמָּקוֹם Is 49:20 (of land of Judah after exile); בְּאֵר צָרָה Pr 23:27 (fig. of harlot; i.e. rescue difficult; ‖ שׁוּחָה עֲמֻקָּה); כַּנָּהָר צָר Is 59:19 like a contracted (and hence swift, powerful) river (sim. of י׳; Klo נְהַר מָצוֹר, CheHpt. נ׳ מִצֹּר, both ‘of Egypt’); סָגוּר חוֹתָם צָ֑ר Jb 41:7 (of scaly back of crocodile), usually closely joined (as) with tight seal (𝔊 Me Bi Hoffm Bu Du חוֹתַם צֹד with seal of flint, but why specify material?); בְּיוֹם צָרָה צַר כֹּחֶ֑כָה Pr 24:10 thy strength will be narrow, limited (si vera l., cf. Toy).


† II. צֹר n.[m.] id.;—צ׳ used as knife Ex 4:25; in comp., כְּשָׁמִיר חָזָק מִצּ׳ Ez 3:9; pl. חַרְבוֹת צֻרִים Jos 5:2, 3 knives of flint.—צוּר חַרְבּוֹ ψ 89:44 is dub., צ׳ usually taken as = צֹר, and then either flint of his sword (i.e. sword sharp as flint, Bae), or edge (like flint) of his sword (most); We leaves untransl. 2 S 2:16 חֶלְקַת הַצֻּרִים v. i. חֶלְקָה.—Jb 22:24 v. i. צוּר sub V. צור. i. צֹר v. p. 862.


† II. צַר n.[m.] straits, distress;—abs. צ׳ Jb 15:24 +, also c. art. בַּצַּר Ho 5:15 +, צָ֑ר ψ 4:2 +;—straits, distress Is 5:30; Jb 15:24 ψ 32:7; 60:13 108:13 צַר־וּמָצוֹק 119:143; עֵת־צ׳ Jb 38:23, cf. בַּצַּר Is 26:16, בַּצָּ֑ר ψ 4:2; צ׳־רוּהִי Jb 7:11 distress of my spirit; לֶחֶם צַר Is 30:20; לֹא צָ֗ר Is 63:9 usually he (י׳) had distress (reading לִוֹ Qr), but 𝔊 οὐ πρέσβυς, Du CheHpt. al. לֹא צִר, no messenger (but) his own face, etc.; cf. Jb 36:16, 19. Instead of sf. directly appended, ל sf. is used (only after ב): בַּצַּר־לִי in my distress ψ 18:7 = 2 S 22:7, ψ 66:14, so בְּיוֹם צַר(־)לִי 59:17; 102:3; בַּצַּר לְךָ Dt 4:30 (prob. orig. meant as בְּצַר, or בְּצֹר [inf.], Dr; so) בַּצַּר־לוֹ Is 25:4; 2 Ch 15:4, בַּצַּר לָהֶם Ho 5:15 ψ 107:6, 13, 19, 28, also (after רָאָה) 106:44צַר 1 S 2:32 is corrupt. III. צַר v. II. צָרַר.


III. צַר68 n.m. Nu 10:9 adversary, foe;—abs. צַר Am 3:11 +, even c. art. הַצַּר Nu 10:9, but also הַצָּר Est 7:4; צָ֑ר Zc 8:10 +; pl. צָרִים La 1:7; cstr. צָרֵי Ezr 4:1 + Is 9:10 (but read prob. צָרוֹ or צָרָיו, cf. Di-Kit CheHpt.; al. שָׂרֵי), Je 48:5 (del. 𝔊 Hi Gie), Ez 30:16 (but 𝔊 Sm וְנָפֹצוּ, so Berthol; Co וְנִפְרְצוּ, so Toy; Krae יָעוּף); sf. צָרַי ψ 3:2, צָרֵיהֶם Ez 39:23, צָרֵימוֹ Dt 32:27, etc.;—adversary, foe, Am 3:11; Gn 14:20; Nu 10:9; (P), 24:8 (JE); Dt 32:27; 33:7; Jos 5:13 (JE); 2 S 24:13; Is 9:10 (v. supr.), Zc 8:10; Ezr 4:1; Ne 4:5; Est 7:6 (אִישׁ צַר וְאוֹיֵב), + 21 times, + ψ 3:2; 13:5; 27:2; 78:42, + 13 times ψψ, + (of י׳’s foes) 78:66; 97:3; + (of י׳’s foes) also Is 1:24; 26:11; 59:18; 64:1; Je 46:10; Na 1:2; Dt 32:41, 43; Jb 19:11.—Je 48:5; Ez 30:16 v. supr.


† IV. צַר n.[m.] hard pebble, flint;—כַּצַּר Is 5:28 (sim. of horses’ hoofs; read perhaps צֹר).


[צָרַב] vb. burn, scorch (Assyrian ṣarâbu, burn; FräZA iii. 52 BAES 32 cp. Arabic ضَرِمَ be kindled, blaze; cf. also זרב);—
Niph. Pf. 3 pl. consec. וְנִצְרְבוּ Ez 21:3 all faces shall be scorched.


[צָרָב] adj. burning, scorching (= *צַדָּב Thes al.);—כְּאֵשׁ צָרָ֑בֶת Pr 16:27 (sim. of words).


צָרֶ֫בֶת n.f. scab, scar, of a sore (lit. a burning, scorching);—cstr. צָרֶבֶת הַשְּׁחִין הִוא Lv 13:23; צ׳ הַמִּכְוָה הִוא v 28.


צְרֵדָה home of Jerob. 1 K 11:26, Σαρειρα, A Σαριδα; v. [צְרֵרָה] צָֽרְתָן.


צְרֵדָתָה 2 Ch 4:17 v. צָֽרְתָן.


צרה (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic ضَرَا (و, ى) of vein, run blood, bleed, ضَرْوٌ an odorif. tree, or its gum, cf. HomA. und A. i. 4, Sab. צֿרו SabDenkm 83; (Syriac ܨܰܪܘܳܐ fructus pini, etc. is loan-word); NH = BH; as to form cp. Gk. στύραξ (hardly ‖ in meaning, LagM. i. 234, 384, v. Ency. Bib. infr.), cf. LewyFremdw. 41).


I, II. צָרָה v. I, II. צרר.


I. צָרָה72 n.f. id.;—abs. צ׳ 1 S 26:24 +, צָרָ֫תָה ψ 120:1 (Ges§ 90 g); cstr. צָרַת Gn 42:21; sf. צָרָתִי 35:3 +, צָרַתְכֶם Ju 10:14, etc.; pl. צָרוֹת abs. Is 65:16 +; sf. צָרֹתֵיכֶם 1 S 10:19, etc.;—straits, distress, Gn 42:21 (E); 1 S 26:24; 2 S 4:9; 1 K 1:29; Is 8:22; Jb 5:19; 27:9; especially ψψ (24 times), e.g. 22:12; 25:17 (v. רחב), v 22 31:8; 34:17, 18; specif. of travail, צָרָה וַחֲבָלִים Je 49:24 (sim.), cf. 4:31 (Gie צְוָחָה, after 𝔊); צָרַת נַפְשׁוֹ Gn 42:21 (E); בְּיוֹם צָרָתִי 35:3 (E), ψ 77:3; 86:7, cf. 2 K 19:3 = Is 37:3, ψ 20:2; 50:15 Pr 24:10; 25:19; Je 16:19; Ob 12, 14; Na 1:7; Hb 3:16, יוֹם צ׳ וּמְצוּקָה Zp 1:15; בְּעֵת־צָרַתְכֶם Ju 10:14, cf. Ne 9:27 ψ 37:39 Is 33:2 Je 14:8; 15:11; 30:7; Dn 12:1; also בַּצָּרָה ψ 81:8, בְּצָרָה 91:15 Ne 9:37, בְּצָרוֹת ψ 46:2, etc.; רָעוֹת וְצָרוֹת Dt 31:17, 21 cf. 1 S 10:19 ψ 71:20, צָרָה וְצוּקָה Pr 1:27, אֶרֶץ צ׳ וְצ׳ Is 30:6; c. ל (poet.), בַּצָּרָ֫תָה לִי ψ 120:1 in my distress, מִצָּרָה לִי Jon 2:3.—צָרָה Zc 10:11, read מִצְרַיִם [or מָצוֹר] We Now GASm; צֹ֫רָה KloThLZ, 1879, 566 StaZAW i (1881), 22; ψ 9:10; 10:1 v. בַּצָּרָה.


† II. [צָרָה] n.f. vexer, rival-wife (v. reff. sub √; also Ecclus 37:11);—sf. צָרָתָהּ 1 S 1:6.


צְרוּיָה Σαρουια: mother of Abishai, Joab and Asahel;—צ׳ 1 S 26:6 +, צְרֻיָה 2 S 14:1; 16:10; 23:37;—according to 1 Ch 2:16 a she was David’s sister; called אֵם יוֹאָב 2 S 17:25; elsewhere after cstr. בֶּן־ (בְּנֵי): בֶּן־צ׳ of Abishai 1 S 26:6; 2 S 16:9; 18:2; 19:22; 21:17; 1 Ch 18:12; of Joab 2 S 2:13; 8:16 = 1 Ch 18:15; 2 S 14:1; 23:18 and v 37 = 1 Ch 11:39; 1 K 1:7; 2:5, 22; 1 Ch 11:6; 26:28; 27:24; pl. of all three 2 S 2:18; 1 Ch 2:16; Abishai and Joab 2 S 3:39; 16:10; 19:23.


צְרוּעָה n.f. mother of Jeroboam 1 K 11:26, 𝔊A Σαρουα.


† I. צְרוֹר n.m. Hg 1:6 bundle, parcel, pouch, bag (proposes a binding, i.e. sthg. bound up);—צ׳ abs. Am 9:9 +, cstr. Gn 42:35 +; pl. cstr. צְרֹרוֹת v 35;—bundle or pouch (purse) of money 42:35(×2) (E), Pr 7:20; צ׳ הַמֹּר Ct 1:13 (fig. of lover); צְרוּרָה בִּצ׳ הַחַיִּים 1 S 25:29 (fig.; v. I. צרר); חָתֻם בִּצ׳ פִּשְׁעִי Jb 14:17 (i.e. hidden, forgotten Hi Bu al.; > al. treasured up), צ׳ נָקוּב Hg 1:6 (v. I. נקב).


† II. צְרוֹר n.m. pebble;—צ׳ 2 S 17:13; also Am 9:9 (where perhaps fig. for grain of wheat, in metaph. of winnowed Isr., cf. Dr Now al.; > pebble retained in sieve PreuschenZAW xv (1895), 24, cf. on custom WetzstZPV xiv (1891), 2 f.).


† III. צְרוֹר grandfather of Ḳish 1 S 9:1, Αρεδ, 𝔊L Σαρα.


II. צרח (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic ضَرَحَ a ضَرِيح, also cleave the ground, rend open; ضَرِيحٌ sepulchral chamber (with niches for bodies); Nab. צריחה (cf. Nö in EutNab Inschr. 55 DrSm. 76)).


† I. צָרַח vb. cry, roar (NH id., cry (of raven); Assyrian ṣarâḫu, cry aloud, Arabic صَرَخَ, Ethiopic ጸርኀ: 𝔗 צְרַח Aph. (of bear), Syriac ܨܪܰܚ especially Aph. and deriv.);—
Qal Pt. act. מַר צֹרֵחַ שָׁם גִּבּוֹר Zp 1:14 bitterly roareth there a hero, but abrupt in context and improb.; Gr (in part after 𝔊) conj. קוֹל י׳ יִצְרַח כַּגִּבּוֹר (cf. Hiph.).
Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. יַצְרִיחַ Is 42:13 utter a roar (of י׳, going to battle; ‖ יָרִיעַ).


צְרִי a musician, 1 Ch 25:3 (Σ)ουρ(ε)ι, = יִצְרִי (q.v.) v 11 (Ιεσδρει, 𝔊L Ασειρηλα).


צֳרִי (Gn 37:25) (וּ)צְרִי, צֹ֑רִי Ez 27:17 n.[m.] a kind of balsam, as merchandise Gn 37:25 (J), gift Gn 43:11 (J), medicament Je 8:22; 46:11; 51:8 (for national disaster, in fig.);—ThDyer-M’Lean in Ency. Bib.Balm think a resin, like (not necess. =) gum of mastic-tree, pistacia lentiscus (otherwise PostHastings DB).


צֹרִי Tyrian;—אִישׁ צ׳ 1 K 7:14 = 2 Ch 2:13; pl. as subst. הַצֹּרִים the Tyrians 1 Ch 22:4; Ezr 3:7 (both + הַצִּידֹנִים), Ne 13:16.


צֳרִי, צְרִי, צְרֻיָה v. צרה.


צֹרִי v. I. צֹר.


צְרִיחַ n.[m.] perhaps excavation, underground chamber;—צ׳ abs. Ju 9:49, cstr. v 46; pl. צְרִחִים 1 S 13:6;—used as hiding-places 1 S 13:6 (+ מְעָרוֹת, חֲוָחִים, סְלָעִים, בֹּרוֹת); as refuge Ju 9:46 (where connected with shrine), v 49 (Vrss stronghold; on uncertainty of meaning v. GFM).


צרך (√ of foll.; NH צָרַךְ have need of; Arabic ضَرَكَ be needy, so Aramaic צְרַךְ, ܨܪܰܟ (צ, ܨ = ض !); ChrPal. ܨܘ݂ܪܟܐ χρεία).


[צֹ֫רֶךְ] n.[m.] need (Aramaic);—sf. כְּכָל־צָרְכֶּ֑ךָ 2 Ch 2:15 according to all thy need, cf. Ecclus 8:9 + often.


צרע (√ of foll.; cf. perhaps Arabic صَرَعَ throw down, prostrate; Sab. צֿרע humble oneself, DHMHofm. No. 6, 1.8 MordtmHim. Inschr. 71; vbs. denom. in NH 𝔗).


[צָרַע] vb.denom., only in pass., be struck with leprosy, leprous;—
Qal Pt. pass. אִישׁ צָרוּעַ Lv 13:44; elsewhere as subst., = leper, v 45 14:3; Nu 5:2 (all P), Lv 22:4 (H).
Pu. Pt. מְצֹרָע 2 S 3:29 +, מְצוֹרָע 2 Ch 26:20; pl. מְצֹרָעִים 2 K 7:3, 8; f. מְצֹרַ֫עַת Ex 4:6 +, מְצֹרָ֑עַת Nu 12:10;—leprous, of hand Ex 4:6 (J), of pers. Nu 12:10(×2) (E); 2 K 5:27; 2 Ch 26:20; אֲנָשִׁים מְצֹרָעִים 2 K 7:3; as subst. = leper 2 S 3:29; 2 K 5:1, 11; 7:8; 15:5 = 2 Ch 26:21a; 2 Ch 26:21 b, 23; תּוֹרַת הַמְּצֹרָע Lv 14:2.


צִרְעָה n.f.coll. hornets (? as wounding, prostrating; NH = BH);—allies of Isr.;—הַצּ׳ Ex 23:28; Jos 24:12 (both E), Dt 7:20.


צָרְעָה Σαραα, etc. (cf. also LagBN 85), in the Shephelah of Judah (TelAm. Ṣarḫa, named with Aialuna, Ajalon);—Jos 15:33, but assigned to Dan 19:41; Ju 13:2, 25; 16:31; 18:2, 8, 11; 2 Ch 11:10 Ne 11:29; mod. Ṣarʿa, 15 miles W. from Jerus., cf. GASmGeogr. 218 BuhlGeogr. 195.


צָרְעִי v. foll.


צָרַ֫עַת35 n.f. leprosy;—abs. צ׳ Dt 24:8 +, צָרָ֑עַת Lv 13:2 +; cstr. צָרַ֫עַת 2 K 5:27 +; sf. צָרַעְתּוֹ 2 K 5:3, 6, 7;—leprosy 2 K 5:3, 6, 7, 27; 2 Ch 26:19; elsewhere only in laws: נֶגַע צ׳ Dt 24:8, and Lv 13, 14 (P; 29 times): תּוֹרַת הַצּ׳ 14:57; specif. of
a. human disease (as above) נֶגַע צ׳ Lv 13:2 + 8 times; without נ׳ 13:8 + 10 times
b. leprosy in a garment 13:47, 49, 51, 52, 59 (תּוֹרַת נֶגַע צ׳ בֶּגֶד).
c. in house 14:34 (נֶגַע צ׳), v 44; house or garment v 55.—Exact meaning of b. and c. dub., perhaps some fungus or mould; v. especially Di Dr-Wh Baen.


צָרְעָתִי c. art. as n. coll. הַצּ׳ 1 Ch 2:53; 4:2 = הַצָּרְעִי 2:54.


צָרַף vb. smelt, refine, test (NH id.; Ph. מצרף smelter: Assyrian ṣurrupu, refined, ṣarpu, silver, naṣraptu, crucible; Arabic صِرْفٌ is pure, unmixed (especially of wine);* very doubtful is Sab. צדף silver, money, cf. MordtmHim. Inschr. pp. 14, 29 CIS iv, No. 291, l. 1);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. צ׳ Je 6:29, sf. צְרָפָ֑תְהוּ ψ 105:19; 2 ms. sf. צְרַפְתָּנִי ψ 17:3, etc.; Impf. 1 s. אֶצְרֹף Is 1:25, sf. אֶצְרְפֶנּוּ Ju 7:4; Imv. ms. צרופה ψ 26:2 Kt, צָרְפָה Qr; Inf. abs. צָרוֹף Je 6:29; cstr. לִצְרוֹף Dn 11:35, etc.; Pt. act. sf. צוֹרְפָם Je 9:6, etc.; pass. צָרוּף ψ 12:7, etc.;— 1. smelt, refine: Je 6:29(×2) in vain hath he smelted continually (inf. abs.; fig. of purifying people); so smelt away Is 1:25 (acc. of dross; fig.); of silver Zc 13:9 ψ 66:10, כֶּסֶף צָרוּף בַּעֲלִיל 12:7 (all sim.); of אִמְרַת י׳ ψ 18:31 = 2 S 22:31, ψ 119:140 Pr 30:5 (אִמְרַת אֱלוֹהַּ); refine (men, by trials) Dn 11:35 (+ לְבָרֵר, לַלְבֵּן). 2. test Ju 7:4 I will test them (the warriors) for thee (י׳ subj.);—perhaps also v 3 (v. I. צפר); more gen., of י׳’s testing, trying (the hearts of) men (often ‖ בָּחַן) Je 9:6; Is 48:10; Zc 13:9 ψ 17:3; 26:2; 66:10. 3. test (& prove true) a man (subj. י׳’s saying) ψ 105:19. 4. Pt. act. as n. smelter, refiner, hence = goldsmith Ju 17:4; Je 10:9, 14; 51:17; Is 40:19(×2) (but perhaps del. vb, cf. Du Che Marti), 41:7; 46:6 Pr 25:4; as a guild Ne 3:8, 32.
Niph. Impf. 3 mpl. יִצָּֽרְפוּ Dn 12:10 many shall be refined (by suffering; + יִתְבָּֽרְרוּ, יִתְלַבְּנוּ).
Pi. Pt. מְצָרֵף as n. a refiner, כְּאֵשׁ מ׳ Mal 3:2 (sim. of י׳), cf. מְ׳ alone v 3 (+ מְטַהֵר כֶּסֶף).


צֹרְפִי n.[m.] coll. goldsmiths;—only בֶּן־הַצּ׳ Ne 3:31 i.e. belonging to the goldsmiths, a member of their guild.


צָֽרְפַת Σαρεπτα: on coast S. of Sidon (? smelting-place; on strange form cf. LagBN 84; Assyrian Ṣariptu DlPa 284 COT 1 K 17, 9; Egyptian Ḏa-ï̥ra-pu-ti̥ WMMAs. u. Eur. 184);—צ׳ Ob 20; צָֽרְפָ֫תָה 1 K 17:9, 10 (so Gi; -פַ֫תָה van d. H. Baer); mod. Ṣarfend RobBR ii. 474 ff. PietschmPhön. 58 f..


V. צרר (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic ظَرَّ be sharp (? denom.), ظِرٌّ, ظُرَرٌ sharp-edged hard stone, Assyrian ṣurtu, appar. knife RJ HarperBAS ii. 435; Syriac ܛܰܪܳܢܳܐ rock, stone, flint).


I. צָרַר vb. bind, tie up, be restricted, narrow, scant, cramped (NH id.; Arabic صَرَّ bind, tie up; so Aramaic צְרַר, ܨܰܪ );—
A. trans.: Qal Pf. 3 ms. צָרַר Ho 4:19; Pr 30:4; Imv. צוֹר Is 8:16; Inf. cstr. צְרוֹר Pr 26:8 (?); Pt. act. צֹרֵר Jb 26:8; pass. צָרוּר Ho 13:12, f. צְרוּרָה 1 S 25:29; fpl. צְרֻרֹת Ex 12:34; 2 S 20:3;—bind or tie up, of kneading-troughs Ex 12:34 (E); fig. of a life preserved by י׳, נֶפֶשׁ צְרוּרָה בִּצְרוֹר הַחַיִּים 1 S 25:29; of preserving prophetic teaching Is 8:16; of retention of guilt Ho 13:12; of י׳’s binding waters in (a garment of) cloud Pr 30:4 Jb 26:8; = shut up 2 S 20:3;—צָרַר רוּחַ אֹתָהּ בִּכְנָפֶיהָ Ho 4:19 (si vera l.) pregn., the wind hath wrapped her up in its wings, to carry her off; כִּצְרוֹר אֶבֶן Pr 26:8 like the tying up of a stone, but unintellig. in context (v. Toy). Pu. Pt. pl. מְצֹרָרִים Jos 9:4 tied up (mended by tying), of old wine-skins.
B. intrans.: Qal Pf. 3 fs. צָ֫רָה Is 28:20; Impf. 3 ms. יֵצַר Pr 4:12, יֵ֫צֶר לוֹ Jb 20:22, וַיֵּ֫צֶר Gn 32:8 +, 2 fs. תֵּצְרִי Is 49:19;—be scant, cramped; of scanty bed-covering Is 28:20 (in fig.); of land too small for (מִן) its people Is 49:19 + Jos 19:47 (for וַיֵּצֵא) DrExpos. Jan. 1887, 59 Benn, cf. 𝔊; of steps = be cramped, or impeded, Pr 4:12; Jb 18:7 (both in fig.); especially impers. c. ל pers., וַיֵּצֶר לוֹ Gn 32:8 and it was narrow for him = he was in straits, distress, so Ju 2:15; 2 S 13:2; Jb 20:22, also 3 fs. וַתֵּ֫צֶר לְ Ju 10:9; 1 S 30:6 (v. Dr).* Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. וְהֵצַר Dt 28:52, 52 consec.; 1 s. וַהֲצֵרֹתִי Je 10:18; Zp 1:17; Impf. 3 ms. יָצַר־לוֹ 1 K 8:37 = 2 Ch 6:28, וַיָּ֫צַר 2 Ch 28:20; 3 mpl. וַיָּצֵרוּ Ne 9:27; Inf. cstr. הָצֵר 2 Ch 28:22; 33:12;—make narrow for, press hard upon, cause distress to, c. ל pers., Je 10:18 (subj. י׳), Zp 1:17 (subj. id.); Dt 28:52(×2); 1 K 8:37 = 2 Ch 6:28; Ne 9:27 (all subj. foe), 2 Ch 28:20 (subj. TP); Indef. subj. 2 Ch 28:22 (but read כִּי אִם לִצָרָה לוֹ, and join to v 21, opp. לְעֶזְרָה לוֹ, 𝔊 Kit BuhlLex), 33:12.


† II. [צָרַר] vb. denom.
Hiph. suffer distress (specif. of travail, cf. Je 4:31; 49:24);—Pt. לֵב אִשָּׁה מְצֵרָה (in sim.) Je 48:41; 49:22.


† III. צָרַר vb. shew hostility toward, vex (NH צַר foe; Arabic ضَرَّ harm, damage, Sab. צֿר war, foe MordtmHim. Inschr. 60. 71 SabDenkm 24 CIS iv. 174, 1. 6 HomChrest. 125; Ethiopic ፀረረ be hostile, in der. spec. and deriv.; Assyrian ṣarâru, be hostile, ṣarru, foe; Arabic ضَرَّةٌ, Assyrian ṣirritu, Syriac ܥܰܪܬܳܐ, all = rival-wife, so (? Heb. infl.) 𝔗 צָרָא 1 S 1:6; v. especially Lag Deceased Wife’s Sister, GGN, 1882, No. 13; = Mi. 125 ff. Dr 1 S 1:6);—
Qal Pf. 3 pl. וְצָֽרֲרוּ Nu 33:55 consec., sf. צְרָרוּנִי ψ 129:1, 2; Impf. 3 ms. יָצֹר Is 11:13; Inf. abs. צָרוֹר Nu 25:17; Pt. act. צֹרֵר 10:9, pl. sf. צֹרֲרַי ψ 31:12 +, etc.;—shew hostility toward, treat with enmity, vex, harass, c. acc. pers. Is 11:13; Nu 10:9; 25:17; once c. ל pers. v 18; also pt. as subst. (cstr. or c. sf.) vexer, harasser, Am 5:12; Is 11:13; Ex 23:22 (E), ψ 6:8; 7:5, 7; 8:3; 10:5; 23:5; 31:12; 42:11; 69:20; 74:4, 23; 143:12; Est 3:10; 8:1; 9:10, 24.—Lv 18:18 v. [צָרַר] sub ii. צָרָה, infr.


† IV. [צָרַר] vb. denom. make a rival-wife;—
Qal Inf. cstr. לִצְרֹר Lv 18:18 to make [her] a rival-wife (LagGGN, 1882, 406 Dr-WhLv Baen Lv).


[צְרֵרָה] צְרֵרָ֫תָה Ju 7:22 (Γαραγαθα, 𝔊L καὶ ἦν συνηγμένη), usually thought corrupt for צְרֵדָ֫תָה, and in any case prob. = צָֽרְתָן, q.v. (GFM).


צֶ֫רֶת in Judah 1 Ch 4:7, Αρεθ, A Σαρεθ, 𝔊L Σαρηθ.

צֶרֶת הַשַּׁ֫חַר

צֶרֶת הַשַּׁ֫חַר assigned to Reuben Jos 13:19, Σεραδα και Σειων, 𝔊L Σαρθ; cf. mod. eṣ-Sara, on spur of Mt. ʿAṭṭârûs, E. of Dead Sea BuhlGeogr. 268.


צָֽרְתָן in Jordan valley, near ford, BuhlGeogr. 181; exact site unknown; Jos 3:16 Καθιαιρειν, 𝔊L Καριαθιαρειμ), 1 K 7:46 (Σειρα, 𝔊L Σαρθαν) = צְרֵדָ֫תָה 2 Ch 4:17 (Αναμε [i.e. ἀνὰ μέσον] σιρδαθαι; Σα(ρι)δαθα; is Chr right?); צָֽרְתַ֫נָה 1 K 4:12 (Σεσαθαν, 𝔊L Σαρθαν)—cf. צְרֵרָתָה Ju 7:22, appar. same place; identity with צְרֵדָה 1 K 11:26 is usually assumed, but not proven.