Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon


מִשְׂרְפוֹת מַיִם — מַתַּת

מִשְׂרְפוֹת מַיִם

מִשְׂרְפוֹת מַיִם named with Ṣidon Jos 11:8; 13:6 (appar. near coast); cp. (dub. BuhlGeogr. 229) Mùêrfe, 14 m. S. of Tyre, v. Di and reff., GuérinGal ii. 166 f.—Μασερων, Μασρεφωθμαειμ, etc.


מַשְׂרֵקָה v. שׂרק.


מַשְׂרֵקָה in Edom;—מִמּ׳ Gn 36:36 = 1 Ch 1:47; 𝔊 ἐκ Μασέκκας (𝔊L Ch ἐκ Μασερικα); EusebOnom. ed. Lag 227 Μασρηκα.


מַשְׂרֵת n.m. appar. = pan, dish, Pal.-Aramaic מסרית, only וַתִּקַּח הַמּ׳ 2 S 13:9 and she took the pan; perhaps = מַשְׂאֶרֶת, orig. dough-pan (שׂאר), kneading-trough, GeiUrschr. 382 f. We (not Dr); > Klo Bu Ry in Di Ex 12:34(3te Aufl.) וַתִּקְרָא (אֶת־) הַמְּשָׁרֵת and she called the servant (HPS del. v.)


[מָשַׁשׁ] vb. feel, grope (NH id. Pi; Arabic مَسَّ fell; Ethiopic መርሰሰ: Di166; Aramaic ܡܰܫ, מְשַׁשׁ Pa., Palp.—v. also ימשׁ, II. מושׁ);—
Qal Impf. 3 ms. sf. יְמֻשֵּׁנִי Gn 27:12 perhaps my father will feel me; וַיְמֻשֵּׁהוּ v 22 and he felt of him (both J).
Pi. Pf. 2 ms. מִשַּׁשְׁתָּ; Impf. 3 ms. יְמַשֵּׁשׁ Dt 28:29, וַיְמַשֵּׁשׁ Gn 31:34; 3 mpl. יִמַשִׁשׁוּ Jb 5:14; 12:25; Pt. מְמַשֵּׁשׁ Dt 28:29;—feel over or through, grope:1. וַיְמ׳ לָבָן אֶת־כָּל־הָאֹהֶל Gn 31:34 and Laban felt through the whole tent (i.e. searched it); so (obj. כֵּלַי) v 37 thou hast felt through all my possessions (or baggage; both E). 2. grope, of blind Dt 28:29b (in sim.), periphr. conj., וְהָיִיתָ מְמַשֵּׁשׁ v 29a and thou shalt become one that gropes at noonday (fig. of judicial blindness); cf. Jb 5:14; 12:25.
Hiph. Impf. וְיָמֵשׁ חֹשֶׁךְ Ex 10:21 that one may feel (the) darkness; read also Imv. sf. הֲמִשֵּׁנִי (for והימשׁני, v. ימשׁ, p. 413 supr.) Ju 16:26 and let me touch the pillars (2 acc.)


מִשְׁתֶּה v. שׁתה.


מִשְׁתֶּה45 n.m. Gn 21:8 1. feast; 2. drink;—abs. מ׳ Gn 19:3 +; cstr. מִשְׁתֵּה 1 S 25:36 +; sf. מִשְׁתָּיו Dn 1:5 + (Ges§ 93 ss), etc.;—
1. feast, banquet (occasion for drinking, drinking-bout), 1 S 25:36(×2); Is 5:12; Je 51:39 (fig.), Jb 1:5; Est 2:18; 5:14; 8:17; 9:19; lasting seven days Ju 14:12, 17 (wedding-feast, cf. Gn 29:22, and v. BenzArch. 143; Ency. Bib. 2949 NowArch. i. 163); עָשָׂה מ׳ give or make a feast (sometimes + ל pers.) Gn 19:3; 26:30 (both J), 21:8; 40:20 (both E), Ju 14:10; 2 S 3:20 1 K 3:15; Est 1:3 + 8 times Est, Jb 1:4 + 2 S 13:27(×2) 𝔊 Th We Dr and mod.; מִשְׁתֵּה הַיַּיִן Est 5:6; 7:2, 7, בֵּית מִשְׁתֶּה Je 16:8; Ec 7:2, בֵּית מִשְׁתֵּה הַיַּיִן Est 7:8; יוֹם מ׳ וְשִׂמְחָה Est 9:17, 18, cf. v 22; of י׳’s banquet for all peoples Is 25:6 (fig. of Messianic blessings); fig. also in טוֹב־לֵב מ׳ תָּמִיד Pr 15:15.
2. drink (late): מַאֲכָל וּמ׳ וָשֶׁמֶן Ezr 3:7; sf. יֵין מִשְׁתָּיו Dn 1:5, 8; מִשְׁתֵּיהֶם v 16; מִשְׁתֵּיכֶם v 10.


מֵת v. מות.


[מַת] n.m. male, man (מְתוּ־ in; Zinj. מת coll. males, male offspring; Assyrian mutu, husband; Ethiopic ምት: id.; cf. Egyptian m-t, phallus, male, Steindorff in BaNB § 2 b, δ);—only pl. מְתִים Jb 11:3 + 3 times, מְתִם Dt 2:34; 3:6 + Ju 20:48 (probably), for MT מְתֹם, so GFM; cstr. מְתֵי Gn 34:30 + 13 times; sf. 2 fs. מְתַיִךְ Is 3:25; 3 ms. מְתָיו Dt 33:6;—
1. males, men, Is 3:25 (‖ גְּכוּרָתֵךְ); more distinctly, עִיר מְתִם (וְ)הַנָּשִׁים וְהַטָּף Dt 2:34; 3:6 every city of males (male population, cf. Dr), and the women, etc.; Ju 20:48 (v. supr.; opp. בְּהֵמָה).
2. usually less emphasis on sex, in prose only phr.: a. מְתֵי מִסְפָּר men of number (numerable, i.e. few) Gn 34:30 (J; appos. of אֲנִי = Jacob, representing his family), Dt 4:27 Je 44:28, also ψ 105:12 = 1 Ch 16:19; cf. וִיהִי מְתָיו מִסְפָּר Dt 33:6 and (but) let his men be few. b. בִּמְתֵי מְעָ֑ט = consisting of a few men Dt 26:5; 28:62.
3. elsewhere only poet., sex usually not emph.: a. Jb 11:3; 24:12 ψ 17:14(×2) (but text prob. corrupt, cf. Bae We; at least om. ממתים ידך Ol Bi Che, cf. Hup-Now); מְתֵי ישׂראל Is 41:14. b. poet. phr.: מְתֵי שָׁוְא men of falsehood Jb 11:11 ψ 26:4; מ׳ אָוֶן Jb 22:15 men of wickedness; מ׳ סוֹדִי 19:19 men of my circle; מ׳ אָהֳלִי Jb 31:31 men of my tent (household); מ׳ רָעָב Is 5:13 men of hunger, but read probably מְזֵי ר׳ sucked out, empty from hunger (as Dt 32:24) Ew De Che Di Du (cf. מָזֶה).


מַתְבֵּן v. תבן.


מַתְבֵּן n.[m.] straw-heap;—מ׳ Is 25:10.


מתג (√ of foll.; meaning unknown.)


מֶ֫תֶג n.m. bridle (Aramaic (𝔗) מִתְגָּא; NH מֶתֶג of secondary accentֽ; מִתֵּג Pi. denom. put on a bridle);—
1. lit. bridle, for animals; מֶתֶג לַחֲמוֹר Pr 26:3 a whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, etc.; בְּמ׳ וָרֶסֶן ψ 32:9 with bridle and halter (on text of verse cf. Che); of י׳’s bridle for Sennach. (under fig. of beast), וּמִתְגִּי בִּשְׂפָתֶיךָ 2 K 19:28 and I will put (וְשַׂמְתִּי) my hook in thy nose and my bridle in thy lips = Is 37:29 (v. Dr Is. ed. 2, 220).
2. fig. = control, authority, only in מ׳ הָאַמָּה 2 S 8:1 authority of the mother city, according to MV Buhl, cf. especially We Dr; Bu om. as corrupt (v. i. אַמָּה, p. 52 supr.); vid., further HPS


מָתוֹק adj. sweet, and n.[m.] sweetness (on form v. LagBN 30, 60, cf. BaNB 13, 36);—abs. מ׳ Ju 14:14 + 9 times; f. מְתוּקָה Ec 5:11; pl. מְתוּקִים ψ 19:11;—
1. sweet, of honey Ju 14:14 (where מ׳ = subst. a sweet thing), v 18 (both Samson’s riddle), Pr 24:13; so = sweetness, Ez 3:3; more gen., כָּל־מַר מ׳ Pr 27:7 every bitter thing is sweet to one hungry; fig. ψ 19:11 (God’s commandments, sweeter than honey), cf. Pr 16:24 (sim. of pleasant words) וּפִרְיוֹ מ׳ לְחִכִּי Ct 2:3 (i.e. his caresses); שָׂמִים מַר לְמ׳ וּמ׳ לְמָ֑ר Is 5:20 making bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter (obscuring moral distinctions; ‖ הָֹאמְרִים לָרַע טוֹב וְלַטּוֹב רָ֑ע).
2. = pleasant, sleep of the toiler Ec 5:11; light 11:7 (‖ טוֹב לַעֵינַיִם לִרְאוֹת אֶת־הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ).


מְתוּשָׁאֵל descendant of Cain (Bab. form., mutu-ša-ili ‘man of God,’ LenOrig. ed. 2, i. 262f. Eng. Tr. 268);—Gn 4:18(×2) (J), 𝔊 Μαθουσαλα (i.e. מְתוּשֶׁלַח? so Di; otherwise BuUrgesch. 125 f.)


מְתוּשָׁאֵל, מְתוּשֶׁ֫לַח v. sub מַת supr..


מְתוּשֶׁ֫לַח descendant of Seth (? man of the dart: more prob. Bab.; see conj. in HomPSBA 1893, 243 ff.);—מ׳ Gn 5:22, 25, 26, 27 (P), 1 Ch 1:3, מְתוּשָׁ֑לַח Gn 5:21 (P). 𝔊 Μαθουσαλα.


[מָתַח] vb. spread out (NH id.; Aramaic ܡܬܰܚ, מְתַח; Arabic مَتَحَ be long, مَتّاح long (prob. loan-word); cf. perhaps Assyrian matâḫu, direct the eyes toward);—only
Qal Impf. 3 ms. sf. וַיִּמְתָּחֵם Is 40:22 and he (י׳) hath spread them (the heavens) out as a tent to dwell in.


מָתַי43 interrog.adv. when? (Arabic مَتَى Assyrian mati: in NH and Aramaic with the interrog. אַי, אֵימָתִי, אֵימָת, ܐܶܡܰܬܝ ), in OT only of future time:
a. alone, †Gn 30:30 מָתַי אעשׂה גם אנכי לביתי when shall I also do, etc.? Am 8:5 ψ 41:6; 42:3; 94:8; 101:2; 119:82, 84 Pr 6:9b; 23:35 Jb 7:4 מָתַי אָקוּם, Ne 2:6.
b. לְמָתַי against when?Ex 8:5 לְמָתַי אַעְתִּיר לְךָ.
c. עַד־מָתַי until when? how long? sq. impf. Ex 10:7 עד מתי יהיה זה לנו למוקשׁ, 1 S 1:14 Je 4:14, 21 ψ 74:10; 82:2; 94:3 Pr 1:22 +, sq. ptcp. 1 S 16:1 1 K 18:21 עַד־מָתַי אַתֶּם פֹּסְחִים עַל־שְׁתֵּי הַסְּעִפִּים, sq. pf. †Ex 10:3 ψ 80:5; עַד מָתַי לֹא2 S 2:26 Ho 8:5 Zc 1:12; alone, Is 6:11 וָאֹמַר עַד־מָתַי אֲדֹנָי, Hb 2:6 הוֹי הַמַּרְבֶּה לֹא־לוֹ עַד־מָתַי; with an aposiop., ψ 6:4 וְאַתָּה י׳ עַד־מָתָ֑י, 90:13. b. אַחֲרֵי מָתַי עוֹד after how long yet?Je 13:27.


מְתִים v. מַת.


מַתְכֹּ֫נֶת v. תכן.


מַתְכֹּ֫נֶת n.f. measurement, tale, proportion;—
1. cstr. מ׳ הַלְּבֵנִים Ex 5:8 (J) the tale of bricks (cf. i. תֹּכֶן).
2. sf. -כֻּנְתּוֹ measurement, proportion, of ephah and bath Ez 45:11; of composition of sacred oil Ex 30:32, -תָּהּ v 37 (P); of temple, its measurement, proportion -תּוֹ 2 Ch 24:13.


מַתְּלָאָה v. תְּלָאָה on p. 521.


מְתַלְּעוֹת v. תלע.


מְתַלְּעוֹת teeth (AV RV jaw-teeth) (perhaps gnawers, v. √);—teeth, incisors, late (always ‖ שִׁנַּיִם): cstr. מ׳ Jb 29:17 and (of lion) Jo 1:6; sf. מְתַלְּעֹתָיו Pr 30:14. Also cstr. מַלְתְּעוֹת ψ 58:7.


מְתֹם v. תמם; Ju 20:48 v. מַת.


מְתֹם n.[m.] soundness; in phr. אֵין מְתֹם ב׳ Is 1:6 ψ 38:4, 8; מֵעִיר מְ֯תֹם Ju 20:48 from entire city (Codd. De Rossi Bu GFM מְתִם, v. מַת and cf. עיר מת(י)ם Dt 2:34; 3:6 Jb 24:12).


מתן (√ of foll.; Arabic مَتَنَ be stout, firm, enduring (Frey Wahrm), ii. make stout, firm (Lane)).


I, II. מַתָּן i, ii. מַתָּנָה, מַתְּנַי, מַתַּנְיָה(וּ) v. נתן.


מִתְנִי (deriv. unknown);—only יוֹשָׁפָט הַמּ׳ I Ch 11:43. 𝔊 ὁ Βαιθανει, A Μαθθανει, 𝔊L Ματθανι.


מָתְנַ֫יִם n.m.du. loins (Arabic مَتْنٌ back, مَتْنَتَانِ the two sides of the back, etc.; Syriac ܡܰܬ̈ܢܳܬܳܐ );—abs. מ׳ Dt 33:11 + 7 times, מָתְנָ֑יִם Ez 29:7; 47:4; cstr. מָתְנֵי Je 13:11 + 3 times; sf. מָתְנַי Is 21:3, מָתְנָ֑י Je 13:2; מָתְנֵיהֶם 1 K 20:32 + 4 times, etc.;—loins:
1. a. place of wearing girdle 1 K 2:5 2 K 1:8 Je 13:1, 2, 4, 11 Ez 23:15; fig. Is 11:5 righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins. b. hence place of things attached to girdle:—sword girded on (חגר על, אסר) 2 S 20:8 Ne 4:12; opp., וּמָתְנֵי מְלָכִים אֲפַתֵּחַ Is 45:1 and the loins of kings I will loosen, i.e. will disarm them (י׳ before Cyrus; cf. Che); ink-horn Ez 9:2, 3, 11. c. girding up loins = make ready for action, וַיְשַׁנֵּס מָתְנָיו 1 K 18:46; more often חָגַר מ׳ 2 K 4:29; 9:1 Ex 12:11 (P), Dn 10:5; אָזַר מ׳ Je 1:17. d. זַרְזִיר מ׳ Pr 30:31 that which is girt in the loins, i.e. prob. either a greyhound Ew Bö De (contracted, as if by a belt), or a war-horse, charger, Bö Ges Hi Str Wild (with a saddle); cf. also זרזיר, p. 267 supr.; text perhaps corrupt (Wild). e. girded with sackcloth (in mourning) Gn 37:34 (J), Am 8:10 Is 20:2 1 K 20:31, 32 Je 48:37. f. linen breeches of priests were to extend מִמָּתְנַיִם וְעַד יְרֵכַיִם Ex 28:42 (P); to be עַל־מָת׳ Ez 44:18; loins of slaves are girt with waistcloth, cf. Jb 12:18 (v. also אֵזוֹר). g. in gen. of the middle of the body, מֵי מָת׳ Ez 47:4 (i.e. water reaching to the loins); so of the appearance of י׳ in Ezek.’s visions Ez 1:27(×2); 8:2(×2).
2. a. loins as seat of strength, Dt 33:11 1 K 12:10 = 2 Ch 10:10; חַזֵּק מָתְנַיִם Na 2:2 (‖ אַמֵּץ כֹּחַ); כֹּחוֹ בְּמָתְנָיו Jb 40:16 (of hippopotamus); in combin. with 1 a (fig.) חָֽגְרָה בְּעוֹז מ׳ Pr 31:17 she girdeth her loins with strength, she puts on energy with her girdle; cf. also בְּשִׁבְרוֹן מ׳ Ez 21:11 sigh with breaking of loins, i.e. in entire collapse of strength; so וּמ׳ תָּמִיד הַמְעַ֑ד ψ 69:24 and make their loins continually to shake, make them totter; cf. Ez 29:7 (where read וְהִמְעַדְתָּ for וְהַעֲמַדְתָּ, v. מָעַד). b. as seat of keenest pain, due to grief or dread Na 2:11 Is 21:3 (as in travail); so prob. also ψ 66:11 (cf. Bae; and v. מוּעָקָה sub עוק).


מֶ֫תֶק n.m. Pr 16:21 sweetness; cstr. מ׳ שְׂפָתַיִם Pr 16:21 i.e. agreeable, attractive speech, so prob. מ׳ רֵעִֽהוּ 27:9 the sweetness of one’s friend, i.e. of his speech.


[מָתֹק] vb. become or be sweet, pleasant (NH מתק, especially Pi.; Assyrian [matâḳu] be sweet, in deriv.; Ethiopic ምጡቅ: sweet; Aramaic ܡܬܰܩ suck (with pleasure), מְתַק id., be sweet; Arabic مطق (ط before ق) v. smack the lips (with pleasure), مَطْقَةٌ sweetness);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. מְתָקוֹ Jb 24:20; 3 pl. מָֽתְקוּ 21:33; Impf. 3 mpl. יִמְתָּ֑קוּ Pr 9:17, וַיִּמְתְּקוּ Ex 15:25;— 1. lit. become sweet, of water (opp. מָרִים) 15:25 (J); are (i.e. taste) sweet, מַיִם גְּנוּבִים יִמ׳ Pr 9:17 (fig. of delights of illicit pleasure). 2. = be pleasant, מָֽתְקוּ לוֹ Jb 21:33 sweet (pleasant) to him are the clods of the valley (said of one resting in the grave). 3. suck (Aramaic sense, cf. Syriac supr.) מְתָקוֹ רִמָּה Jb 24:20 the worm doth suck him, feast on him (on vb. masc. cf. Ges§ 145, 7Synt. § 345 a DaSynt. § 113(b)), Di De Buhl (cf. Kau Da; also SS who render ‘angenehm finden’), but this sense in Heb. dub.; text perhaps crpt. (cf. conject. by Bu Du).
Hiph. Impf. 3 fs. אִם תַּמְתִּיק בְּפִיו רָעָה Jb 20:12 if evil gives a sweet taste in his mouth (declarative Hiph.); 1 pl. אֲשֶׁר יַחְדָּו נַמְתִּיק סוֹד ψ 55:15 we who used to make sweet (our) intimacy.


[מֹ֫תֶק] n.[m.] sweetness;—only sf. מָתְקִי Ju 9:11 my sweetness (fig-tree loquitur), i.e. sweetness of the fruit.


מִתְקָה a station of Isr. in desert Nu 33:28, 29. 𝔊 Ματεκκα, A Μαθεκκα, 𝔊L Ματτεκα.


מִתְרְדָת name of two Persians;
1. Cyrus’ time Ezr 1:8.
2. Artaxerxes’ time Ezr 4:7.—𝔊 Μιθρα[ι]δατης in both.


מַתַּת, מַתַּתָּה, מַתִּתְיָה (וּ) v. נתן.