The Story of Redemption



Eve picked some fruit for herself and ate it. Then she filled her hands with the forbidden fruit and hurried to Adam. She was strangely excited. Eve told Adam about the wise words spoken by the snake. She wanted to take Adam to the tree of knowledge right away. She said she had eaten the fruit but had not died. Instead, she had a very pleasant, excited feeling. As soon as Eve disobeyed God she became a powerful agent for tempting Adam. SRme 1.77

I saw a look of sadness come over Adam's face. Adam seemed surprised and afraid. A struggle was happening in his mind. He told Eve that he was sure that the snake was the enemy the angel had warned them about. If that was true, then Eve would die. Eve said she did not feel sick from eating the fruit. Instead, she felt better than before. Eve urged Adam to eat the fruit she had brought. SRme 1.78

Adam knew his wife had disobeyed God. God had given them just one test of their love for Him, and Eve had failed that test. Eve told Adam that the snake had said they would not die. She believed the snake's words were true, because SRme 1.79

she had not died. In fact, she thought she felt as wonderful as the angels must feel. SRme 1.80

Adam was sorry that Eve had wandered away from him while working. But now it was too late to change. Eve already had eaten the fruit. He would have to be separated from his dear wife whom he loved to be with. He could not stand the thought. Completely discouraged, Adam decided to eat the fruit. If Eve would die, he would die with her. SRme 1.81

Adam did not have faith in his merciful and loving Creator. God had made Adam out of the dust into a living, handsome person. God had given him a beautiful wife. But Adam did not think that God could give him another woman that he would love as much as Eve. SRme 1.82

Adam tried to make himself think that the words of the snake might be true. Eve was standing there looking just as lovely and innocent as before her sin. Eve told him that she loved him now more than she did before she ate the fruit. Adam could see no evidence that Eve was dying. Eve told him how happy and wonderful she felt. Again Eve told Adam that she loved him more than before she ate the fruit. Adam decided to eat the fruit no matter what the result. He grabbed the fruit and ate it quickly. The same as Eve, Adam did not feel any harmful results. SRme 1.83

Eve thought that she was wise enough to decide what was right and what was wrong. Eve liked the idea of gaining greater knowledge, so she thought the snake was being a special friend to her. She thought he was interested in helping her become a better person. But if Eve had gone to her husband and they both had talked to God about the words of the snake, they would have walked away from the place of terrible temptation. God did not want Adam and Eve to go near the tree of knowledge. That was the only place Satan could deceive them as he did by taking the form of a snake. God knew that they would be perfectly safe if they did not touch the fruit. SRme 1.84