The Story of Redemption



The Lord told Moses exactly how the Israelites were to get ready for God to draw near to them. The people were to be ready to hear God's law spoken, not by angels but by the Lord Himself. SRme 1.565

The Lord said to Moses, "'Go to the people and tell them to spend today and tomorrow purifying themselves for worship. They must wash their clothes and be ready the day after tomorrow. On that day I will come down on Mount Sinai, where all the people can see Me'" (Ex. 19:10, 11, TEV). The Israelites were to spend the next few days preparing themselves to stand before God. They were to rest from work and the cares of life, and were to think about spiritual things. They were to wash their clothes. SRme 1.566

God is just as particular today as He was then. He is a God of order. He requires His people who now live on the earth to form habits of strict cleanliness. They must have clean bodies and clothing when they worship God. God is not pleased with lack of reverence for Him. He will not accept the service of worshipers who are dirty. People who are dirty when they worship God insult their Maker. The Creator of the heavens and of the earth considers cleanliness so important that He said to the Israelites, "'They must wash their clothes'" (Ex. 19:10). SRme 1.567

God said to Moses, "'Mark a boundary around the mountain that the people must not cross, and tell them not to go up the mountain or even get near it. If anyone sets foot on. . .[the mountain], he is to be put to death; he must either be stoned or shot with arrows, without anyone touching SRme 1.568

him. This applies to both men and animals; they must be put to death. But when the trumpet is blown, then the people are to go up [to] the mountain" (Ex 19:12, 13). SRme 1.569

This command was given to impress the minds of the rebellious Israelites with a deep reverence for God. God gave the laws and has the right to demand that the laws be obeyed. SRme 1.570