The Story of Redemption
I [Ellen White] saw Jesus take off His priestly clothes and put on His royal, kingly robes. On Jesus' head were many crowns. Jesus then left heaven surrounded by all the angels. SRme 1.1777
The plagues were falling on the wicked people. Some of the wicked people were cursing God. Others hurried to the people of God and pleaded to be taught how to escape God's judgments. But the righteous people could not help them now. The last tear for sinners had fallen. The last pleading prayer for sinners had been prayed. The last warning message had been given. The sweet voice of mercy no longer was inviting the wicked people to repent. The righteous people and all heaven had been interested in the salvation of the wicked people. The wicked people were told they could choose either life or death, but they were not interested in their own salvation. Many SRme 1.1778
*Jesus suffered death to atone for all the sins of all people. The people who reject Jesus' salvation will suffer the punishment for their own sins. The people who accept Jesus' sacrifice will be redeemed. Then Satan will suffer his final punishment. Satan started sin. God is fair in punishing Satan. Ellen White said that after the work of atonement in the heavenly sanctuary is ended, the sins of God's people will be laid on Satan. Satan is the scapegoat. (Read Leviticus 16:7- SRme 1.1779
10, 20-22). Everyone will know Satan is guilty for all the evil that he caused people to do. (Read The Great Controversy, page 658). SRme 1.1780
people desired life but made no effort to have eternal life. They did not choose life, and now Jesus' blood was not available to wash away their sins. No merciful Saviour was pleading, "Wait! Wait! Give the sinner a little more time." SRme 1.1781
All heaven had united with Jesus when they heard the words, "It is done! It is finished!" The plan of salvation was completed. Only a few people had chosen to accept the plan of salvation. Mercy's sweet voice was silent. Fear and horror filled the wicked people. With terrible clearness they heard the words, "Too late! Too late!" SRme 1.1782
People who had not loved God's Word were hurrying here and there. From sea to sea, from east to west, they searched for the Word of the Lord. The angel said, "They shall not find the Word of God. A famine is in the land--not a famine for bread or water. The famine is to hear the Words of God. The wicked people would give everything for one word of approval from God! But they will not find God. Day after day the wicked have refused to think about salvation. They have loved earthly riches and pleasure more than any heavenly treasure. The wicked people have rejected Jesus and hated His people. The wicked people must remain wicked forever." SRme 1.1783
Many of the wicked people became very angry as they suffered the results of the plagues. The experience was terrible. Parents blamed their children. Children blamed their parents. Brothers and sisters blamed one another. Crying and loud voices were heard in every direction saying, "It was you who kept me from accepting the truth. If I had believed God's last warning message, I would not be in this terrible trouble." SRme 1.1784
Many people turned to their ministers with bitter hate and blame. "You did not warn us of these plagues. You told us that all the world would be converted. You preached, 'Peace, peace!' to keep us from being afraid. You said the people who tried to warn us were fanatics and evil men. You said that if we believed their message our lives would be ruined." I [Ellen White] was shown that the ministers would not escape the punishments of God. The suffering of the ministers was ten times greater than that of their followers. SRme 1.1785