The Story of Redemption



Herod ruled Judea and Galilee under the Roman emperor Claudius. Herod said he was a convert to the Jewish faith. He tried to make sure all the ceremonies of the law to be kept. Herod was eager for the Jews to like him so that his position with the emperor would be safe. Herod persecuted Christ's church because persecuting Christians pleased the Jews. Herod robbed the houses and goods of the believers, then put some of the leaders of the church in prison. SRme 1.1336

Herod caught James and put him in prison. Then Herod had James killed with a sword, just as another Herod had caused John the Baptist's head to be cut off. The Jews were pleased with these acts, so Herod put Peter in prison also. These cruel acts were done during the sacred time of the Passover. SRme 1.1337

The Jews praised Herod for killing James. But some people complained that James should have been killed in public. Killing James in public would have been a bigger threat to the Christians. The people who sympathized with the Christians would have been afraid. Herod planned to please the Jews by killing Peter in public. SRme 1.1338

But Herod's advisors warned that it would not be wise to kill the old apostle in public. Peter's age might excite the Jews to pity and respect. Also, Peter might make one of his powerful speeches. The Jewish leaders were clever but they could not argue successfully against Peter's speeches. Peter's speech might make the people want to learn more about the life and character of Jesus Christ. The people might demand that the king free Peter. SRme 1.1339

The day for Peter to be killed was delayed until after the Passover. This delay gave the believers time for deep heartsearching and earnest prayer. Strong pleas, tears, and fasting were mixed together. Prayers were offered for Peter without stopping. The believers felt that Peter was needed for the work. The believers also felt that without the special help of God at this time the young church would be destroyed. SRme 1.1340

At last the day for Peter to be killed was selected. The believers kept praying to heaven, using all their sympathies and strength. Angels of God were protecting Peter in prison. SRme 1.1341

Man's greatest need is God's opportunity! SRme 1.1342

Peter was placed between two soldiers. He was tied with two chains. Each chain was fastened to the wrist of one of the soldiers. Peter could not move without the soldiers knowing he had moved. The prison doors were tightly locked. A strong guard stood before the doors. Because of the guards and locked doors, there was no human way that Peter could escape or be rescued. SRme 1.1343

But Peter was not frightened by his situation. Peter had been very brave ever since he had been truly converted after he had denied knowing Jesus. Peter had shown great courage and boldness in preaching about a crucified, risen Saviour who has gone to heaven. Peter believed the time had now come when he was to die for Christ. SRme 1.1344

Herod remembered when Peter and John escaped from prison. Now Herod was very careful to keep Peter from escaping. The soldiers on guard were responsible for the safekeeping of the prisoner. Sixteen men were ordered to guard Peter's cell, four at a time, relieving each other at regular times. SRme 1.1345

The night before Peter was to die, Peter slept between two soldiers, tied with chains. Peter's cell was cut out of rock. The door was strongly bolted and barred. No human being could save Peter. The strong efforts to keep Peter in prison would make God's triumph greater in delivering Peter. Herod was lifting his hand against the Almighty God. Herod was to be humiliated and defeated in trying to kill God's servant. SRme 1.1346