The Story of Redemption



Paul now returned to Damascus from Arabia and preached boldly in the name of Jesus. The Jews could not win arguments with Paul, so they decided to silence Paul's voice by violence. They decided to kill Paul. The Jews had the gates of Damascus guarded day and night to keep Paul from escaping, but Paul learned what was happening. SRme 1.1263

The believers in Damascus were worried about Paul, so they came together to pray. The believers slept little, for they were busy trying to find a way for Paul to escape. One night the believers let Paul down in a basket from a window in the wall. Paul escaped from the city in this humiliating way. SRme 1.1264

Paul went to Jerusalem to meet with the apostles. Paul especially wanted to meet Peter. Peter was a the Galilean fisherman who had lived, prayed, and talked with Jesus. Paul wanted to meet the chief of the apostles. SRme 1.1265

Paul entered Jerusalem with very different feelings and thoughts about the city and the temple than when he had left. Paul now knew the judgment of God was hanging over the city and temple. SRme 1.1266

The Jews were very angry because of Paul's conversion. But Paul stood firm as a rock. Paul felt sure that when he told his friends of his wonderful experience, they would believe on Jesus. Paul had been sincere in his rejection of Jesus and His followers. When the Lord showed Paul his sin, Paul immediately left his evil ways and accepted the faith of Jesus. Paul was eager for the people with whom he had worked to see the great change in him. Now Paul was not the proud Pharisee who had delivered to die the people who believed Jesus was God's Son. SRme 1.1267

Paul tried to meet with the believers and the apostles. Paul's disappointment was great when he found that the believers would not receive him as one of their group. The believers remembered how Paul had persecuted Christians. The believers thought Paul was trying to deceive them and destroy them. The believers had heard of Paul's wonderful conversion. Then Paul had immediately gone into Arabia. The believers had heard nothing more about him. They decided the news of Saul's [Paul's] conversion was not true. SRme 1.1268