The Story of Redemption



Peter and John were arrested and put in prison. The Sanhedrin (governing council) was called together to have a trial. Many educated men were called to meet with the Sanhedrin. The Jewish leaders discussed what to do with the apostles. The leaders said the apostles were disturbing the peace. SRme 1.1148

"That night an angel of the Lord opened the prison gates, led the apostles out, and said to them, 'Go and stand in the Temple, and tell the people all about this new life.' The apostles obeyed, and at dawn they entered the Temple and started teaching" (Acts 5:19-21). SRme 1.1149

The believers were filled with wonder and joy when they saw and heard how the apostles got out of prison. Peter and John told the believers that an angel had delivered them. The angel took Peter and John past the soldiers guarding the prison and told them to continue their preaching. SRme 1.1150

The priests and rulers in council accused the apostles of four crimes. The apostles were accused of starting a rebellion and murdering Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:1-11) They also were accused of trying to take away the priests' power and of planning to put the priests to death. SRme 1.1151

The council members hoped that when the people heard these four charges they would become angry. They hoped the angry people would then become a mob that would treat the apostles in the same way they had treated Jesus. SRme 1.1152

The council knew many people did not believe in Jesus. But these people were tired of being ruled by the Jewish leaders. These people were eager for a change. The leaders feared that these people might accept Jesus as their Saviour, and then the anger of all the Jews would be turned against the leaders. If the people were angry at the leaders, the leaders would be accused of murdering Jesus. So, the council decided to do what they could to stop the apostles work. SRme 1.1153

The council sent soldiers to the prison to bring Peter and John for trial. The guard returned and reported that the prison doors were found firmly locked and the soldiers were standing guard by the prison doors. But the prisoners were gone. The leaders were amazed. SRme 1.1154

After a while someone came in and reported, "'Listen! The men you put in prison are in the Temple teaching the people!'" (Acts 5:25). The apostles had been delivered from prison by a miracle. But God did not prevent Peter and John from being beaten and facing a trial. Christ had said when He was with them, "'You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils'" (Mark 13:9, NIV). God had given the apostles a sign of His care and His presence. He had sent an angel to take them out of prison. Now the apostles would have to suffer for the Jesus they preached about. The people were interested in what the apostles were doing, so the leaders knew they would have difficulty turning the people against the apostles. SRme 1.1155