An Earnest Appeal



Dear brethren, may God give you to see and realize the magnitude and importance of the work in all its branches. May you ever be imbued with the spirit of the work, and feel and know in your own minds and hearts that it is the work of God. This being, in an eminent sense, the work of God, men must be careful not to take glory to themselves when the Lord works through them in its prosperity. Whatever has been done in this cause from the first, however wearing, requiring the most self-sacrificing effort, has been accomplished because the Lord was in it. Let his name be glorified. EAAP 33.1

And while we regret our want of faith to endure the trials of the past, at the same time, in calling to remembrance the former days, in the early history of this cause, we find comfort and courage in the Lord. We must not be denied the pleasure of recounting the mercies of the Lord to us in our humble efforts to build up the cause from the very first. EAAP 33.2

By the grace of God, we were enabled to earn the money at chopping cord wood that took us to the first Conference of believers in the third message, in the year 1848. And by his grace, we earned the money at mowing grass to furnish ourselves with second-hand and other cheapest clothing, and to pay our fare to the second Conference, held in Western New York the same year. EAAP 34.1

Those were happy days. It was our joy to preach the truth then, to even a very few, after paying our fare on second-class cars and canal boats, from money thus earned. EAAP 34.2

Our earliest friends in the cause, now living, will bear us witness that, for the first years of our labors in the cause, we preached from town to town, and from State to State, much of the time with patches on knees, elbows, and toes of our boots. EAAP 34.3

We learned how to trust in God in those days, and felt the blessedness of perfect trust. We knew what it was to suffer hunger from want of convenient food, and cold from want of proper clothing, and to work, day after day, week after week, and year after year, from fifteen to eighteen hours each day, besides the arduous labors of the Sabbath meetings. EAAP 34.4

Thank God that twenty-five years of the very best of life have gone into the cause of the third message. We only regret that it has not always been with a cheerful, hopeful, trusting spirit. During the past year, we have had seasons of close examination, and repentance before God, and have had the most gracious manifestations of the pitying love of Christ. EAAP 34.5

And let it be distinctly understood that we are not conscious of doing our brethren any injustice. Our sin has been against God, in suffering the wrongs of others to depress, and cut off living faith in his providential care. For this, we have felt deep sorrow of heart, and have humbled ourself greatly before God, and have the clearest assurance that he accepts our confessions and humiliation. EAAP 35.1

And we would say to those who are disposed to act a similar part to that of Shimei to repenting David, If the Lord suffer them to triumph over our humiliation, let them triumph. In the language of David: “It may be that the Lord will look upon mine affliction, and that the Lord will requite me good for their cursing.” See 2Sam., chap. 16. EAAP 35.2

But as our chief labors and cares have been for our publishing work, we wish to speak more particularly as to it. When we established the press at Rochester, N. Y., in 1852, we had not means to pay freight on household goods. We waited and prayed a day for help. Next day we took a letter from the post-office from sister Howland, then of Topsham, Me., containing $5.00. This was unexpected. With this we paid freight, and had six shillings left, with which we purchased Mrs. W. a set of second-hand, wood-seated chairs. They were odds and ends, no two of them being alike. Soon we were able to purchase two bedsteads at twenty-five cents each. We took our first meals on a fireboard, placed upon the head of an old flour barrel. And as we partook of our frugal meals, we felt that God was good. We added furniture and the necessaries of life as we were able to get them. EAAP 35.3

Some of our brethren who know nothing by experience of our toils and wants in the early history of the cause, seem disturbed at our relation of them. We boast in the Lord of the grace that has been given us, and by his grace our people shall soon have a book full of the facts and incidents to which we look back with greatest pleasure. EAAP 36.1

Above all things, we have dreaded to become a church pauper, or a church pet. And, although we have helped other ministers to homes, with our means, and with our influence, the thought never entered our mind or the mind of Mrs W., in our poverty, to have the brethren help us to a home. It is true that during our extreme sickness, and reduced circumstances about six years since, our people helped us by donations amounting to nearly $1,000. This we offered to pay back to the donors, or to put into the cause two dollars for one. No one has called for their donations. And within the four years past, we have put into the several branches of the cause the sum of $3,000, which is three dollars for one. And now, be it known to all persons who have donated to our personal wants, that we are ready at any time before the first day of January, 1874, to pay back to them two dollars for every one we have received from them. And our firm principles, to stand for the right, irrespective of the love of friends and the hatred of enemies, and not swerve to the right nor to the left, spoils us for a church pet. EAAP 36.2

Of those brethren who have been helped to homes, we would say that, in our opinion, the act injured most of them. Some of them have been but very little help to the cause since that time. In particular, we suggest that the brethren in the States of Iowa and New York have been greatly imposed upon. Those ministers accepted responsibilities that are on record above, and the matter will have to be met, either by a proper course in this life, or by the results of the Judgment settlement, very soon. EAAP 36.3

And we would also suggest that it would be highly proper for those who have it in their hearts to refund means given them in a home, to first offer it to the donors. Those brethren whom we had helped to get homes when they were in the enjoyment of health would have found a precious blessing in refunding it when we were sick, and so reduced that we sold furniture, carpets, and next, our dear home in Battle Creek. But God has greatly blessed us, and has raised us above want, so that we have a competency. And the Battle Creek church, to whom we had preached, and for whom we had labored more than ten years without remuneration, when we should have been resting from office labors, lost a great blessing when they let us sell our home, and go from their midst in our affliction. Instead of giving us sympathy and support, they gave their sympathy to those who hated us, simply because we bore that testimony which was true in their cases. And our enemies everywhere are indebted to that people, and to their sympathizers, for the falsehoods that have gone out unfavorable to us. These things have been most oppressive and cruel. But, thank God, a record has been kept of their course and of ours, and the God of all the earth will do right. EAAP 37.1

We do not say that the prophet Isaiah wrote his fifty-eighth chapter especially for the church at Battle Creek; but we do say that their covetous neglect and oppression above mentioned, the treatment of the lamented Hannah Moore, and of orphans we have brought into their midst, and now their proclamations of fasts while they do not from the heart do those things which constitute an acceptable fast to the Lord, should make the appeal and the promises of that chapter, of great interest to that church. EAAP 38.1

God speaks to that people: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?” EAAP 38.2

And our heart leaps with joy as we read the promised blessing to those who keep God’s glorious fast. Here they are. “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday. And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones; and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” EAAP 38.3

There are great blessings for our people everywhere, if they will seek them lawfully. The beloved John declares that “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” He states, also, that “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all,” and “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” But confessing one’s sins is generally hard work; and some would rather fast and make long prayers, if they can persuade themselves that such service will do as well. These need not wonder that the Lord does not hear them. Isaiah explains the matter fully. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” And because words are very cheap, others will with-hold their tithes and offerings, and take it out in praying; and they wonder, and mourn, and almost murmur, that the Lord does not hear their prayers. Malachi meets their case completely. “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse; for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of Heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” EAAP 39.1

Prayer is a sacred duty, in its proper time and place; but it was never designed to take the place of justice, benevolence, true repentance, and mercy. Let those who are praying against the closed Heaven, while their hearts are darkened and hardened with sins of omission and commission, get up from their knees, and confess their sins, and first do those things which will open the windows of Heaven. Then prayer will be easy, and the blessing will be poured out. EAAP 40.1

We have no property east of the Mississippi river, and we do not expect to sustain that close relation to the work at head-quarters that we have in time past. And we wish here to make a statement of facts in regard to the Publishing Association. EAAP 40.2

In another place, we stated that our people had for the past twenty-one years, from first to last, put into the Association, in donations, legacies, and shares of stock, the sum of $36,000. To this has been added, notwithstanding the high prices during the war, and bad management by others during our sickness after the war, the sum of $37,000. EAAP 40.3

But in this no account is made of the value that exists in the business itself, in lists of subscribers, copy-right of publications, etc. This is really worth not less than one-half as much more as the entire amount of property invoiced. No competent judge of what publishers call the “good will” of such a flourishing publishing house, would set its value less than $35,000. But we will call the entire value of the Association only $100,000. And the correctness of this estimate is further seen when it is understood that the annual earning of the Association is not less than $10,000 after meeting all expenses of every sort. The annual reports for the last four years have shown an increase in earnings of ten per cent on the capital invested. EAAP 40.4

And now, as we leave the personal charge of this work to the picked men at Battle Creek, we devoutly thank God that we are able to report to the friends of the cause, that we leave in their hands the property of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association to the amount of $100,000, which has cost our people $36,000. EAAP 41.1

In the building up of our publishing interests, several able writers have, by the grace of God, contributed invaluable articles to our periodicals, and works of real merit to our catalogue of publications. But these men have not borne the burdens, cares, and perplexities of the financial department. In fact, they were so free from all care of this branch of the work, that they gave no attention whatever to it. During the last year that Bro. Aldrich served as President, $4,000 of the capital stock of the Association were sunk, when there should have been a gain, at ten per cent earned on the property invested, that year, of $3,500. Several of our ablest writers were associated in office with Bro. Aldrich; and none of them took the trouble to care and know how matters were going. If credit is to be given to these brethren for the financial prosperity of the Association, then, we inquire, Where were they during the year when $4,000 capital stock was lost, when there should have been a gain of $3,500 at least? EAAP 41.2

As far as human agencies are concerned, much credit should be given to sister A. P. Van Horn, who filled the responsible position of Secretary with ability and the greatest care; and in our absence and our feebleness, matured plans for the general management, and after submitting them to us, with our approval, executed them. EAAP 42.1

But let all our people understand that it is because God has especially blessed and directed those who have had a heart to labor and suffer, and sacrifice all that makes this life of any value — health — is the reason why prosperity has crowned their efforts. This is God’s work, and let him have the glory. EAAP 42.2

Those who are compelled to leave the personal care of the work, under most painful circumstances as regards health, cheerfully and confidingly trust themselves in the hands of God. If our people are not just with them at present, God will be. And his people will see the day when they will properly value their labors. EAAP 42.3

We have made sacrifices to build up our Health Institute, such as is not in our power to do again. Yet, as we now have faithful, representative men at Battle Creek, to guard our institutions there, our interest in it is greater than when more or less doubt existed as to its prosperity and the great good it is destined to accomplish. EAAP 42.4

About four years since, by bad management, the Health Institute and the Reformer were brought into most discouraging circumstances; so much so, that we at one time decided in our own mind that the property must be sold, and after paying heavy debts, a small per cent be refunded to stockholders. The prospect was most gloomy. Mrs. W. had made important statements, upon high authority, relative to the Institute and its work, the fulfillment of which seemed doubtful. EAAP 42.5

But at the very time when the prospect looked the most doubtful, when bowed at the family altar, the Spirit of the Lord came upon us, faith revived, and with a clear presentiment of the future prosperity of the Institute, we gave this testimony in the hearing of our family, while still bowed on our knees, “God will yet vindicate all that his Spirit has testified of the prosperity and usefulness of our Health Institute.” EAAP 43.1

At that time, there was a debt on the Institute of $13,000, and but eight patients. The confidence of our people in the Health Reformer and the Health Institute was being shaken, and many were discontinuing the Reformer. We clearly saw that the prosperity of the Institute depended very much upon the character and tone of the Reformer. If that journal should improve and prosper, the Institute would prosper. Should it run down, and be discontinued, the Institute would have to be closed up. EAAP 43.2

Mrs. W. decided to unite her energies with ours to improve the Reformer, and to extend its circulation. God blessed our efforts. The circulation of the Reformer was soon doubled, and, with the assistance of several contributors, and the blessing of God, it became a live journal. We also united our efforts at the Health Institute as counselors, and often spoke to the patients in the parlor as we could steal a half hour from other pressing duties. EAAP 43.3

Confidence soon became restored in the Institute, and, in consequence of the wide circulation of the Reformer, patients came pouring in, so that most of the time for three years there have been as many as desired. The Institute has paid the $13,000 debt, amounting, including interest, to at least $15,000. And it has purchased, built, repaired, and fitted up rooms to the amount of $15,000 more. EAAP 44.1

That the Institute might be able to relieve those who had taken stock which they were not able to hold, and to set an example to others, we took $500 more stock, making $1,000 held by Mrs. W. and ourself. But is has been difficult to raise much new stock. So, at a still later period, we took $500 more, making $1,500, and urged the friends of the Institute to come up liberally. But most of the new stock taken for several years has been simply transferred from those who were not able to hold it as a virtual donation. EAAP 44.2

And here we wish to state that, although we had nothing to do whatever in inducing poor people to take stock in the Institute with the hope that they would receive large interests, we have taken $1,000 more in stock than we are able to hold, for the sake of relieving those poorer than ourselves; while those who framed the organization, and who committed the error, have, as yet, done little or nothing to relieve those who were deceived by extravagant representations of profits. EAAP 44.3

When we took charge of the Reformer, the number of paying subscribers was small, so that the journal was hardly self-sustaining, and some of our ministers suggested that it be discontinued, and a hygienic department be opened in the Review. But the increase was so very rapid that the profits on the Reformer, health books, etc., in the period of two years, were $5,000. EAAP 44.4

Many grateful thanks to those brethren who wrote for the Reformer, and assisted in obtaining subscribers. But besides these, no one, not even the Health Institute, lifted a hand to earn the $5,000. The Reformer had called patronage so that the Institute had paid its debts, and had purchased, and built, and fitted up, largely. The Reformer had advertised the Institute free; and now, here are $5,000 profits on it, books, etc. Does justice inquire, Whose was the $5,000? Let justice answer. But we took the $5,000 we had earned at the expense of health, and paid ourself for our last home in Battle Creek, and gave a deed to the Health Institute. EAAP 45.1

As we are compelled to leave the work at headquarters to others, and, judging from the past, our acts in connection with it to be criticised and misrepresented, we feel a relief in stating foregoing facts, for the information of the true friends of the cause. These we wish to save from the influence of those who would misrepresent us. It is a painful necessity which demands such explanations in matters pertaining so largely to one’s self. But there are those among Seventh-day Adventists who would take advantage of our silence to misrepresent us, or, if we state facts, they will charge us with self-praise. These we do not expect to help. They will try to make capital out of our silence, or our defense. EAAP 45.2

But this is probably the last statement of the kind we shall ever make. EAAP 46.1

As we lay off the armor from sad necessity, we shall look to you, dear brethren, of the General Conference Committee, the picked men at Battle Creek, and the committees of the several State Conferences, to defend us and care for us. You know our toils and sacrifices, and we confide in you to do justice by us. We also confide to your care the institutions which have occupied the best of our life, and in which we have crowded the strength of two years into one. Beware of putty men, two-faced men, and men given to change. Depend upon it, men of iron and steel are wanted at Battle Creek, who will, at the same time, deal justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. EAAP 46.2

If the Lord looks upon our affliction, and gives us strength to labor, we may go where the brethren fully open the way for us, and remain, God willing, while they care for us. Our day for pressing the battle, and urging our way through, is past. EAAP 46.3

Dear brethren, we wish to guard you against the attacks of Satan. We call your attention to the charge that we complain of brethren for not taking responsibilities; and then, when they do, they are severely censured if they err in judgment. To this we reply that when the men who had watched us, and had given their influence to those who had murmured against us, during the first twelve years of our hardest toils, did assume responsibilities during our sickness which terribly injured the cause, we were probably too willing that they should feel their wrong, and that they should learn the cruelty of holding in doubt, and casting an influence against, those who were doing their duty as God had called them. But where is the man we have cast a feather’s weight of blame upon while sincerely doing his duty. As we have ever said, so we repeat: Those who have been thrust into the battle, as we have been, and as Brn. Butler and Haskell now are, should be sustained in their faithful efforts to do their duty, as long as they are held in office, should they err in judgment once in three times. EAAP 46.4

Second, We are charged with injuring the cause by harsh dealing with brethren. Now, if this be true, it is an easy matter to prove it. Mrs. W. has labored by our side from State to State, and from church to church, for twenty-four years, and it has been our specific work to correct errors, allay fanaticism, and deal with unruly spirits. EAAP 47.1

“By their fruits ye shall know them.” Let the order, unity, and the comparative efficiency of our people, testify to this point. This, brethren, is a trick of Satan, manifested in a bold falsehood. What churches have we divided and scattered? You know that our work has been to remove errors and difficulties from among the people of God, and bring them to a state of unity. God has wonderfully blessed our efforts to do this, and let his dear name have the praise. Beware of a feigned, sanctimonious fear of Bro. White in that class who choose this as their best plan to deceive you, and wickedly cast a false impression and fear upon others. EAAP 47.2

J. W.