An Earnest Appeal



There was a commendable zeal in raising the book fund when the enterprise was first started, and much good was done by the circulation of our works before the T. and M. Society was established. But, very soon, discouragements arose relative to tract distribution on individual responsibility, as tracts were claimed by persons who proved to be so unworthy as to do more harm than good in tract and missionary labor. It was soon seen that organized effort was necessary to do this work properly. And the more we see the workings of our Tract and Missionary Society, the more we admire, and thank God for, the organization. EAAP 32.1

Our brethren can now add their donations to the Book Fund with the assurance that they will be used judiciously, to the glory of God. This work is now under the direction of men of judgment and of piety. They must have the books, in English, German, French, Danish, Swedish, etc. God help. Let the fund in hand, of $5,000, be expended, and let $25,000 take its place during the year 1874. Should all our people come up to the figures on S. B., so that there might be a surplus in the hands of the General Conference to be able to make an appropriation of a few thousands to the Book Fund. The time is not far distant when our soundest men will feel compelled to leave their farms and shops to go everywhere to converse with the people, and circulate our works. God help us, as a people, to feel the importance of our mission. EAAP 32.2