The Gift of Prophecy (The Role of Ellen White in God’s Remnant Church)

Chapter 12—The Blessings of the Prophetic Gift

In the winter of 1849-1850, James and Ellen White were laboring for souls in Oswego, New York. 1 While they were there, a revival was started in one of the Protestant churches by a layman who was the county treasurer. This man seemed to have a great burden for the unconverted. GP 106.1

A young man, Hiram Patch, and his fiancee were wondering whether they should cast their lot with the revival or join with the Sabbath keeping Adventists. In vision Ellen White was shown the true character of the man conducting the revival, and she told Hiram Patch that she had been instructed to say to him, “Wait a month, and you will know for yourself the character of the persons who are engaged in this revival, and who profess to have such a great burden for sinners. He has no real burden for sinners.” At this Mr. Patch replied, “I will wait.” GP 106.2

Two weeks later, a blood vessel burst in the stomach of the treasurer- revivalist, and he was confined to his bed. When others took over his work at the county office, they discovered that the county funds were a thousand dollars short. An inquiry made by the sheriff brought only solemn denials from the treasurer of any knowledge about the missing money—until another officer observed the treasurer’s wife hastily hiding something in a snowbank and found it to be a bag containing the money. Needless to say, the revival collapsed, and Hiram Patch and his fiancee, with the words of the prediction still fresh in their ears, became fruitful members of the remnant church. This experience of a prediction fulfilled within two weeks after the words were spoken inspired confidence in the hearts of the onlookers. GP 106.3

Not only was Ellen White’s counsel helpful to many individuals with whom she came in contact, but her many contributions to the Seventh-day Adventist Church have been invaluable. She helped the church grow in recognition of its God-given mission; in the educational, health, and publishing branches of its work; and in meeting theological challenges. GP 107.1