The Gift of Prophecy (The Role of Ellen White in God’s Remnant Church)


Pentecostalism and the Seventh-day Adventist Church

What relevance does the charismatic movement with its signs and wonders have for the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Are we in any way affected by it? Unfortunately, we are not immune to what is happening in other churches. GP 35.5

In recent years, a number of congregations in the United States have left the Seventh-day Adventist denomination and become independent churches. In all cases, new worship styles and other charismatic influences were partly responsible for their separation. One Adventist pastor, for example, appointed a Pentecostal pastor to lead the worship praise music. When the conference asked him not to use the Pentecostal worship leader and to change the direction he was taking his church, he refused. Because of his insubordination, his employment was then terminated, but about a hundred people left with him and formed a congregational Seventh-day Adventist church. GP 36.1

Eoin Giller, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor and Bible teacher from Australia, was dismissed from the ministry in America because he began holding healing services and speaking in tongues. He claims to have the gift of healing, the gift of tongues, and the gift of prophecy—no, more than that: he claims to have been given the prophetic office. GP 36.2

In January 1996, Giller and his wife went to Toronto for the second anniversary of the Toronto Blessing. Of his experience he said, GP 36.3

While we were travelling the Lord told me He was going to reveal my prophetic calling publicly. . . . After Dr. R. T. Kendall’s powerful sermon, Dr. Paul Cain stepped to the platform and began to speak words of public prophecy. Dr. Cain is a vindicated prophet of long standing, deeply respected by millions in the Body of Christ. Ella and I were seated near the back of the auditorium in a crowd of 2,500 people. Neither of us had registered in the conference, and Dr. Cain did not know us. Before that large audience, Dr. Cain called for me to stand, recounted our background in Arizona, told me my age when I was first anointed by the Holy Spirit (prior to my fiery baptism in the Spirit), and named Ella. He stated, “Let nothing discourage you or deter you because this is true prophetic gifting that is upon you. You will be known as a prophet of the Lord.” 13 GP 36.4

At a meeting of more than a thousand evangelical and Pentecostal/char- ismatic ministers and members in Rochester, N.Y., Giller saw a Pentecostal minister washing the feet of a young Baptist pastor. GP 36.5

As the two men washed each other’s feet, the Spirit of the Lord fell on me in the gallery up in the back of the church. He told me, “This is a wedding, not a foot-washing. Every wedding is made by a third party. You are the third party. As I took Pastor Sheets to England, so I have brought you to America to help make this marriage. Since early this century, the adversary has focused on keeping the Spirit and the Truth separate. These days are over. I am putting the Spirit and the Truth together in My Church. The Evangelicals with the Gospel are to join with the Charismatics in the Spirit. I seek worshippers who will worship Me in Spirit and in truth. Go down and announce this marriage to this church, this city and this nation. GP 37.1

Giller delivered the message, and then, GP 37.2

he says, as I walked off the platform, the Lord said, “Get out of the church.” I walked straight out of the building into the night. While I was alone outside, the Lord spent forty minutes giving me specific details about the role He wants the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its leadership to play in the forthcoming marriage. That’s when I said to Him, “Lord it ain’t [sic] going to work. They’ll never do it, they’re too proud.” Then He said sharply, “You mind your business, and I’ll mind Mine! Do what I tell you.” In His mercy, the Lord has shown me what will happen if the church leaders fail Him in this momentous hour. The marriage will take place. 14 GP 37.3