The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White



The objector consoles himself again with the thought that there is something more out of joint with the visions. He says: “Her visions on slavery in the United States have been proven false by recent facts.” To which we reply, that recent facts prove no such thing. The only declaration that referred to slavery at the time it was written is this: “It looked to me like an impossibility now for slavery to be done away.” This was shown in 1862, and published in Testimony No. 7, page 19. It was spoken in reference to the South as their selfish love of slavery was set before her in vision, and the desperate measures they would adopt to preserve the institution, before they would give it up. To illustrate this case, she was pointed back to Pharaoh and his dealings with the Israelites as they came out of Egypt. And as the scene passed before her and she saw the fiendish spirit of the slaveholders, and their unscrupulous determinations, she says is looked to her like an impossibility for slavery to be done away. Well now, could not slavery be done away without proving it false that it at that time appeared to her that such a thing was impossible? Is it on such shallow objections as this, that we are called upon to give up the visions? But it does not yet appear that slavery is really dead. Men of quite as much erudition and scope of discernment as any who are now engaged in a petty warfare against the visions, assert and reiterate, from personal knowledge of things in the South, that slavery is as much a fact to-day, in some portions of those States, as it was five years ago; that it is abolished only in name. It is beginning to look even to some of these, like an impossibility, under the present state of things, for it to be done away. VEGW 52.1

But there is another testimony that is brought in, in this connection. Experience and Views, page 18: “Then commenced the Jubilee when the land should rest. I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory, and shake off the chains that bound him, while his wicked master was in confusion, and knew not what to do; for the wicked could not understand the voice of God. Soon appeared the great white cloud,” etc. But how, we would like to know, is this “proved to be false by the recent events in the United States?” It cannot be proved to be false till we have passed the time to which it applies; and when is that? It is right down at the end, at the voice of God, in close connection with the appearing of the Saviour. And, we inquire further, even if slavery in this country should be, for the time being, entirely abolished, as we trust and pray that it may be, that the poor bondman may have an opportunity to learn the truth, would it not be possible for it to be revived again before the coming of the Lord? At that time the world will be sunk to an unparalleled degree in every species of wickedness; and can we suppose that the system of slavery, which so panders to all the grosser lusts of the depraved and carnal heart, will be unknown in the midst of that wickedness? Will men become so extremely virtuous on this point? It is not at all probable. If we understand this vision aright, and Revelation 6:15 aright, there will be bondmen on the earth when the Lord appears. VEGW 53.1