The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White



On this point the objector says: “She teaches, contrary to the Bible on the subject of immortality, that even the endless life in the eternal state may cease and waste away.” We reply, She teaches no such thing; and they who assert it, do, or might, know better. To what do they refer for proof of this? To what she says about Adam in the garden of Eden: “In order for man to possess an endless life, he must continue to eat of the tree of life. Deprived of that tree, his life would gradually wear out.” Gifts,Vol.3, p.64. This is spoken of Adam in his probationary state in Paradise. But we would inform our astute reasoners that Adam on probation in the garden of Eden, and a redeemed saint in glory, are two things. This declaration has no reference to the eternal state. Could they not see this? Or is it their pleasure to pervert and misrepresent? Their conclusion is six thousand years from their premises; and if this is a specimen of the discernment in opposing the visions, the sooner they retire from the arena the better for the reputation as candid reasoners, or even honest men. VEGW 51.1