The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White



It is alleged that it was shown in vision, in 1849, that the time of trouble had commenced. The authority given is some expressions taken down as uttered in vision. Such detached declarations we cannot admit as proof of anything positive, because we do not know with what scenes they were connected in the vision, and hence are unable to locate them. We must have the whole vision with all its connections, and dependencies. For the sake, however, of not seeming to pass anything by without due consideration, we will admit the possibility of certain declarations having been made, and of their having reference to the time when they were spoken. The alleged expressions are these: “The time of trouble has commenced, it is begun. The reason why the four winds have not let go, is because the saints are not all sealed. It is on the increase, and will increase more and more. The trouble will never end till the earth is rid of the wicked. When Michael stands up, this trouble will be all over the earth.” Now what is proved by these expressions? It is proved that the special time of trouble such as never was, had not then commenced; for that does not take place till Michael stands up, according to Daniel 12:1; but the expression here is, “When Michael stands up this trouble will be all over the earth;” showing that Michael had not then stood up, and that the trouble referred to was only some local and particular trouble. Again, “The reason why the four winds have not let go,” etc. This again shows that the great time of trouble which is to be caused by the blowing of the winds had not then commenced. The word trouble is then used only in a secondary sense; and in that sense it was true, and still is true. The great outbreak in Europe, in 1848, marked the commencement of that time designated as the “anger of the nations.” Revelation 11:18. Since then they have been growing more and more angry. Distress of nations with perplexity has been increasing on the earth; and darker forebodings press more heavily continually on the hearts of men, just as the Saviour said it should be, when giving the signs of his coming. Within the past seventeen years every Adventist has reiterated all these things more than a thousand times; and we ask, Are they true or false? Now, shall we grow angry because it happened to be so seen in vision, and give it all up, although it has thus far been a cardinal point of our faith? VEGW 49.1