
Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 19 (1904)


Ms 151, 1904

Sermon/Sermon at Healdsburg, California Church

Healdsburg, California

March 27, 1904

Previously unpublished.

Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White at the Healdsburg, California Church

(Delivered 3:28 P.M., Sunday, March 27, 1904.)

We want to give this congregation today something right from Jesus Christ in His Word. First chapter of Revelation: “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him.” Verses 1-6 quoted. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 1

Verses 7-9. “For the Word of God (because He would keep that Word), and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 2

The opposing element that apostatized in the heaven above has been on the track of every soul that would be in favor of Jesus Christ and saved by Him. Satan is determined to block their way by his satanic emissaries and himself. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 3

Now here he says (John is speaking on that desolate island), verses 10-20. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 4

Revelation 2:1-3. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 5

There is a great commendation, certainly. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 6

Verse 4. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 7

There is a something that we cannot afford to leave behind anywhere. The first love is that which burns in our hearts, the converting power of God that has its efficiency in transforming our characters, transforming our life into His character. And what is the matter? Why, they have dropped that burning love out of their hearts. They had it. They were doing these things that God wanted them to do, but the love of God had dropped out, that love that God gave His Son to the world, that love: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, (thank God for that not) but have everlasting life.” [John 3:16.] That’s their Lord’s love. Now, “Thou has left thy first love. Remember, then, from whence thou hast fallen.” [Revelation 2:4, 5.] You cannot afford it. He let them know that they could not afford it. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 8

Verse 5. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 9

I will now pass over (I cannot go through that chapter) to the third chapter, which brings out some things which I wish to carry out more fully. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 10

Revelation 3:1.

That is a terrible position for a church to be in. They have a name to live, but they don’t earn it. They don’t do the works of the living church, and therefore He says, Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die; for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Verse 1, 2. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 11

Now let me say, dear friends, it does not pay for us to take the name “Christian” unless we are Christlike. Christ would have us have that living connection with Him that it is our privilege to have, every one of us, that living connection with God that braids our life in with Christ. We receive from Him as John was receiving from Him, to impart and to give to others. Now they were satisfied to keep these precious, glorious truths to themselves. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 12

Christ linked Himself with humanity. Why did He do it? Why did He come to our world? He stepped down from the royal throne. Why did He give up His high command in the heavenly courts? Why did He humble Himself in the form of humanity? It was to stand at the head of a fallen order. They must have a vitality and a power that they had not in themselves; therefore Christ laid off His golden crown, kingly crown, His royal, kingly robe, and clothed His divinity with humanity, and for our sakes He became poor, that we through His poverty might become rich. Rich in earthly treasures? No. Rich how? 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 13

The eternal life which measures with the life of God, is to be given to everyone who will wrestle against the temptations and the difficulties which they will have to meet in this world, and who will lay right hold upon the mighty One for strength. Then they will manifest to the world that Christ is working in behalf of His disciples to implant the truth, and the love that Christ had, in the heart of every receiver in the truth, that they should live by faith. What kind of faith? That faith that works by love and purifies the soul. It takes away the miserable selfishness which is seeking to implant itself in the human heart. Christ stands at the head of humanity, and every one of them may be partakers of the divine nature that is in Jesus Christ, having overcome the corruption that is in the world through lust. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 14

Now, we have enough to do, I am authorized to tell you; we have enough individually, that we should take right hold of our own cases, that we should humble our hearts before God. We should repent, for except you repent, He says, He will take the candlestick out of its place, except ye repent. You cannot afford to lose the bright light of the Sun of righteousness. We want that hope that lays hold upon immortality. What is our little life here good for? It is full of sickness and pain and suffering. Why? Because of our own sinful indulgence, the indulgence of appetite, the indulgence of liquor, the indulgence of tobacco, the indulgence of a great many unwholesome things. Now we have not any too much brain power, at the best; we have not any to lose; and the enemy puts these right before every one of you to tempt you. Well, He wants all there is of you. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 15

You are bought with a price; “Ye are not your own,” Christ says [1 Corinthians 6:19, 20]; “I will be a propitiation for their sins; I will give My life for the sins of the world.” That is what Christ says; “I will take their transgressions upon Myself; I will die in their behalf to impart unto them the power that God has given me that I shall bring them on the platform of eternal truth.” And then, after all this has been done by the Son of the Infinite God, and we have the history of His death upon the cross; we have the history of all this work that He has done in behalf of the fallen order. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 16

Let every soul of us consider that we are in partnership with Jesus Christ if we ever see the heavenly courts. Let every one of us lay right hold of the power of the Infinite One, so that we will be overcomers; we will connect with Christ. “Ye are laborers together with God.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.] Consider that—laborers together, together, take away that “together,” and what are you? Where is your strength? You may have all your ambitious plans, and you may design and determine a course of action that God has nothing to do with. You shut away God from your counsel, He cannot give you strength. What He wants is a humble, contrite people that God can be with, so that He can work in their behalf, that we can secure that life which measures with the life of God. That is what we want. If we lose heaven, we lose everything. But I will read a little further. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 17

Revelation 3:3. But now the subject changes. Verses 4, 5. Now that is a precious, glorious promise, and every soul of us ought to appreciate it. “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels.” There is what we want. That is why He came to our world—to give His life, a life of suffering, a life of constant labor, a life that was always touched with human woe, a heart full of human sympathy and tenderness, even for a little child, and for suffering humanity on every side. He had a work to do, and His disciples were learning His methods, and how to follow in the very line of work that He was doing. He came for only just a few years; just a few years was He with them. A little more than three years He was their educator, He was their teacher, and He took these right from the poor fishermen. Why? Why, because they would hear Him; they would be taught of Him. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 18

He called the fishermen, and He said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” [Matthew 4:19.] That was the order—He wanted to educate and train them to be fishers of men. And He could see that they would bring the sick, and He would heal every one of them, and after He had labored all day, they would keep bringing them—keep bringing them into the night hours—and He had no time for rest. But when He could get a little time, what did the disciples hear? He would go a little apart from them, and then He would pour out His soul to His Father, to give strength and power that He might endure in His humanity the very work that was united with His divinity, so that He could heal the sick and the suffering ones, wherever He might find them. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 19

What is our work? Although we may not work the miracles that Christ worked ... yet we can be attentive to the sick; we can see the suffering ones; we need not close ourselves up in our own garments. We need not devote all the means that we have to make ourselves comfortable. No. What do we want? We want the heart of Christ. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 20

He might have had angels, thousands of angels, to escort Him on His track; but no; but no; He chose to come and be born of poor parentage. Why? Why? Because if every Christian believer, had riches, and if there was not misfortune upon them, there would be those all around them that would need words of comfort and encouragement, and the very poor were not to be despised. That is why He was born of poor parentage, to take away the excuse from the church of exalting themselves because they had money, because they had property that would give them a high standing in society. But what is it that gives them the high standing before God? Is it property? Why, that is all the Lord’s. Not a dollar of it is yours. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 21

Your breath is the Lord’s; your strength is the Lord’s; you could not live a moment unless He was working constantly to keep vitality in your body, to keep the heart in motion, and to take care of you. And what are you doing to repay for this life that He is preserving, that you may do good and repent and be converted? What we need is the converting power of God, every single moment, upon our life. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 22

It is not the money that makes the man, the character. No; it is the man that forms a character after the divine similitude. That is what will meet the mind of God, and what He wants every one of us to meet. The value must be in the soul of the man, the clear soul, the soul that is free, the soul that is washed, the soul that is cleansed. It is this that heaven values, and your property and your money belong to the Lord. If you are wasting it, you will have to give an account for every dollar that has robbed the churches of the very means that they should have to work for the salvation of human souls. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 23

“Why,” say some as they write to me, “Mrs. White, are you a millionaire?” After my husband’s death, I had been a pioneer in Australia, to establish right in 1500 acres of land a school, a meetinghouse, a sanitarium. And I worked there, and when my money was expended, I sent right to those that had confidence in me, and I hired of them money to put into circulation, and I did expend it. And now these places are established; also the places where they assured me would do nothing because of their poverty. It is marvelous, it is marvelous. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 24

The whole country of New South Wales, and all around Queensland, and all about this country, is a desert. “There has been no rain here for so long,” they stated. But here in the little spot in Cooranbong that is cultivated, and everything is green and bright and flourishing. They published that in their papers, and it is so. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 25

Well, why? We went according to the order of God. I would lay upon my bed, and we would plead with God. Our brethren would go out into the woods, and they would plead with God to send them means. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 26

“Elder Daniells,” said I, “what kind of a meetinghouse shall we have? What shall we have?” “Well,” said he, “we will have a long sort of building, and we will put boards right straight up and down. We have to meet somewhere, and that is what we will have.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 27

Well, I felt sick at the thought of it; but he could think of nothing else, and I did not know of anything else. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 28

I called the brethren together, and said I, “What are we going to do about this matter?” “Well,” said they, “we don’t know.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 29

“Well,” said I, “I propose we do something and do it at once.” “Now,” said I, “I am going out by faith. I am going to take my secretary, and I am going right through, right here, to everyone that has a living interest, and ask what they will do to build a meetinghouse.” “And,” said I, “when I get their names, then I will find out about the material.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 30

“Well,” said they, “we will, we have had three dollars a day; we will work for six dollars and give half of that.” “Well,” said I, “that is all we want.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 31

It happened that there was a flush of laborers. “Well,” said I, “that is all I want.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 32

The next two days I kept pleading with God, and there came 200 pounds from Africa. “Thank God,” said I, “we will make that go a good ways.” And thus it kept coming, little by little, until we have got a very nice meetinghouse; nothing extravagant. It is simple, but it is good and nice and convenient. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 33

We had to have a sanitarium, because I had made my house a hospital, and my secretary had been called out into the night and she would ride horseback for six or seven miles in the night to attend to the sick. She never received a cent. She would not take a cent. But there was a great reformation made there, after a little time. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 34

They told me when I came there, you cannot lay down a thing but what it would be stolen, and I thought so, when I sent 75 miles to get a few vegetables. My secretary and I rode six or eight miles to find some green thing. We had to send 75 miles to get these things. Well, we left it in our addition, a little wooden addition, overnight; and when we came to look in on our provisions, there were none there. We would take things out of our oven, and lay it on the table, and someone would slip around and take the whole dish and carry it off into the woods. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 35

We had to go four miles and a half to get to the station, and as we would go, often we would see a woman with a baby in her arms. We would say, Come right aboard, and we will take you to the station. And when we would see anyone with their loads and burdens, we would share our carriage with them. And we carried on that kind of work, and we visited the sick, the babies, and the grown people, and whoever there was. And every bill that they would have had to have made, if they had sent to Newcastle—it would be between four and five pounds—that is what the physician’s bill was. We asked nothing. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 36

Well, when we dedicated that house—well, before it was finished, these outsiders began to come in, and say, “We will give you a day, and we will do this, and we will do that.” We accepted their help gratefully, but when the time came that that meetinghouse was done, if ever there was a grateful people in the world, we were. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 37

And then when we got our hospital—how thankful we were again—a beautiful spot. And so we had school buildings, one, two, and three school buildings; and we commenced the school, and the school is flourishing. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 38

They wrote to me not long since. “How I wish you could see your home. I wish you could see how your orange trees are growing.” And all this they wanted us to see. We had told the legislature—they would keep coming up around to see how we were—“Come right into our orchard.” I left several trees for them to come in and fill their pockets, and then we would carry some here and there, and carry our peaches to different places; for, they said, You cannot do a thing but just a little lumber. That is about all they were doing. But oh, the splendid fruit—peaches that weighed one-half a pound—of the most beautiful, delicate coloring that I ever looked upon. And thus the legislature would bring around the different men in office, showing what could be done in the land. And that is what my farm was for—I had it for an object lesson. I lived there ten years, and I have been here about three years now. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 39

Well, now they ask if I am a millionaire. Why, to be a millionaire would not be the slightest temptation, for me to go through what I did. No. But it is more than that; it is to help souls, that they may have the light of truth, that they may see the King in His beauty, and His matchless charms, that they may be overcomers. Will money pay for that? Why, we might have all the money, and it would be of very little account, letting it lay aside, and do nothing. What we want is to impart, impart. We want to be not consumers merely, but producers, and we want every stroke to tell. And there we have meetinghouses, fifteen before we left Australia; there were schools—church schools. And I traveled, and continued to travel all the time I was there, until they felt that I should come to America, and we went. Here I am. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 40

Now I want to say, What will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? To think that Christ should bleed, and die that shameful death on Calvary, and we take no part; and we have no special interest in it. God help us that we may lay right hold upon the pain part of the business. Why, I am $20,000 in debt today. It does not worry me a particle, because I know that they know what I am doing with the money, and when they want it, I always have it; I always will obtain it for them. They never ask in vain. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 41

I was writing to one in my diary this morning, I was writing to a brother that says, I have some money, but I want to put it into land. I told him, We do not want to urge you to do anything for our work that we want to establish now in Washington; but we do want you to feel that you are amenable to Jesus Christ, who has given His life for souls, and that you will make some effort to place us in right position there with our printing office and our sanitarium. We have a nice church building just paid for, and in all the things that we need to establish the work there, we want help anywhere and everywhere that it may come. The souls we want to save. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 42

Some that are here know Mrs. White. They knew her husband, who has lain in the grave for 22 years. I put my hand in his when he was dying, and I said, Do you know me? He said Yes. He spoke my name. He said, “It is Ellen.” Now, said I, a little later on, as I saw he was sinking away, “Husband, do you know still?” He grasped my hand, but did not answer. Now I said, “I pledge to you who has always been the financier, that I will pioneer the work that you leave. We have carried it together, but I will carry forward that work.” And I have been doing it; and all I want is that the Lord shall accept my labors. He nodded his head and died. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 43

And now some say, “Why don’t you pray for Elder White to be raised up?” “Never,” said I, “he has passed through the pangs of death. Do you think I would have him back again to go through that death? No. Let him rest in the grave; I will do what I can.” God has spared my life, and I am now 76 years old, and I expect in a week or two to go to Washington to help them in pioneering the work that we shall establish there. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 44

Well, I want to say that souls are worth everything to us. I read, “Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy; he that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life; I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” [Revelation 3:4, 5.] Oh, if I can gather in the souls, that their names will be confessed, that they will not be blotted out, but they will be confessed, how happy shall I be. I have no desire to live in this life one moment longer than I can be a laborer together with God. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 45

Verses 6, 7. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 46

There is our power. By living faith we can send up our petitions to God. “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find.” [Matthew 7:7.] Now we have an open door, and no one can shut it. The devil can try, but we have access to the eternal, and we expect that He will give us the victory. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 47

[Revelation 3] Verse 8. Oh, that any one of us poor mortals can earn that commendation; it is worth more than gold and silver and precious stones. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 48

Verse 9. “Because (note the reason) thou hast kept,” etc. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 49

Verse 10. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 50

Every worker is to be proved, every individual worker. We must have the value in our own experience, by taking hold of the merits of the blood of a crucified and risen Saviour; and let me tell you, He loves us. What greater evidence could the world have than the Father to give His Son? What greater proof could be presented against the apostate, the infidel, and those that deny Christ? What greater evidence of the love of the infinite God than in giving His only begotten Son to come into this world to die for a race of rebels? I ask you if we are not to represent Christ in character? Are we not to encourage gratitude and thanksgiving? And why do we not praise God more, why do we not praise Him for the blessings that we already have? 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 51

I remember when we were few in number, only just a few; I remember when the blessing of God would come down; countenances would be illuminated, and right there would be the praise that was offered to God. It seemed as if the angels of God filled the room, and we did have the presence of our God with us. We were only a few in number, but we have held fast the truth that is for these last days, to be given the people to prepare for the coming of the Son of God in the clouds of heaven with power and with great glory. We want you to get ready. We want you to have the robe of Christ’s righteousness. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 52

Well, now, a few words more: 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 53

Verse 11. Every one that is true to Christ, I tell you, when the death scene comes, you will not be worrying what you will do with your property. Have I a crown of life? Will He give me that crown? When the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall come forth to immortality, will I be of the number? Will the crown of victory be placed upon my brow? Will the harp of gold be placed in my hand? That is the question with us, and God helping us, may He give us that strength that we need every day. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 54

Verse 12. “Him that overcometh.” Now I want you to see what He is going to give the overcomer. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 55

Verse 12. Now here God distinguishes the righteous; God distinguishes the wrestlers, those who have wrestled for the crown of life. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 56

Verses 13, 14, 15. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 57

Now that was a church, the Laodiceans, that had had a great amount of light, and the apostle Paul had labored among the Laodiceans, and he had commended them. They were very faithful, but, you see, they had begun to grow cold. So, perhaps, many here have begun to grow cold and indifferent. You cannot afford it. There is a heaven to win; there is a crown to obtain, and you cannot afford to lose heaven and the golden crown and the words of commendation which shall come from Jesus Christ when He welcomes us. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 58

Verses 14, 15, 16. Out of my mouth as a disgusting morsel. Why, we cannot afford that. Christ has made the way for us to be Christians. Now we have to take the work right in our own hands, and weave ourselves right in with Christ, and never rest until we know that we have a living Jesus that is ours. By living faith we will trust Him, that He will put upon us the robe of His righteousness. But how many are neither cold nor hot! How many are disgusting by their course of carelessness and indifference; there is no difference to signify their zeal between the world and Christ. No difference. Now, Christ should have the whole soul, the whole being, and we serve Him with the whole heart. He wants that, and He will take it, if we will have it. But we have to work out that character, how? Watch. How? Pray. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 59

How are we to form a character? Begin it with your child. If no one has taught you, commence to learn for yourself what is in the Bible, and when you are married and have a family, you have a church in your house. That church is to be educated and to be trained; and while you are being concerned as to how much you can grasp of this world’s goods, you are loving your family. You have that church to train. Why? When you have trained the church in the home, how to do their work faithfully in the house, how to work and employ themselves, then the mother is not the slave of the children. The children are to come right in to help the mother. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 60

From their little tiny years they are to be taught how to work, and not to be playing on the piano or any such thing as that when the mother is toiling and struggling. As I have seen them so many times, the daughter was playing her piano while the mother was toiling over the ironing board. I was called five miles to visit her the daughter, because she wanted me so much. “Where is the mother?” “Oh, she is just at work; she is busy.” What is she doing? “Oh, she is ironing my clothes.” And there she was at the piano. It makes me sick at heart. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 61

Here these children must use the fingers God has given them. What are they for? Use every organ of the body; use it to do a work that is essential in the home; and then don’t scold. You will be educating. And if they ask, as my children used to ask, “Mother, do I help you any?” “Indeed you do.” Well, I had to take out all they did. They helped me, because I was educating them, and if they made blunders—who expects anything of a child but blunders, until we train them, and tell them just how to do it? Well, this is to do the very work we ought to do, and then what? Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Have the matter established in the family. And then what? You have your missionaries right at home; you can carry them with you to the church; they are the helping hand of that family, and the helping hand of Christ, and you can unite together in church capacity, and the blessing of God rests upon you in the home that is in education. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 62

If you fail to give that education, you have to give an account for the souls of your children that have been neglected and have not been brought up to realize their responsibility to exercise their physical strength, and to be kind and tender to older children, to help take care of the younger children. Thus they are obtaining an education not to get impatient and fretful, and to look out for the little mishaps of children, and not throw the whole responsibility upon the mother. The mother is a queen in the home; the mother is the teacher in the home, and the father and the mother are to be teachers, educators. When they are in this position, you may expect that the blessing of God cooperates with these parents, and that these children come up in the nurture and admonition of God. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 63

There will be no drunkards in that home. There is such a discipline that they will never want to carry it through, because they will take right hold of the living God, and they will converse and pray and work with these children, and never rest. Why, I have told them that just as long as my children live, if they are as gray-headed as myself, I have a responsibility for that child that I have brought into the world. I have two sons living, two sons in the grave, and I have a husband in the grave, and my father and mother on both sides of the house that I have had the care of in their last hours, that died in the faith; and I want that our home should be a sanctuary where the Spirit of the Lord can dwell. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 64

We want to teach the children here. We want that our people should get on some land, with many acres, so that we may teach them to do agricultural work. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 65

I know of precious souls that have died in Battle Creek because the atmosphere was not appropriate for them. And Brother Leininger’s children, one of them died there, and the other brought home the effects of disease. Why? Because they had not the proper instruction that they should have to educate and train these young men to have health and strength and physical exercise in various lines. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 66

But we are waking up to it; we are taking hold of it; we are trying to follow the direction of “Thus saith the Lord,” as to how to preserve strength. We have physical organs, and they must be worked proportionately, not the brain wholly. We want that every muscle that shall be worked, and then the appetite is to be brought under the control of temperance and reason. I shall have to stop. I have not more than half gotten through. I have been a sick woman. I have been taking treatment here for one week, nearly all the week, and I did not know as I could stand on my feet to speak; but I asked God to give me strength. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 67

I think a great deal of Healdsburg. They have been very kind to me. Every merchant, and every one in business that I was acquainted with, has treated me just as tenderly as they possibly could, to accommodate me; and I have felt very thankful for it. When my husband was alive, they treated us both tenderly; and since I have lived in my home, after my husband’s death, they have treated me kindly, and I have great respect for Healdsburg. I have a house in Healdsburg yet. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 68

But I want to say to every one that is here, You have a soul to save, or a soul to lose. But I want to read a verse more, because it is not finished as it ought to be: verses 16, 17. “I counsel thee (it is not too late yet, you see) to buy of me—.” 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 69

Verses 18-22. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 70

Now I want you to read that, everybody, and I want you to see if you cannot come into more close relation with God. I want to see if you will not wrestle for the crown of immortality, that you may have that life that measures with the life of God, and that you may have the eternal weight of glory. It is for every overcomer; and if this is worth anything to you, Come out from the world, and be separate, and touch not the unclean, saith God, and I will receive you, I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 71

Well, now, I have only said a few things; but I want to tell you, let’s every one walk humbly with God. God says He is high and He is lifted up; but He says He is with him that is of an humble and a contrite spirit; that He will revive them, and He will give them His help, if they are humble and contrite. Now if the mighty God has this connection with us, had we not better bring ourselves thankfully into connection with Him? Shall we not reveal that we show our appreciation of the great gift of Christ? And He is coming in the clouds of heaven very soon. Get ready, get ready, get ready. I entreat of you, Get ready, that you may meet your Lord in peace. 19LtMs, Ms 151, 1904, par. 72