Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882)

Lt 43, 1880

[White, W. C.; White, Mary]

Battle Creek, Michigan

October 14, 1880

Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 148-149.

Dear Children:

There has been so much writing for me to do. I have neglected to write to you, and I have scarcely had a moment’s time and know not what to write if I had. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 1

We have had some excellent meetings in all our camp meetings. I have labored in all the meetings very hard and have been remarkably sustained of God, but when I had reached Battle Creek worn and weary, there was no rest for me. I went through until Monday. Then had a very hard time with my heart and had three attacks. Was confined to my bed for one week; once or twice rode out during the time, but was too feeble to sit up and did not once go on the campground until Sabbath. In the morning I was so weak. I attempted to sit up and could not sit up or eat. I was suffocated and in great pain in [my] heart. Elder [G. I.] Butler, Elder [S. N.] Haskell and Father prayed earnestly for me. I had no strength to pray. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 2

I think I had the least courage this Sabbath morning I had had at all. Brethren left for meeting and I tried again to rise and found relief in breathing. Ate my breakfast and rode to meeting in afternoon in great feebleness. I spoke about twenty minutes when strength came to me and the power of God rested upon me and also upon the congregation. This was a great victory. I called them forward and hundreds came seeking the Lord. I am a new woman. God has indeed wrought for me. I also spoke Sunday afternoon to the large crowd. Father has laid off every responsibility except president of the Publishing Association. And he has done it well, too. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 3

We left Wednesday afternoon for Potterville. Tarried at Brother Carmon’s overnight. Early next morning rode to Grand Ledge, nine miles from Brother Carmon’s. We found Grand Ledge rather a nice place. We went to view Brother Cole’s property. We found a very good house, but not as large and convenient by considerable as our Healdsburg house. There are three acres of land. There is a small orchard of ordinary fruit. The fences are good for nothing but kindling wood. Barn for the same purpose. Pump in cistern, worthless. Cistern leaks badly. The land is covered will tall weeds. Everything is run-down that could well run down. It is not in the village but on side across the river from the village. The house is very sparse of windows. More would have to be put in. We should have to lay out considerable on the place to make it serviceable. But we decided that fifteen hundred dollars’ difference between the two places was about an even thing. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 4

If Brother Cole refuses this, see Brother Young. Sell the property for $3,000 in cash, if you can. Let us hear from you at once. This Grand Ledge property would make us a good home this winter. We must get out of Battle Creek. I would have rather occupied our Healdsburg home—much rather—but Elder Haskell thinks it would be better if we did not come to California this winter. And I do not know. When Father heard Elder Waggoner was on his way east, he wanted to take [J. O.] Corliss and go at once to California, but I held him back fearing the result. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 5

We are now deciding to spend this winter and next summer in preparing books. First, I get articles prepared for Signs. 2. I get out articles for private testimony, health institutions. 3. Get out Testimony No. 30. 4. Letters to Her Children by a Mother. 5. Volume Four. 6. Life of Christ, both books, the most sharp and interesting matter in one large book for canvassers to use for public sale. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 6

So you see we have work to do. We dare not go south and will remain here this winter in Michigan. In summer we may go to Colorado. Thus you see how matters stand. Our time now must be in production of books before we get unable to use the pen. Write at once. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 7


Go to Healdsburg yourself. Get Young to go with you if you can, but don’t let Cook and such men get hold of Brother Cole for he is talking against property in Healdsburg for what purpose I cannot devise. Young helped us into this enterprise. We want him to help us out of it. Write freely. Let us know how matters get along. Do not send anything to us till this matter is settled. 3LtMs, Lt 43, 1880, par. 8
