Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 2 (1869 - 1875)


Lt 6, 1875

White, W. C.

Oakland, California

February 10, 1875

Previously unpublished.

Dear Willie:

I hardly know how to address you, for you may, ere this shall reach you, have started on your way to California. But I will write in answer to your letter. Settle the bill with Hankhurst. Pay Martha Byington the twenty-five dollars. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 1

Pack that small bedroom carpet that we lent to Brother Lee, and all the pieces of hall carpet above, that which is down and that which is not down. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 2

I would like to have you bring our bells, both of them. Edson wants his lamp brought. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 3

Edson says that he did not have our student’s lamp. Lillie Abbey came to his house and said the lamp he had was theirs, so she took it. Where do you suppose ours is? Go to Brother Davis and see if it was left there to be repaired and forgotten. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 4

I do not write you much, for I think you are on the way, so I shall close this. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 5

Your Mother. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 6

Sister Lucinda, in regard to the children, I think the proposition a good one to leave Addie with Rosetta and bring on May. We hope this will be brought about. I think the children would be better if separated. It will cost nothing to bring May. We have had the most beautiful weather since we have come here. It is like June in the east; flowers in bloom. Everything green and beautiful. 2LtMs, Lt 6, 1875, par. 7