The Story of Our Health Message -- Study Guide


“Faith Further Tested” (390-402)

1. Elder G. A. Irwin, president of the Board of Trustees of the College, compared the importance of the launching of this college to what other major decision by the church? (390)

SHM-SG 43.1

What were the three essential factors for success that he outlined? (391)

SHM-SG 43.2

2. How did Mrs. White respond to the suggestion early in the development of Loma Linda that part of the seventy-six acres be sold to meet financial needs? (391)

SHM-SG 43.3

In the ensuing years what was done instead? (391)

SHM-SG 43.4

3. How did a group of four women help to meet another severe test to the college in 1915? (394, 395, 400, 401)

SHM-SG 43.5

4. What monument was raised as a result of their work the following year? (401)

SHM-SG 43.6

5. In 1917 the rating of the College of Medical Evangelists was changed from __________________ grade to a __________________ grade. Today it has an __________________ rating. (401) SHM-SG 43.7