Steps to Christ -- Study Guide

Lesson Four - Pages 85-104

“A Knowledge of God”

1. In what four ways does God speak to us today? (85 and 87)

SC-SG 27.1

2. Why is nature one of the Saviour’s most effective ways of teaching us? (85)

SC-SG 27.2

3. Make a list of some of the most important lessons we can learn from nature. (85-87)

SC-SG 27.3

4. Why does the Christian have an advantage over the poet or the naturalist when studying nature? (87)

SC-SG 27.4

5. What special lessons are to be learned from a study of the Bible characters? (87, 88)

SC-SG 27.5

6. How can we “eat the flesh and drink the blood” of Christ? (88)

SC-SG 27.6

7. What will be the science and song of the redeemed throughout the ages? (88)

SC-SG 28.1

8. What will be the positive advantage of study of this subject even now? (89)

SC-SG 28.2

9. “The more our __________________ are upon Christ, the more we shall __________________ of Him to others and __________________ Him to the world?” (89) SC-SG 28.3

10. What will be the positive result of our study and meditation on Scripture? (89, 90)

SC-SG 28.4

11. What suggestions are offered as to methods of study of the Scriptures? (90, 91)

SC-SG 28.5

12. What should precede Bible study? Why? (91)

SC-SG 28.6

13. What superhuman help is promised in our study of the Bible? (91)

SC-SG 29.1

14. Who is the only effectual teacher of divine truth? (91)

SC-SG 29.2