Steps to Christ -- Study Guide


“The Privilege of Prayer”

15. Notice the repetition of four ways God speaks to us. (93) SC-SG 30.1

16. Communion with God is two-way. What is our part? (93)

SC-SG 30.2

17. Finish the sentence: “Prayer is _________________________________________________________________.” (93) SC-SG 30.3

18. What purposes are suggested for prayer? (93)

SC-SG 30.4

19. List several reasons Jesus prayed often while on earth. (93, 94)

SC-SG 30.5

20. What happens to those who neglect prayer? (94)

SC-SG 30.6

21. Prayer is called the __________________ in the hand of faith. Write out the complete sentence. (94, 95) SC-SG 31.1

22. Four conditions of answered prayer are given. List them. (95-97)

SC-SG 31.2

23. How does God sometimes answer our prayers when we ask for something that would not be a blessing? (96)

SC-SG 31.3

24. How is presumption defined in connection with prayer? (96)

SC-SG 31.4

25. Under what circumstance only can we expect mercy and blessing from God when we pray? (97)

SC-SG 31.5

26. What do you think the Bible means when it says we are to be “instant in prayer”? See Romans 12:12. (97)
SC-SG 31.6

27. What kind of prayer is “the life of the soul”? (98) Why?

SC-SG 32.1

28. How did Enoch walk with God? (98, 99) What might we do to walk with God?

SC-SG 32.2

29. How might we live as in the atmosphere of heaven? (99)

SC-SG 32.3

30. If we keep close to God, what will happen when unexpected trials come? (99, 100)

SC-SG 32.4

31. Review the many things God welcomes us to bring to His attention in prayer. (100)

SC-SG 32.5

32. How close are the relations between God and each soul? (100)

SC-SG 32.6

33. What can take away the subject matter and incentive for prayer? (101)

SC-SG 33.1

34. When we neglect association with others in Christian fellowship, how does it affect our Christian experience? (101)

SC-SG 33.2

35. When we do associate in Christian fellowship, how is our Christian experience affected? (101, 102)

SC-SG 33.3

36. What would happen in our Christian experience if we thought and talked more of Christ? (102)

SC-SG 33.4

37. In addition to asking and receiving, what else should our prayers include? (103)

SC-SG 33.5

38. In what spirit should we work for the glory of God? (103)

SC-SG 33.6

39. What should be the theme of our most joyful emotion? (103, 104)

SC-SG 33.7