Selected Messages, Book 3 -- Study Guide


Chapter 20 - Principles as Set Forth by Ellen White in Her Early Ministry

16. Preview the three chapters in this section from the introduction.

3SM-SG 32.1

17. What is Ellen White talking about when she says, “Some try too hard to believe”? (3SM 145.1)
3SM-SG 32.2

18. When Brother P made religious experience too much of a form, what was the result? (3SM 146.1)
3SM-SG 32.3

19. Sanctification is not ________________. (3SM 146.1) 3SM-SG 32.4

20. What did Enoch and Elijah have in common? (3SM 146.1, 147.1)
3SM-SG 32.5

21. Discuss this statement: ‘All your good works cannot save you; but it is nevertheless impossible for you to be saved without good works.” (3SM 147.1)
3SM-SG 32.6

22. Why is it wrong to say that we have nothing to do but believe? (3SM 147.1)
3SM-SG 33.1

23. “It is a sin to ________.” (3SM 149.1) 3SM-SG 33.2

24. Why is it wrong to feel we must be on probation and prove we are reformed before we can be blessed? (3SM 150.1)
3SM-SG 33.3

25. What is true religion? (3SM 150.1)
3SM-SG 33.4

26. How is obedience to God’s commandments important to our present life? (3SM 151.1)
3SM-SG 33.5

27. Why do some never find peace and rest as Christians? (3SM 151.1, 152.1)
3SM-SG 34.1

28. How did Ellen White explain the purpose of the law to a non-Seventh-day Adventist minister? (3SM 152.1, 153.1)
3SM-SG 34.2

29. What is wrong with the cry, “Only believe”? (3SM 153.1)
3SM-SG 34.3

30. When the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the world, who will be the first to be left? (3SM 154.1)
3SM-SG 34.4

31. What is “goody-goody religion”? (3SM 155.1)
3SM-SG 34.5

32. What will be the attitude among the saved when it is seen that some have brighter crowns? (3SM 155.1)
3SM-SG 34.6