Selected Messages, Book 3 -- Study Guide


Lesson 5, Pages 125-155

Chapter 19 - The Incarnation

1. Describe the physical appearance of Christ while He was living on earth. (3SM 127.1)
3SM-SG 30.1

2. At what point was Christ required to begin the work of redemption? (3SM 128.1)
3SM-SG 30.2

3. How did Christ meet and resist the enemy—Satan? (3SM 128.1)
3SM-SG 30.3

4. Why did Christ feel so keenly the assaults of Satan? (3SM 129.1)
3SM-SG 30.4

5. List some human problems Jesus had to contend with. (3SM 130.1)
3SM-SG 30.5

6. The temptations of Christ were in proportion to what? (3SM 131.1)
3SM-SG 30.6

7. How is temptation to be resisted? (3SM 132.1)
3SM-SG 30.7

8. “He [Christ] never bore ________ in his own flesh, but He carried the ________ of others.” (3SM 133.1) 3SM-SG 30.8

9. What was accomplished when Christ took our humanity? (3SM 134.1)
3SM-SG 31.1

10. Christ came into our world not only to atone for sin, but to be a ________. (3SM 135.1) 3SM-SG 31.2

11. Compare Christ’s temptation with ours. (3SM 136.1)
3SM-SG 31.3

12. List several things the Holy Spirit does to help us to be victorious. (3SM 137.1, 138.1)
3SM-SG 31.4

13. “The world’s Redeemer came not only to be a ________ for sin, but to be an ________ to man in all things.” (3SM 138.1) 3SM-SG 31.5

14. “The Lord Jesus came to our world, not to reveal what a ________ could do, but what a ________ could do, through faith in God’s power to help in every emergency.” (3SM 140.1) 3SM-SG 31.6

15. In the sanctuary service Christ is the ________ and the ________. (3SM 141.1) 3SM-SG 31.7