The Ministry of Healing -- Study Guide
Choice and Preparation of the Home (363-370)
1. “The home on earth is to be a ___________________ and a ___________________ the home in heaven.” (363) MH-SG 41.1
2. What are some of the dangers of city life? (364)
MH-SG 41.2
3. Where did God plan for us to live? (365)
MH-SG 41.3
4. Find some phrases which describe Christ’s home. (365, 366)
MH-SG 41.4
5. What are the advantages of poverty and hardship? (366)
MH-SG 41.5
6. What three gifts can we give our children that will be of more value than wealth? (366)
MH-SG 41.6
7. If the demands of the house occupy all the mother’s time, what will be the result? (367-369)
MH-SG 42.1
How can this problem be avoided? (369, 370)
MH-SG 42.2
8. What counsel is given regarding landscaping the home? (370)
MH-SG 42.3