The Ministry of Healing -- Study Guide


The Builders of the Home (356-362)

1. In what two ways did Christ sanction or honor marriage? (356)

MH-SG 39.1

2. How is “the family tie” described? (356)

MH-SG 39.2

3. Find several phrases which describe true love. (358)

MH-SG 39.3

4. From whom will Christian young people seek counsel in their marriage plans? (359)

MH-SG 39.4

5. List some traits a young woman should look for in a prospective husband. List traits a young man should look for in a wife. (359)

MH-SG 39.5

6. Why is the period right after marriage “a most critical period in a couple’s experience”? (360) Why is it important to express love?

MH-SG 40.1

7. How can our relationship to God affect marriage? (361)

MH-SG 40.2

8. Instead of shutting ourselves up to enjoy each other, what are we to do? (352)

MH-SG 40.3

For further study: Be prepared to discuss some things husbands and wives can do to make sure marriage is “the very beginning of love.” (360) MH-SG 40.4