Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide


Chapter 20 — The Response of an Aroused Conscience

A decided improvement in the quality of spirituality may strongly improve the finances of your family and church. Please read CS 95-100 or CSA 67-70. CS-SG 22.1

22. How does God look upon “back tithe”? CS 96:3 or CSA 68:3

CS-SG 22.2

23. Many members ask what they should do about withheld tithe. CS-SG 22.3

Fill in the blanks for the answer:
“If you have _______________________ the Lord, _______________________. As far as possible, _______________________ the _______________________, and then ask the Saviour to _______________________ you.” CS 98:1 or CSA 69:3
CS-SG 22.4