Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide


Chapter 19 — Appropriating God’s Reserve Funds

Have you ever “stolen” from God but still expected His continual blessings? Please read CS 92-94 or CSA 65, 66.
CS-SG 21.8

20. Will some always be in debt? CS 93:2 or CSA 66:1 Yes No CS-SG 21.9

21. Have you ever stopped giving because you didn’t like the way “things” were being done? CS 93:4; 94:1 or CSA 66:2
A. “But will you _______________________ because you think the _______________________ of the _______________________ is not right?”
B. “Send in your petitions for things to _______________________ and _______________________; but _______________________ from the work of God, and _______________________, because _______________________ are not doing right.”
CS-SG 21.10