Education -- Study Guide


Lesson Six—The Bible As An Educator

Part II

Reading assignment: pages 159-192 Ed-SG 21.1

1. Where is the earliest recorded poetry found in the Bible? (159, 160) ______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.2

2. What is the earliest song recorded in the Bible, and what were the circumstances? (162) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.3

3. Why did Jehoshaphat send singers before the army praising God for the victory that had been promised? (163) ________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.4

4. Read and comment on the various songs that David composed: (164, 165) Ed-SG 21.5

(a) As a shepherd lad: _____________________________(b) A hunted fugitive: __________________________________________(c) A dethroned and crownless king: _________________(d) After his great sin he recognized that on earth there is no resting place: _______________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.6

5. What are some of the circumstances under which Jesus sang? (166) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.7

6. What song are we to sing as earth’s last great crisis draws closer? (166, 167) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.8

7. What are some of the negative uses of song? (167, 168) __________________________________________________________________Positive? ____________________________________ Ed-SG 21.9

8. “As a part of _____________________, _____________________ is as much an act of _____________________ as is _____________________.” (168) Ed-SG 21.10

9. What do you think the following statement means? “Faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration.” (169) __________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.11

10. Why is the following statement true? “The mysteries of the Bible, so far from being an argument against it, are among the strongest evidences of its divine inspiration.” (170) ______________________ Ed-SG 21.12

11. What experience is “The highest evidence of the divine authorship of the Bible?” (171) ___________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 21.13

12. When the principles of the Bible have actually become the elements of character, what is the result? (172) ____________________ _____________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.1

13. In what several ways is Bible history different from secular history? (173) __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.2

14. “In the Word of God the _____________________ is drawn _____________________, and we behold, _____________________, _____________________, and _____________________ all the play and counter play of human _____________________ and _____________________ and _____________________, the agencies of the all-merciful One.” (173) Ed-SG 22.3

15. “The strength of nations . . . is measured by the fidelity with which they fulfill God’s purpose.” (175) Consider Bible illustrations. (175-177) ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.4

16. “To every _____________________ and to every _____________________ of today God has assigned a _____________________ in His great _____________________.” (178) Ed-SG 22.5

17. How and why are the winds of strife being held back at the present time? (179, 180) ________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.6

18. Consider the several Old Testament texts that have application to the approaching end of the sinful world’s history. (180-182) _____________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.7

19. Did the prophets always understand the meaning of what they wrote? Explain. (183) _________________ ______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.8

20. “At this time, . . . men are _____________________ in the _____________________ and the pursuits of _____________________. Engrossed with the _____________________ and _____________________, they have lost sight of the _____________________ and _____________________ .” (183) Ed-SG 22.9

21. From the chapter “Bible Teaching and Study,” make three lists:
One: Qualities of good teaching_____________________________ _______________________________________________________Two: Content in teaching_____________________________________________________________ Three: Methods that should be used____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Ed-SG 22.10

22. What subject is best adapted to awaken interest in little children? (185) ___________________________________________ Ed-SG 22.11

23. “The teaching of the _____________________ should have our freshest _____________________ , our best _____________________, and our most earnest _____________________.” (186) Ed-SG 22.12

24. Which hours of the day should be the sweetest and most helpful? (186) _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.1

25. What gave power to Abraham’s teaching? Provide a prime example. (187) ____________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.2

26. “In teaching children the Bible, we may gain much by observing the _____________________ of their minds, the _____________________ in which they are _____________________, and arousing their interest to see what the _____________________ says about these _____________________ .” (188) Ed-SG 23.3

27. We are to search the pages of the Bible, “not for _____________________ to sustain our _____________________, but in order to know _____________________.” (189) Ed-SG 23.4

28. How only can a true knowledge of the Bible be gained? (189) _____________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.5

29. Describe the verse-by-verse method of the study of the Bible. What are its advantages? (189) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.6

30. What several things should the Bible student know regarding the great controversy? (190) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.7

31. What two books of the Bible are especially recommended as being connected together in study? Why? (191) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.8

32. Is the following statement true or false? (Explain your answer.) The study of the Bible should be restricted to a special time and place. (191) ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.9

33. What are the results to the student of becoming acquainted with Christ in the Scriptures? (192) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 23.10