Education -- Study Guide


Lesson Five—The Bible As An Educator

Part I

Reading assignment: pages 123-158 Ed-SG 18.1

1. “For the _____________________ and the _____________________, as well as for the _____________________, it is God’s law that _____________________ is acquired by _____________________. It is _____________________ that _____________________ .” (123) Ed-SG 18.2

2. Why is the following statement true? “The most valuable teaching of the Bible is not to be gained by occasional or disconnected study.” (123) _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 18.3

3. List several ways that Bible study can develop our mental power. (124) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 18.4

4. “The mind _____________________ with _____________________ matters only, becomes _____________________ and _____________________.” (124) Ed-SG 18.5

5. Demonstrate how the Bible has “something to interest every mind.” (125) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 18.6

6. What is the central theme of the Bible? (125) __________________________________ Ed-SG 18.7

7. “The science of _____________________ is the science of all sciences; . . . This is the highest _____________________ in which it is possible for men to _____________________.” (126) Ed-SG 18.8

8. How will acquaintance with Bible characters affect our present life? (127) ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________Our future life? _____________________________________________ Ed-SG 18.9

9. “Science is ever _____________________ new wonders; but she brings from her _____________________ nothing that, rightly _____________________, conflicts with _____________________.” (128) Ed-SG 18.10

10. “Rightly understood, both the _____________________ of _____________________ and the _____________________ of _____________________ are in harmony with the _____________________ of _____________________ to the constant working of God in nature.” (130) Ed-SG 18.11

11. Is the following statement true or false? Once God created the world it has continued in motion on its own. Explain your answer. (131) ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 18.12

12. “The hand that _____________________ the worlds in _____________________, the hand that holds in their _____________________ and tireless _____________________ all things throughout the _____________________ of God, is the hand that was _____________________ to the _____________________ for us.” (132) Ed-SG 19.1

13. What five principles of business are suggested as the secret of true success? (135) _______ ______________________ ______________ __________ ___________ ______________________ Ed-SG 19.2

14. Solomon, the wise man, has given us several principles of good business. Be prepared to put the several statements in Proverbs into a “modern translation.” (135, 136) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.3

15. What “lies at the foundation of business integrity and of true success”? (137) _______________________________________ ______________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.4

16. How is the tithe different from other obligations to the Lord? (138, 139) __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.5

17. What is our stewardship obligation to our fellowmen? (139) _____________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.6

18. Be prepared to discuss the various Bible texts that bring attention to faithful stewardship. (139-141) _____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.7

19. List some of the qualities of a prosperous man as illustrated in the experience of Job. (142) ________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.8

20. What are some of the results of a departure from right principles in our dealings with God and one another? (143) ______________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.9

21. What question demands consideration by every parent, every teacher, every student, by every human being, young or old? (145) _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.10

22. In what ways do Bible biographies differ from others? (146) ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 19.11

23. “No truth does the Bible more clearly teach than that __________________________________________.” (146) Ed-SG 19.12

24. How does the life of Jacob illustrate that every deed reacts upon the doer? (146, 147) ________________________________________ ______________________________ Ed-SG 20.1

25. How does the experience of Levi illustrate that a curse can be turned into a blessing? (148) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.2

26. The unbelieving spies said, “We be not able to go up against the people.” How did these words prove true? (149) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.3

27. In contrast, how did Caleb, one of the two faithful spies, prove his right to occupy Canaan? (149)__________________________ ______________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.4

28. The strongest bulwark of vice in our world is not ____________________ ______________________ but rather _____________________. Why? (150) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.5

29. What was the one failure in the life of Elijah that cut short his life work? Discuss. (151) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.6

30. What several lessons did David learn during his life as a fugitive that helped him later as a leader? (152) __________________ _____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.7

31. How did Solomon’s early experience contrast with that of his father, David? (153, 154) _____________________ _________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.8

32. When he turned to find satisfaction in pleasure, how did Solomon describe his disappointments? (153) _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.9

33. List the various tests that Job was required to meet. (154, 155) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.10

34. By what actions did Jonathan demonstrate his unselfishness? (157) ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.11

35. By what several ways did John the Baptist demonstrate his humility? (157) ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 20.12