Counsels On Diet and Foods -- Study Guide


Areas of Seeming Disagreement

In some respects it might be easier to write about the areas in which nutrition specialists and the writings of Mrs. White may seem to disagree, because the area is so much smaller. These areas are probably owing to changes in food technology. The raw milk in the days of Mrs. White was a carrier for many contagious diseases, such as tuberculosis, dysentery, and typhoid fever. This may explain, in turn, why she declared that cheese was not a satisfactory food. Perhaps on the same basis we should understand her further statement: “The use of milk [in bread] is an additional expense, and it makes the bread much less wholesome.”— Ibid., p 301. Products like dry skim milk, now used in bread making, were unknown in the lifetime of Mrs. White. Skim milk was fed to the pigs in her day. It contains the most important nutrients of the milk in terms of calcium, protein, and vitamins. . . . CD-SG 43.6