Counsels On Diet and Foods -- Study Guide
Pitfalls Right and Left
No field of reform, however, is fraught with more pitfalls or has suffered more from its would-be friends and its ardent foes. James White, husband of Ellen G. White and a church administrator, refers to this in his statement, “The Spirit of Prophecy and the Cause of Reform,” which appears in this pamphlet on pages 50 to 52, Appendix A. CD-SG 5.1
Eating habits are deep-seated and tenaciously guarded. Endeavoring to lead the people steadily forward, Ellen White from time to time published articles and books stating and restating the basic health principles. Then, as one of a series of her last addresses before the General Conference session in 1909, she reviewed and summed up the matter of dietetic reform in a message entitled “Faithfulness in Health Reform.” This statement is preserved in Testimonies for the Church, volume 9, pages 153 to 166. It should be frequently read and its counsels heeded. CD-SG 5.2